FVB - 069

Chapter 69 What qualifications does he have to be an idol?

Jiang Jin walked towards Li Xichen and Li Beixiao with two tickets.
"It just so happens that there's no one around right now, so hurry up and ride the carousel. I'll take pictures of you right here."
Since the two little guys were born, no one has ever taken them to a place like this.
They walked in under the guidance of the staff, and each of them chose a horse and sat on it.
"Look at me and smile."
Jiang Jin took a dozen photos in succession with her cell phone.
The two little guys twitched their lips symbolically, with a cold look, which was really incompatible with the colorful carousel.
Jiang Jin raised her phone and planned to take a few more pictures.
She was going to post photos on her WeChat Moments, so she naturally wanted to take better-looking photos.
At this moment, the voices of several little girls talking came from behind her—
"Why are you so arrogant? You just got lucky and became the best actor. Do you really think you are so great?"
"I heard that his father was a vegetable and his mother had an affair with a wild man, so whenever a reporter mentioned his family, he would suddenly get angry and hit people."

"What qualifications does a violent person like him have to be an idol?"
"Without our fans who like him and praise him, how could he be so popular? Today is the fan meeting, and he refused to give autographs to fans, exposing him!"
"It's really disgusting that people like him don't take their fans seriously once they become famous."
Three or four little girls of thirteen or fourteen years old gathered together, their fingers pressing quickly on the keyboard of their mobile phones.
A cup of milk tea fell from the sky, and coffee-colored liquid dripped from the ends of their hair, making them extremely embarrassed.
The little girls raised their heads and saw an adult woman with her hands folded across her chest, looking at them with a look of shock and coldness.
"Is it disgusting?" Jiang Jin raised her lips and said word by word, "Who is more disgusting with the dirty milk tea?"
"You! You actually poured milk tea on us?"
"You, an adult, actually bullied us children. Do you think we are easy to bully?"
"Woah! Someone is making trouble and bullying us!"
Three or four little girls suddenly burst into tears.

Today is Que Ye's fan meeting, and the venue is full of fans. When they heard the commotion here, many people gathered around.
The little girls cried and complained.

"We are fans of Master Que. We have liked him since he debuted. This person is a negative fan of Master Que. She didn't want anyone to like Master Que, so she deliberately poured milk tea on us!"
"At the live fan meeting, some anti-fans sneaked in. Can Mr. Que's fans unite and drive the anti-fans out!"
"The opponent sends anti-fans, this kind of thing must not be tolerated!"
"Get her out! Get her out!"

Hundreds of fans were stirred up and approached Jiang Jin.

Jiang Jin almost spit out blood.
The ability of these underage girls to confuse right and wrong really amazed her.
Today, she fell into the hands of a few little girls!
The scene was filled with people, and countless people were clamoring for the anti-fans to get out. No matter what she said, it was useless.
Jiang Jin turned around and wanted to leave.
But more fans gathered behind her, forcing her to be in a dilemma.
She looked through the crowd and saw Li Xichen and Li Beixiao still sitting on the carousel.
The two children looked anxious and seemed to want to jump off the rotating merry-go-round. This was really too dangerous!
Jiang Jin quickly made a prohibitive gesture.
At this time, an emotional female fan grabbed Jiang Jin's arm: "You are a black fan, you are the one who attacks our master Que every day on the Internet, right? What qualifications does a person like you have to appear here? Get out, get out!"

More fans crowded over and pulled Jiang Jin's arm roughly and forcefully.
They are all half-grown children. Jiang Jin can't even break free even if she wants to violently...
What's more important is that these children all like Li Nanque, and she doesn't want to hurt the fans who really like that kid...
In the midst of the boiling, a very penetrating voice suddenly came -
"Let her go."
The crowd was furious just now, but at this moment, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.
All the fans present turned their heads in disbelief and looked at the little boy standing outside the crowd.

During every fan meeting, the boy sat high on the stage. There was a human wall between the fans and the boy. They were always at least two meters away from their favorite idol.
This is the first time, now they see Mr. Que up close.
His colorful highlighted hair shimmered brightly in the sun.
The scene was quiet for only 0.01 seconds, and then burst into excited and crazy screams.
"Ahh! I'm going crazy. Mr. Que is less than half a meter away from me!"
"Oh my God, Master Que is so handsome. He is so handsome and cool at only nine years old. I'm going to faint!"
"Master Que! Master Que!"
The fans uniformly shouted the name that made them excited.
Li Nanque raised his hand and pressed his slender index finger on his thin pale pink lips.

He made a gentle gesture.
The scene fell silent again.
His eyes passed through the crowd and landed on Jiang Jin.
Jiang Jin was stunned.

This is the first time she has been among fans, and the first time she has felt the emotional pull between fans and idols.
A nine-year-old boy, no matter what he does, can make hundreds or even thousands of people scream at the same time. What kind of power is this...
He didn't take another step, but said coldly: "Come here."
The fans followed his gaze, and hundreds of eyes looked at Jiang Jin.
Everyone was shocked.
Could it be that Mr. Que is going to deal with the black fan himself?
This is quite a show!
Fans automatically gave way.
Jiang Jin touched her nose and walked over reluctantly.

This brat spoke in a commanding tone to his own mother, which really didn't deserve a beating.
But he was able to help her out, so she didn't care about this little thing.

Jiang Jin walked towards Li Nanque.
Li Nanque pursed his lips, pulled up her knitted sweater that had been torn off in disgust, and said coldly: "Follow me."
There were fans everywhere here, and he couldn't trust this woman to be left alone outside.
Jiang Jin didn't want to be alone with him at all.
She was afraid that she would be ripped apart by these fans.
She took a step and walked in the opposite direction.
But Li Nanque held her arm coldly: "Don't wander around, follow me over there."
He forcibly dragged her to the backstage seating area of ​​the fan meeting.

All the fans were petrified for a second, and then burst into shocking cries.
"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Master Que, she is a black fan, how can you touch a black fan?"
"Master Que, please don't leave and let me take another look!"

"Ah, ah, I am satisfied to be able to see Master Que so close in this life."

"Why can anti-fans enter the lounge with Mr. Que, but we die-hard fans are left outside?"
"Is it true that only by becoming a black fan can I attract Mr. Que's attention..."
