The Female Supporting Actress is Acting Again - 19

☆⁠Chapter 19 The villain is reborn☆

Not only Mr. Huo but also Lin Jianqing had not thought of Lin Ran's secretiveness.

She thought she had protected Lin Ran, but little did she know that even without her, Lin Ran could still escape unscathed.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Lin Jianqing finally woke up in a residential house in Seine City that had been deserted for a long time.

She was a little confused because she had just woken up. She looked around and didn't see Lin Ran. She was startled and subconsciously thought he was gone. She asked Silent Hill, "Where is Lin Ran?"

"Looking for something to eat in the kitchen," Silent Hill said.

Oh. Lin Jianqing finally exhaled, rubbed her hair, stood up from the floor, and prepared to go to the kitchen to find Lin Ran.

On the way, Silent Hill's attitude was a bit strange and he asked, "But Qingqing, do you think there's anything weird about Lin Ran?"

"What's weird?"

"It's weird everywhere!" Silent Hill remembered the dark aura he felt from Lin Ran not long ago, and quickly analyzed it for Lin Jianqing: "He is a seven-year-old child, why did Huo Yi take him with him when he went abroad to do business? He opened a jade worth more than 100 million. If he wants to make money, he had already made money. Why does he still insist on going to Mr. Huo? This makes no sense at all!"

The most important thing is that there is no such plot in the original work. According to the trajectory of the novel, he won Mr. Huo's favor only when he was in his teens.

Lin Jianqing also knew about these strange things, but it was not a matter of knowing or not knowing. The key was that even if she knew these strange things, so what?

Can she ignore Lin Ran?

Even if Lin Ran himself is not as harmless and sunny as he shows, even if he has many problems, she must put protecting him first.

"However," Lin Jianqing looked towards the kitchen, thoughtfully: "Finding out why Lin Ran's line deviates from the plot may help us complete task two."

As the saying goes, to prescribe the right medicine, you must first understand where the disease is, so that Lin Jianqing can find a way to deal with it.

The seeds of doubt were planted and finally began to sprout.

This house had been unoccupied for several months. Lin Ran rummaged in the kitchen for a while but couldn't find anything to eat. He was frustrated when he heard Lin Jianqing ask at the door of the kitchen: "Are you hungry?"

Lin Ran looked up and saw the woman leaning against the door, holding a piece of cake in her hand.

The cake was very big, like the kind of steamed buns that people in northern China would eat. Lin Ran was surprised: "The food you found?"

"What kind of food can you find in this little shabby house?" Lin Jianqing patted her bag and said, "Dry food to carry with me." She casually divided the cake into two equal portions, taking a bite of one portion and passing the other portion to Lin Ran.

Lin Ran actually didn't want to eat this kind of food of unknown origin, but he hadn't eaten anything else since breakfast today. He might have to continue to use up his energy in the evening, so he only hesitated for a moment. He didn't refuse again, but directly took the cake from Lin Jianqing's hand and took a bite.

Weirdly sweet.

Lin Ran took a look at the cake as he ate it. He felt that although it looked ugly, it tasted surprisingly good. He didn't know where Lin Jianqing bought it.

Silent Hill took every opportunity to mock Lin Jianqing: "How about it, does this cake taste good?"

Lin Jianqing took a serious bite, chewed for a long time, and then said to Silent Hill like a food blogger: "Although this cake looks rough, it tastes very good! It has a very sweet taste when it first enters the mouth, not dry or astringent, with a delicate texture, it can be called the king of cakes. I points!"


Lin Jianqing suddenly changed her face and said fiercely: "There are still 100 points left to deduct the rules, this stinky guy is too stingy! I have a whole experience point, and it is easy to draw the roulette wheel once, and he drew this thing for me! Bad review!”

That's right, what Lin Ran and Lin Jianqing are eating now is the "pie in the sky" that Lin Jianqing used to spend an experience point to draw from the lottery wheel of the Rules of Silence. After eating it, one can have sweet dreams for three days.

This thing was really worthless and basically useless as a prop. Now that Lin saw that the boss was hungry, she took it out for them to eat.

After eating, packing their bags, the two of them were ready to set off.

Lin Ran carried his schoolbag in front of him and patted it. Lin Jianqing took a look at it and asked jokingly: "You like that jade so much, what if someone takes it away?"

Lin Ran curled his lips and said, "No."

Because what was inside was not the jade that Lin Jianqing thought it was, but a handgun.

Lin Jianqing's arrival was an accident that Lin Ran had never thought of. He was originally prepared to fight alone, but he didn't expect this woman to suddenly appear, falling from the sky, like a savior.

Quite interesting.

When he thought of this, the corners of his mouth curved slightly.

It's eleven o'clock at night.

According to the map, their residence is about five kilometers away from the Seine City Hotel. Lin Jianqing and Lin Ran also made a rough plan. As soon as they came out of the alley, they immediately went to the street to find a taxi, and then went to the Seine City Hotel to find Mr. Huo.

As for what to do after finding Mr. Huo, they can only let nature take its course.

The city of Seine in the dark was much quieter than during the day. The door in the alley opened quietly, and a woman and a child walked out of it.

The woman was wearing the most common attire of women in Seine City, a black dress and veil. The boy was wearing a short coat, as if he had a cold, and was wearing a mask.

It was so late at night that any person could barely see people's faces.

The Williams family is still roaming the city but has almost given up on the search. A whole day has passed, and the little kid who found the imperial green bag during the day might have fled back to China in a hurry on a plane.

What a pity, that's imperial green, and it's glass. A small piece of it is worth tens of millions or hundreds of millions.

Even the head of the Williams family was very excited.

It's a pity that that little brat got away.

One of the thugs yawned and felt a little sleepy. In a trance, he seemed to see a woman and a child. The woman lowered her head and took the child, taking a taxi on the street...

A gust of cold wind blew by, and the thug suddenly woke up. It was strange, what was a Senna woman and a Senna child doing out at night?

He vaguely saw that the child was wearing a mask. Could he be sick? The thug narrowed his eyes, and in the end, without thinking too much, he turned the corner to find someone to drink with.

In the taxi, Lin Jianqing saw that there was nothing wrong, so she quickly said to the driver in X Mandarin that Silent Hill had just taught her, "Go to Seine City Hotel." Then she shut her mouth and stopped talking, holding Lin Ran tightly with one hand.

Lin Ran seemed a little surprised that she could speak X Mandarin, but he didn't ask. The driver focused on driving without saying anything. About ten minutes later, the taxi stopped in front of the hotel.

Lin Jianqing paid the money, said thank you, and then hurriedly got out of the car with Lin Ran.

The Seine City Hotel is the most luxurious hotel in the entire Seine City. It is only about five minutes away from the five-star hotel where Lin Jianqing lives.

When they got here, we were barely within the protection range of Mr. Huo. Lin Jianqing was completely relieved. Still holding Lin Ran's hand, she lowered her head and asked him, "Which room does Mr. Huo live in?"

Lin Ran held his schoolbag in one hand, then raised his head and looked at Lin Jianqing. His eyelashes were very long, his eyes were very big, and his eyes were very sincere and he said: "Sister, we are safe now. I can go up by myself." Then he slipped away from Lin Jianqing's hand.

Lin Jianqing, who was about to go up with him to find Mr. Huo: "???"

What kind of magical operation is this?

Lin Jianqing was shocked. She looked at Lin Ran and didn't even manage the expression on her face, making her confused look come to life.

Baby, is this not good for you?

Obviously, the boss didn't feel there was anything wrong with his operation.

He said goodbye to Lin Jianqing naturally, hugged his small schoolbag and left. Before leaving, he didn't even ask Lin Jianqing's name, nor did he exchange phone numbers with Lin Jianqing, and then, he left.

Just gone.

Lin Jianqing looked at his back and fell into deep contemplation and grief.

Lin Ran didn't know this.

He quickly went upstairs to find Mr. Huo, explained to him the day's situation, and discussed business matters together. He behaved very maturely throughout the whole process, not like a seven-year-old child at all. Then, he and Mr. Huo made an appointment to go to Williams Manor tomorrow and returned to his room.

The next night, Lin Ran, Mr. Huo and his party arrived at Williams Manor.

As the most powerful quarrying family in Seine City, Williams has a very large business, among which stone gambling is a relatively large one.

In the past, the sales of gambling stones to Huaguo have always been retail. The Williams family has never considered monopoly. However, for some reason recently, two groups of people from Huaguo have come, all wanting to talk to him. Williams didn't originally have this intention regarding the rough stone agency rights, but when he thought about it more deeply, since two people both wanted to do this business, there would be competition. If there was competition, then as Party A, would it not be profitable? Therefore, he planned to hold this dinner today and invited Mr. Huo and Mr. Zhao from China.

The first person to come to the manor was Mr. Zhao. Not only did he come by himself, he also brought his team and a beautiful Chinese woman. Mr. Huo was the second one to come. The head of the Williams family expressed a very warm welcome to him, and then happily introduced Mr. Huo in English: "Huo, this is Zhao. He came to Seine City to talk to me about the stone gambling business. You are both from China, is it possible that you know each other?"

Mr. Huo smiled politely, glanced at Zhao Tian, ​​and expressed that he did not recognize him.

Then his eyes were slightly attracted to the woman next to Zhao Tian.

She was a very typical oriental beauty. Because she was attending a banquet, she wore a floor-length red dress, flaming red lips, and a beauty mark under her eyes. She was extraordinarily soft and gorgeous, like fire.

Lin Ran, who was behind Mr. Huo, also saw Lin Jianqing. He frowned, obviously not expecting her to come here. And soon, she also saw him wearing a small suit, with a smile on her lips.

Lin Ran also smiled, then turned away and stopped looking at Lin Jianqing.

The head of the Williams family is named Bunarahan.

He is sixty years old this year and does not like to take too many risks when doing things, but at the same time, he is a businessman who likes to make money.

He had completely different evaluations of the two guests from China, one Huo and the other Zhao. First of all, there is Huo. This is a very dangerous man. Even though he is wearing a suit and tie and is polite and elegant when drinking red wine, Bunarahan can see through the nature of this man at a glance. He is full of danger and aggression. He is decisive in his methods and is the same type of person as himself.

As for Zhao, he is just a little lamb who has not yet been weaned.

So let me ask you, when doing business, if the conditions given by the two are similar, would you rather do business with a wolf or a sheep?

Bunarahan knows a little bit about Chinese culture, and there is a phrase that he has always found very reasonable, that is, "seek the skin of a tiger." If you do business with Huo, he might make more money, but you have to be vigilant at all times. That would be too tiring. But Zhao was different. The little sheepboy looked like a serious businessman at first glance. Although he was not strong enough, he had no risks and had enough funds.

After meeting the two of them, Bunarahan already regarded Zhao as his partner.

His attitude towards his partners was naturally warmer. Zhao Tian and Huo Yi also clearly felt this tendency, and they both secretly guessed in their hearts.

During the second half of the banquet, Zhao Tian was already very sure.

He had not done business in the past twenty years, but he was a good person when he was drinking and bragging. The right to represent rough stones was in his pocket. He was feeling proud when he suddenly heard Mr. Huo ask in English: "Mr. Williams, I I heard something great when I was in the hotel yesterday, do you know?"

Bunarahan said "Huh" and said with great interest, "What's the matter? Let's talk about it."

"I heard someone say that a stone gambling market under your name actually sold glass-type imperial green jadeite. This kind of jadeite is highly valued internationally. A small piece can cost tens of millions. I heard that it is sold in the expensive market. That piece is bigger, and the preliminary estimate is 130 million."

Bunarahan was smiling at first, but the more he listened to Mr. Huo's words, the more ugly his expression became. When Mr. Huo finished speaking, the old man who had been kind and kind just now had a fierce look on his face and said: "Where did Mr. Huo hear that rumor? That piece of imperial green was obviously bought by a customer. It has nothing to do with our stone gambling market, and it has nothing to do with you."

Bunarahan heard this matter from the people below. He originally wanted to kill people and seize treasures, but in the end, the little bastard who found the jade ran faster than anyone else. It seemed that he had already flown back to China. Bunarahan was in a bad mood after trying to draw water from the bamboo basket, and Mr. Huo brought up this topic specifically, which was like hitting the gun, so he felt very unhappy and suspected that Mr. Huo was trying to lose his face.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Huo smiled slightly and clapped his hands. Immediately behind him, someone came up with a box and said, "Mr. Williams is wrong, because the person who opened the glass imperial green jadeite happened to be a junior in my family."

The bodyguard opened the box, and there was indeed a piece of emerald green lying inside, which was exactly the piece Lin Ran opened yesterday!

Lin Jianqing glanced at Lin Ran quickly, but there was nothing unusual about him, nor did he look like he was being forced.

Mr. Huo continued: "The younger generation in my family has never seen the world, and he was very afraid of getting it. He didn't dare to ask for it himself, so he gave it to me as a gift. I am also a rough man, and I have never been able to appreciate these jade stones. A pair of eyes penetrates into the eyes of money..."

As he said that, he glanced at Bunarahan meaningfully.

Bunarahan's eyes flashed, and he instantly understood what Mr. Huo meant. He suddenly laughed loudly, slapped the table and said, "Who doesn't like money? I also like money, and I also like to make money with people who know how to make money. Today I am lucky enough to meet Mr. Huo and Mr. Zhao, two masters of business. I am so happy, so happy!" He motioned to the servant to fill up the wine and said: "Mr. Huo is an interesting person. According to your Chinese words, We won’t get drunk today and won’t come back!”

The direction of the wind has changed again.

To a jade merchant, a piece of imperial green glass was not just money, but a living sign. Mr. Huo put this sign in front of Bunarahan, and it was strange that Bunarahan was not moved. Now, even if Zhao Tian also increases the price, the agency rights may be transferred to Mr. Huo's pocket.

Lin Jianqing didn't expect that Lin Ran would be so willing and decisive.

He held the rare treasure in his arms but was not moved. He was so calm and handed something worth more than 100 million to Mr. Huo. What on earth was he thinking?

While thinking this, Lin Jianqing was poured a lot of wine without even noticing.

By the end of the drink, she felt a little dizzy.

She didn't want to lose her composure after drinking, so she made an excuse to stay away from the wine table, and sat down on a random sofa. She didn't rest for a while, but someone suddenly came. Lin Jianqing saw that it was Lin Ran.

The child was wearing a crisp tuxedo, his hair was smooth, and he looked cute, just like a little prince. Lin Jianqing smiled stupidly when she saw him. She bowed and grabbed Lin Ran's wrist and pulled hard!

Lin Ran was unprepared and was dragged into her arms!

He was startled, and Lin Jianqing came closer and asked him softly: "Is that... the business you mentioned?"

Lin Ran knew that she should be talking about the imperial green jade.

She asked again: "Did you do it voluntarily, or did Huo Yi force you?"

"What about voluntary ones, what about forced ones?"

"If he forced you, I will help you get it back!" Lin Jianqing said angrily: "I'm very powerful!"

Lin Ran chuckled: "Why are you helping me?"

The woman shut her mouth tightly now and stopped talking.

She hugged Lin Ran like a mother holding a child. The unpleasant smell of alcohol came from her body. Lin Ran gradually felt that such intimacy was unbearable. He quickly started struggling and half-closed his eyes to get ready. Lin Jianqing, who was sleeping, suddenly opened her eyes and called him unhappily: "Ranran!"

Lin Ran froze.

He stopped moving, and Lin Jianqing put her chin on his shoulder again, and began to want to sleep one after another.

A few minutes later, Lin Ran called the manor servants, carefully got out of Lin Jianqing's arms, frowned and asked them to move Lin Jianqing to the guest room.

The Williams Manor was very large, and the servants diligently lifted Lin Jianqing up and took her to the guest room. The woman woke up several times on the way, struggled to say she wanted to go home, and called Lin Ran's name several times. The servants spent a lot of effort, Then they finally threw her on the bed.

"Lin Jianqing... Lin Jianqing?"

Who is calling her? Alcohol began to cling to her brain, and Lin Jianqing was really drunk.

Someone kept calling her. Lin Jianqing squinted her eyes and saw a small carrot head. She stretched out her hand to touch: "This cub..."

This cub is so well-behaved! Unlike Silent Hill, Silent Hill is not good, this kid is good!

She thought angrily, and rubbed Lin Ran in a daze. The serious expression on Lin Ran's face could no longer be stretched, and he took a few steps back. Lin Jianqing turned over and hugged the pillow, mumbling something.

When Lin Ran got closer, he heard her saying: "Son... I'm smashing it!"

Lin Ran had a dark face.

Although he was small, he was very strong. The woman lying on the bed gradually had difficulty breathing, her eyelashes were trembling crazily, and she was about to wake up, but Lin Ran suddenly let go and stared at her.

If Lin Jianqing opened her eyes at this time, she would find that the deep coldness in his eyes was not the look of a seven-year-old child at all.

"Lin Jianqing, are you Lin Jianqing?"

After saying this almost to himself, Lin Ran chuckled interestingly, straightened his tie, and then turned around and left.

Damn it! Abnormal!

Silent Hill, who had always been as quiet as a chicken, finally couldn't bear it anymore. After Lin Ran left the room completely, he frantically called Lin Jianqing's name in her mind. As a result, Lin Jianqing didn't respond at all, and she was really drunk to death.

Really, even if it was intentional, it wouldn’t lead to drinking like this, right?

Yes, that's right, Lin Jianqing got drunk on purpose tonight!

She had doubts about Lin Ran, which of course started when the plot collapsed.

After arriving in Seine City, Lin Jianqing came into contact with Lin Ran, who seemed to be a normal seven-year-old boy. He was at most smarter than other children, but Lin Jianqing was still keenly aware of something amiss.

The most obvious one is Lin Ran's attitude towards herself.

First of all, what we know is that starting from the original work of "For You", Lin Ran did not know the original owner. In other words, at this time, he should be a complete stranger to the seven-year-old Lin Ran.

On the day when the imperial green jade was cut, the two spent several hours together to escape the pursuit of the Williams family's thugs. However, after the crisis was over, Lin Ran said goodbye to Lin Jianqing without hesitation. He didn't even ask Lin Jianqing's name. Is this normal?

Lin Jianqing believes that this is extremely abnormal. If he didn't know her at all, why didn't he even ask for her name?

If he doesn't even ask for her name, does that mean that he already know her?

In other words, he knew that the original owner was his mother, and he knew what the original owner looked like.

If so, that would be terrible.

If so, there must be some reason for this change. Lin Jianqing knew that if she wanted the enemy to show off his abilities, she had to show weakness first.

A truly strong man cannot control his crazy overflowing arrogance when his enemy is very weak. This is why villains always die from talking too much.

That's why Lin Jianqing deliberately got drunk tonight.

Silent Hill felt agitated when he thought about the results of the test just now. Based on Lin Ran's performance tonight, there is definitely something wrong with this child! There must be something wrong!


After returning to the hotel, she suddenly realized that Silent Hill had not spoken to her all morning.

This is not normal. Lin Jianqing rubbed her head and asked, "Did something happen last night? Is there really something wrong with Lin Ran?"

That's not just a problem, it's a big problem, right? Silent Hill, who had been excited all night last night, could no longer hold it in anymore. Without saying a word, she began to project the image of the guest room last night on the panel. Lin Jianqing was very calm at first, until she saw Lin Ran pinching her neck.

"Fuck!" She couldn't help but sigh like Silent Hill: "What's going on?"

Reborn? Lin Ran was reborn?

Silent Hill said: "I also suspect that he is reborn. First of all, the matter of coming here. Then, the matter of finding the imperial green jade."

Lin Jianqing murmured: "So it is not a coincidence that he can open the imperial green. Did he have a premeditated plan?"

That day in the dark alley, if she hadn't appeared, he should have been able to escape successfully, right?

Lin Jianqing finally began to feel troubled. Now, the biggest change in "For You" is no longer the female supporting character who comes from time-travel and wants to change the fate of the original protagonist, but a villain with level 10 destructive power and anti-social personality!

After a hangover, Lin Jianqing had one head and two heads.

Yesterday in the banquet hall, she had a little bit of consciousness. When she got to the guest room, she had no memory at all. Even when Lin Ran pinched her neck, she felt like she was dreaming, let alone make sense of what Lin Ran said.

The three-star difficulty and danger levels given by the Rules of Silence are not aimed at the Seine City Jade Crisis at all, but at Lin Ran!

Silent Hill couldn't help but complain: "I think the rules are really broken. The difficulty of this mission is not just three stars, it's five stars, absolutely five stars!"

Lin Jianqing was even more desperate. The three-star difficulty level was so ridiculous. When one day the rules really released a five-star level mission, she would just jump into the sea!


Lin Ran was reborn more than a month ago.

In his previous life, he kept walking on the road of the underground kingdom. One night, he looked back and realized that he had lived for nearly thirty years without parents or friends, and the only woman he loved didn't love him back...


Why can't I get what I want?! Why can I never have something that others can have?!

Why should I be the one who has to die?!

If this is the case, then it is better to destroy all those false happiness.

In order to achieve this goal, he carefully prepared a huge "surprise" for Wei Ling, but just before the "surprise" was launched, the space suddenly distorted. He didn't know what happened, and he suddenly returned to when he was seven years old.

At that time, he was still living with his father in Port Welling, enduring unbearable torture and abuse every day. Lin Ran was angry at first, but then he was surprised!

Yes, rebirth, a new life, isn’t this worthy of surprise?

Although all the wealth and fame he had in his previous life were gone, at this moment, his body was completely healthy and he had a lot of time to plan a new life.

He has a lot of time to plan his new life, Wei Ling's new life, and Su Tong's new life.

It's like God writes a good person's destiny in advance. Before rebirth, he was the king of the underground kingdom. After rebirth, he is the god of this world!

In order to become a god, Lin Ran must first get on Huo Yi's boat.

In his previous life, Lin Ran got Huo Yi's favor due to an accident when he was fifteen years old. Huo Yi had no sons in his life. When he was in his forties, he began to look for an heir for himself. Lin Ran happened to come into his sight at that time. But since he was reborn, Lin Ran felt that this matter could be brought forward a little earlier.

He remembered that at this time, Huo Yi was going to Country X to discuss a very important business deal.

In his previous life, Huo Yi took Guo Hao as a thug. Later, the deal failed to be negotiated, and Guo Hao didn't make any extra money. When he got home, he lost his temper. He held Lin Ran down and beat him. After the beating, he He started drinking and kept cursing and talking about gambling. He also said that he didn't make any money back in Country X, but he saw others making a fortune.

It was a foreign man who spent only 300 yuan on a piece of rough stone in a certain stone gambling market and cut out an imperial green worth hundreds of millions.

When talking about this, Guo Hao's eyes were full of jealousy, and he said drunkenly: "I don't know what's special about that broken stone on the surface. It's just a little bit small, and with a five-pointed star on it, it's just like that but worth 100 million, 100 million!”

Five-pointed star, three hundred yuan, one hundred million. Lin Ran, who was only seven years old, remembered these keywords deeply while being beaten. Even when his hands and eyes reached the sky and he could control the wind and rain, he did not forget these words.

It just so happened that Huo Yi was reborn this time and it was the right time to go to Country X.

Lin Ran decided that he would go to Country X with Huo Yi.

This is really too simple. He was afraid that no one in this world will know Huo Yi better than him. Lin Ran just used a few tricks to make Huo Yi believe that he will get a huge surprise when he takes him to the X Congress this time... Then he went to Country X and Seine City smoothly and found the rough stone.

He had never thought of taking this treasure as his own, and it was impossible for him to keep such a valuable jade at the age of seven. He wanted to use this thing as a stepping stone to get closer to Huo Yi.

In this life, he will reach that position faster than in the previous life.

He almost fulfilled his expectations perfectly, but he didn't expect to meet that woman.

Lin Jianqing.

It can be said that Lin Jianqing and Guo Hao are the two people Lin Ran hates the most. Even though he had their blood on him, it made him feel even sicker.

Because he had not come to Seine City in his previous life, when he saw Lin Jianqing at the Stone Gambling Market, Lin Ran was a little unsure whether it was intentional or accidental.

He pretended not to know her, and she seemed not to know him.

In the dark alley, he stuffed his hand into his schoolbag and held his gun. Suddenly, the thugs surrounding him fell down one by one, holding their arms and legs and screaming miserably. Lin Jianqing lay on the wall and faced him, stretching out her hand.

At this moment, Lin Ran was sure that this woman definitely did it on purpose.

In the private house, she said firmly, "I won't harm you." Lin Ran laughed wildly in his heart after hearing this. What's going on? Is this woman also reborn? Because he knew that his abuse of Wei Ling was about to be exposed and was kicked out of the Wei family by Wei Sheng, so she turned to him?

So naive, so stupid, how could there be such a stupid person? How could such a stupid person give birth to him?

In Williams Manor, he watched Lin Jianqing drink glass after glass of wine, lowering her head and talking to Zhao Tian, ​​with a smile on her face. Lin Ran thought, it turned out to be like this, because Wei Sheng was unreliable, so she turned to try to catch another winner. Is Zhao Tian her new target?

Lin Ran thought it was ridiculous. He watched with cold eyes as she stumbled to the sofa and sat there in confusion. He also noticed Huo Yi's glance that seemed to happen casually.

Only then did Lin Ran realize that Lin Jianqing's appearance happened to be Huo Yi's favorite type.

He felt so sick that he instantly stood up and walked to the sofa. His face darkened at first, but he didn't expect to be pulled into Lin Jianqing's arms.

Ran Ran.

Who is she calling?

Lin Ran felt indifferent in his heart. He was indifferent and even wanted to laugh.

Back in the guest room, looking at her defenseless sleeping face, Lin Ran admitted that he did have murderous intentions.

This woman abandoned her biological son in her previous life, used her little pregnancy time to threaten him when he became an adult, and even dared to mention his grandmother. What qualifications did she have to mention his grandmother?!

In Lin Ran's heart, grandma was a thorn in his heart that no one could mention! She was the only old woman who really cared about him in his whole life. She would put a scarf on him when the weather was cold and fan him when the weather was hot. She loved to show off to the neighbors that he was smart, and he always got one in exams. 100%, but even if he didn't get 100%, she never blamed him.

If it weren't for Lin Jianqing, she wouldn't have died!

It was during that time that Lin Jianqing was deeply involved in a scandal, and her grandmother had a quarrel because of her, which led to her sudden death from cerebral hemorrhage!

Lin Ran gritted his teeth and tightly strangled Lin Jianqing's neck with his small hands. Kill her, kill her!

The murderous intention in Lin Ran's heart became more and more violent, but suddenly an old woman laughed, waved his fan in the shade of the tree in the bright sun, and called him "Ranran".

The old woman's favorite thing to do was to sit in front of the TV and watch TV series starring Lin Jianqing.

She had no way of telling her grandson that the person on TV was his mother, but she always liked to pull him to watch it together. When she watched, her eyes seemed to light up, and she said to him: "Ran Ran, do you think this aunt is pretty?"

Ran Ran.

Lin Ran let go of his hand immediately. His eyes were cold and he looked at Lin Jianqing as if he were looking at a dead person.

Is this person Lin Jianqing?

If so, that's great, the exciting game has just begun. He couldn't kill her with his own hands, and he couldn't let his hands be stained with the blood of his grandmother's daughter, but other than that, he had more tricks to make Lin Jianqing's life worse than death, just like in his previous life.

Thinking of this, Lin Ran smiled coldly, turned and left the guest room.

The author has something to say: That’s right!

Boss Lin Ran is reborn!

Qingqing must understand this first, and then she can make a plan and complete the task~ By the way, the countdown to the male lead's release is on, and the cute Wei Sheng can't wait to show up!

This chapter alone is over 6000 words 🙃
