FVB - 042

Chapter 42 Grow into a proud man in the abyss

Li Dongjing's eyes stayed on Jiang Jin's face for only 0.01 second.

Then, he looked at Li Xichen and Li Beixiao who were sitting next to them eating ice cream, and said in a cold voice: "You two are sitting in the living room waiting for me."

He pursed his lips and looked at Mu Yingxuan, "Aunt Mu, let's go to the study on the second floor to chat for a while."

Mu Yingxuan smiled softly and nodded: "Okay."
The two walked up the stairs one after another, and the door to the study on the second floor slowly closed, blocking out all sounds.
Jiang Jin had a calm face, and her depression slowly spread.
She didn't even know why she was so angry...
Isn't it normal for Li Dongjing to be friends with Mu Yingxuan? What should she be angry about?
The original owner had abused Li Dongjing for many years, so it was strange that that boy would look good on her.
Jiang Jin suppressed the dissatisfaction in her heart, stood up and said calmly: "I will cook tonight's dinner. Think of it as your reward for being first in the exam."
Li Beixiao paused his fingers and forced a smile: "You have already worked hard to pick us up from school, so you should have a good rest and let Grandma Zhang do it."
Li Xichen snorted: "I reasonably suspect that you want to starve us to death."
"It seems that you don't want me to enter the kitchen." Jiang Jin said coldly, "Aunt Mu made ice cream for you, and you ate it all with satisfaction. I haven't even started making it yet, and you two started looking for excuses to make me give up cooking..."

"Why do I smell sour?" Li Xichen wrinkled his nose, "Hey, aren't you jealous?"
"Jealous, you big-headed idiot!" Jiang Jin reached out and poked his head, and said angrily, "Since you dislike my poor cooking, then you two go into the kitchen and help me, Xiaobei, you peel the beans, Xiaoxi, peel the potatoes..."
Jiang Jin confidently ordered the two children to help with the work.
Study room on the second floor.
"A Jing, I have heard about the Li Group. If we don't find a solution, the Li Group may fall apart." Mu Yingxuan sighed, "The break in the capital chain is actually not a big problem, as long as we can find investors that can solve the problem by injecting capital.”
"Someone deliberately contributed to the trouble caused by the Li Group. Everyone in Yuncheng knows that the Li Group has offended a big shot, so they don't dare to help."
Li Dongjing's eyes were dark, "Grandpa is going to contact overseas investors, maybe he can find a chance of survival."
Mu Yingxuan paused and said: "Mu's Group also has a certain prestige in Yuncheng. If we, Mu's, take the lead in injecting capital to rescue the Li family, we should be able to attract some investors.
Unfortunately, the old man was unwilling to accept Mu's capital injection. Ah Jing, I came to you today just because I hope you can go back and persuade the old man to not refuse my kindness..."

Li Dongjing's mandible tensed.
He understood the reason why his grandfather refused the Mu family's investment.
This is his grandpa’s heart.
It was impossible for him to accept this matter behind his grandfather's back.
"Aunt Mu, Li's fund gap is not a small sum, and this bottomless pit cannot be filled by Mu's Group." Li Dongjing said slowly, "Grandpa will solve this matter, so Aunt Mu doesn't have to worry."
Mu Yingxuan wanted to say something more, but Li Dongjing directly changed the subject: "Aunt Mu, we haven't seen each other for more than a year. Let's have dinner together tonight."
Mu Yingxuan sighed: "Okay, let's talk slowly after dinner."
Li Dongjing opened the study door and walked downstairs first.

Before he took two steps, he heard Jiang Jin's voice coming from the kitchen—
"The potatoes were not peeled cleanly, so peel them again!"
"You haven't removed the bug eyes from the vegetables. Is there something wrong with your eyes?"
Li Dongjing quickly went downstairs. When he walked to the kitchen door, he saw his two brothers, Li Xichen and Li Beixiao, squatting pitifully on the ground working.
Two children under five years old, one holding a knife to peel potatoes, looked dangerous.
He kept his eyes wide open and tried hard to find insect holes on the vegetable leaves, and rubbed his eyes from time to time. The water droplets wet his hair and stuck to his forehead, making him look even more pitiful.
A burst of anger instantly shot up from the soles of Li Dongjing's feet.
He pushed open the kitchen glass door, picked up the two boys squatting on the ground, and protected them behind him.
The peeling knife fell on the ground, and Li Beixiao was about to pick it up when Li Dongjing stopped him.

  "She abuses and tortures you so much, why don't you resist?"

  He was abused as a child, and he would repay it tenfold and a hundredfold every time.

  It wasn't until I finally moved out of the villa when I was seven years old that all the nightmares were finally over.

  He thought that Xiaoxi and Xiaobei would be like him, learning to resist in adversity, learn to grow up in despair, and grow up to be proud in the abyss...


These two little things were so obedient and allowed to be tortured by this woman!

  "Brother, you misunderstood, she didn't torture us..." Li Beixiao explained, "The third brother and I are helping to make dinner."

  "No need to do it." Li Dongjing said coldly, "Big brother will take you out to eat."

  He glanced at Jiang Jin coldly and walked out with Li Xichen and Li Beixiao without any explanation.

  Mu Yingxuan's eyes flashed with joy.

  She stood at the door of the kitchen and said in a gentle voice: "Mrs. Li, why don't we go out for dinner together? I'll treat you..."

  Jiang Jin was wearing an apron and was washing the pot with a rag in her hand.

  She suddenly felt a little lucky, glad that she hadn't started cooking yet, otherwise, who would she have cooked a table of food for?

  She turned her head and looked at Li Dongjing's figure.

  The nine-year-old boy held a younger brother on his left and right hands, and with domineering movements, he dragged the two younger brothers into the car and closed the door with force.

  Then, the young man turned back, and his eyes in the afterglow of the setting sun seemed to be stained with red clouds all over the sky, burning like fire...

  Across such a long distance, Jiang Jin clearly felt hatred.

  That kind of hatred spreads from the bones, with paranoia and extreme...

  "Mrs. Li, are you going together?" Mu Yingxuan asked again.

  Jiang Jin took off her apron and raised her lips with a contemptuous smile: "It seems that Miss Mu has started practicing how to be a stepmother, so I wish you good luck."

After she finished speaking, she threw the apron casually on the chair.

  Mu Yingxuan's fists suddenly clenched.

  Her gentle, watery eyes also turned gloomy at this moment.

  Her failure to marry Ating ten years ago was the greatest misfortune in her life. Ten years later, she would never miss any opportunity again.

  She turned around, walked out of the villa, looked at Li Dongjing and sighed: "Your mother seems to have misunderstood me. Shouldn't I be so close to you?"

  "Whatever she does, just get in the car."

  Li Dongjing opened the car door and got in, and Mu Yingxuan also got in.

Chen Feng drove the car smoothly towards the largest restaurant in the center of Yuncheng City.
