FVB - 044

Chapter 44 I owed you something in my previous life

Mu Yingxuan sat on the chair blankly.

Every time she met these two children in the past, they would sweetly call her Aunt Mu.
No matter what gifts or food she gives them, they will happily accept them and sweetly say how nice Aunt Mu is.
Why is it completely different now?
She wanted to be their stepmother, but they shouldn't be so repulsive, right?
Could it be that that bitch Jiang Jin said something in front of the two children?
Mu Yingxuan's lips trembled and she said slowly: "Ajing, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said bad things about your mother in front of Xiaoxi and Xiaobei..."
"What you said is the truth. The two of them were deceived or threatened."
Li Dongjing tapped his fingers on the dining table twice rhythmically.
Xiaoxi and Xiaobei have never told lies. They would rather remain silent than make up a lie to deal with him.
In other words, that woman did not abuse Xiaoxi and Xiaobei anymore.
Why such a sudden change?
Li Dongjing stood up: "Aunt Mu, I suddenly have something to deal with, so I'll take my leave first."

Before Mu Yingxuan could say anything, Li Dongjing hurriedly left the restaurant.

She watched Li Dongjing's car disappear into the night, but there was nothing she could do.
This feeling of powerlessness reminded her of ten years ago.
At that time, she and Ating had just concluded their engagement ceremony. She was the most enviable woman in Yun City, but her dream was shattered at the touch of a button.
After Li Yunting became a vegetative state, Mr. Li couldn't help but cancel the engagement.
At that time, she was still a little bit happy in her heart. She didn't have to marry a vegetative person or be a widow. She could have a better life.
No matter how deep her love for Li Yunting is, she is not willing to take care of a living dead her whole life...
She left Yuncheng selfishly, selfishly found a man to marry in a hurry, selfishly thought she had a new and happy life...
Maybe it was her selfishness that got her retribution.
She was like an orchid blooming in the wind and rain. She was caught off guard by the violent storm, and all the delicate petals were destroyed.
And she was no longer the noble and elegant eldest daughter of the Mu family. She was stepped into the mud and had nothing...

She regretted it.
She really regrets it.
Even if she marries a vegetative person, she will not be able to endure those storms...
Therefore, she returned to China without hesitation.
She wishes it could happen again.

Fortunately, Li Yunting was about to wake up, and the first person he sees when he opened his eyes would be her. Then, they can definitely go back to ten years ago...
Suddenly it started to rain.

The early summer night rain came quickly and fiercely, and raindrops fell on the windows with crackling sounds. After a while, the rain decreased.

Jiang Jin came out of the bathroom after taking a shower and suddenly felt a little hungry.
Starving herself for those little brats, is her brain flooded?
She went downstairs in her pajamas and looked for something to eat in the kitchen.
She was eating alone and was too lazy to turn on the fire. She rummaged around and finally found a bucket of instant noodles from the cracks in the cabinet. She leisurely heated the water and prepared to eat instant noodles.
Although instant noodles are not healthy, they are quite delicious once in a while.
After the water was boiled, Jiang Jin was about to pour the hot water into the instant noodle box when the sound of a car driving in suddenly came from the door of the villa.

She turned around and saw Li Dongjing's assistant, Chen Feng, holding an umbrella and respectfully sending the two brats to the door of her house.
She raised her wrist and glanced at the time. It hadn't been an hour since these two bastards had gone back and forth. How could they finish dinner so quickly?

Li Xichen and Li Beixiao changed their shoes and walked in.

They saw Jiang Jin pouring hot water into the instant noodles box, and the aroma suddenly filled the air.
"Are you going to eat instant noodles?" Li Beixiao walked over and asked slowly.
"The heartless little bastards are going out to eat and drink hot food, and I, an old mother, can only eat instant noodles at home..."
She deliberately let out a long sigh, "What evil have I done? When I get old, I will definitely have to eat instant noodles every day. Oh, I am so miserable..."
The corners of Li Xichen's mouth twitched.

This woman is really addicted to acting.
Li Beixiao obediently raised his head: "We haven't eaten yet."
"You're lying!" Jiang Jin snorted, "Your eldest brother and that Aunt Mu personally took you out, how could they not give you a bite to eat? Don't stare at my instant noodles. Why don't you just stay cool?”
She sat at the dining table with her instant noodles and happily ate them.

She hasn’t had instant noodles in about half a year, and this tastes really amazing.



She heard the sound of a stomach singing an empty city plan.

She slowly turned her head and saw Li Beixiao staring at the instant noodles in her hand and swallowing hard.

Li Xichen was slumped on the sofa, and his dark eyes glanced over from time to time.

These two bastards haven’t really eaten yet, right?

"There's nothing like this in the future." Li Xichen said coldly, "It's not like we don't have instant noodles at home. Why are we staring at her?"
Jiang Jin curled her lips proudly: "I've searched everywhere, and only this bucket is left. If you beg me with a good attitude, I can consider giving out a few bites."
Before she finished speaking, Li Xichen lowered his head and took out a bucket of instant noodles from under the sofa. He stood up and walked to the entrance, felt behind the cabinet, and took out another bucket.
Jiang Jin: "..."
Why do these two naughty kids like to put instant noodles in such corners and gaps?
Li Xichen picked up a bucket of instant noodles and threw it over: "Xiaobei, catch it."
Li Beixiao caught it accurately, skillfully tore open the instant noodles packaging bag, and then went to get the hot water.
Seeing the familiar movements of their two children, Jiang Jin suddenly understood at this moment.

As long as the children make mistakes, the original owner will not allow the children to eat. In order to fill their stomachs, that's why they hide so many instant noodles at home.
How many times had the children who were only five years old been starved and how much torture had they suffered...
Jiang Jin put down her fork and walked over, snatching the instant noodles from the hands of the two children: "This is unhealthy, and you are not allowed to eat it in the future."
Li Xichen was about to retort when he raised his head and saw the glint in Jiang Jin's eyes.
It's like stars are breaking in the eyes, like tears are coming up little by little, and the eye circles are turning red...
Jiang Jin turned her head uncomfortably and said coldly: "You are two little debt collectors. I must have owed you money in my previous life. You want to join in the fun even if I eat instant noodles. If you get diarrhea after eating, the old man will definitely scold me. You two just wait patiently and I will fry you some eggs and rice."
This is the only thing she can offer.
If these two boys dared to dislike her again, she vowed never to cook again!
Jiang Jin walked into the kitchen cursing, rolled up her sleeves, put on an apron, and quickly started to prepare...
