ADMKSF - 011.1

It was purely an accident that Pei Ye was able to enter Lin You's live broadcast room.

When he came to the boxing gym today, the young girl at the front desk was watching the live broadcast of "Pastoral Life", and she happened to be watching Lin You's live broadcast room. In Pei Ye's memory, he only remembered Lin You's sharp and vicious words and voice, which were unpleasant and very harsh. If it weren't for the people at the front desk chatting quietly with Lin You, he wouldn't have known that the clear voice belonged to Lin You.

Remembering that he had not replied to Lin You's thoughtful greetings in their loving family group chat that morning, Pei Ye accidentally downloaded the live broadcast platform and found Lin You's live broadcast room.

The woman on the screen looked not much older than him, with a slender figure. Her slender white fingers grasped the handle of the hoe and leaned on it. She casually raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead with a sleeve. This scene fell into Pei Ye's eyes and made him feel incredible.

Lin You is a very pretentious woman.

When she was at home, the table was filled with bottles and jars, and she was either applying facial mask or hand mask, as if every inch of her skin was precious. She also pays special attention to image, and even her hair is full of delicacy.

How could she look so bohemian in the live broadcast room at this moment?

Lin You's recent changes came to his mind, and he felt more and more that something was wrong.

This woman... is really having a seizure?

Looking at her struggling to dig potatoes, Pei Ye felt that this was not impossible.

So the young man's pranks attracted everyone's attention.

Lin You felt that [I'm serious, my mother’s head was broken and she's still not recovered], although this child likes to spend money randomly, at least he is a good child who knows his mistakes and corrects them. Seeing that the other party listened to her words, without wasting time on him, she turned around and dug up potatoes.

Two hours later, Lin You and her team returned to the hut carrying three large bags of potatoes. Before entering the door, she first saw a figure. The person was sitting by the well, and the hem of her white skirt gently touched the soaked ground as she bent down. She looked a little annoyed. She raised her hand and twisted the skirt in her hands, causing drops of water to drip down.

The moment she straightened up, she noticed the guests at the door from the corner of her eye and immediately stood up.

The woman's young and beautiful face fell in the eyes of several guests, and for a while they could only hear the other person's smiling and gentle voice: "Hello, seniors, I am Ji Sisi."

The chief director's voice also sounded at the right time: "This is our mysterious guest. Welcome Sisi to participate in the show!"

[Fuck! ! It's Ji Sisi! ! ]

[National Fairy Ji Sisi, why did she come to participate in the show? ]

[Ji Sisi is really beautiful, but isn’t she filming? ]

[It was rumored a few days ago that Ji Sisi came to participate in the pastoral life. I thought the marketing account was talking nonsense]

Ji Sisi is twenty-four this year and graduated from a serious acting major. As soon as she graduated, she participated in a big-budget movie, in which she played the second female lead with a particularly strong role, and successfully won the Best New Actor Award that year. After that, her career as an actress seemed to be on a roll. The resources she received were among the best, and her number of fans increased extremely fast, making many artists of the same age jealous.

After that, she participated in a costume movie. Because she looked like a fairy in a white dress, she was called the "national fairy" by netizens.

The director team noticed the grand scene in the live broadcast room after Ji Sisi appeared and felt very happy. However, when his eyes fell on several guests, he unexpectedly found that the expressions of Qi Yu and Bai Hang were a little strange. Qi Yu noticed that his eyes glanced at him, then looked at Zhao Ziqi, and finally his eyes fell on Ji Sisi.

With a gentle smile on his face that could not be faulted, Qi Yu nodded: "It's Miss Ji. Good luck with Miss Ji at noon."

"Hello, senior." Ji Sisi looked at the other guests, called "Director Bai" "Senior Zhao", then called "Enqing" kindly, and finally looked at Lin You.

The woman's eyelashes trembled slightly, and she was about to speak, but she heard Zhao Ziqi smile half-heartedly: "Why, you don't know Xiao Lin anymore when you come here?"

Ji Sisi paused and smiled helplessly: "How could it be? I just feel that Miss Lin has changed so much that I don't dare to recognize her anymore."

Hearing this, Lin You raised her eyelids and said, "You have changed quite a lot."

[Is it my imagination? Why do I think the atmosphere between these three women is different? ]

[Oops, I thought I was the only one who thought that way. ]

[What do Zhao Ziqi and Lin You mean? Is this the way you treat your guests? ]

[Ah, Zhao Ziqi is so fierce, her tone is so aggressive, but Sisi obviously didn't say anything. ]

[I feel so too. ]

[Doesn't anyone think Lin You is indifferent? Did Ji Sisi's arrival give them a sense of crisis? After all, Ji Sisi is so good (crazy face)]

[Hey, it’s not impossible. We Sisi people are beautiful, hard-working, and young! ! ]

The chief director originally expected that Ji Sisi's joining would make the atmosphere between everyone more harmonious. After all, every artist who had worked with Ji Sisi praised her for her good acting skills and good temperament. But he never dreamed that Zhao Ziqi and Lin You would have such an attitude when Ji Sisi showed up.

Is there something wrong?

Although Zhao Ziqi is a movie queen, her temperament is very similar to Qi Yu. Even Lin You couldn't make her show such a tit-for-tat attitude back then. Why did she become so aggressive when Ji Sisi arrived at this place?

And Lin You... Sometimes Lin You was too lazy to deal with Du Enqing, but ignored the new guest Ji Sisi. Her tone sounded careless, but in reality it was mixed with sarcasm.

The director swallowed his throat, looked at Zhao Ziqi and Lin You, and then looked at Ji Sisi, who had a gentle smile and a white dress that looked like a fairy girl, and was speechless for a moment.

Fortunately, Qi Yu reacted quickly. He smiled and said a few words to Ji Sisi and then assigned their respective tasks. He asked Ji Sisi and Du Enqing to wash some potatoes, and he would make hot and sour potato shreds for noon. Hearing this, Ji Sisi and Du Enqing did not refuse, turned around and left.

The chief director took the opportunity to grab Qi Yu, pulled him into a blind corner, and asked in a low voice: "Senior, what is going on?"

Qi Yu glanced at him and tugged his lips: "I also want to ask you what's going on. Why did you find Ji Sisi when you had nothing to do?"

Director: "She was recommended by investors. I thought she is quite famous, so it would be good to be a guest."

Qi Yu's face slowly showed an expression that was hard to explain, and after a while he slowly said: "You really don't know..."

Zhao Ziqi suffered from anorexia because she lost too much weight and didn't care about her body. But the person who previously scolded her for being ugly and as fat as a fat woman was Ji Sisi's mother, Ji Yalan.

"Ji Yalan?"

The director was a little confused for a moment, and seemed at a loss when he spoke: "No, wasn't it rumored before that it was someone else? They also said that the female star who scolded Queen Zhao had long been confused and left the industry, how could it be a trick? Where is Yalan?”

"Why can't it be Ji Yalan?" Qi Yu asked him in a leisurely manner, "You are really young, and you don't know how bad Ji Yalan's reputation was in the circle back then, right? You are in the circle yourself, so don't be like those netizens, they really treat this person as a treasure by saying that she is an immortal goddess."

Qi Yu patted him on the shoulder, with some sympathy in his eyes: "Go and apologize to Xiao Zhao. I guess she has torn your heart out now."

Director: "……"


He also wanted to tear himself apart.

He originally thought that the person invited was a big star, but now he knows that this person is an ancestor who has been punished by God.

It had only been half an hour since Ji Sisi arrived, but the director already had a splitting headache and was looking forward to Ji Sisi leaving as soon as possible. He endured the irritation after learning the truth and went to find Zhao Ziqi.

Zhao Ziqi is staying with Lin You at the moment. The two dug a lot of potatoes in the potato field, and their thin clothes were soaked with sweat. When assigning tasks, Qi Yu asked them to come back first to take a shower and rest. Zhao Ziqi simply came to find Lin You. She was in a very depressed mood. When she thought of Ji Sisi downstairs, she didn't even want to set foot on the stairs.

When she saw Lin You, she couldn't hold it back and told her grievances about Ji Yalan: "That woman found a scapegoat in the end. It really pissed me off."

Zhao Ziqi described Ji Yalan as arrogant and domineering, relying on the support of others behind her and not taking anyone seriously at all.

"I don't know why she is so arrogant and proud every day. Isn't it just the resources she gets from being a third party?" Zhao Ziqi rolled her eyes and looked at Lin You again, "You don't seem to like Ji Sisi very much either."

Lin You held her chin, and her tone seemed careless: "Yes. Ji Sisi's mother messed with my mother."

Zhao Ziqi: "...?"
