FVB - 070

Chapter 70: Sticky and inseparable

Jiang Jin was forcibly dragged into the lounge by Li Nanque.
"You bastard, can you show some respect to your mother and let go!"
She shook off Li Nanque's hand and stood in front of the glass window to tidy up her messy clothes and hair.
Li Nanque looked at her with deep eyes: "Why did you pour milk tea on those girls?"
"Just because they made me unhappy, why, you want to protect your fans?"
Jiang Jin looked at him coldly.
Li Nanque's voice was cold: "They are not my fans."
Jiang Jin chuckled: "I can't tell that you actually have a pair of fiery eyes. You can tell the difference."
The arc of Li Nanque's jaw tightened.
In this circle for so many years, he can tell who likes him and who doesn't like him by looking at their eyes.
But at this moment, he couldn't understand the look in the woman's eyes.
In the depths of those eyes, there was no trace of hatred or boredom...
"Why did you come to my fan meeting?"
Li Nanque sat down on the sofa and asked coldly, his voice extremely cold.
Jiang Jin dusted off the dust on her arms and said angrily: "After being an idol for a long time, you have developed narcissism. I brought Xiaoxi and Xiaobei to the amusement park today. Who wants to attend your fan meeting? Yes, it’s really funny.”
As soon as she finished speaking, she was startled.
How could she forget about those two lousy kids while she was avoiding fans?
She stood in front of the window of the lounge, opened the curtains a crack and looked outside, searching for the two little guys in the crowd.
The two children were twins, cold and cool, and she quickly found them.

Li Xichen and Li Beixiao stood in front of the carousel facility, looking left and right, probably looking for her.
She took out her cell phone and was about to make a call when she saw two little guys taking off their short legs and walking quickly in one direction.
Sitting on the bench over there were three little girls, the same people who had just had a conflict with her.
Li Xichen was seen standing ten meters away. He raised his foot and kicked the can that someone threw on the ground by the roadside.
The girl in the middle was holding a bowl of steaming noodles, but the can was kicked over.
Suddenly, the clothes of the three girls were all stained. The milk tea condensed on their hair and the oil stains on their clothes made several girls particularly embarrassed and angry...

Li Beixiao ran over quickly, his dark eyes wide open, as if he was admitting his mistake.

He was cute, and if he showed off his cuteness casually, the three girls let him go...
One is being mean and the other is apologizing.
You can take it out without having to bear any consequences.
These two guys work together flawlessly.
This scene fell into Jiang Jin's eyes, making her emotions a little complicated.
She really didn't expect that these two little things would take the initiative to find trouble with those girls, obviously to help her vent her anger.
"Wei Liu, bring them here."
Li Nanque gave instructions quietly.
Wei Liu put on his peaked cap and quietly went to the amusement park to bring the two little guys in.
The two children pushed the door open and looked at Jiang Jin with both eyes.
"You're not hurt, are you?"

"Are you OK?"
Two voices sounded at the same time.

Jiang Jin walked over, knelt down, and said happily: "A group of half-grown children can't do anything to me."
The three people talked as if no one was around, and Li Nanque felt like he had become air.
During the last meal, he had warned these two younger brothers to be wary of this woman.
It's only been a few days, why are they still sticky and inseparable?
This woman's methods are getting more and more powerful.
"Cough cough!"
Li Nanque coughed twice coldly.
Li Beixiao raised his eyebrows and looked over: "Second brother, if you are sick, please don't hold a fan meeting."
They had just arrived at the amusement park and before they started playing, the fan meeting ruined their original plans.
Li Nanque read a hint of disgust in his eyes, and he was so angry that he almost had a heart attack.

He said coldly: "If you don't want to be beaten up as a black fan, just wait until the fan meeting is over before leaving."
Jiang Jin had really seen the fighting power of that group of fans and didn't dare to try it a second time.
She pulled Li Xichen and Li Beixiao to sit down on the sofa, tapped her white fingers on the table, and said quietly: "Prepare something to eat, I'm hungry."
Li Nanque's face turned dark.
This woman really takes herself seriously.
Wei Liu knew that their master Que was impatient to deal with this Ms. Jiang, so he walked over and said: "We have already ordered, Ms. Jiang, wait a moment."
Jiang Jin leaned on the sofa and asked impatiently: "How long until the fan meeting ends?"
"This hasn't even started yet." Wei Liu said in a businesslike manner, "It starts at eleven o'clock on time, there are still ten minutes left."
Jiang Jin looked out the window and saw that there were more and more people in the square.
Countless fans held light signs in their hands and shouted their idol's name over and over again.
She glanced at Li Nanque who was sitting next to her. This boy's appearance combined all the advantages of Li Yunting and hers. He was cold and domineering, but also added a bit of elegance and elegance. Such an appearance was extremely rare in the entertainment industry. No wonder he climbed to the top as soon as he debuted and became a top-notch little prince.
"Why are you staring at me?" Li Nanque said coldly, "Be careful of sores on your eyes."
Jiang Jin: "..."

He's biological!

She recited it silently in her mind twice before she could barely accept that this was her son.

She said coldly: "The sores in your eyes are caused by looking at unclean things, so you are dirty?"
Li Nanque stood up suddenly.
There was an icy edge in those narrow phoenix eyes.
He raised his finger and said with a fierce look on his face: "What the hell are you going to say again?"
"Disrespecting elders, speaking dirty words, Li Nanque, is this your tutor?"
Jiang Jin sneered, "You'd better not reveal your surname Li for the rest of your life, or you will embarrass the old man."
Li Nanque gritted his teeth.
He didn't respect her, not because she insulted and beat him at every turn. How could he resist when he was young four or five years ago, except to make amends with his words?
Now he is nine years old and has made his own achievements.
He didn't need to look at this woman's face at all.
Before the word "Go" could be spoken, the door to the lounge was pushed open.
"Xiaoque, the fan meeting has started, why are you still here?"
A man wearing sunglasses opened the door and walked inside.
Before he took a few steps, he stepped back abruptly, "Damn it, why are there so many little brats here?"
Li Nanque loosened his clenched fists and said, "Mr. Meng, I'm going to be late for the meeting. Please help me go up there."
"You brat, I've told you a hundred times, don't call me mister, you'll call me old!" The man snorted coldly, "Isn't it popular in the entertainment industry to call me "little brother" now? Come on, call me "little brother"?"

"Is it shameful for someone to call you brother when I'm old?"

Li Xichen, who was standing next to him, crossed his arms over his chest and said with a smile.
