FVB - 047

Chapter 47: Being shy at such a young age


Thunder sounded one after another.

Jiang Jin was so frightened that she crawled into the man's arms.
She heard the sonorous and powerful heartbeat of the man, and felt the scorching temperature of the man's body...
And... she felt a little bit strange...
Oh my god!
Will vegetative people also react?
Jiang Jin raised her head curiously and looked at the man's face.

It's just that the light was too dark, and she could only see the blurry outline of the man. Her eyes moved downward little by little, scanning her chest, waist and abdomen, and looking under the belt...
Li Yunting tensed his body, wanting to kick this woman down.
Jiang Jin has never been in love.
She has never been so close to a man.
All the cells in her body became sensitive, and she suddenly felt a sense of curiosity...
Growing up, not only had she never eaten pork, but she also had never seen a pig run away...
Anyway, this man is still unconscious, so it shouldn't be too much for her to take a sneak peek...
Jiang Jin quietly stretched out her claws.
Ye Tang, who was hiding behind the cabinet, was so frightened that his eyes widened.

This woman dares to touch a man's lifeblood. Is this a life-threatening situation?
If this woman really succeeds, all the anger of the gentleman will be vented on his head.
Ye Tang picked up a pebble from the flowerpot at his feet, flicked it and threw it out.
The exclamations of two children immediately came from downstairs.

"What's that sound?"
"Who's hiding there?"
The voices of Li Xichen and Li Beixiao came, and Jiang Jin sat up from the bed with a start.
How could she forget those two boys?
She was afraid of a sudden power outage, and the two children were probably frightened too.
Jiang Jin jumped off the bed, opened the door and walked out.
In the darkness, Li Yunting slowly sat up straight and said coldly: "Did you do the power outage?"
Ye Tang touched his nose and said, "I'm afraid that sir will reveal his secret."
"Don't make your own decisions in the future."
Li Yunting dropped these words coldly and lay down again.
Ye Tang: "..."
Why did he hear a hint of meaning in Mr.'s words?
Is it possible that Mr. likes to be taken advantage of by that woman?
Jiang Jin turned on the flashlight and walked downstairs.
The two children found a ladder from somewhere and climbed up to check the electrical box.
There was a violent storm outside, and the ladder seemed likely to be blown down at any moment.
Jiang Jin was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat.

She didn't even have time to hold the umbrella, so she ran out and hugged Li Xichen down from the ladder.
The other hand dragged Li Beixiao towards the house.
"Are you two fools? You don't know how to hold an umbrella when it rains so heavily?" Jiang Jin scolded angrily, "If you have a fever and cold tomorrow, don't expect me to take you to the hospital!"
"What are you still doing? Take off your wet clothes quickly and go upstairs to take a shower!"
As soon as she finished speaking, she realized that there was a power outage today and there was no hot water in the bathroom.
She held her forehead helplessly, "You go up and change clothes first, and I'll go to the kitchen to boil water for you and make some ginger soup."
In the night, her eyes were particularly bright.
It's like being washed by spring water.
Li Xichen's eyes softened.
He was standing on a high ladder just now. He would be lying if he said he was not afraid, but he had to go up to check the situation.
When the woman hugged him down without any explanation and lay on her shoulder, he felt a sense of security that he had never felt before.

He believed that, at least for that moment, this woman really cared about him.
The lights in the living room flickered, and there was power again.

Jiang Jin didn't need to boil water anymore and breathed a sigh of relief: "Let's go upstairs and take a shower."

She entered her bathroom holding the children by each hand.
There is a bathtub in her bathroom. The built-in bathtub is filled with warm water. Being immersed in the warm water can relieve a person's fatigue from the day.
Jiang Jin turned on the shower head and filled the water.
When she turned around, he saw two children standing blankly.
"You don't want me to help you take off your clothes, do you?" She twitched the corners of her lips, "Forget it, I'll just finish the good thing today."
She waved, "Who comes first?"
Li Beixiao's face suddenly turned red: "No, no need, I can just take it off myself."
Li Xichen twitched the corners of his lips: "We can take a bath ourselves. We don't need your help. You can go out."
Jiang Jin suddenly laughed out loud: "No way, you know how to be shy at such a young age?"
"Who is so shy!" Li Xichen snorted, "You are clumsy, you will only get in the way here."

Jiang Jin stopped teasing these two little brats, put on the hot water and went out.
She went to the next room to find two sets of pajamas and put them on the bed in the room. Then she went downstairs to the kitchen to make ginger soup.
When Li Xichen and Li Beixiao came out of the shower, they smelled a strong smell of ginger soup. It must have been cooked with cola. It smelled very fragrant.
"Come, drink some ginger soup and then go rest."
Jiang Jin placed the two bowls of soup on the table and watched the two naughty children finish them before heaving a sigh of relief.
The weather in early summer is hot and cold, and it is easy to catch a cold if you don't drink some ginger soup when you get caught in the rain.
If a five-year-old child has a fever, there will probably be another chaos.
The heavy rain stopped at midnight, and the air was particularly fresh the next day.
Jiang Jin took a deep breath of the air after the rain and walked downstairs after washing. Zhang's mother had already made breakfast and was cleaning the house.
The two children sat obediently at the dining table without eating breakfast, as if waiting for her.
Jiang Jin greeted with a smile.

Zhang Ma glanced at her suspiciously. The young lady used to sleep until midnight every day, but recently she got up so early every day.
"Good morning." Li Beixiao stood up obediently.
Li Xichen leaned on the chair and said lazily: "I've been waiting for you for a long time, come and have breakfast."
"Wow, you are actually waiting for me." Jiang Jin pulled out the chair and sat down, "You two little bastards are finally a little filial and know how to wait for me to have breakfast together."
Li Beixiao took a bun and put it on her plate: "The meat buns made by Grandma Zhang are so delicious."
Jiang Jin took a bite. The soft buns, tender meat, and delicious soup were so delicious!
"Is it tasty?"
Li Xichen asked without emotion.
Jiang Jin nodded wildly: "Ma Zhang's craftsmanship is really great."
"Zhang Ma's egg fried rice is also top-notch." Li Xichen curled his lips, "You can learn more from Zhang Ma."
Jiang Jin: "..."
Waiting to have breakfast with her just to talk about this?

She raised her hand and slapped Li Xichen on the back of the head: "You still want to make demands of me, but wait until you become a father in the next life!"
After eating breakfast, Jiang Jin sent her two children to school as usual, and then drove to the set.

After the two million yuan was received, Director Zhao immediately asked people to rent the venue, and everyone was busy non-stop.

Jiang Jin was not a professional in this field and could not help in many aspects. She walked around and prepared to leave.

"Miss Jiang, wait!" Director Zhao stopped her, "There is a Starlight Conference tonight, will you come with me?"
