Chapter 24

When Gu Xiaoxiao came out again, she looked completely different. She was wearing the same white floor-length gown as the NPC and the same ghost hood. She lowered her hands and quietly merged into the back of the line.
You Feng led the others straight towards the room, focusing entirely on the fearful black energy overflowing from the crack in the door. He did not even notice the "unexpected surprise" in the team.
As he walked, he scraped the wall with a sharp blade. The harsh sound caused by the friction once again aroused everyone's fear of the scene just now.
He continued to threaten in a joking tone: "Hide yourselves well. If you are found, the consequences will be very miserable."
[What we are saying is that Master Xiao successfully sneaked into the enemy team and told us personally that if we can’t defeat them, then join them (bushi)]
[Hahaha, it’s you Gu Xiaoxiao, I can’t wait to see the leader going crazy when he can’t find her]
[No, no, I’ve already started to imagine that scene in my head. I’m going to laugh to death.]
[I have a hunch that when Gu Xiaoxiao took off her hood, the NPCs would collectively vomit blood]
You Feng signaled the team to disperse and go to the room to look for prey.
Because Gu Xiaoxiao was at the back, when she followed her, there were NPCs standing in every room, and the person in front of her had his hand on the doorknob.

Seeing that she had no chance to perform, she turned around and was about to fish at the other end of the aisle, but the NPC grabbed her wrist.
Gu Xiaoxiao made a puzzled "Huh" sound, and the other party turned the doorknob, then bumped the door with his body to indicate that it was blocked, and motioned for her to push the door open together.
Gu Xiaoxiao sighed in frustration, and cooperated with the other party to hit the door with his body. The door, which had been in disrepair for a long time, was not very reliable. In addition, the people inside may have been too panicked to block the door properly. The two of them hit the door four or five times together. A gap was torn open.

Shen Weiyue huddled in the only old combination cabinet in the house, using her fingers to open a tiny gap so that she could observe the situation and listen to the noise.
Although she was scared, she did not forget to use the armchair in the room to block the doorknob, and even dragged the table to touch the door.
She was sure that her blocking would make the other party lose patience when they couldn't open it, so she let her go for the time being and went to find someone else first, but she ignored that there was not only one NPC in this game.
When she heard two people seeming to be banging on the door together, she felt like she was falling into an ice cave. She thought that the position she was hiding in was actually very conspicuous. As long as she entered the door, she could see this cabinet at a glance. The sixth cabinet door was her hideout.
After a "bang" sound, the door was kicked open completely, and flickering lights rushed into the dark room, making the furnishings in the room clear at a glance.
The NPC and Gu Xiaoxiao looked at each other. The other party raised his chin in the direction of the combination cabinet and motioned for her to go there, while he walked towards the tables and chairs stacked by the window.

Gu Xiaoxiao had no choice but to follow the instructions, thinking that if she really met a companion, she would be able to let them go. Thinking like this, her pace became brisk.
[Oh my God, what kind of bad fate is this? Do you still remember the last level where Shen Weiyue pushed Gu Xiaoxiao towards the chainsaw ghost :) ]
[It’s unforgettable, if I were Master Xiao, I would definitely take her out and sacrifice her to heaven. After all, she was the one who deceived others too much, and Master Xiao was just retaliating in kind]
[What happened at that time was just an accident. Yue Bao didn’t do it on purpose. Besides, it was just a game. Gu Xiaoxiao was fine in the end, wasn’t she?]
[That is, without the help of Yue Bao, Gu Xiaoxiao would not have been able to go to the table to read the scrolls, and by the way, she would have discovered the secret of clearing the level. After all, she had taken a big advantage.]
[It’s so funny, what kind of thunderous logic is this? Since it’s just a game, even if Shen Weiyue is caught, she should be fine.]
[We, Xiaoxiao, are broad-minded and don’t bother to argue with some people. Backstabbing is too low-level and shameless to lower our status.]
[That is, our Xiaoxiao is not only kind, but also has a view of the overall situation, otherwise we would not risk our lives pretending to be NPCs. We must rely on Xiaoxiao to win this level. If you don’t believe it, just wait and see]

[No one can say for sure until the end of the matter, just wait for the weird pretending to fail.]
[Haters shut up and wait to be slapped in the face]
Gu Xiaoxiao walked to the combination cabinet and started to open the cabinet and check it out.
She didn't open the cabinet door very far, even a little cautiously, for fear of scaring others and revealing their position.

But this kind of cautious opening sounded like torture from the depths of Shen Weiyue's soul.
Every long "squeak" of the cabinet door opening seemed to tug on her tense nerves, especially when she heard the footsteps getting closer and closer.
Finally, Gu Xiaoxiao came to stand in front of the last cabinet door, and Shen Weiyue's fear reached its peak at the same moment.
[Ah ah ah, here it comes, the enemy is extremely jealous when they see each other, start fighting, start fighting]
The audience, who were not too concerned about the excitement, began to boo in the barrage, but the two parties involved looked at the same cabinet door with their own thoughts.
Because Gu Xiaoxiao has been working as an NPC for a long time, she has developed a pair of excellent eyesight with clear night vision, and she can see any small movement.
For example, right now, the gap in the cabinet door's opening is trembling slightly. If she guessed it right, there is someone hiding inside.
If she had just come in alone to check, she should have pretended not to see anything at this juncture and retreated, but there was a colleague there. If she left, she would inevitably become suspicious, but if she opened it, the people inside would definitely scream.
While she was hesitating, the movement behind her suddenly stopped. She subconsciously turned around and looked. The neatly arranged tables and chairs by the window had been overturned. The NPC was panting with his hands on his hips. It looked like it was almost over.

Gu Xiaoxiao looked away and raised her hand to touch the doorknob. Shen Weiyue's nervous heart almost stopped beating.
She bit the inner wall of her mouth, covered her mouth with both hands, and shrank into the corner, wishing she could get in.

The audience in Shen Weiyue's live broadcast room also held their breath.
They were all witnesses to the grudge between her and Gu Xiaoxiao. Their wrongdoing made them extremely guilty, and their desire to survive made them extremely greedy. They all hoped that Gu Xiaoxiao would ignore the faults of the villain and not open the closet.
However, the truth is not always what one wants. The NPC behind has stopped rummaging and slowly walked towards Gu Xiaoxiao. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that if she doesn't open the door, the NPC will definitely open it.
Just when everyone was in despair, Gu Xiaoxiao suddenly opened the cabinet door, leaned half in and pretended to check, and then pretended to be angry and closed the door hard, causing the cabinet to shake.
When she turned around angrily, she happened to be face to face with her colleague who was only one step away. The other person witnessed her frustration and patted her shoulder to comfort her, then took her out.
The audience was left with lingering fears and a confused Shen Weiyue.
The moment the cabinet door opened, she thought she was dead, especially when the NPC leaned half of her body and waved its claws in the air. The scream that was tightly held in her throat almost broke out, but the next second, the cabinet door slammed shut, and the footsteps got farther and farther away, and finally disappeared at the door.
The joy of surviving the disaster made her instantly collapse in the cabinet, sucking in the lost breath, and her back was wet with cold sweat.
The fans in the live broadcast room just breathed a sigh of relief after her. Before they could continue the action of slapping their chests, their expressions suddenly changed, and all the barrage changed to full-screen ahhhhhh.

Shen Weiyue was only focused on finding her heartbeat, and was not aware of the face that was congealing little by little on the wall of the cabinet behind her.
The cabinet wall that was supposed to be flat seemed to suddenly turn into liquid, slowly surging with a straight nose bridge, high cheekbones, and then a mouth with sharp fangs.
When the outline of the face was completely formed, the strange face was condensed. A pair of eyes as black as cold pools were embedded in the bloodless face. The gaze fixed on the back of Shen Weiyue's head was full of greed and desire, as if he was looking at something, like a very precious treasure.
Shen Weiyue suddenly felt a little cold on her back. She thought it was the discomfort coming from her clothes soaked in cold sweat. She raised her hand to take off her outer shirt, but on the way she encountered something cold and hard. She subconsciously looked back and had a close look with the grim face behind her.
The other party playfully stretched out his long tongue towards her and licked her face. The smooth and cold touch made her break her defense in a second.
The moment the scream rang out, she rolled out of the cabinet and crawled forward. Her legs were so weak that she had to crawl forward.
The moment the cry rang out, Gu Xiaoxiao and the NPC had just taken a few steps away. When they heard that the direction of the sound was coming from the room they had just searched, the NPC beside them suddenly looked at Gu Xiaoxiao.

Gu Xiaoxiao's heart skipped a beat, and just as she was about to quibble, Shen Weiyue crawled out.
Gu Xiaoxiao: "······"
[Oh haha, does this count as repaying kindness with hatred:)]
[I’m so annoyed, she just wants to die, and Master Xiao will be exposed]

[What should I do? The NPC is obviously suspicious. Shen Weiyue is really a rat. Master Xiao should have taken her out just now to show her loyalty. This way she would have a better chance of survival]
[Fuck, it turns out this level is more than just hide and seek, there are scary ghosts hiding everywhere, it’s hard to guard against them]
[What to do, Master Xiao is in danger]
Just when everyone was sweating for Gu Xiaoxiao, You Feng saw the prey running out and approached Gu Xiaoxiao.
Seeing the NPC looking at her with suspicion, he lowered his voice and asked, "What's going on?"
The NPC lowered his voice and explained: "We found a person."
After speaking, he looked at Gu Xiaoxiao again, his eyes full of reproach.
You Feng couldn't help but darken his face, looking at Gu Xiaoxiao with an obviously suspicious expression. He slowly raised his hand to take off her mask.
Just when everyone was sweating that Gu Xiaoxiao was about to fall off the horse, she calmly took out a pair of glasses from her pocket and raised them to You Feng's eyes, which seemed to say "I have bad eyesight."
You Feng tsked lightly and let out a deep breath, indicating that these human NPCs were too difficult to handle. If it weren't for the purpose of confusing the public, he would have thrown these idiots away.
"You, follow me, don't run around alone and mess up the rhythm!"
You Feng told Gu Xiaoxiao with a cold face, and then pulled up the corner of his clothes to signal her to grab it and not get lost.
Gu Xiaoxiao nodded pretending to be grateful, holding the corners of her clothes with her little hands, her expression under the mask suddenly became overjoyed.
A good hunter always appears in the form of his prey :)

[Hahaha, this reversal is too evil]
[The big boss looks sinister, but I didn’t expect him to be a tough man and tender. The contrast is amazing]
[Let me go, Master Xiao instantly becomes the second in command and is directly protected by the boss. If this is the final truth, will the boss be heartbroken?]
[Hahahaha, true farmer and snake]
[The boss never thought that the ghost was behind him, so he started to look forward to the ghost going crazy, oooh~]

Gu Xiaoxiao protected the vest without any danger. This episode did not affect the work of other NPCs.
On the contrary, Shen Weiyue's self-indulgence gave them countless motivation. As the NPC slammed into the door harder, the guests hiding in the room panicked again.
You Feng's unforeseen decapitation directly escalated the risk factor of the game, and the new head that grew back scared everyone out of their wits.
At that moment, the survival instinct completely took over, and there was no time to think of anything but running.
Everyone has only one goal in mind, and as long as they hide it well enough, they can escape.
Therefore, they all ran towards the house closest to them, locked themselves up as soon as they entered the door, moved all movable heavy objects behind the door, and blocked out all the elements of terror in exchange for short-term safety.
As everyone knows, nothing in this show is safe. As soon as everyone hides themselves, a bloody timer is reflected on the wall. The decreasing time is like a guillotine hanging on everyone's neck and will fall off soon.
The footsteps getting closer and closer outside the door, as well as the urgent sound of turning the doorknob, once again heightened despair.

It wasn't until Shen Weiyue's scream sounded that everyone realized that they had been stupid again. In the panic carefully created by the NPC, they trapped themselves in a world, with no other choice but to wait for their death.
After realizing what she had done, Yue Xinran collapsed and cried. In order to prevent herself from making a sound, she covered her mouth with both hands and bit her tongue, using pain to contain the constant fear. Her back was wet with cold sweat. 

Through her tearful eyes, she looked at the shaky door and the tables and chairs behind the door that were being knocked open, trembling with fear.

She trembled with her little hands and tightened the drooped tattered curtains, huddled her body into a small ball, tried hard to cover herself with the few pathetic strips of cloth, and deceived herself into pretending.
Soon, the door was opened with a thumb-width gap, and the moment cold white light came through, despair once again invaded her remaining desire to survive.
[Woo woo woo, what should I do? Ran Bao may not be able to escape, this game is too cruel]
[Ah ah ah, rather than being found, shouldn’t we worry about the attack of the black shadow on the window first?]
[Dark shadow? ! ! ! !]

[Where is it? ? ?]
Fans were diverted by this barrage and turned their attention from Yue Xinran to the window behind her.
At this sight, they were immediately frightened and gasped.

Through the beam of white light coming from outside the door, the audience could see the black figure lying on the window. On the dark face, a pair of blood-red eyes and the fangs were extremely conspicuous.
He was wearing ragged clothes, and the messy cloth strips swayed slightly as he crawled. The strips of cloth Yue Xinran used to cover the curtains were his clothes, not the curtains.
Fans were so frightened by this scene that they screamed and kept typing the word "run" on the barrage. They did not realize that this was a live broadcast room, not a live scene, and it was useless to scream.
Yue Xinran focused all her attention on the gate, unaware of the danger above her head. As the black shadow continued to get closer, the fans in the live broadcast room were about to cry, and the barrage was all whimpering.
The crack in the door became wider and wider, and the light that came through became brighter and brighter. Yue Xinran's heart was in her throat for a second, and terrified whimpers began to escape from the corners of her lips.
She tightened her crouched body again, forcing herself not to look at the door, but instead to look at the wall beside her.

A thick green liquid dripped from the top of her head and fell directly on her white neck. Yue Xinran froze suddenly. The pungent rancid smell invaded her sense of smell, and her heart beat uncontrollably.
She shook her body and raised her head inexplicably. When she saw the other person's blood-colored pupils and the green liquid that continued to flow from the gaps between the white fangs, all her depression broke out at this moment.
"Ah... ghost!!!"
She screamed and ran out of her hiding spot and ran straight to the two NPCs at the door. Before the two NPCs could recover from the trapped situation, they were pushed to the ground by Yue Xinran and stepped on one. His foot was so painful that he grimaced.

"Fuck, what's going on?"
The NPC asked his companion in confusion. The companion who was stepped on his ankle hissed: "What the hell!"

The two of them looked at the room at the same time. There was nothing but old seats.
[Ahhhhhhh, fuck, that black shadow is so evil. If it was arranged by the show team, these NPCs wouldn’t know it]
[Yes, yes, it must be his true character, right?]

[Wooooooooooooooooooo [(wow)]
[Ah ah ah, brother in front, don’t scare me]
[This is for the sake of program effectiveness. True and false are the most likely to trigger discussions. You are still too young and can be easily tricked.]
[Look at how cowardly you all are. The program team loves to see you fooled. Be careful!]

[But it’s really scary]
[It’s you who are addicted to food. Don’t dare to watch and leave the show early, lest you be frightened into a black and white photo]
Gu Xiaoxiao watched Yue Xinran running past her. The pear blossoms in the rain were really distressing. She sighed softly, she was still too young, she needed to practice!
Seeing that both girls were found, the remaining men began to feel uneasy.
The house where Lin Yao was hiding didn't have much clutter, just a few sets of seats and a few cushions. You could see the interior clearly as soon as you entered.
In a hurry, he used the tables and chairs piled under the fan to completely lift himself onto the fan.
According to the inertia of the NPC's first looking straight up when entering the house, it can barely buy him some time. After they enter the house, they will take the opportunity to run out and rush out of the door. As long as they leave here, it will not be so easy to find him again.

His mistake was that he should have rushed away from the group of bluffing NPCs before the opponent counted, and ran directly outside.

Lin Yao's ideals were very full, but the reality given by the program crew was very skinny. As soon as he hung himself firmly on the fan, a strand of black hair hung down from the top of his head, rubbing his forehead in a seemingly non-existent way.
Lin Yao subconsciously freed up a hand to scratch, and the silky long hair instantly wrapped around his fingers, tightening them. The minute the hair broke the skin, the fine pain invaded his brain along the knuckles, activating The fear of being dominated by the long-haired ghost in the previous level.
Lin Yao seemed to have been cast a restraining spell, a thin layer of cold sweat began to creep down his back, and his stiff facial muscles trembled slightly.
But his imagination, which had always been dominated by fear, was extremely active, constantly thinking about the appearance of the thing above his head.
"Cough, cough!"
An unexpected cough sounded coldly in his ears, with a biting chill that stabbed the tip of his heart. Lin Yao's face turned pale for a second, and his body shivered uncontrollably.
"Cough, cough!!!!"
As the last cough that made the scalp numb fell, a head suddenly popped out from the white wall above the fan, with a white face lined with red lips, a smiling expression on his eyebrows, and a long neck stretched out toward him. Lin Yao came closer and slowly came face to face with him, eye to eye, nose to nose.
The sudden intimate posting scared the fans in the live broadcast room and screamed.
Lin Yao's eyes widened in fear, his white eyes instantly filled with frightened bloodshot eyes, and his teeth began to tremble.
"Hehehe~" Bai Lian looked at him with a smile, shy and timid.

Lin Yao was so afraid that he bit the inner wall of his mouth. The pain temporarily stifled his screams. He kept telling himself in his heart that it was all fake, fake! ! !
As if she had read his thoughts, Bai Lian grinned, sprayed countless hair strands from her mouth, tied him to the fan, then showed a sly look at Lin Yao, and flashed to the door in the blink of an eye.

Lin Yao looked at his limbs bound by her hair in horror, and then looked at where she was standing. He saw her slowly raising her hand to touch the fan switch on the wall, and was immediately frightened.
"Ah!!!! No... help, help!!!!"
Bai Lian was very satisfied with his performance. Without hesitation, she pressed the switch that had stopped working for a long time. Lin Yao began to rotate at high speed. He was dizzy and frightened, and he was stunned.
The white face raised her head and closed her eyes, greedily absorbing the rich fear and screams in the room. When the people outside the door heard the sound and rushed in, she immediately disappeared into the wall.
The two NPCs looked at Lin Yao, who was holding on to the fan with both hands but was stunned. Their eyes looked at each other with "Where did this idiot come from?"
After being stunned for a second, they managed to get the person down with all kinds of tricks.
"Hey, wake up!" The NPC put the person down on the ground and patted his face.
When Lin Yao woke up leisurely, he saw the ghost masks of two NPCs. He screamed and pushed them away, and ran out while shouting: "Ghost, ghost!!!!"
An NPC wondered: "What's going on with this guy?"
The other shrugged: "Scared himself, let's go, the mission will be over when we find people."

[Uuuuuuu that did not just happen, this level is too evil, the NPC looking for someone is obviously not the same group as the scary ones in the room.]
[It can be seen from the puzzled expression of the NPC that it is indeed not a colleague]
[Real ghost NPC and real person NPC, that would be so exciting]
[If you use such a scare method, will it cause death?]
[It’s not that exaggerated. You should have known the scale before participating in the show. They can only blame themselves for being cowardly when they are so scared that they screamed. Why can’t Gu Xiaoxiao be scared?]
[That is, if you are timid, you cannot blame the show team. This is the most conscientious haunted house variety show I have ever seen. It is really thrilling]
As Lin Yao was eliminated, Jin Sui'an glanced at the countdown on the wall. There were only two minutes left.
The past three minutes felt like an extremely long time to him. The result of being trapped in a urn was something he had not expected. At that time, he was just fleeing out of the instinct of survival. When he calmed down, he realized that he had been misled again, feeling frustrated and angry.
There is a place as big as a palm in front of you. No matter how hidden it is, you will always be found. Instead of waiting passively, it is better to fight to the death.
Now that the NPC has found three people, their vigilance will definitely be relaxed. He can rush out of the door without warning and stay away from this space. It will be difficult to find him again. As long as the remaining members persist until the countdown is over, they can pass this level.

After thinking through the plan, Jin Sui'an stuck his head out from under the desk and looked at the door. He pushed a chest there and blocked the door lock. It would take some time to open it.
He got out from under the desk and hid directly behind the door. He only waited for the NPC to come in to search for people, and then would quickly jump out.
When he huddled behind the door, the white face that had disappeared into the wall in the next room appeared again, looking unblinkingly at the prey who took the initiative to throw himself into her arms.
Liang Liang's weird laughter sounded in Jin Sui'an's ears.
Jin Sui'an's body froze suddenly.
He was busy thinking about how to escape through the door while the NPC was not prepared. As soon as he hid behind the door, he pressed his back against the wall to reduce his sense of presence. He was completely unaware of Bai Lian. The presence of her face made him shiver as he felt the coldness of the wall.
He was just about to put a little distance between himself and the wall when he heard the weird laughter.
It was obvious that he was no longer against the wall, but the biting chill was rising instead of falling.
At this moment, Jin Sui'an finally realized that something was wrong.
"Hehe, human bodies are so warm, come here and let me hug you!"
Jin Sui'an swallowed his saliva in horror, his body felt like falling into an ice cave, cold sweat slowly fell down from his forehead as his skin trembled, his heart seemed to be grasped by an invisible force, and he couldn't breathe.

Bai Lian slowly stretched out her upper body from the wall, stretched out her slender, boneless arms and slowly hugged Jin Sui'an's chest, leaned her face on his shoulder affectionately, and said softly: "Brother, you are so warm. Why don't I take you back, so that you can keep me warm every day?"
Jin Sui'an lowered his eyes and looked at the hands on his chest. Those weak, boneless arms wrapped around him like twists. Her pale skin was covered with red veins, and the veins beat as violently as his heart. .
He finally found the source of the chill that had been filling his body.

Jin Sui'an's language system was completely suppressed by fear. He opened his mouth, but could not utter a word. He kept shaking his lips, letting out all his fear.
Bai Lian raised her head and moved closer to his face.
The sudden appearance of her face made Jin Sui'an and the audience in the live broadcast room breathless.
On the thin face, the red veins underneath the skin can still be clearly reflected. The whole face only has a pair of dark, empty eye sockets and a mouth with beautiful lips.
At this time, the mouth pouted slightly and asked in a coquettish and angry tone: "Why don't you speak?"
The angry tone coupled with the eyeless eye sockets and the infinitely extendable neck instantly heightened Jin Sui'an's fear.
Seeing the black aura of fear emanating from his body, Bai Lian smiled sweetly, "Brother is afraid of me, right?"
Jin Sui'an stiffened and thought to himself, "Isn't this nonsense? I'm almost scared to death!"
Bai Lian smiled and said warmly: "My brother can see my appearance, but I can't see my brother's appearance. It's so unfair. Why don't you give me one of brother's eyes so that I can see my brother?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the fingers wrapped around Jin Sui'an's chest suddenly grew a section of sharp nails, extending towards his eyes bit by bit.
"Wu~wu~" The fear made him tremble, and he whimpered out: "No, don't!"
He struggled desperately, but his body was suppressed by invisible force. He could do nothing but watch his nails getting closer and closer to his eyes.
"No no no--"
The banging on the door became more and more intense, but Jin Sui'an felt that this was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard in his life. He hissed with all his strength: "Help, help!!!!"
The smile on the white face faded completely due to this cry for help, and she said in despair: "Brother, don't you want to be with me?"
Realizing that the power that restrained him had weakened a lot, Jin Sui'an became more courageous: "The devil wants to be with you, get out!"
These words completely angered Bai Lian. She changed from her previous weak demeanor. A pair of blood-red eyes emerged from her dark eyes. Her beautiful lips instantly turned into a bloody mouth. A long tongue stuck out from between the white fangs and curled up. Holding Jin Sui'an's neck, her strength slowly tightened.
"I will turn you into a ghost, so we can be together, hehe--"
"Ah!!!!" The sudden change caused Jin Sui'an to collapse completely. He screamed and struggled hard, making noise on the door panel.
The previous cry for help made the NPC outside the door notice something was wrong, and they couldn't help but speed up their movements. Now this heart-rending scream made them even more nervous.
After the two looked at each other, they exerted force and finally opened a gap through which they could pass sideways, and hurriedly entered the house one after the other.

Before Jin Sui'an's vision completely lost focus, he was thrown to the ground with a white face.
The scene the NPC saw when he entered the door was that he suddenly fell from behind the door and did not see the white face.
"Cough, cough, cough, cough -"
Jin Sui'an covered his neck and coughed until he was in a daze, and the NPC hurried up to ask.
He grabbed one of the NPCs and spoke with difficulty: "You, you are going too far! Even if you are scary, you can't be so cruel!"
The two NPCs looked at each other in confusion, and then said: "We haven't started to scare you yet."
With one word, Jin Sui'an was thrown into the ice cellar again, and a terrible guess came to his mind.
[Fuck, what are they talking about? There are two groups of NPCs, the ones in the room are real ghosts, and the pranks that happened to the guests are not like special effects at all]

[I also think it’s beyond the scope of special effects and too realistic]
[However, even if it is a real ghost, it did not kill the guests. I am afraid they are not a bunch of naughty ghosts]
[You're so naughty, if the NPC hadn't come in in time, Anzai might have died! ! ! ! Woohoo, it’s so scary]
[Let’s just say you fans are making such a fuss. Qi Yan was choked before, so it’s okay. They say it’s the show’s effect, so why can’t you just listen?]
[You are still too young, you need to practice!]
[By the way, now only Qi Yan is left, can he persist until the end?]
[It doesn’t matter if he can do it or not, our Master Xiao is stable anyway]

When Jin Sui'an was taken out by two NPCs, he seemed to have lost his soul, and the fear in his eyes still did not fade away.
Gu Xiaoxiao saw the bruises on his neck at a glance, and couldn't help but secretly cursed the program crew for being really cruel. From the looks of it, they were probably trying hard to make the program popular.
If this is the case, it will be impossible for anyone to give up their picks, because they have a hundred ways to make you angry.
Hey, that's it. Now that you've come, let's settle down and do whatever you have to do.
You Feng looked at the frightened players, and his heart was filled with joy. They should have gained a lot from this wave. Compared with the previous situation where their morale was greatly reduced by a certain woman, this level was not too easy for them.
When he catches that evil-doing woman in a while, he will definitely peel off her skin to serve as a warning to others!
Thinking of this, You Feng turned to Gu Xiaoxiao behind him and said, "Follow closely."
Gu Xiaoxiao nodded obediently, still holding the hem of his clothes.
[Hahahaha, Gu Xiaoxiao’s disguise is really amazing. This big boss seems to respect her very much. He takes her with him wherever he goes.]
[How proud I am now, how crazy I will be the next, I’m so looking forward to it]
[Master Xiao’s eccentric wit is so hard to fall in love with.]

The house where Qi Yan was hiding was full of debris. Tables, chairs, cupboards, and discarded sports equipment were all piled up in disorder in the house.
He chose the most inconspicuous corner to hide, so that he could not only see the movement of the door, but also wait for opportunities to change his hiding position.

All he has to do is hide it and not be exposed before the countdown ends.
But as one companion after another was eliminated, Qi Yan's mood became heavier and heavier. From the corner of his eye, he saw the countdown with only three minutes left, and his vigilance was also raised.
While the countdown limits the survival rate of the guests, it also accelerates the NPC's search rhythm. The less time there is, the more intense the competition between the two sides will be.
Thinking that only Gu Xiaoxiao and him were left, Qi Yan felt a surge of fighting spirit in his heart. This level was so simple, he must not lose to Gu Xiaoxiao again.
Thinking of this, he looked around again to make sure that he could still have enough hidden movement to deal with the NPC before he entered the house. As long as he survived for three minutes, he would win.
The door was easily opened by the NPC. Qi Yan looked around and found, as he expected, only one NPC.
When he hid in, he also thought about blocking the door, but quickly gave up, because when you increase the obstacles to opening the door, it will also increase the chance of NPCs traveling together, which is not conducive to escape.

Facts have proved that Qi Yan's idea was right. Because there was little resistance when opening the door, one of the NPCs he was accompanying immediately went to another place and did not follow.

After the NPC entered the house, he looked around with a flashlight. When he saw the debris on the floor and walls, he frowned. The workload seemed a bit heavy. If he had known better, he would not have let his companion leave.
He couldn't help but clicked his tongue, and reluctantly searched for the nook and corner where someone could hide.
Qi Yan breathed a sigh of relief at the NPC's tut. Taking advantage of the opponent's back to him to rummage around, he slowly raised a fallen desk board in front of him and moved from behind him along the wall. On the left rear, the target is pointed directly at the door.
His plan was the same as the other two men's, they wanted to run straight out the door and leave this space.
What he has to do now is to wait for the NPC to search right in front of the gate, completely open the straight line distance between the NPC and the gate, and leave enough room for escape. Even if the other party reacts, it will be impossible to catch him. Increases chance of escape.
When Qi Yan moved to the left and rear of him, the NPC stopped searching the area, walked a few steps to the right, and began to squat down to check.
The light of the flashlight carefully scanned the empty space under the table. Except for the messy table legs, there was not even a single figure.

The NPC began to change his strategy. He would first use a flashlight to scan the places he thought he could hide in, and then search carefully after seeing the strange places. This would save a lot of labor.

After making up his mind, he stood in the center of the room and used a flashlight to scan the entire room, from the roof to the windows, then to the four corners, and finally to the direction where Qi Yan was at the moment.
When the light was about to sweep across Qi Yan, he quickly raised the table to cover his body, but he heard the NPC curse in horror, followed by rapid steps back and the shaking light.
The audience in the live broadcast room were also frightened by the fleeting white shadow above Qi Yan. When the NPC boldly raised the flashlight again, a dusty rag hung on the old locker.
The NPC breathed out a sigh of relief and turned the light back to the corner where Qi Yan had been hiding. Most of the debris there were large objects, making it easy to hide.
After the light of the flashlight was transferred, the rag strips that were supposed to be motionless began to squirm strangely. The audience in the live broadcast room clearly saw this change through the night vision lens.
But Qi Yan, who was hiding under the cloth, was completely unaware.
He was carefully sticking his head out from behind the table to observe the movements of the NPC, and the skeleton that had transformed from rags to humanoid shape was crawling towards him while standing upside down...
The rag turned into a skinny body, with a black heart hanging on the chest. Through the dry skin as thin as cicada wings, it was beating one by one, and the sound of thumping suddenly rang in the ears of the audience and Qi Yan. 
It was dull, as if it was tapping on the socket of one's ear.

The audience wearing headphones were so frightened that they threw away their headphones, while Qi Yan froze in place, his attention quickly drawn to the sound source above his head.
The familiar sound of skeletal movement instantly awakened Qi Yan's memories of previous levels, and the fear that had been forcibly suppressed by reason began to spread, getting wider and faster.
He bit the tip of his tongue and used the severe pain to regain his slowly passing sense.
Gu Xiaoxiao's casual voice sounded in his mind for no reason: "She is just an actress, don't be fooled."
That's right, it's all staged, there's nothing to be afraid of, it's just a game, if you take it seriously you'll lose!
After making up his mind, Qi Yan tightened his sweaty palms and mustered up the courage to slowly raise his head.

Fear can only be overcome by facing it head on.
As he raised his head, the skeleton suddenly disappeared into the wall.
Qi Yan looked at the empty cabinet top and the walls with nothing out of the ordinary, and was obviously relieved. Thinking that this might be a trick deliberately created by the sound effects engineer to increase the atmosphere, he couldn't help but cursed secretly in his heart.
He pursed his lips and exhaled a deep breath. Just as he was about to move to the door as planned, a thumping sound suddenly sounded behind him. He could even feel the walls vibrating together with his heart rate, knocking on his chest one by one.
He froze in place again, his face pale.
"Huh~" The skeleton poked out half of its head from the side of his face and blew a breath into his ear.
The biting cold instantly aroused goosebumps all over Qi Yan's body, followed by a tightening force that tightly strangled his chest.
He lowered his eyes in fear and looked at the skeletal arm that suddenly appeared at his heart. He drew a circle on his chest with his sharp fingertips, stopped, tapped in the center, and then slowly pricked with his fingertips. After breaking that bit of skin, the blood stains instantly stained Qi Yan's white shirt a small patch of blood red. The smell of blood and pain suddenly swept away all his sanity.
Qi Yan was so frightened by this move that he trembled all over, his teeth trembled slightly, and cold sweat slid down his full forehead to the straight bridge of his nose, passing through his perfect jawline and sinking into his collar.
The skeleton slowly stretched its entire body out of the wall and passed directly through Qi Yan's body to face him.
Under Qi Yan's horrified gaze, it tore the flesh outside the chest bit by bit with its fingertips, pulled out the heart, held it in front of Qi Yan's eyes, raised its chin to indicate the location of Qi Yan's heart, which meant that it wanted to follow Qi Yan's heart and exchange it.

Qi Yan was immediately frightened by the idea of it. The moment his skin was scratched by the opponent, he was already frightened out of his wits. When he felt some kind of force passing through his body, his remaining sanity completely collapsed, he didn’t scream entirely because he was so frightened that he lost his voice.
This situation and scene were no longer what the actors and scenes could produce. He was convinced that he had encountered a supernatural event.
The skeleton held his still-beating heart close to him and lifted it up, as if to urge him.
Qi Yan kept leaning back, wishing he could embed his body into the wall to express his resistance.
His body was restrained by an invisible force and he could not move at all. He could only look in the direction of the NPC through his red eyes, hoping that the NPC would turn around.

"Uh~uh~" His throat seemed to be blocked by cotton and he couldn't make any sound. Qi Yan felt like he was trapped in a horrible nightmare, unable to move or scream.

At this moment, his fear reached its peak.
