FVB - 046

Chapter 46: Pretending to be in a vegetative state is too difficult

The warm light in the bedroom shines down.

The man's facial features were strong and cold, and the line of his mandible was tightly taut.

His hands hidden under the quilt were clenched tightly into fists, and the knuckles glowed cold white, with a chilling look.

Jiang Jin didn't notice anything was wrong at all. She lowered her head and moved closer to the man's lips.

Her soft, slightly cool lips landed on the man's beautiful thin lips.

At this moment, it was like the night wind blew open the curtains, and the cool wind dispersed the heat in the room, like ripples spreading out in the middle of a lake.

Li Yunting froze.

This was an extremely unfamiliar feeling. The soft touch spread from his lips to every cell and inch of his body, making him feel as if he was in the clouds, and his whole mind suddenly went blank.
Just when he was stunned, the bitter medicine entered from the woman's lips and tongue.

This is a medicine that promotes his awakening. Its main function is to dissolve congestion in the brain. Now he no longer needs to take this medicine.
His tongue moved slightly, pushing out all the medicine.

Jiang Jin exclaimed and hurriedly took out a tissue to wipe Li Yunting's chin.
"This medicine is not that bitter. Why are you so repulsive to it? Let me add some honey to you."

She said, turning around and going out to get the honey.
Ye Tang, who was in the darkness, took the opportunity to appear: "Sir, why don't I knock her out?"
He saw that it was too hard for Mr. to pretend like this.
Li Yunting raised his hand and touched his lips, his voice was extremely cold: "No, let's see what she wants to do."
He closed his eyes and continued to pretend to sleep.
Jiang Jin walked in with a honey jar, put some honey into the medicine bowl, and then took a sip: "It's very sweet. I should be able to feed it in this time."
She bent down and approached the man's lips again.
In the darkness, Ye Tang's entire face turned dark.
The gentleman from ten years ago was the most distinguished man in the entire Cloud City. Countless women fell under his suit pants, but no one could get close to him.

Even Ms. Mu, his fiancée, can only talk to him one meter away from him...
And this woman actually kissed the master on the lips again and again.
He felt that the master had been blasphemed!
But the master didn't allow him to knock this woman unconscious, so he had to watch first...

Jiang Jin didn't notice at all that there was a pair of eyes staring at her from the dark. She lay on the man's chest and her lips fell on the man's thin lips.
She tentatively took some medicine and it was pushed out by the man again.
She used the tip of her tongue to pry the man's teeth mercilessly...
Li Yunting almost collapsed.
The woman's tongue was ravaging the city, teasing him so much that he couldn't control it.
He had the urge to press this woman under him...
In this dazzling moment, Jiang Jin pried open his teeth, and the bitter and honey-sweet medicine entered his mouth.
He was sure that if he spit out the medicine, this woman would definitely come back for another round.
He didn't know if he could still control it...
Li Yunting swallowed the medicine into his belly with black lines on his head...
"It's almost finished."
Jiang Jin breathed a huge sigh of relief.
She was about to get up and leave when she saw Li Yunting's chin, neck and chest covered with brown concoction.

Even giving him some medicine can make him like this, he is so pitiful.
Jiang Jin put down the medicine bowl and went to the bathroom to get a basin of water and wash Li Yunting's body.
She unbuttoned the man's chest one by one, revealing his muscular chest without any trace of fat...

She couldn't help but swallow hard.
"Jiang Jin, Jiang Jin, stop being so eager!"
She warned herself, then calmed down and started to wipe Li Yunting's body.
She had wiped it once last time, so she had some experience. This time she wiped it quickly. After wiping her upper body clean, she began to untie the man's belt.
She was still a little embarrassed, turned her head slightly, closed her eyes and unbuttoned her pants haphazardly...
Li Yunting's face darkened a little.
He suddenly felt that it was too inconvenient to pretend to be a vegetable.
This woman was touching him all over, raising and lowering her hands, and he was really trying his best to endure it...
And his body has undergone subtle changes.
If she takes off his belt, he will be exposed...
At this moment, Li Yunting thought a lot. Just when he was thinking about whether to wake up suddenly...

The lights in the room flickered twice and suddenly fell into darkness.

"Huh? There's a power outage?"
Jiang Jin was so frightened that she shivered.
Before she could react, she jumped onto the soft bed and hugged Li Yunting's arm tightly.

She shouted at the top of her voice: "Li Xichen! Li Beixiao! Did you two little bastards cut off the power on purpose again?"

That night, in order to scare her, these two lousy kids cut off the electricity in her room, causing her to not sleep well all night...
This time the old tricks are repeated, there will be no end!
"There seems to be a power outage." Li Beixiao's voice came from outside the room, "My third brother and I went outside to see what the situation was."
Hearing the two children walking downstairs, Jiang Jin didn't dare to go out.
Her hands holding Li Yunting were shaking a little.
She is afraid of the dark and ghosts. If lightning and thunder suddenly occur at night during a power outage, she will be even more frightened...
Suddenly there was lightning and thunder outside the window, and heavy raindrops pattered on the window.
Jiang Jin buried her head in Li Yunting's chest. When she heard the sonorous and powerful beating of his heart, the fear in her heart gradually dissipated...
At the same time, her heart was beating wildly for no apparent reason.
It wasn't a bang, bang, bang, but a bang, as if it was about to pop out of her throat.

Her heart beat like a drum, even Li Yunting heard it.
He could still clearly feel the woman's breath spraying on his chest, which was warm and burning, making his heart beat faster...
In the darkness, Ye Tang wiped the water droplets from his face.
Is it easy for him to save Mr.?

It was raining so heavily, but he still went out to cut the fuse. Wasn't it because he was afraid that his master would reveal his secret?

But why did this woman climb into the husband's bed and hug him so tightly?

Ye Tang was almost drunk.

He had good night vision, and he could see Li Yunting lying on the bed with his eyes open at a glance.
Logically speaking, the master should have been impatient to be hugged by a woman like this, but why, at this moment, the husband actually looked like he was enjoying himself...
Emma, ​​what the hell!
Li Yunting slowly turned his head and his eyes fell on Jiang Jin's face.

He had only met his nominal wife briefly last time, and he had not yet taken a serious look at her face.

In the night, her skin is also very good, her long curly eyelashes are trembling, and her pair of dark and clear eyes are like black gems, making people unable to take their eyes away...
He thought about that kiss, the kiss that made him lustful.

The woman's soft body leaned against him, her hands unconsciously placed on his waist. A sudden heat rose in his lower abdomen, and he slowly raised his hands...
