FVB - 083

Chapter 83 He is my licking dog

There was a humming background sound coming from the speakers.
The sound of a man's cold breathing reached her ears.
Jiang Jin curled her lips and smiled slightly: "He is my ​​licking dog. What's wrong? Is it bothering you?"
Li Yunting's eyebrows raised a wrinkle: "Licking dog... what is it?"
"No, no, no, there are still people who don't understand what a licking dog means?" Jiang Jin deliberately exaggerated and mocked, "But I can't blame you, older men really can't understand..."
This woman dared to say that he was older...
Li Yunting's hand became a little stronger.

At this time.
The door of the equipment room was suddenly pushed open.
As soon as Meng Shen walked in, he saw this shocking scene.
He rushed over quickly and pushed Li Yunting away: "You are a big man, how can you bully a woman?"
Jiang Jin was protected behind him, touching her sore chin with lingering fear.
The blush on her chin made Li Yunting's pupils shrink.
He twitched the corners of his lips, turned around and left the equipment room.
"Hey, are you okay?"
Meng Shen turned around to look at Jiang Jin and asked with concern.
"Thank you, Mr. Meng." Jiang Jin adjusted her clothes and said somewhat suspiciously, "Why is Mr. Meng here?"
"Old Zhao called me to come to the rescue. I happened to be passing by and came to help support the scene."

Meng Shen explained dryly.
His eyes kept looking up and down Jiang Jin.
In the past few days, his assistant had been checking around, and finally found out that the woman's name was Jiang Jin, and she was an investor in Director Zhao's new movie.
When he learned that Jiang Jin was coming to attend the press conference, he rushed over without stopping.
Director Zhao happened to call him to come to the rescue, so he entered the press conference without any hesitation.
Meng Shen coughed and said, "Don't you have a son? Why didn't you bring them with you?"
Jiang Jin glanced at him: "Mr. Meng, why are you asking my son?"
"Hahaha, just asking." Meng Shen smiled dryly, "I think your son is quite cute. Let's meet him next time."
That kid looks exactly like him when he was a kid.
After going back that day, the more he thought about it, the more something was wrong. He drove back to his hometown late at night to look at photos of his childhood.
Then, he overheard the conversation between his parents.
It seems that a woman sent a letter to his parents, saying that their Meng family had a child who was living outside the family, and hoped that the Meng family could do their best to find the child and let the child recognize his ancestor.
He was already a little suspicious, and with the words of his parents, this matter was almost 100% certain—
That is, he accidentally had an illegitimate child outside. Not only did the woman not come to him to take responsibility, she also raised his illegitimate child...
With his status, he must not break the news that he has a child, otherwise his future will be ruined!
Therefore, he must deal with the illegitimate child in advance before his parents find the child.
"Mr. Meng, why are you looking at me like this?"

Jiang Jin was so frightened by his eyes that she took a step back imperceptibly.
She knew that she was a little prettier, but she wouldn't let the top stars in the entertainment industry have evil intentions...
Meng Shen hesitated for a few seconds and then spoke slowly: "Miss Jiang, can I ask you a question?"
Jiang Jin nodded: "Ask."
"That's it-" Meng Shen swallowed, "Has Miss Jiang ever thought about finding your son's father?"
Jiang Jin thought she heard wrongly.
She frowned and said coldly, "Sorry, I didn't understand what Mr. Meng meant."
"Miss Jiang, don't hide it from me. In fact, I already know it." Meng Shen sighed, "It's really not easy for a woman to give birth to a child alone and work so hard to raise the child. The child is illegitimate. She must have encountered a lot of strange looks in the past few years when she went to the child's school. If she could find the father of the child and ask him to help take care of the child, Ms. Jiang would be much more relaxed, right?"

"You are the illegitimate child, and your whole family is illegitimate!"
Jiang Jin gritted her teeth and roared angrily.
Although those naughty kids are disobedient and noisy, there is no problem with their identities at all, right?
This Meng Shen is simply very ill!
"Ms. Jiang, I know I shouldn't say the word illegitimate, but this is the fact, isn't it?"
Meng Shen chased Jiang Jin out, "Finding the father of the child as soon as possible can help you get rid of it..."
Jiang Jin gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Meng, I'm only going to say it once. Remember it! My son has a father, a biological father. Stop using the word illegitimate to insult my son! Get out of the way!"
She raised her hand and lifted Meng Shen away.
Meng Shen continued to catch up: "Have you done a paternity test? Are you sure he is the biological father? Do you need my help to do it again?"
Jiang Jin only thought that this person was sick.
But her arm was grabbed again.
When she was about to throw the person away with all her strength...
Two children over one meter tall walked towards the end of the corridor

Li Xichen and Li Beixiao appeared in the corridor at the same time. The lights on the top of the corridor seemed to be particularly partial to them. The cold white light fell on their faces. They were like little princes walking out of a fairy tale book.
Meng Shen immediately threw Jiang Jin away.
He walked over quickly on his leather shoes and squatted down in front of Li Beixiao: "Boy, do you still remember me?"
Li Beixiao looked at him and said, "Remember, you asked me to call you brother."
Two drops of cold sweat ran down Meng Shen's forehead. If this was really his son, calling him brother would definitely not work.
He put his hand on Li Beixiao's shoulder, moved it up little by little, pretended to touch the back of the child's head naturally, then firmly pinched a piece of short black hair, and was about to pull it out...
"What are you doing?"

Li Xichen spoke coldly.

Meng Shen was so frightened that he quickly retracted his hand and stammered: "No, it's nothing..."
He glanced at Li Xichen one more time. The two boys were together when they met last time, and they were together again this time...
And the facial features of these two boys have many similarities.
"You two...can't be twins, right?" Meng Shen swallowed and asked in disbelief.
Li Xichen pulled his lips coldly: "You're not too stupid."
Meng Shen: "..."
Being called stupid by a four or five-year-old child is really hard to swallow.
But he can accept it!

These two children are probably descendants of the Meng family!

The Meng family has twin genes, and he and his sister are twins...
If these two children were really his biological sons, he was sure that the Meng family would faint from excitement...
He has to pull out a piece of hair and go back for a paternity test!
He has to control the situation in advance!
Meng Shen's heart changed, and he raised her hand and stretched it towards the back of Li Beixiao's head...

"Mr. Meng, are you trying to bully children?" Jiang Jin crossed her arms and walked over coldly, "Xiaoxi, Xiaobei, come to mother."
The two children immediately stood behind Jiang Jin obediently.
