DSHSN - 31

Gu Yiyi stepped on the ground a few more times. After giving it a try, he put the shoes back into the shoe box and planned to keep them.

But the moment he put it away in the drawer, he hesitated again and took out the shoes, intending to keep them and wear them.

The next morning, Yan Li saw Gu Yiyi wearing the shoes she gave him.

Yan Li saw this and commented: "It's quite pretty."

Gu Yiyi asked her: "What did you buy for my dad when you went shopping yesterday?"

"A shirt."

Everyone has it, Gu Yiyi was a little unhappy, so after saying "oh", he walked out of the dining room, packed his schoolbag and went to school.

When he arrived at school, Yu Chen immediately saw the different sneakers on his feet.

Yu Chen came over and patted his shoulder, and said with a smile: "Yiyi, your new shoes are very different from the ones you usually wear!"

Gu Yiyi glanced sideways at him and said, "I just picked up a pair when I came out in the morning."

Yu Chen: "It's very different from your usual style."

Gu Yiyi took out his book and opened it with an expressionless face, ignoring him.

Yu Chen saw that he was silent and didn't care. He touched his chin and showed a thoughtful expression: "But, it's quite good-looking. Isn't it a reward from your stepmother?"

It's not known why, but Gu Yiyi's mood suddenly improved a lot.

The class bell rang, and Gu Yiyi urged him: "It's class time, go back to your seat."

"Okay." Yu Chen went back with a smile, and glanced in Gu Yiyi's direction when he sat down. Seeing Gu Yiyi working hard, he silently took out his physics book and planned to work harder.

Gu Yiyi has worked so hard, he can't waste his time anymore, otherwise Gu Yiyi won't play with him in the future.

Gu Heng came back within two days. When he returned to his room, he saw an unpacked shirt placed on the table next to him.

That day, Yan Li took his card while swiping it in a men's clothing store, and he saw that it was for him.

Gu Heng felt a little flattered. The style of the snow-white shirt seems to be no different from the shirts he usually buys, and even the brand is not as good as his usual ones. But Gu Heng felt something different when he put it on. He even took a look in the mirror and thought it looked good, so he was satisfied.

The next month was very peaceful. Gu Heng gave Gu Yiyi a monthly allowance of 100,000 yuan. Gu Yiyi was divided into classes. Because they chose the same subjects, he was in the same class as Shen Yang, but he still stayed the same. Shen Yang was asked to make up lessons and study hard every day. Shen Yang felt that with Gu Yiyi's hard work and intelligence, he might be able to rank among the top ten in the class in the Duan Kao test.

That night, he packed his things and prepared to leave.

He saw Gu Yiyi go to the bank near the school first.

Something that happened before still left a deep impression on him, so he hesitated and followed.

Gu Yiyi first went to the bank to withdraw money, and after a while he turned into an alley.

But Gu Yiyi came out after a while, and the two met head-on. When Gu Yiyi saw him, his expression was unnatural, and he was slightly shocked, and asked: "Why are you here?"

Shen Yang said: "I'm going home, this road is shortcut."

"Okay." Hearing Shen Yang's explanation, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, grinned, showing his big white teeth: "Then you go back early, you have to make up for me tomorrow, I have a few questions. If I don’t understand the question well, I still have to ask you.”

Shen Yang heard the concealment in his words.

If he has any questions, he can ask them tonight. Why wait until tomorrow?

"Then I'm going home." Shen Yang lowered his eyelashes and walked into the alley. Gu Yiyi had no doubt that he was there: "Okay."

Shen Yang entered the alley and walked around, but he didn't meet the middle-aged woman he had seen before. But he only felt that Gu Yiyi took the money because of him.

He wondered why he wanted to give her money?

The next day, he went to Gu's house to give Gu Yiyi extra lessons as usual.

Gu Yiyi knows many topics now. If he just mentions a few words, Gu Yiyi can draw inferences.

So after talking for a while, he didn't need to talk anymore.

Normally, he would stay in his room and do his homework quietly, but today, he suddenly wanted to go out for a walk.

The living room downstairs is still stocked with food, fruits, pastries, and drinks to entertain guests. It was Gu Yiyi's stepmother who had someone prepare it.

The cute little girl is not old enough to go to school, so she can only play at home.

The dogs at home all like her and come over to rub her from time to time.

Shen Yang went downstairs, hugged and rubbed the dog he gave to Gu Yiyi for a while, and Gu Yiyi's Samoyed gave him a child's slipper.

Then he saw Gu Yiyi coming in from the garden, carrying a child's toys in his hand.

Yan Li asked: "Yan Beibei, don't you want your toy car lost in the garden?"

Although Yan Beibei is indeed timid, Yan Li is not a person who spoils her children. If she feels that the child is wrong, she must criticize and educate her.

Yan Beibei was offended by her mother, and she immediately pursed her lips and whispered: "Mom... I didn't leave it outside on purpose. I, I was thinking of going out to play again later."

"Then you should take it back. If it had been outside, your toys would have been gone a long time ago. You have to put away your own toys, you know that, little fool!"

Being offended by her mother, the child pouted and explained in a low voice: "Mom, I'm not a little fool!"

"Then what are you? A little fool? A cutie?"

The little guy was super happy when her mother praised her for being cute. She immediately started laughing and said happily: "I'm just so cute!"

Yan Li's tone was a bit doting: "Okay, okay, my little cutie, have you listened to your mother's words? Next time, can we put the toys we have played with into the house? Will you take it out when the time comes?"

The little guy was a little happy after being coaxed, and she immediately beamed: "Okay, okay, Mom, I will definitely not forget it next time."

Yan Li said: "If you don't litter your toys for a month, you can get a reward."

The child immediately looked forward to it: "What reward?"

Yan Li remained mysterious: "You can know it until then."

Shen Yang was a little stunned watching the interaction between mother and daughter.

Can you get rewards for not making mistakes? Are there any mothers like this in the world?

He had to say, it’s really a bit enviable.

He wonders if Gu Yiyi would be envious in such an environment every day?

After Yan Li finished talking to Yan Beibei, she realized that there was another Shen Yang in the living room.

Yan Li quite likes young people who are good at studying, and has a good impression of him. It was almost time for lunch, so she asked: "Classmate Shen, what do you want to eat for lunch today? I'll ask the nanny at home to do it?"

When Shen Yang came to Gu Yiyi's house, he rarely saw his father, but his stepmother was often seen. She looked very beautiful, like a young girl in her twenties, with fair and tender skin. Yes, a pair of beautiful eyes that captivate the soul, and when the beautiful eyes circulate, they are full of brilliance. She was wearing a dark green waist-cinching skirt today, with a gauze-like hem. The color was a bit off, and it might make her look a little older, but when it was worn on her, it looked very slender and sexy.

Gu Yiyi's stepmother seemed to be quite a nice person. Shen Yang lowered his eyebrows and looked at the ground, somewhat silent. In the end, he didn't say anything, smiled, and said, "Auntie, I can eat anything."

"Okay, Yan Beibei and I are going shopping in the afternoon. We need to buy something. Is there anything you need?"

Shen Yang didn't expect that she would say that. He opened his mouth slightly and finally shook his head: "No need."

Then he asked Yan Li: "Auntie, have you met Gu Yiyi's biological mother?"

That middle-aged woman looked very similar to Gu Yiyi's mother's age, but she didn't look as beautiful as his stepmother. Could it be Gu Yiyi's mother? Reason told Shen Yang not to be troublesome. After all, once Gu Yiyi knew about it, he might be disgusted with him, and he would not be needed to make up lessons in the future. But during the time the two of them got together, Shen Yang no longer regarded Gu Yiyi as a simple employer. The young man can help him time and time again when needed, he really does. Do you have to be that selfish?

Shen Yang was hesitant, while Yan Li looked at the old clothes on the young man and fell into deep thought.

In the afternoon, Yan Li made an appointment with her little sisters to go shopping.

The usual practice is to buy various things for herself and Yan Beibei. After seeing the clothes belonging to teenagers in the clothing store, Yan Li's mind flashed with Shen Yang's look. It seemed that she had never seen Shen Yang wearing new clothes.

Later, Gu Yiyi and Shen Yang discussed the tuition fee, and he didn't ask for much, so he took five thousand.

Five thousand may not be too much for working people. But it’s quite a lot for students. Cheap clothes cost dozens to a hundred yuan, and this kid is reluctant to buy them for himself. Yan Li felt quite sympathetic.

So after thinking about it, she went into the store to help pick out a few sets. She probably described Shen Yang's height and body shape to the clerk, and the clerk recommended sizes to her. Yan Li bought several sets at once. Seeing this, Song Ya couldn't help but ask: "Buying clothes for your stepson?"

The woman next to her is wearing a cyan cheongsam today, with flowers embroidered on it.

Naughty and graceful, when the ends of the eyes are slightly raised, the charm is extremely beautiful.

Yan Li compared the two items in her hand and denied, "No, I bought them for other children."

Afraid that the woman would ask too many questions, she added: "A child from a relative."

Song Ya looked understanding: "I understand."

Yan Li could understand Song Ya's expression. She still felt that she needed to please Gu Yiyi.

Hehe, that brat, please whoever you want.

When she got home, Shen Yang was still there. When Yan Li was waiting for him to leave, and when she gave Shen Yang the bag containing the clothes and the shoes she bought later, the young man was a little sluggish.

Yan Li explained: "I see that your clothes are always old, so I bought you two sets."

Shen Yang stuttered when he spoke: "Thank you, auntie."

He actually wanted to refuse, but Yan Li opposite him smiled too softly. He is also a child who lacks maternal love. Seeing Yan Li treat Yan Beibei so well, he is still very envious in his heart.

Yan Li watched him leave with a smile.

She had quite complicated feelings about Shen Yang. Besides his lovable grades, he was also the second male lead in the novel who protected the heroine. Although it is tragic, the author describes it so well, and it is also the moonlight in the hearts of many readers.

As soon as Shen Yang was seen off, he saw Gu Yiyi at the top of the stairs. His eyes were dark and the expression on his face was not very good. He looked a little unhappy.

Yan Li didn't know what kind of temper he had, so she asked, "What's wrong?"

Gu Yiyi: "I'm fine." He turned around and went upstairs.

So baffling.

Yan Li ignored him.

At dinner in the evening, this guy didn't eat much, which made Gu Heng couldn't help but frown: "What do you want to do if you don't have a good dinner?"

Gu Yiyi directly dragged the chair out, stood up and left, the noise was extremely harsh.

Yan Li couldn't help complaining in her heart: He is indeed a sadistic male protagonist with a gloomy and unstable personality.

Yan Beibei was eating and was startled when she heard the sound. Then, looking towards the door in the direction where her brother had left, she reminded in a low voice: "Mom, you only bought clothes for Brother Shen Yang today, no clothes were bought for my brother."

Gu Heng looked over.

Yan Li was speechless: "It's not like he has no clothes to wear. How can he be so stingy?"
