FVB - 068

Chapter 68 Everyone is inferior to her

The master bedroom was only lit by a dim night light.
Jiang Jin went to the bathroom to get a basin of warm water, brought it out, and wiped Li Yunting's whole body with a wet towel.
She had scrubbed him twice before, so she had some experience. This time she was not so fussy and wiped him from head to toe quickly... When wiping a certain part, she still didn't dare to open her eyes...
By the time she finished all this, it was already eleven o'clock in the night.
Jiang Jin placed a quilt in the middle of the big bed, then lay down on the corner of the bed, closed her eyes and started to sleep.
She always fell asleep as soon as she hit the bed, and she didn't feel sleepy at all.
Sometimes she lied on her left side, sometimes on her right side. She felt uncomfortable no matter how she lied down, and she can't sleep...
She tossed back and forth on the bed just a short distance away, causing Li Yunting's sleepiness to disappear without a trace.
His eyes slowly opened and looked at the woman's profile.
The moonlight came in from the window, and the cool moonlight fell on her face, making her skin look like snow.

She closed her eyes, looking a little more demure than during the day.

Li Yunting looked at her calmly.
Ten years ago, he was Young Master Li who was admired by everyone in Yuncheng. With his status, he was very beautiful.
He has seen many beauties, but he feels that none of them are like her at this moment.
Perhaps the moonlight was so hazy and beautiful that it added a bit of color to her...
While he was watching intently, the woman beside him suddenly turned over, with most of her body pressed on the quilt in the middle, but her hands and feet crossed the line and rested on his body.
He immediately closed his eyes.
After his heart calmed down, he heard Jiang Jin's even breathing.
She fell asleep.
Li Yunting raised his hand and threw away the quilt in the middle.
His strong arms stretched out from under the pillow and gently pulled the woman into his arms.
Jiang Jin instinctively leaned towards a warmer place, found a comfortable position in the man's arms, and fell into a deeper sleep.
Li Yunting's lips touched her face lightly, but he couldn't help but want to ask for more...
The night light is as cool as water.
The night passed quietly.

Jiang Jin stretched herself out and was about to sit up when she suddenly felt something was wrong.
She actually... slept on Li Yunting's body like an octopus... And the quilt in the middle, which served as the Chu-He-Han realm, fell to the ground for some reason...
Jiang Jin moved very gently, pulling back her hands and feet, and got out of bed with a guilty conscience.
She bent down, picked up the quilt on the floor, and ran back to her room quickly...

When she was washing her face in the mirror, she was suddenly stunned.
Why do the red marks on her neck look so much like hickeys?!
It was obviously not there when she took a shower and applied the mask last night. How come it was there after sleeping all night?

Could it be that the dead man wearing the mask is here again?
No no no, impossible!
She and Li Yunting slept together. No matter how audacious Mr. Li was, he couldn't do such a thing in front of her husband...
It can only be... bitten by a mosquito, or allergies!
Jiang Jin put on a thick layer of foundation and wore a shirt, which barely covered the marks on her neck.
She opened the door and walked downstairs. Normally, the two children would sit downstairs and have breakfast, but today the restaurant was empty.
She walked to the next room and knocked on the door: "Hey, get up, you're going to be late for school!"
Li Xichen's displeased voice came from the room: "It's Saturday, I don't have to go to school, I'll sleep in."
Jiang Jin took a look at the calendar on her phone and saw that it was indeed Saturday. Time flew by so fast.
She went downstairs, sat on the sofa, and called Mr. Li.

"There have been robbers near the villa recently. I feel very unsafe. Dad, can you arrange for a bodyguard to come over? I don't have anything to do. The main reason is that the two children are still young and I'm afraid they will be frightened..."
"Then I will arrange for Ye Tang to go over and protect you. His father is a soldier, and he has also learned good kung fu from him. With him here, no one will dare to break into the villa. Before tonight, I will ask him to report to you. "
With the old man's words, Jiang Jin finally felt at ease.
There are bodyguards stationed at the villa, so Mr. Li should not dare to break in without permission again.
After she finished her breakfast leisurely, the two children walked out of the room in their pajamas.
Jiang Jin asked casually: "Do you have any cram schools, interest classes or the like on weekends?"
Li Xichen pulled out the chair and sat across from her: "You have canceled the Mathematical Olympiad class, what other interest classes are there?"
Jiang Jin hummed softly: "Didn't I think you are bad students, so you canceled it? If you really like taking the Mathematical Olympiad class, I will take you two to sign up again."
"It's better not to use it." Li Beixiao took a bite of bread, "Learning the Mathematical Olympiad is just to participate in the arcane competition. I have no interest in that certificate."
Jiang Jin was speechless.
If these two boys are willing to use their intelligence and energy in their studies, there is no need to worry about not being admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University.

She held her chin and said: "Then why don't I take you to the amusement park to play? You have grown so big that you haven't been to the amusement park yet, right?"
Li Xichen said disdainfully: "I'm not interested in places where three or four-year-old children go."
"That's great." Jiang Jin smiled, "I was so tired when I thought of taking two children out alone. Now I only have to take Xiaobei with me. How relaxing it is. Xiaobei, go upstairs and change clothes. Let’s go to the amusement park as soon as possible. We can go there early and play many activities without queuing up..."
Li Beixiao stuffed the last bite of bread into his mouth and stood up immediately: "Give me five minutes."
He turned around and ran upstairs.
Li Xichen: "..."
Xiaobei is no longer the younger brother who silently supports all his decisions.
Jiang Jin looked at him with a smile: "Xiao Xi, since you have nothing to do today, wash the breakfast bowls and plates later, and clean the living room..."
"Who said I'm fine?" Li Xichen said coldly, "I want to protect Xiaobei from you bullying him."

He threw these words away confidently, turned around and went upstairs to change clothes.
Jiang Jin couldn't help laughing.
This brat's duplicity is so funny.
At 10:30 in the morning, the mother and sons went out to the amusement park.
This is the largest playground in Yuncheng. It is crowded with people every weekend, mostly parents with their children. It is very lively.
And today, it seems more lively than usual.
Many people rushed towards the square of the amusement park.
"Oh my gosh, we're so lucky!"
"If you choose any weekend to go out, you can actually meet Mr. Que for a fan meeting!"
"Master Que is my daughter's idol. I'm going to ask for an autograph and photo for my daughter..."
Some parents who were not star-struck, dragged their families and crowded towards the square.
Jiang Jin had just queued up to buy tickets for the carousel when she heard the excited screams of the crowd.

She couldn't help but twitch her lips.

We can all encounter this, what kind of evil fate between mother and son is this...

However, she had no intention of meeting the boy.
