FVB - 082

Chapter 82 Li Yunting is jealous

Saturday afternoon, Shangri-La Hotel.
This is the largest five-star hotel in Yuncheng, and the press conference for the movie "Snow Without End" was held here.
As an investor and chief planner, Jiang Jin arrived at the venue four hours in advance to assist the staff in setting up the venue.
"Ms. Jiang, the person in charge of Youer Media suddenly called and said that he couldn't come because something happened."
"Ms. Jiang, the veteran actor Zhou Jie we invited suddenly had an accident at home and is unable to attend the press conference."
"Zhang Manqing also has a temporary emergency and is unable to come..."
The surrounding staff gathered around Jiang Jin with anxious faces to report the sudden situation.
Director Zhao gritted his teeth and said coldly: "It must be Wang Lu's fault!"
Jiang Jin frowned: "Who is Wang Lu?"
"The director of "Destined to Meet You."" The staff on the side explained, "Today their crew is holding a road show in the square a hundred meters away from the Shangri-La Hotel."
"Director Zhao didn't want to run into an old classmate before, but he insists on confronting you."
Jiang Jin tangled her hair and smiled slightly, "The press conference will start in an hour, and our guests have all canceled their appointments."

Director Zhao said angrily: "Wang Lu should be the one responsible for those old drama stars breaking their appointments, but so many media outlets in Yuncheng have lost contact. This is not something Wang Lu can do. I guess it was Miss Jiang who offended Gou Feng. , Gou Feng must have deliberately played this trick just to vent his anger."
Jiang Jin: "..."
Do two people have to take the blame together?
When the two of them blamed each other, the staff on the side were already going crazy.
"Since guests and media cannot be present, will our press conference continue?"
"If it ends hastily like this, "Snow Without End" will be nailed to the cross of shame by netizens, and it will never be able to turn around."
"We can't stand up in the first place, okay? Even if all the guest media are here today, we still can't beat the crew of "Destined to Meet You". They invited the most popular movie queens."
"Okay!" Director Zhao said coldly, "Don't pour cold water on yourself. Isn't this the last step yet? You continue to decorate the venue. I'll call a friend of mine and ask him to come over and support the scene. He brought his own popularity, as long as he can come to our venue, the media who have failed to make appointments will naturally follow him."
Hearing this, everyone was no longer so anxious.
Director Zhao has been immersed in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years and has a wide network of contacts. As long as Director Zhao pulls his lower body, he will definitely find someone to save the situation.
Everyone is busy with their own business.
Director Zhao went to call the contact person.

Jiang Jin was not that worried.
Several creative actors will arrive later. As long as Bai Ningshuang stops there, she won't have to worry about anything.
She walked leisurely backstage to check on the equipment.
After the press conference begins, the first stage is to show the trailer on the electronic screen.
Many press conferences will have problems in this link...
Jiang Jin checked carefully and found that the device's speaker could not produce any sound...

Fortunately, she came over to check, otherwise when the meeting started, there would be only a picture but no sound, and she would definitely be ridiculed by netizens again.
Jiang Jin knelt down and knelt on one knee on the ground. She leaned forward slightly. She put one hand sideways into the complicated circuit lines and fumbled for the audio inlet...
The door of the equipment room was ajar, and a figure slowly walked by, then stopped.
A face wearing a dark gold mask shone brightly under the light, and those dark eyes seemed to shatter the sky.
The figure of the woman was reflected deep in the pupils.
She leaned over the speaker and pulled up the hem of her shirt, revealing a section of snow-white skin around her waist.
With her collar down, there is a deep mountain peak under her delicate collarbone...
Li Yunting's Adam's apple rolled heavily.
He was just here to meet a client, but he met this woman by chance.
He had been sending people to keep an eye on her, knowing that she was busy with the movie conference recently.
But isn't she an investor? Why would she do such a thing herself...
By some strange coincidence, Li Yunting stepped in.

Jiang Jin thought it was someone else from the crew who came over, so she said without looking back, "Can you bring me a wrench? The screws on this speaker are loose. If they are not tightened, accidents may occur later."
She finished speaking, but didn't hear a response for a long time.
She held the thread connecting the entrance with one hand and slowly turned her head.
Then she met a pair of deep eyes.
She was so frightened that she immediately let go of the things in her hands and stood up.
"Why are you here?" Jiang Jin glared at the person in front of him, "You followed me in, didn't you?"
A sneer appeared on Li Yunting's lips: "Are you worthy of following you?"
Jiang Jin was immediately laughed out of anger.
She crossed her arms across her chest, her eyes extremely cold: "If Mr. Li thinks I'm not worthy, why did he sneak into my room in the middle of the night?"
Li Yunting's face suddenly turned ugly.

He has lived for thirty years, and this is the only thing he has done that is incredible.
Even he himself didn't know why he entered her room that night, nor why he kissed her deeply while she was sleeping...
"Mr. Li, do you really think the trap you set for the Gou family is seamless?"
Jiang Jin took a step forward and said aggressively, "If the Gou family notices your intention, do you think the Gou family will jump into the pit according to your plan?"
Li Yunting narrowed his eyes: "You want to help the Gou family?"
"I just want you to be in vain." Jiang Jin sneered, "You have been planning for so long, don't you just want to annex the Gou family? If I send a letter to the Gou family in advance, Mr. Gou will be very grateful to me."
Li Yunting's eyes became colder inch by inch.
The person who was following him secretly told him that this woman had a good relationship with Gou Feng.
It seems that this is indeed the case.
Jiang Jin raised her lips and showed a smile: "But, if Mr. Li can give me some benefits, I can consider helping you keep this secret."
She just finished speaking.

Suddenly the man grabbed her chin.
This damn familiar feeling is coming again.
"You still dare to ask for benefits?" Li Yunting lowered his head slightly and looked at her coldly, "Aren't you afraid that I will send someone to kill and silence you?"
His eyes, his voice, and the warmth of his fingertips... everything made Jiang Jin feel very familiar...
But she racked her brains and couldn't think of where she had seen this man...
The man's fingers slowly closed together, almost crushing her mandible.

Jiang Jin said coldly: "There are surveillance cameras in all directions here. If Mr. Li is not afraid of legal sanctions, he can take action."
Li Yunting's index finger rubbed her chin.

His voice was extremely cold: "What is your relationship with Gou Feng?"
Jiang Jin was stunned.
What kind of weird question is this?
Also, why did she seem to smell something sour in this sentence?
