DSHSN - 35

Soon it was the exams again, and this time Gu Yiyi's score was very good, and he was already among the top 100 in his grade.

Ranked fifth in the class.

This result was so good that Shen Yang felt that he no longer needed to teach him.

After hesitating for a few days, Shen Yang finally took the initiative to express to Gu Yiyi that he could no longer teach him.

Because Gu Yiyi no longer needed it.

But as soon as Shen Yang opened his mouth, Gu Yiyi immediately became unhappy and said, "I still don't understand a lot of things, why don't you teach me?"

Shen Yang's grades were fifth in grade, and Gu Yiyi felt that there was still a long way to go between the two of them.

The two teenagers walked to the campus gate together carrying their schoolbags. Hearing Gu Yiyi's words, he was silent for a while. After a while, he said: "You have already improved your basics. There is no need for me to give you any more lessons. You’ve just made up for the basics, and you can improve your grades through your own studies for the rest. You’ve already helped me a lot, and you don’t need to help me so much anymore.”

Gu Yiyi was a little anxious and tried to persuade him to stay: "But I also want to raise my grades higher and make myself better. Even if you don't help me make up lessons, I will still ask the teacher."

Shen Yang was unmoved and continued to insist on his own: "If you have any questions, you can ask me. We will still be good friends in the future."

The young man's smile was pure and clean, which made Gu Yiyi feel very uncomfortable. He asked Shen Yang, "Are you afraid that my grades will surpass yours?"

Of course Shen Yang's decision was not made because of this.

Gu Yiyi even said such words in order to continue to help him. Shen Yang thought it was so innocently funny, and he also laughed: "No, it's just that I'm not that short of money anymore, so I don't need your financial help so much."

As he spoke, he stretched and continued: "Besides, Gu Yiyi, do you know how many weeks I haven't rested in order to give you extra lessons?"

Gu Yiyi was a little dumbfounded and said: "Then, you can give me extra lessons after you rest."

The boy's kindness was really touching and funny. Shen Yang said, "No, I don't want to give you extra lessons."

At this moment, Gu Yiyi actually came up with the idea of ​​​​allowing him to continue to make up lessons for him and continue to fail in the exam, but the next exam was at the end of the year.

Then he still couldn't help Shen Yang.

He was worried about Shen Yang: "Then you have no income, what will you do in the future?"

Shen Yang said: "I already have a lot of money in my hand. The school has subsidies for difficulties and scholarships. I will definitely do well."

Shen Yang was sure that he didn't need his help anymore, and Gu Yiyi was a little disappointed.

After a while, he remembered to ask Shen Yang: "Then will we still be good friends in the future?"

Shen Yang raised his lips. Showing his big white teeth: "Well, as long as you think I am a good friend, we will always be good friends."

He will probably be forever grateful to Gu Yiyi. This young man went out when he needed help the most and brought and end to the seemingly endless disappointment to his life that was already in despair. He will never forget it in his life.

In the afterglow of the evening sun, Gu Yiyi looked at the young man's delicate features. After a while, he nodded: "Well, we have always been good friends."

But this incident still made Gu Yiyi not happy. When eating in the evening, he felt a little unhappy.

His unhappiness was so obvious that Yan Li couldn't help but ask with concern: "Who provoked you to look so unhappy?"

Gu Yiyi didn't have anyone to talk to about his troubles. After all, Yu Chen was cheerful and silly all day long, so he couldn't help him much.

Yan Li is much older than Gu Yiyi anyway, so maybe she knows what to do. Anyway, she would know soon that Shen Yang would not come to make up lessons for him.

He said directly: "Shen Yang said he won't come to make up lessons for me anymore." Gu Yiyi thought she would be surprised at least, but she asked with some disdain: "Just for such a trivial matter?"

She served Yan Beibei some food and said, "If this is the reason for you, then it will happen sooner or later. You have helped Shen Yang solve the current predicament, which is already very good. He has his own path and life. Since he is unwilling to continue to make up lessons for you, it means that he has his own ideas, and you don’t need to worry too much about him.”

Shen Yang does have his own ideas. In fact, he has been learning programming by himself. He bought an old computer at a low price a long time ago for fun. With money in hand, he used the money he got from Gu Yiyi to sign up for a night shift and a weekend shift. He systematically studied this area, checked for omissions and filled in the gaps, and then thought about starting to write online and make money by programming.

The weather turned cold in a blink of an eye, and Yan Li caught a cold when she came up that day.

Gu Heng had less work recently and didn't travel much, so he often stayed at home. When he came down from upstairs, he saw her sneezing, so he said with concern: "It's cold, remember to wear more clothes."

The man's voice was a little low, so Yan Li said "ok" and turned to go upstairs to add some clothes.

Then, within two days, Gu Heng caught a serious cold.

Yan Li couldn't help but feel a little amused when she saw the way he sniffed.

Today is the weekend. Gu Yiyi got up early and went skiing at the indoor ski resort with Jiang Yi. When he saw that Yan Li saw how funny it was that his father had a cold, he immediately asked in confusion: "What are you laughing at? So funny?”

Yan Li quickly suppressed the smile on her lips and said, "Your dad asked me to add more clothes two days ago."

The weather was getting cold. Gu Yiyi, who had been arrogantly wearing short-sleeved shirts a few days ago, also put on a thick coat. Hearing Yan Li's words, he was speechless: "Doesn't my dad care about you? Why are you doing that? So childish."

Yan Li was not convinced and snorted coldly: "No matter how naive I am, I am still more mature than you, right?"

Gu Yiyi was too lazy to pay attention to her and took the initiative to talk to Gu Heng: "Dad, I'm going out."

Gu Heng hesitated.

What can he say about his relationship with Gu Yiyi? It can be said that it has never been good. There are very few situations that are as warm as other people's homes. It's not that he has never thought about changing the previous situation between the two of them, but he doesn't know what to do. 

Now, not only did Gu Yiyi's grades improve a lot, but his personality also improved a lot.

He looked behind him at the woman who was laughing at him just now. It can be said that she had a lot of credit for all this. He was busy with work and was absent from the family too much. When he married her, he never thought about letting her change the family. He just wanted to give Yan Beibei a good and complete family.

He suddenly wanted to put down his work and go accompany them.

Ask Yan Li: "Do you want to go out today?"

It was quite cold outside, but Yan Li had no plans to go out, so she asked, "Where to go?"

Gu Heng said: "Where do you want to go?"

Yan Li: "It's cold, I don't want to go out."

As soon as he heard that his father was going out, Gu Yiyi immediately said: "Dad, you have so much free time today, why not take her to see wedding dresses. Do you still want to have a wedding for your first wedding?"

The two agreed to get married, and the wedding process was not within the scope of Yan Li's thinking.

Gu Heng probably didn't think about this either.

Yan Li said: "What kind of wedding is this? It's so tiring."

Gu Heng said: "You can go and have a look."
