FVB - 080

Chapter 80 You will kneel under me and beg me

Li Yunting's fingers stopped typing on the keyboard.
He turned his face, his eyes were cold, "Repeat the previous sentence."
Li Dongjing pursed his lips.

It seemed that his father really couldn't keep up with the pace of his reports.
He remembered his grandfather saying that when his father was only five years old, he became the president of the Li Group.
His father was fierce and resolute, and under his leadership, the Li Group became the largest multinational group in Yuncheng.
Later, something happened to my father suddenly, and the huge group lost its leader, and it became lonely day by day...
The former leader can no longer keep up with the pace of a nine-year-old child like him...
Li Dongjing lowered his eyes and repeated the previous sentence: "On the 23rd of this month, there were problems with three batches of parts in Li's factory... The factory was ordered to shut down..."
Li Yunting raised his hand and made a silent gesture: "What do you think is the main reason why there is a problem with the parts?"
Li Dongjing said: "The Li family began to decline half a year ago. The factory suffered layoffs and people were panicked. Omissions in the work process are inevitable..."

"Wrong." Li Yunting's lips curved into a sneer, "The director of Li's factory is already a member of Gou's family, and you have been fooled by this vice president for three months."

Li Dongjing looked stunned.
Didn't his father just wake up? Why did he even know that the factory director had been bribed?
"Silly boy, you still need more experience." Li Yunting said quietly, "You gave a five-minute report and mentioned a total of five projects, four of which had data problems..."
His cold and slow voice sounded in the room.
Li Dongjing's eyes suddenly felt sore.
In the past few years, he and his grandfather had worked hard to support Li's family. Grandpa was too busy and had no time to teach him these things.
He can only gradually enrich his wings in practice, and slowly let himself secure the position of vice president...
He didn't know until now how far away he was from this position.
But his father woke up and returned to him. As long as his father is here, all problems will be solved...

After Jiang Jin watched the two children enter school, she drove to the set.

The location shooting is coming to an end, and the crew is in full swing doing the final touches.
Jiang Jin walked around the shooting location and didn't see Director Zhao.
Xiao Fang came over with a cup of coffee, placed it respectfully in front of her, and said excitedly: "Ms. Jiang, Director Zhao is negotiating a contract with a new investor, and the promotional expenses for our movie have been secured. "
Jiang Jin frowned: "Didn't I get the publicity funds? Why does he have to go around to attract investment?"
She had worked hard to collect two million, and what Director Zhao did was too unreasonable.

With one more investor, the dividends she would receive would be much smaller. She would never agree to such a loss-making transaction.
"Ms. Jiang, the promotion fee of two million is not enough." Xiao Fang scratched the back of his head and said, "A road show costs five to six million, and we also have to spend money on variety shows and various Weibo news client cover page ads, even if it costs seven to eight million, it may not be possible, and Director Zhao really has no choice..."
Jiang Jin stood up coldly: "Where are they talking about investment?"
Seeing her cold expression, Xiao Fang didn't dare not say anything and pointed to the office next to her.
Jiang Jin walked over quickly, and through the crack in the door, she saw that the person discussing investment with Director Zhao was actually Gou Feng.
"Mr. Gou, you are so discerning. We dare not say that our movie will exceed 500 million box office. 300 million is still no problem. Mr. Gou invests 5 million and will not lose money no matter what..." Director Zhao He said with a smile, "Why don't we sign the contract now?"
Gou Feng took a sip of tea and said leisurely: "Isn't there another investor in the crew?"
Director Zhao nodded: "The biggest investor is Ms. Jiang. Without Ms. Jiang, our film would not have been successfully filmed until now."
"This Miss Jiang is really nice." Gou Feng narrowed his eyes, "Can you arrange for Miss Jiang and I to have a meal alone tonight?"
Last time at Gou's Building, after the woman offended Mr. Li, he thought the woman was completely finished.
Unexpectedly, Mr. Li had no intention of taking action against a woman.
Just think about it, how could a man like Mr. Li, who has so many things to do and is so aloof, bother to trample a woman to death?
Since this woman didn't have a relationship with Mr. Li, he wanted it.
Gou Feng showed a smile: "Director Zhao, as long as you arrange for me to meet with Miss Jiang, I can sign the contract directly."

Spending five million to pursue a woman is considered very generous of him.
Gou Feng's face was filled with a smile that was determined to win. Before the smile spread into his eyes, suddenly!
Director Zhao picked up the document on the table and tore it in half.
"It turns out that Mr. Gou had this idea." Director Zhao sneered, "I know that Mr. Gou is powerful and can kill our crew with one finger. However, this does not mean that I, Zhao, will push a woman to go out and exchange investment funds. Mr. Gou, you are not welcome here, please leave!"
"Don't be so shameless!" Gou Feng lowered his voice and said angrily, "I don't think your movie will be released!"
"Mr. Gou, you have such a arrogant tone." Jiang Jin kicked the door open and walked in with a sneer in her voice, "The Gou Group is indeed one of the largest groups in Yuncheng, but our movie is being released nationwide. You think you have the ability, only if our movies are not available in theaters across the country can you be considered capable."
Gou Feng stood up and sneered: "Jiang Jin, sooner or later you will kneel under me and beg me."
After he finished speaking, he walked away.

"Hey -" Director Zhao sighed sadly, "This Gou Feng is not a fuel-efficient lamp. With Gou's support, there are many 18th-tier actresses in the entertainment industry... His son is already so old. Why can't he control his lower body? Why doesn't he pay attention to the impact..."

Jiang Jin said with a smile: "What are you worried about? Isn't it quite cool to refuse five million just now?"
Director Zhao sneered mercilessly: "It's not because the investors are too stingy, otherwise how could our crew be targeted by people like Gou Feng."
"Two million in promotional expenses is really a lot." Jiang Jin sat on a chair and asked, "Can I see the movie's promotional plan?"
Director Zhao opened the computer in front of him and clicked on a planning document: "This is the first draft of the publicity plan. We will hold a meeting in the evening to finalize the final draft. If Ms. Jiang has any comments, you can raise them now."
Jiang Jin glanced at it and frowned suddenly.
She had not been in the entertainment industry before, but at least she had chased stars and knew what movie promotion was like.
This plan is comprehensive, but it is also full of loopholes.
Jiang Jin tapped her fingers on the table and said slowly: "Ask someone from the Propaganda Department to come over and have a meeting with me now."
