FVB - 045

Chapter 45 Ice Cream and Egg Fried Rice

The aroma of egg fried rice soon spread from the kitchen.

After a while, Jiang Jin placed two bowls of fragrant fried rice on the dining table: "Come over and eat quickly, try it and see how it tastes."

Li Xichen and Li Beixiao stood up and walked over, sitting on the left and right at the dining table.
The rice grains are wrapped in golden egg liquid, and paired with green beans, ham sausage, and chopped green onion.
Li Beixiao took a bite and his eyebrows instantly widened: "It's not salty or bland, the taste is just right, it's super delicious."
Jiang Jin: "..."
Are the requirements for her cooking skills so low, as long as it is neither salty nor bland?
She looked at Li Xichen expectantly. The guy picked up the chopsticks, calmly, and kept looking at her with his eyes.
Jiang Jin said coldly: "If you dislike it, don't eat it. I'll eat it myself."
She pretended to grab it.
Li Xichen immediately held the small bowl in his arms, lowered his head and took a bite. He slowly chewed the rice grains in his mouth and commented seriously: "The rice is a bit hard, and the eggs seem to be overcooked..."
"Little bastard!" Jiang Jin rolled up her sleeves, "If it doesn't taste good, don't eat it. No one is begging you to eat it!"
"I haven't finished speaking yet. Why are you in a hurry?" Li Xichen said slowly, "Although this bowl of egg fried rice has many shortcomings, overall, it is passable and can barely be eaten. Pay attention to the heat in the future, and the taste will definitely improve better."
Jiang Jin: "..."

Who specifically asked him to evaluate it?
She said coldly: "Which one is better, egg fried rice or ice cream?"
As soon as these words came out of her mouth, she wanted to slap herself.

This question is so retarded. Doesn’t it make her look particularly childish and competing for favors...
"Egg fried rice is more delicious." Li Beixiao answered obediently, "Can I eat egg fried rice cooked by you yourself every day?"
Jiang Jin's high-spirited heart finally returned.
She looked at Li Xichen and said nonchalantly: "What about you, which one do you think is better?"
"The taste is quite good." Old God Li Xichen said calmly, "If you study harder, you will definitely be able to surpass ice cream."
"Fuck you, sir." Jiang Jin couldn't help but swear, "What are you thinking in your little head? You don't think that if you give me some advice, I will work hard to improve my cooking skills according to your advice, right?"
As she spoke, she picked up the spoon and scooped a third of Li Xichen's rice bowl.
"It doesn't taste good, so don't eat it."

"Hey, don't fight with me!" Li Xichen took a few steps back with his rice bowl and said angrily, "You, an adult, are fighting with a child for food. Are you embarrassed?"
The sound of fighting downstairs reached the bedroom on the second floor.

Li Yunting was lying on the big bed, with noises coming from time to time in his ears, and the smell of egg fried rice entering his nose from time to time.

He looked down at the millet porridge in his hand and felt that it had no taste at all.

"Sir, you have been in coma for ten years, so you can only eat these for the time being." Yetang saw his thoughts and comforted him in a low voice, "After this month, sir, you can eat egg fried rice. By then, I will go to Yun Li Ji, the most famous man in the city, go to buy the most delicious egg fried rice and bring it back to you."
Li Yunting twitched the corners of his lips.

He was not interested in Li Ji's egg fried rice, but for some reason he wanted to taste the egg fried rice made by this woman...
He lowered his head and drank the whole bowl of millet porridge.
His health is so bad that even his movements are limited.
He had to get better soon.
Amidst the fight and fuss, the two children finally finished their dinner.
Jiang Jin put away the dishes and was about to wash them when she received a call from Zhang's mother.
"Young Madam, I suddenly remembered that sir has to be given medicine at night. Can you give him some medicine? If it's not convenient, I'll come over right away."

Jiang Jin heard the sound of a child crying from Zhang Ma's side. She must have finished work early today and Zhang's mother had gone back to the countryside to visit her grandson. This trip took more than an hour.

"Leave the feeding of medicine to me. I'll be there later."
After hanging up the phone, Jiang Jin quickly washed the dishes.
She wiped her hands and came out of the kitchen and said angrily: "Who added another lock to the master bedroom door?"
Li Beixiao shook his head: "I just added a password lock. Don't you already know the password?"
"In addition to the combination lock, there is another lock." Jiang Jin sneered and turned around, "Li Xichen, tell me, was it you who did it?"
"Who would do such a thing out of boredom?" Li Xichen's eyes narrowed, "Why do you want to go to dad's room again?"
Jiang Jin found the medicine powder that Li Yunting usually took in the cabinet, poured it into a small bowl, washed it with warm water, and said coldly: "Just giving medicine, what else can I do? If you don't open the door for me, I won't give your father this medicine. Anyway, it won’t hurt if he skips one dose of medicine.”
Li Xichen twitched the corners of his mouth and walked upstairs first.

He casually pressed the eight-digit code and pushed the door open with a slight push.

Jiang Jin: "..."

This was clearly not the case just now!

She stood at the door of the room holding the medicine bowl and said angrily: "Go to the study and do your homework. Leave it to me."

Li Xichen stood still: "I'm just here to watch how you give dad the medicine, so that you don't..."

The scene of his father lying in a pool of blood that day became a lingering shadow for him.

He really wanted to trust this woman, but he was afraid of putting his father in danger...
"Are you afraid that I might smash Li Yunting's head again?"
Jiang Jin put the medicine bowl into Li Xichen's hand, "Go and feed it, I'm too lazy to care!"
After being together for so many days, they don’t have any trust at all, and she fed the dogs with all her sincerity!

Jiang Jin was heartbroken.

She turned around and walked to her room.
Li Beixiao pursed his lips and said, "Third brother, I don't think she will do anything to dad."
Li Xichen lowered his eyelids.

Then... just trust her again.

For the last time.
"Hey!" Li Xichen chased after him, "Children still have to do homework and don't know how to give medicine. You can do it yourself."
He placed the medicine bowl on the cabinet at the entrance, pulled Li Beixiao and left, "Xiao Bei, there is a Mathematical Olympiad question I want to discuss with you..."

The two said, slamming the study door.
Jiang Jin: "..."
This guy's face changed so quickly that it caught people off guard.
She walked back helplessly, picked up the medicine bowl at the door, and walked into the master bedroom.
As soon as she entered, she smelled a faint fragrance that seemed to be millet porridge. Could it be that Zhang's mother had fed porridge to this man during the day?
But that’s not right. A comatose vegetative person cannot eat porridge and can only live on nutrient solution every day...
Jiang Jin just thought that she smelled it wrong, walked to the bed with the medicine bowl, and sat on the edge of the bed.
As soon as she picked up the spoon, her hand stopped.

He can't even drink water, and it's even more impossible to feed medicine smoothly...
She suddenly wanted to know how Zhang Ma usually gave Li Yunting medicine...
Maybe she had been fed water twice, so she was quite experienced. Jiang Jin had nothing to hesitate. She took a sip first, then slowly leaned forward and approached the man...
