Chapter 15

The six people arrived at the door of the library unobstructed. Taking advantage of the rare bright light around them, they looked up at the tall and wide double-door door.

The two metal doorknobs were glowing with cold light, and the three syllables "library" on the door panel were illuminated by the cold white light, which looked unusually cold in the quiet and deep night.

"I hope this level will be easier."

Yue Xinran prayed quietly, causing Lin Yao to scoff, and the two of them looked at each other in the distance.

Qi Yan touched the door handle and said to the people behind him: "If you are ready, I will open the door."

Everyone took a deep breath in tacit agreement, and then nodded solemnly.


The door made an old, rough sound, and the sound gradually spread into the room as it opened, and then turned into an echo that spread to every corner of the library, adding a bit of eerieness to the silence at the moment.

The moment the door was fully opened, everyone gasped in fright at the long table blocking the entrance.

An ordinary long reading table, with twelve chairs facing each other, has a high baffle erected on the table, covering the upper bodies of the six NPCs opposite.

[Fuck, I’ve already started to imagine what the NPC behind the baffle looks like]

[Should we be reading face to face this time?]

[If you just read a book, what is the exercise bracelet on the table for?]

[Um... Should I play a game with ghosts and compare whose heartbeat is slower]

[Fuck, if we really added a heartbeat test, the guests would be afraid that no one would be able to pass the test. Their pretended calmness would be invisible in front of the real data]

[This show is really becoming more and more inhumane. I love this kind of death-seeking variety show]

[Ah ah ah, I’m so looking forward to it! ! ! ! !]

"Wow~ This hasn't even started yet, the NPC is already in place. Does this level require us to open a blind box for matching?"

Yue Xinran looked at the only six empty seats and the NPC sitting opposite each seat, with resistance written all over her body.

Shen Weiyue is not afraid at all, because she knows that she is the only artist who is given preferential treatment by the show crew. Generally, in 1V1 situations, she encounters the least scary NPCs.

Jin Sui'an looked at the NPC's only exposed legs and shoes, and guessed: "Six seats correspond to six NPCs. It seems that it is 1v1, but I don't know what to play?"

Lin Yao simply squatted down, carefully looked at the NPC's outfits, and said doubtfully: "These NPCs have different styles, and you can't guess their intentions from their clothes. Tsk, the show crew is really good at creating suspense. It makes me feel itchy. Unbearable."

"There are sports bracelets on the table." Qi Yan reminded.

Lin Yao stood up and looked at the table, surprised: "The color of each bracelet is the same as the NPC's dress."

Qi Yan added: "It's also the same color as our clothes."

"Uh..." Lin Yao quickly looked around at everyone, with a hint of fear in his eyes, "Should they be matched according to color? Isn't this not even a chance to choose?"

Jin Sui'an: "You can't see your face in this. What options are there? Shouldn't you worry about how this game is played?"

"Beep--" followed by a long beep, the radio buzzed again: "Welcome, players, to start the side mission of the second level - heart-pounding gaze."

"Players choose the corresponding NPC according to the color of their clothes, sit face to face with them, and within two minutes of looking at each other, try their best to make the other party's heartbeat accelerate. The one with the smaller heartbeat value wins. Players are asked to take their seats and wear gloves. Put on the bracelet.”

After listening to the rules, everyone except Shen Weiyue, who knew the inside story, and Gu Xiaoxiao, who didn't care about anything, all had solemn expressions on their faces, secretly cursing the program crew for not being human beings and having many insidious tricks. It was a big loss.

[Come on, isn’t this game just for romance games? If you look at a ghost, who would be moved? It’s almost like heart failure, it’s just crazy.]

[More than just insane, it’s simply inhumane. The heart rate is tested throughout the whole process. It’s impossible to fool him. It’s absolutely amazing!]

[Also, the broadcast only mentioned the rules, not the restrictions. If the NPC goes to any lengths to win, the guests will be dead.]

[Guests can also resort to unscrupulous means]

[Pull them down, after a while the NPC shows his face, I can guarantee that just looking at each other will take away all their composure. Anyone who dares to fight with the NPC will only be tortured]

[That’s not necessarily the case, I like Gu Xiaoxiao, this woman is so fierce]

[The abuse I am talking about does not include our Master Xiao, I am also optimistic about her]

Everyone except Gu Xiaoxiao reluctantly walked to their seats. The moment they put on their bracelets, the announcement was announced that the timer had started. As the timer sounded, the partition fell down.

The true faces of the six NPCs were also displayed in front of everyone.

In front of Shen Weiyue was a man wearing a high-end suit. His whole body and hair were exquisite, but there were no facial features on his flat and smooth face.

He supported his head on one hand, tapping his long fingers on the table rhythmically, facing Shen Weiyue with a thoughtful look.

Although he has no face, it does not prevent Shen Weiyue from imagining his expression through his body language. The more she thinks about it, the more terrified she becomes. The other person has no eyes at all. How can she make the other person's heart beat faster?

Anxiety and anger caused her emotions to fluctuate, and the bracelet on her wrist made a slight beeping sound.

She looked at the value above in horror. It had soared to 130 unknowingly. She was so frightened that she quickly calmed down and subconsciously looked at other NPCs.

Jin Sui'an was sitting next to her. Opposite him was a vampire dressed in medieval clothing. He had sunken cheekbones, pale skin, and blood-colored veins coiled on the thin face, spreading to the bottom of his eyes, dyeing his eyes red.

When his eyes collided with Jin Sui'an's, he suddenly showed his fangs with a ferocious smile, and his blood-red tongue suddenly attacked him, and then quickly stopped in mid-air. Jin Sui'an's pupils shrank in fright, and his heart rate suddenly shot up. 140. After the bracelet sounded the alarm, he quickly calmed down and adjusted his heart rate.

This scene also frightened Shen Weiyue. When her heartbeat calmed down, it also cleared up the suspicion that the program team did not seem to take special care of her. Compared with other NPCs, her opponent is still presentable.

Yue Xinran sat between Jin Sui'an and Lin Yao. Opposite her sat a woman with a voluptuous figure and beautiful features. Her snake-like sinister eyes looked at her with a smile, and her moist red lips spit out slender snake letters from time to time, tracing her neck from the air.

With just a careless movement, Yue Xinran was so frightened that she quickly withdrew her gaze, covered her neck with both hands, and trembled.

Compared to other NPCs who are more weird in temperament and atmosphere, the NPC opposite Lin Yao does not have so much drama. He is just a simple and crude zombie that keeps dropping rotten flesh. It is not scary enough and twice as disgusting, which makes the slightly germaphobic Lin Yao, quite angry.

With just a startled glance, he couldn't help but tilt his head and feel disgusted. Why the hell were they looking at each other?


Qi Yan sat on Lin Yao's right side. In front of him was a headless ghost wearing a white gown. The piercing red on his broken neck was the only terrifying embellishment.

Just as he was rejoicing in his heart that it was easy, a sound similar to the movement of bones suddenly came from the opposite side, and the originally smooth fracture began to squirm, clicking like something was about to break out of the skin.

Qi Yan took a deep breath, his heart rate suddenly increased, and soon a beeping sound sounded as an alarm.

He finally understood the intention of the program team. This level was not about them actually looking at each other, but about keeping calm and composed when facing NPCs that were likely to keep changing. They also had to find a way to make the other party's heart beat faster.

This is simply an impossible task. The man opposite him doesn't even have a head. What senses can he use to make his heart beat faster?

When Qi Yan was angry, he glanced at Gu Xiaoxiao beside him from the corner of his eye.

The NPC opposite her was wearing a gray linen floor-length skirt, with straight black hair hanging down like a waterfall, completely covering her frail body that looked like a withered body. Although her appearance couldn't be seen, the woman mumbling something was very audible, like the ghost that casts a spell in a horror movie.

Perhaps sensing Qi Yan's gaze, the woman's mumbling voice stopped abruptly. The next second, she suddenly turned her head in a strange arc, and her dark eyes without any white eyes looked straight at Qi through her black hair. 

The moment their eyes met, Qi Yan felt an invisible force crawling up his back and neck. When it touched the skin, a sharp pain hit him instantly.

He raised his hands to cover the back of his neck in fear. When the smell of blood came from the tip of his nose, his palms also felt wet, and a long and thin wound appeared there without warning.

Qi Yan opened his palms, and a touch of red made him breathless. When he looked up in shock, the NPC had already resumed her previous murmurings, as if the strange scene had never happened.

[Fuck, this NPC is so evil. She is undoubtedly the MVP of the whole show. It doesn’t look as scary as the NPCs of several other anchors, but the evil emanating from her body is really creepy]

[There is a sense of horror as a ghost comes into reality]

[Didn’t Qi Yan claim that he is a materialist? How to explain this scene?]

[This is the design of the program team. In order to increase the atmosphere, it is just that this NPC has superb acting skills. She is definitely not a ghost]

[After looking around, I found that the NPC opposite Gu Xiaoxiao is the most evil, and can hurt people with resentment]

[Qi Yan was so frightened, why didn't Gu Xiaoxiao react at all?]

[Compared to Xiaoxiao, who looked at her with big eyes and small eyes from the beginning, Qi Yan was scared away at just one glance, so weak]

[That’s because my brother is not mentally prepared, anyone else would be scared]

[Yeah, yeah, everything you said is right.]

It wasn't that Gu Xiaoxiao was powerful, but that other people took the NPC opposite them too seriously. Especially when she saw that the always calm Qi Yan was also frightened by her opponent, she couldn't help but said: "She is just an actor, don't get cheated."

Qi Yan was already embarrassed that he was scared by the NPC, but Gu Xiaoxiao's kind reminder became sarcastic in his ears. He said harshly: "I know, you don't need to remind me!"

Gu Xiaoxiao pouted, noncommittal.

Qi Yan was even more annoyed and vowed not to lose to her again in this level!

As time went by, the guests who had made no progress began to become anxious, and the NPCs who had just sat quietly and occasionally showed off their skills began to make moves.

Since it is a competition, there is no reason to admit defeat. Besides, they have always had an absolute advantage. If they lose to this group of cowardly humans, what they do will be really boring.

"There are still 60 seconds, players, please hurry up."

While the guests were panicking, the NPC on the other side gradually mutated.
