FVB - 043

Chapter 43: It’s easy to hide from open guns, but hard to guard against hidden arrows

As night falls, the lights in the yard light up one by one.

The villa suddenly became quiet, and even the sound of the wind blowing through the eaves could be heard clearly.

Zhang Ma glanced at Jiang Jin and said uneasily: "Young Madam, should you continue to cook dinner, or should I do it?"
Jiang Jin's mood waned.

She had no appetite at all and said calmly: "There is no need to cook dinner. You can go back."
Zhang Ma felt that she was in a low mood and did not dare to stay any longer. If this woman returned to her old ways, she would be the unlucky one again.
Zhang Ma picked up her bag and left in a hurry.
Jiang Jin twitched the corners of her lips and cursed in a dull voice: "You heartless little bastards, just leave as soon as you say you're going to leave. See if I still ignore you in the future."
She got up and walked towards the second floor.
When she reached the door of the master bedroom, she stopped habitually.
She didn't know why, but every time she passed this room, she wanted to open the door and take a look.
She pressed the eight-digit password. The password was correct and the door automatically unlocked. However, when she pushed the door, it could not be pushed open.
"There won't be another lock, right?"
Jiang Jin curled her lips.
Those people really took great pains to prevent her from entering this room.
If you don’t get in, you won’t get in. What’s so rare about it.
She strode back to her room and slammed the door.
Within the door.

Li Yunting was half lying on the soft big bed, with a cold look between his brows. His eyes were very dark, like the sky on a rainy night, without a trace of light.
Standing next to the bed was a man wearing a black trench coat.
The man wears glasses and looks a little polite, but he is slender and capable, and his aura is low and restrained. You can tell at a glance that he has good skills.
"This is the development report of the Li Group in the past ten years." Yetang said respectfully, "In the third year after Mr. fell into coma, the Li Group became a hot topic in the eyes of these people. They spent nearly ten years on it, and finally found a way to deal with the Li Group... If they succeed, the Li Group will be annexed within a month..."
A sneer appeared at the corner of Li Yunting's lips: "The Gou family took the lead in encircling and suppressing the Li family. They really deserve this surname."
Ye Tang said, "Sir, what should we do next?"
"It's easy to hide from open guns, but hard to guard against hidden arrows. If that's the case, then let's watch this big show in the dark."

As soon as Li Yunting finished speaking, he heard the door being pushed, and then the voice of a woman muttered.
It's that woman...
His eyes instantly darkened.
After he fell into a coma, he was completely unconscious except for the first two years. Later, he gradually regained consciousness and could slowly hear the sounds around him.
He knew that his father had found a wife for him.

He knew that he had four sons.

He knew that this woman did not marry him willingly.
He even knew that his nominal wife had already cuckolded him...
"Go check that woman." Li Yunting's voice carried a dangerous tone, "Everything is detailed, check everything one by one."

Ye Tang immediately took the order.
He was about to leave when he paused and said, "Sir, do you want to tell the old man about your waking up?"
Li Yunting's voice was low: "Wait a few more days."
He finally woke up after sleeping for ten years, and there was too much to do.
He has slept for too long, and there are still many problems left in his body. Even a weak woman can knock him out...
Thinking of what happened that night, Li Yunting's eyes darkened again.

In a Western restaurant...
Melodious piano music sounded in the restaurant, and many people listened carefully.

Li Dongjing had no intention of listening to the piano music. He pursed his lips and said coldly: "You two, roll up your sleeves."

Li Beixiao not only rolled up his sleeves, but also unbuttoned his clothes and said seriously: "Brother, she really hasn't abused us recently. On the contrary, she is very good to us. She takes us to and from school every day and personally tutors us with our homework, third brother and I got first place in the exam today, she promised to cook for us, brother, you really misunderstood."

Li Dongjing looked at him. Whether it was his arms or chest, the skin was white and tender, without any bruise or red mark.
When he was a child, he never had a piece of good skin on his body, and there were all kinds of injuries everywhere...
Could it be that that woman has really changed?
"If she didn't abuse you, why would she let you go into the kitchen and do that kind of thing?" Mu Yingxuan said distressedly, "You are the young masters of the Li family, and you should grow up like jewels. You are apple of the eyes of the old man. But she treats her like a servant... Xiaoxi, Xiaobei, I really feel for you...
Why don't you move out and live with me? I will definitely treat you well and let you have a happy childhood and a happy home..."

These words made Li Xichen feel inexplicably harsh.
He used to have good feelings about Mu Yingxuan, but these words made it impossible for him to get close to this Aunt Mu anymore.
"Xiaobei has made it very clear. She did not abuse us, and our life is not that miserable. We don't need Aunt Mu to pity us!" Li Xichen pulled away the chair and stood up, saying coldly, "Xiaobei, Let’s go back.”

Li Beixiao also stood up.
If his eldest brother hadn't brought them here, he would never have gone out.
Although the woman's cooking was not delicious, he was willing to eat it because the food she cooked could strangely calm his impetuous heart...
"Brother, we'll go back first."
Li Beixiao put down the chair and turned around to walk out.
Li Dongjing frowned and said coldly: "Did she threaten you that if you don't go back, she will hang you up and beat you?"
"Miss Jiang has gone too far. She is your biological mother. How could she beat you so badly..."
Mu Yingxuan's eyes welled up with tears, "Xiaoxi, Xiaobei, you two treat her as your mother, but she doesn't have any maternal love for you, why are you going back?
Although I did not give birth to you, I will treat you as my own sons. Don’t go back. I will take care of you in the future..."
Li Xichen sneered, his eyes disdainful.
Li Beixiao said slowly: "I finally know why she doesn't welcome Aunt Mu so much."

Mu Yingxuan was stunned: "Why?"

"Aunt Mu wants to marry our dad." Li Beixiao looked at her obediently, but every word hit Mu Yingxuan's heart like a heavy hammer, "Grandpa said that even if our parents divorce, he will not let anyone else be our stepmother.”
Because their biological mother is unreliable, it is impossible for their grandfather to find a stepmother to come back and abuse them.
"So, Aunt Mu, your hope is in vain."
After Li Beixiao finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Li Xichen kicked the stool away and followed quickly.
