ADMKSF - 016.2

Pei Ye really wanted to throw away the pen and paper, but when he thought of Pei Henan's threat, he was immediately crushed like a wilting grass. He lowered his eyes, his eyelids trembling slightly, and he complained in a very soft voice, "But my dad asked me to finish it quickly."

Seeing his appearance, Lin You immediately recalled the time when she was studying in the orphanage when she was young. No matter how much she didn't want to do her homework, the request of the dean and grandma was like a big mountain weighing on her heart. Stress can make you progress, but you also need to relax occasionally.

Thinking of this, Lin You felt sincere love and affection in her heart. Her thin white fingers gently rubbed the boy's soft black hair. Her face was full of motherly love: "It's okay. You should rest quickly and I will explain to your father. It's been hot lately, so you can take a nap. Later, I’ll make chicken soup for you to drink at night.”

Lin You took the initiative to pack up the papers on Pei Ye's desk and put them aside. Lin You pointed at the water glass: "Drink the water before going to bed."

Pei Ye listened to the gentle voice beside his ears, and put down the pen in his hand with satisfaction, and then raised a smile obediently: "Thank you, Mom."

This child is good-looking and has a good temper. He is so good.

Lin You rubbed up his head again before turning and leaving.

About half an hour later, there was a knock on the door of Pei Ye's room again. The knocks on the door were a little different this time. They were three regular knocks and then stopped. Pei Ye immediately guessed who the visitor was and quickly jumped up from the bed and opened the door. Pei Henan stood at the door, walked over the young man's thin body to the desk and sat down. His eyes passed over the clean papers on it. When he turned around, he heard the young man's hurried explanation:

"She gave me a break!"

Pei Henan hummed casually, and his calm expression seemed to tell Pei Ye in another way - I already knew it.

Pei Ye also saw that his father didn't want to cause trouble for him in this regard. He immediately locked the door and moved a small stool to sit next to him. He lowered his voice and said, "Your wife is like a different person. She is really worthy of her job as an actress. If she doesn't do tricks and acts well, she can really win the Golden Dove Award for Best Actress."

As he spoke, he muttered to himself: "She hasn't gotten tired of playing the role of a good mother for so long, and I don't know what she's thinking."

Pei Henan's lips curled up slightly when he heard that, and his dark and calm peach blossom eyes showed nonchalance and casualness: "You continue to act with her even if she doesn't get tired of it. It's quite interesting, isn't it?"

At least they look more pleasing to the eye than the Pei family.

Pei Henan's fair and slender fingers once again ran across the papers on the young man's desk, with a playful look in his eyes: "If you don't make a difference in your studies in the future, you might be able to develop in the industry and win the Best Young Actor Award. Remember to thank her when you go on stage to receive the award. Your mother trained you since childhood."

Pei Ye: "..."

In a daze, Pei Ye seemed to have imagined him standing on the podium in a black suit, holding the trophy in his hand, looking sincere and grateful.

Holding down the twitching corners of his mouth, he decisively shook his head and threw away these messy thoughts, and then asked: "Where is she?"

"In the yard."

Lin You had long noticed the open space behind the small foreign-style building. There is green grass near the main house of the Pei family, and dedicated gardeners prune flowers, trees, and trees every day. The scenery is excellent at first glance. But the small foreign-style building here is like a cold palace in the imperial city. It is in a remote location, overgrown with weeds, and every corner is filled with the feeling of being ruthlessly abandoned.

Although it is a bit messy, it is very suitable for growing vegetables.

After Lin You urged Pei Henan to take a nap, she found some almost rusty weeding tools from the utility room of the small western-style building, carried a hoe to the open space, loosened the soil, and then packed up all the weeds and threw them in the garbage can outside.

Lin You spent almost the entire afternoon in the open space and did not notice Pei Henan sitting in front of the bedroom window looking at her. The man's gaze was as deep as a starless and moonless night, and his eyes flashed across the back of Lin You's white hands. When he saw her bending down to pick up the weeds that were still stained with mud, the meaning in his eyes was even deeper.

In the silence, the cell phone beside him rang softly. Pei Henan lowered his eyes. The note on it was the word 'Chen Yi'.

Chen Yi: Your family is quite interesting. Tianqi Pictures has you involved, and Nanjiang Tower is about to be involved by your wife. It's pitiful that my little Chen family has paid so much for you.

Seeing the words 'Nanjiang Tower', Pei Henan quickly remembered that Lin You seemed to have vowed to him that she would make a lot of money.

He tapped the screen lightly with his finger and wrote down a few words: Wait and see.

Pei Henan glanced out the window again before closing the curtains to block out all sight.

Lin You in the open space looked at the soil that had been plowed and became extra soft, feeling happy. Once she buys the rapeseed, she can plant it. Although she now has a little money, the vegetables outside are definitely not as good as those grown by herself using spiritual spring water.

Carrying the hoe back to the small foreign building, Lin You returned to her room. Because the original owner really disliked Pei Henan, the two slept in separate rooms even though they were a legitimate couple. The room the original owner chose for herself was the room with the best light, right next to Pei Henan's bedroom.

Sometimes Pei Henan coughed violently in the middle of the night, disturbing the original owner's sleep. The original owner wanted to smash down the wall and bury Pei Henan.

Lin You recalled the plot in her mind and turned to go to the bathroom.

At about five o'clock in the afternoon, she left the bedroom and walked to the kitchen on time. When passing by the bedroom of the Pei Henan and his son, the sound of a TV series was faintly heard in Pei Ye's room. Lin You didn't pay attention. She went downstairs and saw the man sitting on the sofa. She waved hello casually and asked: "Have a good rest in the afternoon?"

Pei Henan looked up, his complexion was still pale, but his brows and eyes seemed to be more alive. He smiled and said in a soft voice: "I rested well and my body is strong."

Lin You was quite satisfied with this answer, and took the initiative to pour a glass of water for Pei Henan before going to cook.

On the other hand, Pei Henan stood up and followed her with weak steps, saying softly: "I'll help."

"No, just go and rest."

But the man shook his head: "I don't have anything to do, or do you think I'm a waste and can't help you?"

Look what this says!

Lin You was startled and quickly turned to look at him. The man lowered his eyes, and his thin body looked like grass and trees that had just been blown by the wind and rain. Although his expression was not revealed, the dejected aura on his body was like a rain curtain that could not be removed at all.

Look at this pitiful energy!

Lin You suddenly held his hand and comforted him with innocent yet powerful eyes: "Don't say that about yourself. I just, just feel sorry for you. I have no other meaning."

Lin You held it in for a long time before uttering the disgusting words "I feel sorry for you". After saying this, she trembled for a moment, and the next second she met Pei Henan's eyes, she smiled coquettishly: "Look at your hands, which are as cold as ice. It’s like lumps. Go and rest quickly, I can do this small thing like cooking by myself.”

As if to convince him, she said sincerely again: "If something happens to you, I won't be able to live anymore."

Pei Henan: "..."

Pei Ye, who had just walked to the living room and heard the noise: "..."

After two seconds of silence, Pei Ye took the initiative to push Pei Henan out of the kitchen. Holding the corners of his twitching eyes, he said with a serious expression: "Dad, just listen to my mother, have a good rest, and give my mother a chance to grow old with you."
