FVB - 071

Chapter 71 Is Li Beixiao a descendant of the Meng family?

"Damn it, you little brat talks so arrogantly!"

Meng Shen rolled up his sleeves and walked in, taking off his sunglasses, revealing an overly handsome face.
Jiang Jin glanced at this man.
During this time, she often visited the set and listened to Director Zhao talking about things in the entertainment industry. She also gained a basic understanding of some king-like figures in the entertainment industry.
If she remembered correctly, this person should be Meng Shen, the singing king who became popular in Asia thirty years ago.
Pop music is a cycle, and no pop singer can be popular for more than ten years, but Meng Shen was an accident.
His songs have been sung for more than thirty years and still top the charts of major music charts.
Recently, he seems to be planning to enter the entertainment industry.
With his status, the first movie he made must be with the most popular person in the industry.
And Li Nanque is the rising star with the most popularity, the largest traffic, and the most eye-catching acting skills in the entertainment industry in recent years.
So they collaborated.

Jiang Jin had naturally heard of this Master Meng.

She slightly curved her lips and showed a smile: "Since Mr. Meng insists on being my son's little brother, then I have no choice but to be Mr. Meng's aunt. Can you please call me aunt?"
Li Nanque: "..."
This woman is really going to heaven!
The devil Meng Shen is worse than his temper. If this woman dares to offend Meng Shen, she will die!
He sneered and stood watching the show.
Meng Shen glared at her: "Smelly girl, you actually took advantage of me. Do you know who I am?"
Jiang Jin spread her hands: "I really don't know."
There are still people in this world who don’t know him. What kind of bumpkin is this from the corner?
Meng Shen was about to introduce himself, but suddenly felt that it was not good to brag. He snapped his fingers and said to the assistant who walked in: "Teach this stinky girl who I am."
"Meng Shen, music composer, Asian male singer..." the assistant said very seriously, "The first album was released thirty-two years ago, and the sales volume has not been broken yet... Mr. Meng has been in the industry for many years and has won all the music awards. Now he is known as the King of Asian Singers."
Meng Shen sneered: "Do you know who I am now?"
"Oh, it turns out you are the old singer who just celebrated his fiftieth birthday."
Jiang Jin's words made Meng Shen's face darken.
He has outstanding abilities since he was a child. He can get whatever he wants and change whatever he wants. The only thing about his age is that he has nothing to do.
He can only make himself look younger.
Everyone said that he looked no older than thirty, and that he was a popular youngster.
"Stinky girl, be careful what you say!"

Meng Shen raised his hand and waved, with a threatening look on his face.
Before Jiang Jin could say anything, Li Beixiao jumped out and stood in front of Jiang Jin: "Don't bully my mother."
Meng Shen was stunned.
Why does this little kid look familiar?
Meng Shen's assistant couldn't move his eyes away from Li Beixiao. After a long time, he got close to Meng Shen's ear and whispered: "Mr. Meng, this child's facial features are exactly the same as when you were a child!"
Some time ago, some fans dug out photos of Meng Shen from his childhood. He was handsome, and it was on several hot searches.
The child in front of me looked exactly like the one in the photo.
The assistant was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.
This looks so similar, why does it feel like an illegitimate child... But he also knows very well that Mr. Meng has lived like a monk in recent years, and it is impossible to have such an old son...
But they look so much alike...
The assistant looked at him suspiciously several times.

This look in Jiang Jin's eyes showed ill intentions.
She took Li Beixiao in her hand, and then Li Xichen, and said with a soft smile: "Let's go, mom will take you to eat ice cream."
The mother and sons opened the door and walked out of the lounge.
Meng Shen gritted his teeth and said: "Xiaoque, how do you know this kind of person? That stinky girl doesn't respect me as a senior at all. She even calls me an old singer. Am I old? Where am I old?"
Li Nanque glanced at him: "You have at least two wrinkles at the end of your eyes. You are indeed a bit old. I think it would be more appropriate for me to call you Uncle Meng."
"You bastard, shut up!"

Meng Shen slapped him on the back of the head.

Indeed, many of his classmates who were studying at that time had already raised grandchildren when they were fifty years old.

But he was single and unmarried, and he didn't even have a son. How could he allow someone to call him grandpa?
Fans call him Master Meng, which is an honorific title.
Adding one more word "ye" would be humiliating.

Li Nanque took a step back coldly: "Will you try hitting me again?"
"Just try it, what's wrong?"
Meng Shen knocked on his forehead, very arrogantly.
Li Nanque gritted his teeth: "Then there is no need to continue our cooperation."
He turned around and walked out.
"Hey, you kid, why do you always fall out? I'm just kidding." Meng Shen chased after him, "Children today don't have martial ethics at all, and lose their temper easily. I think back then..."
Seeing the two people leaving the lounge one after another, Jiang Jin sneered.
Li Nanque's temper was already very bad, but under the influence of this Meng Shen, he was probably going to have a bad temper.
It's really difficult to pull this guy Li Nanque back from the yaw course...
"Second brother actually has no bad intentions." Li Beixiao said in a soft voice, "He just uses this appearance to disguise himself..."
"Okay, okay, let's not talk about him anymore, let's go play."
Jiang Jin bought an ice cream for each of the two little guys and took them to the amusement park.
The fan meeting was being held at this time, all the rides were empty, and there was no need to queue for anything.
The mother and sons played all the fun activities.
Li Nanque was sitting on a chair on a high platform in the center of the square. His eyes passed through the layers of people and landed on three figures a few hundred meters away.
Growing up, no one had ever taken him to a place like this.

At his age, he should have lost interest in amusement parks. Why did he develop a desire?
He actually hoped that the person being led was him.
"Hey, let me ask you again, who are that woman and that little brat?"
Meng Shen leaned over, looking like he was breaking the pot and asking the question.
Li Nanque lowered his head and signed the postcard: "Who are they and do they have anything to do with you?"
Meng Shen touched his nose.

Of course it doesn't matter...
However, that little kid looked so much like him when he was a child, and he always had an ominous premonition in his heart.
And that stinky girl!
This was the first time that someone had ridiculed his age so mercilessly.

Meng Shen glanced at the assistant behind him.

What this look meant was very clear to Meng Shen's assistant, who had been with him for more than 20 years, and he immediately nodded in agreement...
