FVB - 084

Chapter 84: The Meng family lives in exile

Meng Shen became famous at a young age and has been popular for thirty years. He has always been walking sideways in the entertainment industry.
He has never met anyone as difficult as Jiang Jin.
When women of this age see him, they will excitedly call him brother, and then ask for autographs and photos.
But this girl has been dismissive of him since the first time they met.
If it weren't for the sake of the twins, he would never have been able to argue with this woman here...
Meng Shen took a deep breath and said: "Miss Jiang, let me treat you mother and son to a meal. I have something I want to talk to you about in private..."
"No need." Jiang Jin said coldly, "Mr. Meng is so concerned about my son, which makes me wonder if you want to abduct my son."
Meng Shen's anger immediately rose.
Even if these twins are his sons, he will never recognize them, okay?
He is a celibate and a DINK, and there is no way he will be constrained by marriage and children for his whole life!
"Am I the one who needs a son?"
Meng Shen dropped these words, turned around and strode away.
Jiang Jin's brows furrowed tightly.
She always felt that Meng Shen's behavior today was very strange. It was obvious that he was plotting against Xiaoxi and Xiaobei.
Before she could think of a reason, her phone vibrated. It was a call from Director Zhao.
"Jiang Jin, what's wrong with you?"

Director Zhao almost went berserk and called Jiang Jin by his first name, obviously very angry.
"I begged grandpa to sue grandma and finally invited the great god Meng Shen to suppress the situation. Why did you get so angry that he ran away?
Auntie, please apologize to Meng Shen quickly. He really can't leave. If he leaves, our press conference will really be ruined!"
The corners of Jiang Jin's mouth twitched.
She added another crime to Meng Shen in her mind - not keeping his promise.
"Meng Shen bullied my son, so he should be the one to apologize to me." Jiang Jin said coldly.
"Auntie, Meng Shen likes your son, so he only teased him a few times. How can he be called bullying?"
Director Zhao was about to cry, "While Meng Shen hasn't gone far, Miss Jiang, hurry up and chase him. You must get him back to me."
Jiang Jin was speechless: "Do we have to have him?"

"Apart from him, who else can be more popular than the actress opposite him?"
Director Zhao sighed faintly, "The movie will be released soon. Miss Jiang, if the box office fails, you can't blame me... The most popular Meng Shen can be pissed off by you, you ask me to tell you what's good... He is the most popular person, he finally agreed to come over to me..."
Jiang Jin sneered: "How can Meng Shen, an old man, be better than Mr. Que?"

"Hehehe, Mr. Que, he is only nine years old and his eyes have reached to the sky. It is more difficult to please, okay?"

"Then I'll invite him over."
Jiang Jin hung up the phone.
Then she paused.
Bragging felt good for a while, and she finished bragging in the crematorium.
Let her ask that bastard Li Nanque to come over and help support the show?
No no no!
She can't do it!
"Let me call my second brother."
Li Beixiao blinked and took out his mobile phone.
Li Xichen sneered: "Second brother has other things to do this afternoon, so it's impossible for him to come."
"Who is still begging him to come?"
Jiang Jin snorted and strode outside.
As soon as she arrived outside, she saw many crew members standing on chairs, standing on tiptoes and looking towards the square.
"Ah, ah, Gu Wanbai, it's really her!"
"Oh my god, it's my first time to get up close and personal with the actress, she's so beautiful!"
"Wow, wow, I really want to go there and get an autograph!"
"No, our press conference hasn't started yet, so we can't leave."
"Should we ask for a leave from Director Zhao..."
"Ah? Miss Jiang!"

When the person standing on the chair turned around, he saw Jiang Jin folding her arms over her chest and looking at them with a smile on her face.
People from their own crew peeked at the road show of the crew next door, and even wanted to drop their work and run over... The most important thing is that their boss caught them in the act.
Several employees were so frightened that they almost fell off their chairs.
Jiang Jin: “Want to get the actress’s autograph?”
Employees: "No, no!"
Jiang Jin: "Want to ask for leave from me?"

"If not, then work hard. If today ends successfully, everyone will get a bonus."
Three or four employees quickly went to work in disgrace.
Jiang Jin raised her legs and stood on the chair. This perspective was really good, and she could have a panoramic view of the road show two hundred meters away.

At this time, it was the movie queen Gu Wanbai signing autographs for fans on the stage...

The movie queen is truly worthy of being a movie queen. Once you stand there, you will become a beautiful scenery.
The road show there was in full swing, and the fans were overwhelming, making their side even more miserable.
Jiang Jin's heart felt cold.
After Gu Wanbai signed her name, she walked down the side of the stage. There was a woman over there helping her down the steps.
That woman! It's Mu Yingxuan!
Jiang Jin narrowed her eyes.
Mu Yingxuan actually knew Gu Wanbai!
She remembered that Mu Shi seemed to have invested in the film and television industry. Could it be that Mu Shi had a stake in the movie "Destined to Meet You"?
Jiang Jin suddenly felt a strong desire to win.
The movie can lose at the box office, but she cannot lose.
She must not be stepped on by Mu Yingxuan.
Jiang Jin jumped down from the chair, clapped his hands and said, "Xiao Bei, call your second brother, no matter what method you use, as long as you can get him to come over."

Li Beixiao obediently dialed Li Nanque's phone number.

"Second brother, can you come to the press conference... Well, we are together. Can you take time to come over? Half an hour is enough... Hey, second brother!"
The other party hung up the phone directly.

Li Beixiao's face was filled with guilt: "I'm sorry, mom, I can't convince my second brother."
"Idiot." Li Xichen twitched his lips, "Second brother is going to shoot a commercial in the afternoon. He will never leave unless something major happens."
Li Beixiao tilted his head and asked, "What is a major accident?"
Li Xichen's eyes turned and looked at Jiang Jin: "Have you brought any cosmetics?"
Jiang Jin nodded: "Why do you ask?"
"Let's go to the dressing room first."
Li Xichen walked forward first.
Jiang Jin didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd, so she followed him quickly.

Inside the studio.

Li Nanque is filming an advertisement for a smart watch.
He has an exquisite appearance. If you stop there casually, you will see a majestic poster without any need for modification in the later stage.
The photographer was very satisfied with his performance and said while taking the picture: "Master Que, in the last shot, look towards the smart watch, then a little further, yes, that's it..."
The photographer is about to freeze the frame.

Suddenly, Li Nanque's personal mobile phone number rang.

Wei Liu glanced at it and whispered: "Master Que, it's the video call from the third young master."

Li Nanque said coldly: "If they still bring up that matter, just hang up."

Wei Liu nodded and answered the phone.
