DSHSN - 36

Go check it out...

Go check it out...

Yan Li felt like she was hallucinating. When the child went to play, she discussed this matter with him.

"Didn't we agree to get married?"

Do you need to do so much trouble?

Gu Heng's eyelids twitched slightly and he said, "Yes, but Yiyi has been led very well by you recently."

Yan Li: "?"

Where did she take that guy with her?

Did he misunderstand something?

Yan Li said: "I don't want to please you."

Gu Heng knew: "I know." This is not how to really please someone.

In the man's heart, Yan Li still understands: "You don't want to please me and let me take care of the two children, do you? I tell you, Gu Heng, don't even think about it."

Yan Li felt that the way she spoke to him was a bit too arrogant, but she felt that she should make this matter clear to him.

Gu Heng lowered his eyes: "I didn't mean that."

This woman was a bit arrogant, but Gu Heng didn't even feel angry. Instead, he patiently explained to her: "I just think that since Yiyi likes you, then we can try to be like a normal family. Get along the same way.”

Yan Li went directly to the memory he didn't want to mention: "Then can you tell me who Gu Yiyi's biological mother is?"

Yan Li doesn't think how much Gu Yiyi likes her, and it's his own business to change. The child may have a bad temper, and she may be indifferent to him, but Gu Yiyi may be more rebellious, and then it becomes like this by accident, well, it must be like this.

She specifically poked Gu Heng's sore spots like this to warn him not to try to tease her if he had someone in his heart.

Gu Heng looked at her with a slightly deep look. Just when Yan Li thought that he might lose his temper or something, she heard Gu Heng say: "If you want to know, I can take you there. Go see her."


Going to meet her current husband’s ex-girlfriend?

Yan Li felt a little excited.

"Not my ex-girlfriend."

Yan Li felt even more absurd: "Is he someone else's kid whom you took over?"

Gu Heng was speechless for a moment, but he didn't expect her imagination to be so rich.


"Your relative's child?" Yan Li suddenly felt that her idea just now was a bit absurd.

"Well, almost."

"Has your relative passed away?" Although Yan Li didn't want to think in this direction, it seemed possible.

Gu Heng looked towards the balcony, sighed softly and said, "Yes."

After feeling sad for a moment, Gu Heng's next words were easier to explain.

"My sister was abandoned when she was a child, and she was in very bad condition when she came back. She was pregnant with Yiyi at that time. She probably liked this child very much, but she was not in good health, yet she insisted on giving birth to him. Later, there were problems with her physical examination. She passed away less than half a year later. She kept concealing the fact that she had physical problems during the process. Later, the cancer cells had spread."

"My father used to neglect the family. My mother couldn't bear the pressure because of my sister's disappearance and chose to end her life."

Yan Li didn't expect that Gu Heng had such a tragic past, and her eyes were a little sympathetic: "My condolences."

Gu Heng smiled nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter, it's been a long time."

"You weren't that old at that time. How could your sister be eighteen?" Come to think of it, that man is really a beast.

"When I found my sister, she was already pregnant. The baby was six months old. She had just turned eighteen at that time."

What a miserable sister. She was originally a rich young lady, but she ended up like this.

"Why did your sister disappear?"

Gu Heng: "At that time, my father wanted to break out of his own world and was unwilling to follow my grandfather's arrangements. My mother, a rich young lady, was willing to learn how to wash clothes and cook in order to accompany him. My sister was... she was lost while my mom went out buying groceries. I went to school that day, and suddenly a wave of people came around and scattered them. After my mother finished shopping, my sister behind her was gone."

"Later she said that she was taken to the village and became a child bride for someone else. She had many signs of being beaten at that time."

"Okay, stop talking." Yan Li couldn't listen anymore. His sister was so miserable that she felt a little distressed.

She covered her ears.

Gu Heng saw that she was scared and said, "Sorry! I didn't mean to..."

Yan Li glared at him, but she felt a little offended. She couldn't help but ask further: "Then did your sister tell you who Gu Yiyi's biological father is?"

"No, she separated from that boy." Gu Heng smiled bitterly: "She said that boy didn't know that she was only eighteen, and she lied to him. He thought that she was over twenty. She said that he was a very good man, let us ‌not hurt him."

In fact, there was something even worse. Gu Heng later found out the family who made his sister a child bride and was sent to prison by him, but he was still unable to save his sister's young life.

Her shattered body and life made it impossible for her to hold on anymore after she insisted on keeping her child.

"She entrusted the child to me and said that she hoped that I would give him to a good family and not tell him who his parents were. She didn't want her son to know that he had such a mother. I thought about it, but still I decided to keep him by my side. I found her so late and I already feel guilty. I can't give him away easily."

Yan Li continued to be silent.

How should she put it, it's not that Gu Heng is not good to Gu Yiyi. Although the child does grow crookedly, how the child grows depends not only on family education, but also on the child's own life.

Anyway, if her family had this condition, she felt that she could die happily.

Oh, well.

"Okay." She didn't know what to say anymore.

Gu Heng continued: "I didn't fall in love when I was studying. At that time, the work pressure was very high, and I didn't care about romantic matters. After I decided to keep Yiyi, I also tried to consider marriage, but the other party was reluctant because I have a son, but the request I made was a bit unreasonable, so I gave up the idea of ​​getting married until I met you later."

"I drank too much at that time." Yan Li had just traveled through time at that time, and was actually a little confused: "You drank too much, but you can still do it."

Gu Heng blushed slightly: "I was drugged by a little girl who fell in love with me. The girl belongs to an uncle who is a family friend of mine."

After he felt something was wrong, he went to another room to rest. Unexpectedly, Yan Li appeared there.

Regarding that chaotic night, Yan Li was also in chaos.

The original owner was drugged. After she escaped, she leaned to the side and fell in, and then she saw a lively and handsome guy, and she pounced on him.

Gu Heng didn't bother to care about what happened before, just because she treated Gu Yiyi well, he felt that he could still live a good life.

Gu Heng said: "I have explained everything clearly to you. If possible, I hope you can keep it a secret for me." No one else in the family knew about this matter. Gu Heng had hidden it from everyone.

Yan Li felt confused. Gu Heng had told her the secrets he had hidden, so she should have some martial ethics and live a good life with him.

But she couldn't accept the thought of living a conscious and emotional life as a couple with an emotionless man.

Yan Li said: "We don't have feelings, so we should stay as we are. If you really lack a woman to solve your physical problems, I think you should divorce me. I can't accept it. And as a woman, it's too tiring to take care of two children, and I don't want to."

Thinking about it this way, it seems that divorce is the most cost-effective option.

After all, she is not short of money.

At this moment, Gu Heng's cell phone rang.

Gu Yiyi entered the hospital.
