FVB - 067

Chapter 67 She wants to sleep with Li Yunting

Li Beixiao's calm eyes were full of coldness.
Aunt Mu has been to the Li family several times. Every time she comes, she brings them gifts and cooks delicious food for them.
Before that, he liked Aunt Mu.
But tonight, Aunt Mu's words made all the good feelings in his heart disappear.
"Aunt Mu, you were not qualified to marry our dad ten years ago, and you will still be unqualified ten years later."
Li Xichen crossed his hands across his chest and said the most heart-wrenching words in the most careless tone.
Mu Yingxuan's face was so pale that it was almost transparent under the moonlight.
She always thought that she had captured the hearts of these two children.
But now she realizes that these two children have never really stood by her side...

"Xiaoxi, Xiaobei, let's go home."
Jiang Jin held a child in one hand and happily got into the car. She started the engine and pushed Mu Yingxuan's figure farther and farther away.
Just thinking of Mu Yingxuan's pale face made Jiang Jin feel very happy.
She held the steering wheel and deliberately reprimanded: "Aunt Mu is very kind to you, and even makes delicious ice cream for you with her own hands. What you just said to her is really too much."
Li Xichen glanced at her: "Why do I feel like you are a little gloating about her misfortune?"
"Hahaha, did you hear it so easily?" Jiang Jin raised the corner of her mouth, "You did well today, and you will be rewarded with an hour of playing games when you get home."
Li Beixiao lowered his eyelids silently.
He would never tell her that every day after she went to bed, he and his third brother would turn on the computer and secretly play at least three games...
The car arrived home soon.
Li Xichen and Li Beixiao consciously went to the study room to do their homework.
Jiang Jin was about to wash up when she received a call from Zhang Ma.
"Young Madam, something suddenly happened in my hometown and I need to handle it personally. I may not be able to return to Yuncheng for a week. About Sir, I may have to leave the daily water, medicine and washing to you..."
Jiang Jin was shocked: "This, this is too sudden. Can you find someone to take over temporarily for a week?"
It's okay if she feeds Li Yunting water once in a while, but if she feeds Li Yunting four or five times a day, it will kill her...
Because every time she gives water and medicine, she has to go mouth to mouth, and then her heart will beat uncontrollably...

With such a high heart rate every day, she would have a heart attack sooner or later.

"As long as the young lady can find someone to replace, there will be no problem... Tonight we need to give him medicine and water, and remember to scrub his whole body..."

Zhang Ma warned her carefully on the other end of the phone, and Jiang Jin only felt her scalp go numb.
It was getting late, and it was obviously unrealistic to find someone to take care of him, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet.
Jiang Jin went downstairs, prepared a bowl of medicine, brought it up, and gently opened the door of the master bedroom.
Under the dim nightlight, the man closed his eyes tightly, and the light cast a layer of soft light on his handsome face.
The pale color on his face became less and less, and his thin lips became blood-colored, making the outline of his face look more tough and smooth.
Jiang Jin walked lightly to the bed.
She smelled coffee on the tip of her nose.
She followed the smell and smelled it. The smell of coffee seemed to come from the man's collar.
How could he smell like coffee when he was in a vegetative state?
And why is there a bloodstain on his chin? Where did it come from? Mosquito bites don’t leave such long marks...
Jiang Jin couldn't figure it out, so she didn't think any more. She habitually took a sip of the medicine first, and then fed it to Li Yunting mouth to mouth.
Her lips were soft, with a woman's unique fragrance. As soon as he touched her crimson lips, Li Yunting's whole body tensed up.
Last night, he couldn't resist the temptation and sneaked into her room secretly.
He kissed from her lips to her neck, every part of her body fascinated him...
This time, it was this woman who took the initiative to kiss him.

The heat in his lower abdomen rose again.
Li Yunting had the urge to press her down.
He tried his best to restrain himself.
But Jiang Jin finished feeding him one mouthful and took another…
Lips and tongues intertwined.
Desire arises.
Li Yunting opened his lips and bit her restless tongue.
Jiang Jin gasped in pain.
Isn't this man in a vegetative state? Why is he still biting?
She gave him medicine with good intentions, but he did this to her!
"You're so heartless!" Jiang Jin scolded him secretly, "If it weren't for your handsomeness, I wouldn't bother to care about you."
She stood up with the medicine bowl in hand, "I'll come and scrub you after I finish washing."
After saying that, she walked out of the master bedroom.
As soon as her figure disappeared from the door, Ye Tang emerged from behind the closet.
"Sir, I think the young lady cares about you. She gave you a whole bowl of medicine without even a drop left."
Li Yunting's thumb brushed across his thin lips.
Her softness and breath seem to still remain on it...
His movements fell into Ye Tang's eyes.

Ye Tang finally understood why the husband tried every means to send Zhang Ma away. It turned out to be to be alone with the young lady.
It's a bit embarrassing for him, a single guy hiding in the dark...

"Sir, I still have something to take care of, so I'm going to the company first and come back tomorrow."
Li Yunting nodded lightly and didn't look at him at all.
Ye Tang: "..."
He is obviously the person that Mr. Mister trusts the most, why does he seem to be abandoned all of a sudden...
He hope Ms. Jiang will not let down her husband...
Ye Tang jumped from the window.
Jiang Jin was putting away clothes on the balcony when she suddenly saw a dark figure jumping from upstairs into the yard. The figure was tall and slender and disappeared into the night in an instant.
Jiang Jin couldn't help but curse.
That dead man won't sneak into her room again tonight...
It's still early at this time, did he come and step on a spot, and then walk away arrogantly?
Jiang Jin was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood.
She glanced at the villa yard and saw that there wasn't a single surveillance camera installed.
Someone must install surveillance tomorrow, and then ask the old man to arrange for a bodyguard to come over... Otherwise, she really won't be able to sleep...
While Jiang Jin was taking a shower, she made a major decision.

Tonight, she will sleep with Li Yunting!
Anyway, it’s not like they haven’t slept together before, and it doesn’t matter if they sleep together one more time.
Moreover, Li Yunting was an unconscious vegetative person, so there would be no danger to her sleeping in the same bed with him.
But if she sleeps alone, she is likely to be eaten again...

She didn't dare to experience the scare last night again.
After taking a shower, Jiang Jin hugged her quilt and pillow and walked towards the master bedroom.
As soon as Li Xichen walked out of the study, he saw her sneaky look on her face and raised his eyebrows: "What are you doing?"
Jiang Jin felt embarrassed that someone had broken into her.
She snorted softly and said confidently: "Go to my husband's room to sleep. What's wrong? Do you have any objections?"
Li Xichen looked at her with disdain: "I didn't tell you Sadako's story today, do you care?"
Jiang Jin almost ran away: "Li Xichen, would you like to mention these two words to me again?!"
"Oh, I will never say the word Sadako again in the future. If I mention Sadako again, I will not be allowed to see the old corpse of Yamamura again."

Jiang Jin hit his head with a soft pillow.
