Chapter 22

Gu Xiaoxiao didn't need Lin Yao's response. As soon as he finished speaking, she started to fiddle with the scroll, stuck on the nodes of "she is approaching" and "all the ghosts are out", and fiddled back and forth.

So, everyone was able to review the terrifying appearance of the NPC - solo version.

After the chainsaw ghost stood at the door, it took only a few seconds to push the door violently and enter. He started the chainsaw and charged towards the team of four with a grin, but there was no one on the other side.

The black shadow raised her head and looked at the direction of the desk for a while, then began to climb, hanging upside down and frightening the air in front of the desk with her hair, then suddenly turned her neck to look into the air, and when she turned back, she suddenly faced the air, and then turned around and attacked the air on the left.

The nail ghost outside the window watched the black shadow's movements excitedly, his body jumping back and forth between the window sill and the dead branches, waiting for the next second when the black shadow would open the window.

The zombies on the first floor have climbed to the last flight of stairs on the second floor, and the smell of the rot and decay is filling the sky.

The above is the appearance at normal speed.

As Gu Xiaoxiao speeds up the fiddle, the NPC's appearance changes from normal speed solo to double speed solo.

The sudden acceleration command gave the chainsaw ghost no time to act cool and start the chainsaw in a hurry while walking. Because he was walking too fast, he stumbled with his left foot and his right foot. He stumbled and hit the door with his head. He didn't even have time to break away from his grin, and fell straight down.

The saw blade drew a stream of sparks on the ground, which splashed onto his body and immediately burned holes of various sizes in his clothes. He screamed and hurriedly extinguished the sparks, which was embarrassing and funny.

The black shadow had just raised her head and had to crawl forward in a hurry. The result of her stretched neck being unable to keep up with the crawling speed was that when it was time for her to hang upside down and shake her hair, her head fell directly to the ground, waiting to turn around and threaten Yue Xinran. When she was doing it, her scalp could only slide against the ground, and the sparks from the falling saw blade accurately splashed onto her hair, creating a stink that made her scream in shock.

The nail ghost who had been waiting for the black shadow to open the door outside the window was directly pressed against the window frame by the accelerated impact. His ferocious features were squeezed out into a funny and ugly look, and his expression was filled with pain and horror because he had witnessed the tragic experience of the black shadow...

The zombies on the corridor began to climb up the stairs at a faster speed. The crowds were crowded together because they were not in step. You stepped on me and I squeezed you, and they fell into pieces. The collision caused the carrion on their bodies to continue to fall, which increased the lubrication of the ground. The zombies group became like stopwatch hip-hop break-off group, you are chasing each other doing floor moves, no matter how hard you struggle, you can't stand up.

The three men in the room were shocked to see the NPC that had been inflicted with various horrors before turned into a laughing stock in the blink of an eye, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

They were frightened by such a group of idiots, no matter how shameless they were. Seeing them being easily played by Gu Xiaoxiao, they felt a sense of revenge, and in short, they felt extremely complicated and ashamed.

Outside, Shen Weiyue and Yue Xinran were pulling on the railing, looking down at the group of zombies below who had tripped themselves and never got up again. You still had to blame me and I would blame you. They kept pulling and tearing, and their jaws dropped. JPG.

[Hahaha, these zombies belong to the True Brainless series]

[Hahahaha, what kind of devilish performance is this? I’m laughing so hard!]

[Hahaha, so, no one plans to pass this level, right?]

[But it doesn’t matter, everyone is happy anyway, this guy is going to go crazy]

Gu Xiaoxiao continued to play faster.

The Chainsaw Ghost was so close that only an afterimage remained. In the end, everyone could only judge the NPC's arrival by listening to the collision sound caused by the opening and closing of the door.

The nail ghost outside the window was so tired that his tongue was hanging out of the corner of his mouth. The limbs used by the black shadow to climb were trembling constantly, and foam even overflowed from the corner of her mouth.

When the chainsaw ghost stumbled and lay on the ground for the last time, he said intermittently begging for mercy: "Help, help, stop rolling, stop rolling, wuwuwu..."

This woman is so vicious, ah! ! ! ! ! !

"Ding--congratulations to the player for triggering the keyword-ghost asking for help and successfully clearing the level."

Following the broadcast prompt, the surroundings regained light. The NPCs who lay down tiredly glared at Gu Xiaoxiao hatefully, and left angrily with their tired and limp bodies.

The barrage once again filled the screen with question marks.

[Holy shit, the final condition for passing this level is actually a ghost asking for help, who would have thought of this?]

[It is better to live to die than to live to die. I dare say that no one will even think about it unless Ms. Xiao has some audacious ideas]

[Hahahaha, that ghost kept shouting, stop rolling, stop rolling, it’s so fucking sad]

[This variety show somewhat costs NPC]

[The writers of the show always inspire weird laughter in me unexpectedly. What kind of confusing word is this?]

[I declare that this variety show is my god, and Gu Xiaoxiao is also my god! ! ! ! !]

"Ahhh!" Zhao Xin was so angry that he threw the notebook, "Is Gu Xiaoxiao a devil? Such tricky keywords can make her a hit. I am also planning to launch random tasks to entertain the audience after the entire army is wiped out. I am so disturbed by her, I am so disgusted..."

"Calm down, the effect of the program is the same. Although it costs a little more NPCs, the popularity has completely increased. The top ten most searched terms are all our entries. Take a look!"

Zhao Xin grabbed the tablet angrily.

#Gu XiaoxiaoPlayGhost#, #Qingchun Xiaohuacharacterhaveworry#, #Qi Qi is ruthless#, #May house is cruelCrazy#, #NPC Ghost Rumors#······

"What's this last ghost rumor about?" Zhao Xin's face changed slightly.

"Some bloggers edited our variety show into a highlight review to attract fans. After watching it, some viewers questioned that our NPC was possessed by a ghost and was a bit evil. In fact, it was all just to gain attention and is not worth mentioning."

Zhao Xin stroked his chin and snorted coldly: "This world is so fucking realistic. When we were preparing the show, we were all pessimistic. Now it's become more popular, and people and ghosts are all interested in it. Just watch and wait until the first episode ends, and you can see more ghosts and monsters."

"Whatever, by then we have the right to speak. Anyone who wants to cooperate must get your approval. The number of viewers in our live broadcast room has increased by 20 million, and the 100 million mark is just around the corner. As long as Gu Xiaoxiao survives, why not let her go to death and we will be happy and free."

"It saves trouble, but if she is allowed to continue like this, will she become a tiger and threaten me in turn?"

"That's not true. From the day she debuted, Gu Xiaoxiao has been an artist with no background, no backing, and no resources. She has been marginalized by the company. Even if she becomes famous overnight, she can't be an artist with a backing. She can't get crazy. "

"That's okay, let's get the NPCs below ready and continue with the next round."


While Zhao Xin was wary of Gu Xiaoxiao, Sheng Jing and Xu Hui were also planning the future for Gu Xiaoxiao.

"The number of viewers in Xiaoxiao's personal live broadcast room has increased to 7 million. According to this development trend, the next level will break the 10 million mark." Sheng Jing's eyes lit up when he saw the data, like a weasel seeing a chicken.

"She attracted three million fans in just that one session. According to this conversion rate, it shouldn't be a problem for Little Pink to become a millionaire after recording an entire episode. Hey, after so many years since her debut, Xiaoxiao can finally feel proud." Xu Hui was filled with emotions.

"It's really not easy for Sister Xiaoxiao. We only followed one level and we were so scared that we cried and hugged each other. Being in this situation will only make Xiaoxiao even more frightened, and it will also make things difficult for her."

"Who wants to be in the ever-changing entertainment industry? It's easy. Fortunately, Xiaoxiao can go all out and let herself go this time. Otherwise, she will not only be frightened, but she will still be just a foil after the recording. I am already prepared to be scolded by Mr. Ma.”

"Don't be too pessimistic. Shen Weiyue committed suicide and lost fans. It's not Xiaoxiao's fault. The audience in the live broadcast room is not blind. Who has secrets in his heart and doesn't know about it?"

"That's right, our Xiaoxiao body is not afraid of slanting shadows!"

Xu Hui almost burst into tears when she saw Gu Xiaoxiao crushing Shen Weiyue's audience of more than 3 million in the live broadcast room. Who said that the control group can't stand up? This is not going to happen!

At this time, Gu Xiaoxiao, who was not afraid of the shadows, was blowing rainbow farts surrounded by Yue Xinran and Jin Sui'an. Various talented artists praised her for her boldness, and her admiration almost overflowed the screen.

"It's not that great, it's just a coincidence."

Gu Xiaoxiao's humble words fell on Shen Weiyue's ears and turned into a show off. When she was indignant, she started talking about a common topic again: "Gu Xiaoxiao, why do you trigger the keyword every time? Do you already know that every time? The answer to a main quest."

Shen Weiyue was furious at the loss and began to maliciously speculate that the program team had a private agreement with her. Otherwise, how can they explain her cheating situation?

"I realize that your mentality is really dark. Is it so difficult to admit that others are better than you? Why do you always make malicious speculations!" Jin Sui'an defended Gu Xiaoxiao.

"If it weren't for her, we would still be being teased by NPCs now. You shouldn't be so suspicious of people."

After so many rounds of beatings, Lin Yao was really convinced by Gu Xiaoxiao. Even if he wanted to show off, he had to have such courage.

Moreover, when he took away his prejudice and looked at Gu Xiaoxiao's actions, he suddenly felt that he had been misjudged her. The combination of admiration and misunderstanding made him shameless and unworthy of targeting her.

To put it bluntly, every time they cleared a level, they all benefited from her.

"Young man, don't think you can curry favor with her just by giving her some favors. You will fall into her hands sooner or later, just wait and see." Shen Weiyue felt aggrieved and directed her anger towards Lin Yao.

"You are simply unreasonable. It is easy for you to lose friends like this."

"I don't need false friends either!"


"We don't need pig teammates who will only cause others to be attacked by sneak attacks." Jin Sui'an responded mercilessly.

"That was just an accident!" Shen Weiyue said without forgetting to peek at Qi Yan.

However, Qi Yan had no intention of starting a fight, which made Shen Weiyue even more unhappy. After all, he was from the same company, but he didn't even speak for her. Could it be that he suspected that she did it on purpose?

"Qi Yan, I really didn't mean it just now, I was frightened." Shen Weiyue explained aggrievedly, with tears in her eyes.

[Come on, come on, Black Heart Lotus's performance has begun, so innocent]

[Go away, who wants you to apologize? Brother Yan should stay away from this kind of garbage person]

[That’s right, she almost got my Brother Yan injured, idiot]

[Yueyue didn’t mean it, anyone in the situation just now would have collapsed]

[How come Gu Xiaoxiao doesn’t have one? We are both women, but your family is so pretentious]

[That is, she is a real screaming monster.]

[You are bullying others too much!]

The fans of the two parties involved were at loggerheads. Qi Yan remained indifferent to Shen Weiyue and only said: "It's all over. There's no need to mention it again."

Shen Weiyue was chilled by this cold reply, biting her lower lip to hold back tears, and could only carry her grievances with her on her forehead.

[Look, the white lotus is crying, she is even more unjust than Dou E]

Qi Yan frowned and looked away, walked straight to Gu Xiaoxiao, and asked, "Can you show me the mission card?"

Gu Xiaoxiao handed the card to him, but she said to the others: "It's a map, we have to change places."

Following her words, everyone looked around, feeling a little uneasy.

They don't know what is waiting for them at the next place.
