DSHSN - 23

Younger sister?

When Lu Wan recalled the content of the dream, she could only recall the parts about herself. She knew very little about Gu Yiyi's family. She only remembered him in the dream, and his relationship with his family was not good.

Gu Yiyi left with the puppy in one hand. He originally wanted to take a taxi back, but the driver heard that he didn't have anything to carry the dog, so he didn't let him get in the car. Gu Yiyi could only call the driver at home and ask him to pick him up.

When they got home, the mother and daughter had just finished eating. Two big dogs came into the house and were biting Yan Beibei's Barbie doll. Gu Yiyi couldn't hold back and laughed. He rescued the child's toy from the dog's mouth and threw it away. After he sat on the sofa, he asked someone to take these two idiots out.

The two silly dogs hadn't seen him for a long time. As soon as they saw him, they wanted to rush over. As a result, their owner actually asked people to drive them out and lock them up, which was a bit excessive.

Yan Beibei went upstairs just now. When she saw a white puppy with watery eyes in the living room, she immediately fell in love with it.

Although big dogs are also very good, there is no such thing as a small dog. Moreover, this puppy is quite a family member. When he saw Yan Beibei, he was only shy for a moment, and immediately came over to pull her shoes and rub her affectionately.

Yan Beibei was so excited that she saw the soft and milky puppy. She asked her brother in surprise: "Brother, where did this puppy come from?"

Gu Yiyi said: "My classmate's dog recently gave birth to this puppy. Hey, it's so annoying that he has to leave it to me to raise!"

Yan Li watched quietly as the boy talked nonsense.

With the little puppy, the annoying big dogs were temporarily forgotten by the child. The little puppy climbed the stairs and followed the friend up, its short legs bouncing and its tail swishing, Gu Yiyi actually found it a bit cute.

Before going to bed, the child petted the dog. Yan Li was worried that the dog was not clean, so she urged the child to take a bath and go to bed. Yan Beibei lowered her head, touched the soft little head of the puppy, and said: "The dog hasn't been bathed yet, it's dirty. Wash your hands and go to bed.”

Yan Beibei told her mother: "My brother said before he left that the dog had been bathed at the pet store before he came back, and I could hug it as I pleased."

Yan Li felt a little funny when she thought of the smelly boy with his nostrils turned up in the air and telling Yan Beibei that the dog had already taken a bath.

This guy is quite attentive.

She finally felt that the gift she bought for him was a bit perfunctory.

Gu Heng came back later, holding a suit in his hand. He took a look at the child and saw a white puppy lying under the bed. The children made a simple kennel out of cardboard boxes and small blankets. He felt it was a bit funny, and watched it for a while before going back to rest.

He finally felt a little more relaxed today, and then he discovered that there was an extra belt in the room. He usually uses special brands, so he can recognize the differences.

He sent a message to the housekeeper, who told him that this was a gift his wife had bought for him before he came back, and that the young master also had a gift.

Gu Heng picked up the belt and thought about her not being too warm towards him after he came back, and fell into deep thought.

When Gu Yiyi went to school the next day, Shen Yang wanted to return the money to him.

Although, he is very short of money.

His father was injured at the construction site this month and he has no money to send to them. Shen Yang can live frugally, but grandma is in poor health and needs to buy medicine. At his age, it is not easy to find a job...

But, he can't take this money.

Gu Yiyi thought that after he left yesterday, Shen Yang would accept the money, but he brought the money. Gu Yiyi was a little impatient and said, "Oh, I'll give it to you as promised. I pay for everything and no one owes anyone anything.”

Shen Yang pursed his lips and said, "It's just a local dog. It's worthless. So be it, I only want one hundred."

After saying that, he put down everything else and hurried back to his seat.

Yu Chen came at this time and saw Gu Yiyi with a wad of money on the table, and asked: "Yiyi, why do you put so much money on the table?"

Gu Yiyi said: "No one else needs the money to buy a dog."

Yu Chen didn't know that he was really buying a puppy, so he thought it was an insult. He smiled and said, "No, I want to buy snacks for our brothers."

Gu Yiyi was generous to his friend: "Okay."

The conditions of Yu Chen's family are not as good as those of the Gu family, but they are not bad either. They treat each other a lot, and Yu Chen can get the money without any pressure.

Not long after, he came back happily and distributed a lot of snacks to Gu Yiyi and a group of close friends.

Shen Yang's position was not far from them. He heard what he just said, and now he felt a little heartbroken.

If he had been greedy just now and didn't give Gu Yiyi the money, wouldn't grandma have enough money to buy medicine this month?

Gu Yiyi's current situation of studying hard only lasted for more than ten days. After his mood improved later, he was no longer so serious. However, he really didn't go to Internet cafes very often, and he didn't like to fight. He spent a lot of time playing basketball after school.

On this day, Yu Chen and the others went to the Internet cafe, which was located in the old city.

Recently, the Internet cafe near the school was heavily censored and minors were not allowed to enter, so they found a remote Internet cafe to surf the Internet.

Gu Yiyi came to see Yu Chen for something, but when he was looking for the location of the Internet cafe in the alley with his mobile phone, he saw a familiar figure.

Shen Yang...

The boy was wearing washed gray clothes that were white and pilling. He was bent next to the trash can, rummaging hard for something inside.

Although Shen Yang's home is also in the old city, it is far away from here. He came so far to dig through garbage?

He stood there silently. After a while, he saw a smile on the face of the boy with dirty hands because he picked up the bottle.

The trash cans are very dirty and full of bacteria. A boy who was picking up trash cans near the school, passed away last year because he had respiratory problems due to exposure to too many bacteria.

Gu Yiyi rarely interacts with people from poor family backgrounds. He remembers the uncle because once when he was wandering outside, the uncle gave him a flashlight to light the way and reminded him to come back home early.

Nowadays, the people picking up bottles near the school are replaced by other people. Like the uncle, they are all in their fifties. Their family conditions are very poor, and they can't find a job because they are older, so they can only do this to make a living.

Shen Yang doesn't want to ask for his own money, but he goes out to pick up garbage?

Gu Yiyi didn't understand.

He walked over and called Shen Yang: "Shen Yang."

The boy's back stiffened. He walked so far just because he didn't want to be recognized by acquaintances. As a result, Gu Yiyi appeared here.

The young man was proud of himself and felt a little embarrassed. His fingers holding the plastic bag trembled slightly.

"Why are you here?"

"Since you are short of money, why didn't you take the money I gave you that day?"

Shen Yang didn't want to talk to Gu Yiyi, a silly boy. He had grown up in the crowd, so naturally he didn't understand how hard they worked for money.

They had no intersection at all, but that day, Shen Yang's friend came to him and said he wanted a puppy. Gu Yiyi heard this and asked him if he still had one at home. Before that, Gu Yiyi didn't even know his name.

"It's nothing, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first." The young man lowered his head and wanted to leave in a hurry.

Who knew that Yu Chen and the others, who had not seen Gu Yiyi for a long time, came out at this time and greeted him with a smile: "Yiyi, we are in the alley behind, let's go and play games."

Gu Yiyi refused: "I'll go home after I get my things."

Another boy named Zhou Cheng said: "Why are you in a hurry to go home? Are there girls at home?"

There are many girls chasing Gu Yiyi. Although he has only dated one person, in the eyes of many uninformed people, they will think that he often has girlfriends.

Zhou Cheng said: "After we finish playing the game, let's go have a drink and pick up girls?"

Yu Chen smiled and said: "You still let Yiyi have a date, the one before has cast a shadow on him."

The life of not studying hard and having money to play games and go out with girls has nothing to do with Shen Yang after all. He wanted to leave quietly, but Zhou Cheng had already seen him and asked casually: "Shen Yang, what are you doing? Picking up trash?”

The young man burst into laughter as he spoke, his words laced with sarcasm.

Although Gu Yiyi was a young master with a golden spoon, at this moment, looking at Shen Yang, he suddenly thought of himself who tried hard but was laughed at.

No effort should be scorned.

He turned coldly and said, "Zhou Cheng."

Zhou Cheng immediately stopped his smile and asked, "You really won't come?"


"Okay, let's go back."

Yu Chen gave the game card to Gu Yiyi and followed Zhou Cheng back, shoulder to shoulder. When he was far away, he turned back and asked Gu Yiyi: "You really aren't coming?"

"Yes." When Yu Chen and the others left, Shen Yang also left. The young man's thin back was filled with aloofness, which made Gu Yiyi unable to recover for a long time.

When they got home, the mother and daughter were playing the game of teacher and student in front of the small blackboard, alternately being teacher and student.

Yan Li sat tall on the children's chair, with her hands together and sitting upright, giving the students to Yan Beibei. The little guy knows a few words, including up, down, left and right sky clouds, and can also recite a few Tang poems.


After Gu Yiyi went upstairs and changed his clothes, he came down for dinner. When he went to bed at night, he put his hands on the back of his head and felt a little uncomfortable when he thought of Shen Yang's resolute face.
