DSHSN - 24

Gu Yiyi didn't sleep well at night. When he got up the next day, he sat at the dining table and kept yawning.

Gu Heng was also there during breakfast. Seeing him like this, he asked aloud: "What time did you go to bed last night?"

Gu Yiyi immediately understood what his father meant and explained: "I didn't stay up late playing games."

Gu Heng glanced at him, sat upright, and continued eating breakfast.

Gu Yiyi felt that his father might not believe it, but he didn't know how to explain this matter.

Gu Heng went out after breakfast without giving him a chance to explain.

When he got outside, he saw a child rubbing her eyes followed by a puppy.

The little girl has washed her face, but she still looks very sleepy and follows her mother.

When she saw Gu Heng, she rubbed her eyes and greeted him: "Dad... look, I have a puppy."

Gu Heng went out early yesterday. In the past two days, Yan Beibei didn't even meet her father.

Yan Beibei's expression was filled with excitement. Gu Heng's mood improved as he looked at the child's happy face. A good mood for the day starts from the morning.

He walked over, picked up the child, and said with a smile: "The dog is very cute."

"I think so too." The child's voice was crisp and her long eyelashes were slightly raised, making her look very cute.

Gu Heng touched her little head and his eyes fell on Yan Li next to the side.

Their eyes met, and Yan Li's eyes didn't show much emotion. Gu Heng waited for her to say something, but she stood aside and said nothing.

Gu Heng said to the child: "How about dad taking time to play with you on the weekend?"

The child was still looking forward to her father going out to play with her, and she immediately looked at her father with watery eyes.

"Okay dad, where are we going to play?"

The child in his arms is very soft and light. Gu Heng smiled: "Where do you want to go?"

Yan Beibei shook her head: "I don't know."

"Then think about it."

The little guy saw her brother coming out and asked, "Brother, where are we going to play?"

Gu Yiyi thought that the three of them were going to play, but he didn't expect that Yan Beibei's plan included him. He was stunned, and then said: "I don't want to go!"

Yan Beibei was confused: "Why don't you go?"

"I'm not a child."

"I won't tell you anymore, I have to go to school." Gu Yiyi was in a good mood this morning.

When he came down from upstairs with his schoolbag, he saw Gu Heng was tying his tie downstairs. Seeing him coming down, Gu Heng took back his fingers between the ties and said calmly: "I'll take you to school.”

The sun is really shining in the west today. Gu Heng's company and Gu Yiyi School are not on the same road. Gu Heng rarely sends him there. Why today...

No matter what, Gu Yiyi is willing.

"Okay." There was silence all the way, and Gu Yiyi fell asleep. When they almost arrived at school, Gu Heng told him: "Don't stay up so late at night in the future."

"I won't say anything else if you don't study well. If your body is in a bad state, the only one who feels uncomfortable is you."

At this moment, Gu Yiyi suddenly remembered what others said about the trumpet theory, and wondered whether his father really didn't pay attention to him because he had Yan Beibei.

But Gu Yiyi also wants to show off. He thinks it doesn't matter if his dad practices trumpet. After all, he has never done anything special for him. There is actually not much difference between before and now. Gu Yiyi also It's not that he likes Gu Heng's money too much. Whatever he wants, he can earn it by himself in the future. It's not that he can't work hard on his own. Gu Heng might have to beg him in turn.

Isn't that what his grandfather was like?

While Gu Yiyi was thinking wildly, Gu Heng's car had already parked in front of the school.

"We're here." The man's tone was slightly cold, and the phalanges of his hand on the steering wheel were clearly defined.

Although Gu Yiyi sometimes hates his father, he has to admit that his father has reached this age and looks like he is in his twenties. His appearance is really outstanding. He doesn’t know what he will be in the future. Will he be like him?

Gu Yiyi grabbed the schoolbag strap next to him and quickly got out of the car.

The boy ran very fast, and after a while, Qingjun's figure had already entered the school gate.

Gu Heng sat in the driver's seat and watched, feeling confused for no reason at all for a moment.

This child, without realizing it, has grown so big.

After Gu Yiyi arrived in the classroom, he saw that Shen Yang was already sitting in his seat. The boy had changed into clothes that were different from yesterday, but they still looked shabby. Moreover, his hands were wrapped with gauze, and it looked like he was injured.

While fetching water, Gu Yiyi met Shen Yang outside the classroom. He couldn't help but asked, "Did you hurt your hand last night?"

The arrogant young man's fingers holding the cup curled up. He felt embarrassed and ashamed.

How he wanted to erase Gu Yiyi's memory of last night.

"Yeah." He lowered his head, his voice a little muffled.

Gu Yiyi didn't seem to notice his resistance and continued to ask: "How did you get it?"

"It's from the glass." Shen Yang felt that there was a bit of stupidity in the young man's clear eyes, which annoyed him a little. "I'm going back to the classroom first." Shen Yang didn't want to say more to him, so he walked around him and went inside.

During class, Gu Yiyi couldn't listen, and his eyes fell on Shen Yang. He was taking notes with a pen, looking very serious.

Shen Yang's grades are pretty good, ranking among the top ten in his grade.

Gu Yiyi thought that learning was easy before, but when he studied seriously, he found that learning was not that simple. He missed too many things and did not understand many very basic things.

After another day of idleness, Shen Yang was on duty in the evening. Gu Yiyi waited until the classmate on duty went out, then walked to Shen Yang and asked, "Are you going to pick up the bottle later?"

Shen Yang didn't know why Gu Yiyi was so concerned about his affairs. He didn't feel grateful to Gu Yiyi for his concern. Instead, he felt that this young master who was inexperienced in the world was a bit troublesome. Shen Yang didn't need his sympathy. He took the broom and swept the garbage into the trash basket, lowering his eyes and said, "Yes."

So tell me what you want to say quickly and don't bother me.

Gu Yiyi scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: "I think you should not pick this up."

If he didn't pick up the bottle, why would he? Relying on his charity?

Shen Yang said with a bit of sarcasm on his lips: "Besides this, what can I do?"

This was the first time for Gu Yiyi to do such a thing. He was a little embarrassed and said: "I..."

"I'm short of a teacher. Do you want to help me with tutoring?"

Shen Yang stared at him coldly, his expression a bit gloomy: "Are you pitying me?"

Gu Yiyi looked at his ugly face and stuttered: "No."

He felt that this boy's self-esteem was too strong.

"My dad said he wanted to hire a tutor for me, so I thought, since you need a job, you can be my teacher. Your grades are so good, and we have classes at the same time."

"Don't refuse in a hurry. Please think about it for a few more days!"

Gu Yiyi spoke the last sentence very fast.

But Shen Yang still refused: "No, I don't need your pity."

After saying that, he took the broom and walked to the other side of the classroom.

Shen Yang's rejection made Gu Yiyi extremely disappointed. He couldn't understand why Shen Yang refused him when he was so short of money.

He was not happy, but the child Yan Beibei was very happy. When he came home, he saw the child lying on the grass with two big silly dogs and a little silly dog, pink and beeping. There is a happy smile on the little face.

Gu Yiyi's footsteps towards the living room suddenly turned around, walked over and looked at her condescendingly, and asked: "You are lying on the floor, are you dirty?"

The child looked up at her brother with bright eyes and said, "I'm not dirty. If I'm really dirty, then I will go back and wash myself off."

He laughed at her: "Dirty kid."

Yan Beibei didn't think that she was not a clean child. She whispered: "No, I am not a dirty child."

Gu Yiyi: "Aren't you very dirty now?"


"You are!"

Yan Beibei felt that her brother said that on purpose, and said angrily: "Bad brother!"

"Little dirty child!"

Yan Beibei got up and ran away immediately. Her short legs ran as fast as a little rabbit.

"I don't want to play with you."

Yan Li came out of the house. She was wearing a bright green floral dress. She looked quite beautiful. When she saw Gu Yiyi, she was speechless and asked, "Can you not bully the child? Look how old you are!”

Gu Yiyi was in a good mood now and didn't want to worry about her so much.

After leaving, he turned back and asked Yan Li: "If someone helps you when you are in a difficult situation and you refuse, what kind of psychology is this?"

Yan Li didn't understand why this kid asked such a retarded question, so she rolled her eyes and said, "Others choose their own path. Don't you know how to respect other people's fate?"

It's not that Yan Li has never had the most difficult time. At that time, she wished that someone noble would fall from the sky. If the help was not too much, she would generally not refuse. Although she didn't know what Gu Yiyi was doing, she still respected other people's fate and was done with it.

Gu Yiyi fell into thinking.

After thinking about it, he felt that what Yan Li said was not wrong.

But the simple-minded young man was still depressed for several days because of this incident.

On Sunday, Gu Heng specially took a day to go out to play with Yan Beibei. Before going out, mother and daughter packed up beautifully.

Yan Li is wearing a purple V-neck top, a white long skirt, and her hair is tied into braids. She looks particularly young.

The child is wearing a yellow skirt. The skirt is gauze-like and looks fairy-like. With her big, watery eyes, she looks like a little fairy. The little guy was white and clean, carrying a shoulder bag quietly and obediently, and hugging her own little yellow duck water cup. She was different from the children Gu Yiyi had seen before who cried and made fuss easily.

Yan Beibei, you say she is timid, but sometimes she is quite clever. A truly timid child will not run so fast without her legs shaking with fear as soon as she sees something is wrong.

Although Gu Yiyi had said not to go, before going out, Gu Heng still asked: "We are going to the zoo, will you go?"

Gu Yiyi had already been to the zoo a long time ago, but not with Gu Heng.

Gu Heng is a very busy man, so how can he find time to accompany him to the zoo?

But Gu Yiyi has nothing to do today. If he has nothing to do, it's not impossible to go to the zoo to kill some time.

Gu Yiyi reluctantly agreed: "It's okay to go, there's nothing to do anyway."

Gu Heng glanced at him and urged: "If you go, hurry up and clean up."
