DSHSN - 32

Yan Li didn't understand. Shen Yang was Gu Yiyi's friend after all. He himself helped Shen Yang, so why couldn't she just buy him some clothes?

Gu Heng didn't expect that his son's temper tonight was actually because of this.

She only bought clothes for other children and not for Gu Yiyi, which was indeed a bit bad. But Gu Heng couldn't blame her. After all, she was right. Gu Yiyi himself had too many clothes. He actually seemed a little stingy because of a few sets of clothes.

So he said; "Don't pay attention to him."

Yan Li felt the same way, so she wouldn't tolerate his bad habits.

Only Yan Beibei was obsessed with this issue. After dinner, when the little guy went out, she was still saying to her mother: "Mom, I don't think it can be like this. You not buying clothes for my brother will make him unhappy. You should apologize to brother."

Apologize? What the hell? Yan Li felt that what her child said was a bit outrageous.

It's Gu Heng's business to buy things for Gu Yiyi, what does Yan Li have to do with it? If he wants anything from her, why won't she serve this young master? If it weren't for Yan Beibei to have better conditions in the future, she would not get married and accept this nonsense!

She told Yan Beibei, "Your brother just has a bad temper. Don't pay attention to him. He can buy whatever he wants."

The child felt that what her mother said was still wrong, and tried to persuade her: "Mom!"

The little guy was a little too talkative today. Yan Li was a little impatient, so she pulled her to her little bicycle and said, "Okay, let's go play. Mom knows what to do."

Yan Beibei glanced at her, a little worried.

The child's somewhat questioning gaze irritated Yan Li. Just as she was going upstairs, she met a young man with an ugly face as if he was about to attend a funeral. Yan Li then asked more eloquently: "You won't give a good face because of me buying clothes to Shen Yang? Are you angry about it? If you are really angry, how many sets will I buy for you?"

Gu Yiyi held his hand on the handrail of the corridor with a nonchalant look on his face: "Who cares about the rags you gave me?"

The clothes she bought were clean and of good quality. Where were they torn? The brat disliked her and was unwilling to give it away.

Later, when Song Ya came to see her about something, Yan Li told her about this matter, and she felt quite depressed.

After Song Ya heard the cause and effect, she found that she was actually depressed about it, and she didn't know whether she was really worried or whether it was because of herself.

Seeing that the two of them had a good relationship, Song Ya thought she was really troubled for the time being, and said sincerely: "What's so troublesome for you? The eldest young master likes you as a stepmother, so just buy him clothes. That’s it, just make him happy and your life will go well, right?”

Yan Li didn't feel that she needed to go out of her way to make him happy.

Regarding Song Ya's analysis, she was even a little amused. She took her mobile phone and opened the curtains to get some air. She said, "Come on, I don't expect him to like me. At the beginning, he pointed at my nose to drive me out. Yes. Although it’s better now, it’s just like roommates in the same house. Whatever you like, let’s forget about it.”

"Besides, I don't think I need to make him happy."

Song Ya suddenly felt that she was a little too happy being a stepmother.

"You are so happy! My cousin also became a stepmother for a rich man, but she has to provide for the young master in the family every day. She is very frustrated. Please give me some advice, which will save my cousin a whole day. Come to me to complain about this and that.”

Yan Li thinks this is very simple.

"Isn't it okay to just ignore it?"

Song Ya was speechless: "Wouldn't your husband have any objections?"

Yan Li didn't think Gu Heng dared to have any opinions.

"Just divorce if he has any objections. He thinks I like this place very much? If he hadn't promised to get married and provide a house and money, I wouldn't want to marry Gu Heng after I did it for Yan Beibei!"

Song Ya was really impressed: "If Yan Beibei had been silent, you would be the stepmother who would have the most comfortable life."

Yan Li felt that what she said was wrong: "Without Yan Beibei, there is no way I would be a stepmother."

Song Ya was now a little curious about her relationship with Gu Heng: "Then you and Gu Heng sleep in separate rooms now?"


"What if he has needs in that area?"

"Do I care about him?"

Song Ya suggested: "If you want to be with him for a long time, I think you should please him properly. What if there is a little goblin out there who is pregnant and wants to force the baby to have an abortion?"

Yan Li didn't care: "I can take Yan Beibei, take the money he gave me, and divorce."

Song Ya was really impressed by Yan Li's attitude that she would rather get divorced than be angry. Where are there people like her?

What on earth is this woman’s brain made of?

At this moment, the sound of a vase breaking was suddenly heard outside. Yan Li didn't take it seriously. Seeing that it was getting late, she planned to take a bath, apply a facial mask and go to bed.

"I won't tell you anymore. I'm going to bed. If I have anything to do, we'll talk another day."

"Go, go!"

The next morning, Yan Li asked the housekeeper who broke the vase last night.

The butler said: "It's the young master."

Yan Li sneered: "It's so frizzy."

Then she went to have breakfast.

Shen Yang came over the next day wearing new clothes, a blue round-neck trousers and pants of the same color. Shen Yang was quite happy when he came, but when Gu Yiyi saw Shen Yang, he covered the book and said somewhat impatiently: "Okay, I don't want to do tutoring today! Let's rest!"

Shen Yang was a little scared.

They are both sensitive teenagers, so he can naturally guess why. He said: "Yiyi, if you don't like it, I don't want these clothes."

Gu Yiyi raised his eyes and glanced at him, looking at him as if there was something wrong with him. He put his hands on the back of the chair, bent and tilted his body, with a little indifference in his eyes, and said: "Okay, I'll say it again. I don’t blame you, since she gave it to you, just take it, why are you being pretentious?"

Although Gu Yiyi said this, he probably really cared about this matter.

Since he doesn't want to make up classes today, he can rest today. After all, he has made up classes for many weeks in a row.

"Okay, I'm going back."

Shen Yang said goodbye and went out. Gu Yiyi maintained his original posture and watched him go out. After losing sight, he got up from the chair, went to bed extremely irritably, and covered his head with the quilt.

Shen Yang went downstairs and didn't leave in a hurry. He looked around as if he was looking for something.

Yan Beibei was playing with plasticine. When she saw him, she immediately came over with her own plasticine and small bucket, and asked, "Brother, what are you looking for?"

Shen Yang asked her: "Where is your mother?"

Yan Beibei pointed upstairs: "She's upstairs. I'll call mom down."

The little guy ran quite fast. When she went upstairs, Shen Yang was worried that she would fall if she ran too fast. However, the little guy was still quite steady and made it upstairs smoothly. Not long after, Yan Li's figure appeared at the top of the stairs.

Yan Li was not downstairs when he came just now. Seeing his current appearance, Yan Li raised her eyebrows and praised: "It's pretty good."

The male partner in the novel is actually very handsome, but Yan Li is now quite old, so she treats him like a child.

Being praised, Shen Yang blushed a little. The young man lowered his head and said with some gratitude: "Thank you, auntie."

She looks beautiful and has a gentle smile. Shen Yang envied Gu Yiyi for having such a stepmother. Gu Yiyi's stepmother is willing to buy him clothes, all for Gu Yiyi. Yan Li waved her hand: "What can you thank me for? You are Yiyi's friend. He has made great progress in his studies, and you have been a great help."

Shen Yang is tutoring Gu Yiyi one-on-one, and a single class outside would cost hundreds. There is no guarantee that it will be useful.

Only five thousand a month was given, which Yan Li actually felt was a bit small, but Shen Yang, this child, was really down to earth.

Shen Yang's heart felt slightly sour.

He felt that a good person like Gu Yiyi's stepmother would not hurt Gu Yiyi.

He mustered up his courage: "Auntie, I have something important to tell you."

"Okay, you say it."

Shen Yang glanced upstairs: "Let's go outside and talk."

The two of them went to the garden outside. The young man was mysterious, saying that he had glanced into the house before, as if he was watching over Gu Yiyi. Yan Li found it a bit funny.

"Say it."

"Gu Yiyi seems to be meeting a middle-aged woman and often gives money."

He recalled the dress of the woman he had seen before. She didn't look poor, and the bag in her hand even looked expensive.

"Yesterday I saw Gu Yiyi going to withdraw money again. It seemed like he was giving money to that woman."

After listening to what Shen Yang said, Yan Li felt it was a bit ridiculous. Is Gu Yiyi giving money everywhere now? And not just once.

After all, Shen Yang worked hard. He wondered what that middle-aged woman paid for Gu Yiyi? Or is she his relatives? But the Gu family probably doesn't have any poor relatives.

Yan Li felt something was wrong, and at this moment, she suddenly thought of something.

When he was young, Gu Yiyi had a nanny who was very good to him.

She said it was good, but actually she was doting on him. Because he was greedy for the master's property, she was later accused of going to Gu Heng's place and was fired. But because Gu Yiyi had a good relationship with the nanny, the housekeeper didn't say that she was fired, but that she left on her own.

The nanny had been asking Gu Yiyi for money since he was a young student. Later, when her son gambled, the gap became wider and wider, and she asked Gu Yiyi for more and more money. Later, because of something, her son went to jail once.

Oh, she even wants to kidnap Gu Yiyi.

However, Gu Heng had been arranging bodyguards to protect Gu Yiyi, so those people did not succeed.

Later, the nanny came to Gu Yiyi to cry and repent, and Gu Yiyi forgave them, gave them a sum of money every year to help them, and arranged a job for the nanny's son who was released from prison. But the nanny's son was not convinced that Gu Yiyi didn't help them even though he had so much money, so he tried every means to steal important secrets from Gu Yiyi's company and sold them to Shen Yang.

As a result, the young man is now here to help Gu Yiyi deal with these two people.

Yan Li feels that the world has changed a little bit.

Seeing Yan Li's silence, Shen Yang felt a little nervous. Just now he thought Gu Yiyi's stepmother would help Gu Yiyi, but now, he was not so sure. What if Gu Yiyi's stepmother really doesn't like Gu Yiyi, will he go to waste?


Yan Li was recalling the plot of the story, and when she heard his voice, she came back to her senses and said, "I know about this. I will tell his father when the time comes. Thank you."

She thought for a while and said, "Let's do this. I'll make dumplings at home next week, and you can come over and eat them too."

Yan Li is willing to help Gu Yiyi, which makes Shen Yang a little happy. He was a little curious about the identity of the middle-aged woman: "What is the relationship between that person and Gu Yiyi?"

Yan Li smiled: "She's just a nanny who bullies the little master."

Although she was a little disdainful, Yan Li still went upstairs and called Gu Heng who was working in the company to tell the matter. At the same time, she was a little confused: "Aren't there bodyguards around Gu Yiyi? Why didn't they tell you about this?"

Gu Heng did not expect that the nanny who had been dismissed several years ago would actually ask Gu Yiyi for money. He immediately rubbed his brows irritably and explained: "They are only responsible for his safety. They will not do anything extra."
