ADMKSF - 011.2

Lin You smiled and said, "So to be precise, we should be sisters in name only."

It's just that Ji Sisi is the elder sister.

In the systematic narrative, Ji Yalan hooked up with Lin Chengkang, a married man, and gave birth to a daughter abroad, Ji Sisi, in the name of studying abroad. Later, Ji Yalan became popular all over the country with Lin Chengkang's backing, and won the title of Best Actress, with a bright future. Lin You's biological mother died less than two years after giving birth to Lin You.

When the main palace passed away, Ji Yalan couldn't wait to take Lin You's place. It's a pity that Lin Chengkang still wanted to play the role of a loving couple, so it took five years before he and Ji Yalan got their marriage certificate.

Although the mistress finally became the main palace, Ji Yalan was reluctant to part with her reputation and status in the entertainment industry. So many years later, everyone only knows that Ji Yalan has a husband. As for who this husband is, no one can find out.

Originally, Ji Yalan even hid the existence of her daughter Ji Sisi, but Ji Sisi herself was unwilling to do so. When she entered the entertainment industry, she would even 'accidentally' reveal the secret that her mother was Ji Yalan, which means that although fans and netizens do not know Ji Sisi's identity, many people in the industry know it.

Zhao Ziqi's eyes were extremely complicated after hearing Lin You talk about Ji Sisi's relationship with her in a few words. She didn't expect that Lin You was still the eldest lady of the Lin Group. It was a pity that someone was occupying the magpie's nest now and was extremely shameless.

Compared to Zhao Ziqi, Lin You seemed calm. She said to Zhao Ziqi: "Ji Sisi appears here probably on purpose to disgust me."

Or maybe, seeing as her reputation in the industry has improved recently, she can't hold it in any longer.

After all, Ji Sisi had always disliked her since she was a child. Even her marriage to Pei Henan was brought up by Ji Sisi at the request of Ji Yalan.

Thinking of this, Lin You's eyes flashed slightly.

Seeing that it was almost time, Lin You and Zhao Ziqi went downstairs. Lin You put on clean clothes, still a simple T-shirt and wide-leg pants. The hem of the T-shirt was tucked into the waistband of the trousers, highlighting a slim waist. The light gray wide-leg pants look particularly casual, and they make Lin You's legs extra long. She bumped into the camera with a flawless face, and the barrage in the live broadcast room stopped for two seconds.

[Lin You has this face, this thin waist, and these long legs, sister, fuck me! ! ]

[Is she not wearing makeup? This is so cool even without makeup. ]

[What was there that Lin You couldn’t figure out before? Isn't it great now? With this face, as a person, are you afraid of not being popular? ]

[Mom, I saw a fairy! ! ]

[The fairy is Sisi, right? ]

[What, do you have a patent for these two words? Hey, I want to say that Lin You is a fairy. Lin You is a fairy! ]

The moment Ji Sisi turned around and saw Lin You, the smile on her face couldn't hold back. She had always known that Lin You had a very beautiful face, with the most outstanding facial features and skin. Ji Sisi couldn't stand it, and with envy and jealousy in her heart, she finally found Su Yueling.

Su Yueling would tell Lin You in disgust - no one likes your face anymore, everyone likes beauties with thick faces.

Then she told her: Your eyes are still not big enough, your face is too fat, it doesn’t look good on camera, etc.

Over time, Lin You really used heavy makeup to erase that clean and beautiful face, and the facial features depicted by the makeup became mediocre, even scary.

But now, Lin You is back to the past, easily stealing everyone's attention with just this face. The emotions in Ji Sisi's heart were screaming wildly, and she wanted to take advantage of Lin You's face. But now under the camera, she just waved towards Lin You and Zhao Ziqi with a smile, and shook the bottle covered on the table.

She smiled and said: "Lin You, Senior Zhao, are you here? We are playing spin the bottle, do you want to join us?"

Du Enqing also spoke up in a rare move: "Lunch is not ready yet, let's play games for fun."

Lin You raised her eyes and looked over. Qi Yu was sitting drinking tea, but he glanced at the tea cup from time to time, obviously feeling that the taste was not good. If she remembered correctly, Ji Sisi should have burned the water on her own initiative to show her hardworking side. Bai Hang sat at the table casually, supporting his chin with one hand and winking at her.

Lin You paused for a second, and suddenly understood everything.

She raised the corners of her lips and responded, "Okay."

Then she turned to look at Zhao Ziqi and asked with a smile: "Senior Zhao, do you want to play together?"

In the end, there were five people participating in the game. Except for Qi Yu who was drinking tea, everyone else participated. The chief director craned his neck and couldn't help but look back and forth on Zhao Ziqi and Lin You. He just took the opportunity to apologize to Zhao Ziqi. Zhao Ziqi didn't say anything, but she couldn't help but frown when she heard the name Ji Sisi.

Why are you sitting together playing games now?

They say a woman's heart is like a needle in the sea, and the old saying doesn't deceive him.

Although the director still feels strange in his heart, this harmonious atmosphere is what he is looking forward to. He raised his chin at the others, signaling them to follow and take pictures.

The game of spin the bottle is very simple and old-fashioned. The first person to spin the bottle is decided by rock, paper, scissors. Whoever the bottle turns to must answer a question from the other party.

This game seems ordinary, but if the players are replaced by artists in the entertainment industry, it will be different.

The viewers in the live broadcast room were already wide-eyed and couldn’t wait to watch them play the game. The guests did not disappoint. The first person to spin the bottle was Du Enqing, and the mouth of the bottle pointed at Ji Sisi. Ji Sisi smiled softly when she saw this; "It seems that I am not very lucky. Enqing, what question do you want to ask?"

Du Enqing glanced at her, her eyes flashed slightly, and asked, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

Ji Sisi gently spread her hands: "Not yet, career is the most important thing."

The barrage was also applauded.

[I just love watching my sister do her career! ]

[Don’t want a man, don’t want a man! My beautiful sister is mine! ]

Lin You listened to the answer without even moving her eyebrows. What Ji Sisi said was true, because she had a high vision and no one could look down on her. After all, she is now Lin Chengkang's precious daughter.

With a sneer in her heart, Lin You found that the bottle turned by Ji Sisi slowly stopped, and the mouth of the bottle was pointed at her. Lin You raised her eyes and was not surprised. She just asked casually: "What does Miss Ji want to ask?"

Ji Sisi seemed to think about it seriously, with a look of embarrassment on her face, "I don't know what to ask... How about I look at the barrage and see if anyone has anything they want to ask, and I can pick one?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the number of barrages in Ji Sisi's live broadcast room doubled.

[Ask her why she got lost and returned! ]

[Ask her if she wants to fight Du Enqing! ]

[Ask her which male star she likes? ]

[Get out of the way, none of you know how to seize the opportunity. Ask her why she still admits that she has a family in the show when she is clearly an orphan? ]

[Yes, yes, just ask this! ! ]

When Ji Sisi read out this barrage unconsciously, the entire filming scene paused. Ji Sisi also seemed to react suddenly, her face turned slightly pale. However, Lin You, who was in the center of most people's eyes, raised her eyelids and chuckled: "What the hell are you trying to create an orphan character? What I'm talking about is that my parents are dead, but I have a husband and a child."

As soon as she finished speaking, the sip of tea that Bai Hang had just taken into his mouth spattered like a fountain on the table.

Qi Yu had a lump in his throat and coughed desperately.

The corners of Zhao Ziqi's eyes twitched with horror.

[? ? ? ? ? ]

[Lin You, do you know what you are talking about? ]

[I am stupid. ]

[I totally shocked my mother. ]

[The expression of Queen Zhao is my current expression. ]

[Lin You is married? Have a baby yet? What do paparazzi in the entertainment industry do for food? Are they dead? ! Don’t you know this big news? ]

[I grass. Lin You is too brave. Can she tell the truth? ]

[This game is so exciting! ! Sluggish.jpg]

Everyone was immersed in disbelief and shock. Even Ji Sisi, who wanted to deliberately embarrass Lin You, was stunned for a second. Only Lin You, who shocked everyone by dropping the bomb message, raised her hand to support her chin and gently stirred the bottle with her other hand.

The wine bottle stopped slowly, and its mouth was pointed at Ji Sisi.

Lin You curled her lips and showed an expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile: "Miss Ji, I won't be as troublesome as you are. I always ask questions directly if I have any questions, and I don't cover it up with things that I don't have. "

Bai Hang finally came back to his senses and looked at Lin You with a particularly complicated look: "What you said is truer than gold."

Lin You smiled at him, then turned her gaze back to Ji Sisi, and asked casually: "Miss Ji, you have protected your family information very well after being in the industry for so long. Let me ask the questions for the paparazzi, who are your biological parents?"

Ji Sisi suddenly turned pale.
