Chapter 16

The monitoring values ​​​​of guests and NPCs are enlarged on the big screen from the beginning of the game, allowing the audience to observe everyone's emotional changes in real time.

When the guests and the NPC across from each other looked at each other for the first time, except for Gu Xiaoxiao and the NPC, everyone else's heart rates fluctuated greatly.

Because Qi Yan was sneak attacked by Gu Xiaoxiao's NPC, his heart rate was the highest among all the guests due to shock, but the duration was the shortest.

The NPC Shen Weiyue faced was considered the most "delicate" among all the guests, but her heart rate kept going up and down. When the broadcast reminded that it was only 60 seconds, her heart rate even reached 150.

This move attracted ridicule from countless netizens, who all despised her for being the simplest NPC she met, yet having the most mood swings among the guests. She could be said to be very weak.

In fact, it's not that she is weak, it's that the changes in the NPC on the opposite side are too slight. If you don't look at it from the first perspective, you can't find the horror of the NPC at all.

Just like now, the faceless man put his hands on the table, leaned forward slightly toward her, and pretended to listen carefully. His smooth face seemed to be squirming slightly, through the thin layer of skin. , and could even see a face with facial features similar to what she imagined.

People always have instinctive fear when facing unknown things. When the faceless man in front of her was indifferent, her imagination ran like a wild horse and was out of control.

Now, the appearance in the fantasy has begun to stir quietly under the skin. This weird feeling of being peeked into the inner thoughts is not only scary, but also confusing.

Is it possible that the NPC in front of her can change according to her imagination?

Shen Weiyue thought of the haunted rumors about this school discussed on the Internet for no reason, and a chill ran down her spine.

This level is so weird, it doesn't look like the plot designed by the show crew. The NPC's acting skills are so difficult to distinguish between real and fake that it makes people feel like they are going through the motions.

Her fear gave endless energy to the NPC opposite. In order to deepen her fear, a sharp nail inside the NPC made a slender gap at the corner of the NPC's lips. The arc was raised, as if he was smiling, but the smile cannot be expressed through other facial features, so it looks extremely weird.

This scene made Shen Weiyue's body tremble, and the cold sweat on her back instantly soaked her clothes. She instinctively wanted to withdraw her gaze, but an invisible force restrained her head, not giving her the slightest chance to look away.

As the gap at the corner of the lip widened, a slender white finger protruded from it, then the second, third, and then the tenth.

Bloodless hands scrambled to pull at the corners of his lips, eager to break free.

The faceless man kept his hands on the table in a leisurely manner throughout the whole process, as if the fight had nothing to do with him.

[Ah ah ah, there must be someone hiding under the skin, right?]

[Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I knew the show team would not let anyone go easily, this NPC is so evil]

[Fuck, the prop master of this variety show is so perverted, he dares to do anything from the underworld]

Shen Weiyue was forced to watch the hands tearing the corners of his mouth apart, slowly revealing a black and white eye, looking straight at her through the endless darkness under his face, his eyes were just as evil and sinister as she imagined, with endless chill went straight into her pores.

The heart rate monitor on the wrist kept making a loud beep-like sound, hoarsely reminding the owner to calm down quickly, but the owner could not make any response. She could only open her eyes stiffly, the whites of her eyes filled with fear. It was bloodshot, and her bright red lips were bitten with blood marks.

Looking at the rising fear level, the NPC suddenly felt happy and sped up the intensity of the scare. When his eyes disappeared into his mouth, a complete face suddenly popped out from the gap. In the blink of an eye, he and Shen Weiyue had a forehead contact...

The pale face was like a sacrifice tied with paper, and the pink rouge on both sides of her cheeks was funny and weird. Shen Weiyue was so scared that she fell to the ground, holding her head and screaming, and her body was shaking like chaff.

The first-person audience was so frightened by this scene that they screamed and activated barrage protection.

As the first player was eliminated, the morale of the remaining NPCs immediately increased greatly.

The vampire Earl across from Jin Sui'an grinned ferociously. His long tongue that had never been idle threatened him from the distance and licked his neck directly.

When the smooth touch without warning climbed up his neck, Jin Sui'an was shocked and angry, and goosebumps traveled all over his body.

He was just about to reach out and grab his tongue, but the other person suddenly leaned forward, showed his sharp teeth and bit the licked neck. The sting and the feeling of blood loss came at the same time, and Jin Sui'an screamed in fright.

When the heart rate monitor on his wrist beeped, Jin Sui'an was also out.

He looked at the blood in his palm in horror, and stared at the NPC in disbelief, but the other party licked the corners of his lips with satisfaction, with an unfulfilled sense of triumph.

[Fuck, it actually bites, Anzai won't get rabies, right?]

[Are you stupid? It’s all just for show. Anyone who dares to actually bite someone is committing intentional injury.]

Jin Sui'an didn't think about intentionally hurting others. At the moment, his mind was filled with the pain of sharp canine teeth piercing the skin. It didn't look like a show at all.

Yue Xinran tried her best to fight against fear in order not to be the tail end of the crane. Although her NPC was full of sinister aura, she was beautiful, which somewhat alleviated her fear of her.

But with the elimination of Shen Weiyue and Jin Sui'an, the beautiful sister opposite her also began to change.

Those eyes that could feel countless pairs of cold hands caressing her whole body just by looking at each other, always made her feel like a light on her back.

When the companion next to her was eliminated, the NPC suddenly withdrew her sight, turned into a harmless smile, and stared at her charmingly.

Just when Yue Xinran felt lucky that she should not be so unlucky, the woman opposite suddenly opened her bloody mouth, and a strange face made of densely packed small snakes popped out of her blood-red mouth, spitting out snakes hissingly.

"Ah!!!!!!! Oh my god!!!!"

Yue Xinran leaned back and fell to the ground with her chair. She immediately turned into a human mop and retreated backwards.

"Uuuuuuuuah, it's too difficult. It's too difficult to do a show."

[Woo~~~ I feel sorry for Ran Bao, I want to touch her head and give her a hug]

[Hahaha, I’m sorry, I can’t help it. This show is so wicked, I love it so damn much]

[This part of the game might as well be called Myocardial Infarction Staring, okay? It’s so scary that I pee!]

[There are only three left, I don’t know who can make it to the end]

Seeing his teammates eliminated one after another, Lin Yao was worried and happy at the same time.

He was worried that if the entire army was wiped out in this level, the show would be over. Fortunately, the NPC was just a little disgusting and wouldn't scare people into such a panic.

He subconsciously glanced at the people still on the field.

Qi Yan looked at the NPC opposite him calmly, while Gu Xiaoxiao supported her chin with one hand and looked at the long-haired masked ghost opposite her with a leisurely expression, and even yawned out of boredom.

Just when he was about to withdraw his gaze, the long-haired ghost suddenly turned her head and looked in his direction. The moment they looked at each other, a bone-chilling chill mixed with sharp pain hit the back of his neck.

He raised his hand to cover the injury in shock. Looking at the bright red on his palm, he broke into a cold sweat. The heart rate monitor beeped for the first time.

Lin Yao cursed secretly in his heart. His competitiveness made him completely ignore the evil nature of the NPCs. He only thought that this was a deliberately terrifying effect created by the program team, with the purpose of annihilating them and turning them into a laughing stock.

This little trick successfully aroused his fighting spirit, and his bold words to rub Gu Xiaoxiao made him fearless.

After strengthening his confidence, Lin Yao looked at the zombie opposite again. As the rotten flesh on the opponent's face continued to fall, the mouth and cheeks were the first to reveal the bones under the rotten flesh.

When the bones and flesh were separated, a thick thread of blood was pulled out, accompanied by a "gurgling, gurgling" sound, which made people's hair stand on end and the gastric juices tumbling.

In order to prevent himself from vomiting, Lin Yao clung to the edge of the table and stepped on the spot with his feet, and the arc of his toes gripping the ground could be seen through his sneakers.

The program crew very thoughtfully gave him a close-up, which made the audience burst into laughter.

[Hahaha, this star named Lin Yao is so pitiful. He is so disgusted that he scratches the floor with his toes but still has to hold back from vomiting]

[Compared to other NPCs, there is nothing wrong with him except being disgusting]

[But according to the current data, the zombie's heart rate has not fluctuated from beginning to end. On the contrary, Lin Yao's constant ups and downs. If the heart rate does not decrease, it is useless to hold on.]

[I have to say that this program team is really wicked, but it is also really ingenious, a real-life version of ghosts playing tricks on people]

As the rotten flesh on the left cheek of the zombie fell off, the center of gravity of the head began to shift toward the fleshier side. As soon as the clicking sound of moving bones was heard, the zombie's head fell on the table without warning and rolled along the table to Lin Yao.

As the head rolled, the back of the zombie's head was finally exposed to the audience. The highly decomposed head was filled with black reptiles and strip-shaped worms. The tremor caused by the rolling shook them out of the container of the head and splashed directly onto the On Lin Yao's body.

Lin Yao was so frightened by this disgusting and unprepared scene that he jumped up three feet high.

"Ahhhhhh, fuck!"

He hurriedly brushed away the bugs, and his fear and anger combined with the resentment that made him feel sick in his chest caused his heart rate to explode directly. It once reached the highest level in the audience. When the sharp sound sounded, it was also announced that he was out.

[Fuck, if I took back Lin Yao’s NPC because it was just disgusting, this scene has gone beyond the scope of disgusting, it’s too weird]

[Ah ah ah, I suddenly feel that all the NPCs in this level are so evil]

[Same feeling, it’s a true performance]

[In my memory, I’ve only seen this kind of bug in movies like Head Drops, yuck!]

[Now only Qi Yan and Gu Xiaoxiao are left, I don’t know who can survive to the end]

[I only care about whether the show will be recorded if no one survives (dog head)]

[It is impossible that no one will survive, I, Xiaoxiao, will win]

[Brother Yan will definitely win!]

As the four people were eliminated, the sound on the radio sounded gloating: "Hurry up, there are still thirty seconds."

As soon as the time of the ultimatum was announced, Qi Yan's heart suddenly tightened. The headless ghost in front of him had also changed when other NPCs had mutated.

Strands of black hair slowly emerged from the squirming fracture, and made a sound similar to throat choking. The two sides were obviously separated by dozens of centimeters, but the strange sound seemed to be covering the ears, constantly, getting on his nerves.

Qi Yan kept biting the inner wall of his mouth, using the pain to suppress his fear. When the radio announced that there were still thirty seconds left, black hair suddenly surged out and spread out like a fountain, converging into a pair of skinny butts. Hands with sharp nails grabbed Qi Yan's throat.

Qi Yan's eyes widened in shock. The panic coming from all directions made him truly experience the despair of dying.

This scene frightened the audience, and their screams seemed to be suppressed by those withered hands in their throats.

The barrage was also unprecedentedly quiet.


It wasn't until the long and sharp sound of an excessive heart rate sounded that the hands holding Qi Yan's throat quickly disappeared, and everyone's frightened hearts were brought back to normal rhythm.

[Fuck, this, this scene must be a special effect]

[Woo woo woo, I don’t dare to watch it]

[Me too, it’s terrible]

[Only Gu Xiaoxiao is left. Will she... die?]
