The Female Supporting Actress is Acting Again - 18

☆⁠Chapter 18 I want to make money☆⁠

The place Silent Hill found for them was an abandoned residence.

The house was very large, but the owner must have gone abroad or to other places. It seemed that no one had lived in it for several months. Lin Jianqing and Lin Jianqing carefully entered the house, found a relatively safe place, and began to think the next steps.

According to Lin Jianqing's idea, it would be best for Lin Ran to return home with her immediately and follow her from then on. In this way, the second task would be completed directly. But how to say this is a problem.

After all, Xiao Linran has only met the original owner once since he was born, and he only met the original owner when he was wearing a mask and sunglasses. Even if he wanted to take over the stall left by the original owner, would Lin Ran be willing?

If he himself is not willing, then the problem will be a bit tricky.

Lin Jianqing's previous stereotype of Lin Ran was that he would be a lunatic with antisocial personality when he grew up. But now it seems that he is still very normal and has not had time to turn into a black man. Lin Jianqing is afraid that he will turn into a black man in advance if he is forced to do so. Well, if it turns out to be more perverted, wouldn't she be confused? As a good socialist citizen, she would not dare to offend the villain.

Light a cigarette for the boss and give him tea! As for threatening the big guys, judging from the current situation, they don’t exist~

Or try the warmth card that you rejected before?

However, his mother was very worried when she found out that he came to country X alone, so she came over quickly to protect him. Don't be afraid. 

'Lin Ran, are you willing to live with your mother?'

Lin Jianqing tried to think about how she would react if her mother, whom she had never met before, suddenly appeared and said this to her one day.

"Sorry, sorry, you got the wrong person."

Lin Jianqing: "..."

Just thinking about it, she thinks this method is not feasible!

Silent Hill: "...Don't think about it on your own, just give it a try and ask for his opinion."

At this moment, Lin Ran was sitting on the floor in a daze. He was probably a little tired, but he still put his hand tightly into his schoolbag, probably holding the imperial green jadeite.

She didn't notice it when she read the novel before, but he also has miser attributes.

Lin Jianqing thought for a while, but after all, she did not directly identify herself. They should share the adversity together first, and then it won't be too late to talk about other things after the adversity is over. She asked: "What are your thoughts now?"

"Ah?" Lin Ran looked up after finishing his daze: "What do I think?"

Lin Jianqing explained patiently: "You are carrying 100 million in your arms now. Do you know 100 million? No one is guilty of carrying the jade, and you are only a seven-year-old child. My advice is the same as that of Brother Zhao Tian, let's go to the airport and return to China immediately. When we return to China, at least we won’t have to face these foreign gangs, right?”

"But," Lin Ran hesitated: "I came here to do business with Mr. Huo. I can't go back directly until the business is over."

Good guy, when people are talking about business, what role can you, a seven-year-old kid, play?

Lin Jianqing said sincerely: "If you want to do business, you have to be destined to do it, right? Have you seen those vicious people outside? As soon as we go out, we will be torn to pieces and eaten by them!"

Lin Ran said weakly: "But if we want to return to China, don't we still have to go out?"

Lin Jianqing choked.

Lin Ran said: "I think it is better for us to contact Mr. Huo first."

Lin Jianqing said with difficulty: "When you contact Mr. Huo, how do you know that Mr. Huo is not another person who wants to steal your gems?"

Lin Ran looked at her steadily and asked, "Then how do I know, sister, if you also want to steal my gems?"

"I won't hurt you."


What else could be the reason? Because you are the villain and I am your mommy. Whether it is for my own life or for the world not to collapse, I must ensure your life is safe!

Lin Jianqing sighed: "Anyway, you believe me, I won't harm you." Thinking that he would eventually break up, she added: "You will know the reason later."

Lin Ran pursed his lips and glanced at Lin Jianqing: "Then can you tell me how you knocked down those people in the alley just now?"

"Turtle style qigong." Lin Jianqing said.

Lin Ran didn't understand: "What?"

Lin Jianqing gestured: "Is this the Turtle School Qigong? You can knock them down with just one move, do you understand?"

Lin Ran: "..."

Lin Jianqing couldn't help but laugh, and rubbed his head again: "Okay, I'm teasing you. I don't know, I really don't know, If I lied to you then I am a puppy!"

Silent Hill: "...Where's the face?"

Lin Jianqing: "Woof woof woof!"

Hearing Lin Jianqing make such a "heavy oath", Lin Ran didn't know for a moment whether he should believe her or not. He glanced at Lin Jianqing a little suspiciously, but in the end he didn't ask further.

In order to successfully avoid those people who were following them everywhere on the street, Lin Jianqing and Lin Ran chose to stay in this house and wait until it was quiet at night before they found a way to go out.

According to Lin Jianqing's idea, when they leave here, it is natural to go directly to the airport. However, although Lin Ran is only seven years old, he has his own ideas. No matter how Lin Jianqing tries to persuade him, he will definitely stick to his own decision. The boss repeatedly said: "I won't leave, I have to stay and do business with Mr. Huo."

Lin Jianqing: "..."

What can Lin Jianqing say? Lin Jianqing can only endure it! Not only that, she also took the initiative to provide her mobile phone and said: "Ranran, sister has a mobile phone here. Do you remember Mr. Huo's phone number? Let's call him and ask him to pick us up."

"I don't know Mr. Huo's mobile phone." Lin Ran bulged his mouth and said, "Mr. Huo said that if I help him negotiate this business this time, I can follow him in the future and I can make money. When the time comes, he will give me his mobile phone number."

Lin Jianqing asked: "What do you do to make money?"

"Do what you want to do." Lin Ran said seriously: "If I had money, maybe my father wouldn't beat me."

Lin Jianqing: "..." It seems that this child is really having a bad life with his father. Unable to explain what she felt in her heart, Lin Jianqing asked him tentatively: "Then if one day suddenly you can get what you want without making money, would you be willing to do that?"

"This is impossible." The child categorically denied, "This kind of thing won't happen."

"What if?"

"Nothing bad." The kid didn't want to talk anymore. He lay down on the floor and closed his eyes, indicating that he was going to sleep.

Silent Hill asks: "What to do?"

Lin Jianqing said: "He wants to make money on his own, because he has no sense of security. If I can give him a sense of security..."

Maybe he would like it.

But [giving others a sense of security] is actually not a simple matter, especially because the relationship between the original owner and Lin Ran is special. One is the mother who abandoned her son, and the other is the son who lived a very bad life after being abandoned by his mother. At this time, it is necessary to say that it was extremely difficult for Lin Ran to trust her.

Here, Lin Jianqing was still turning her head rapidly to think of a solution, but over there, Lin Ran had fallen asleep, holding his schoolbag tightly with one hand, as if there was some priceless treasure in it—

Of course, there is actually a priceless treasure inside, it is the Imperial Jade after all.

Lin Jianqing let out a breath, leaned over and covered the child's clothes, then lay on her back and fell asleep.

After she fell asleep, Lin Ran, who had his eyes closed, opened them, sat up with his schoolbag in his arms, and stared at her for a long time.

Then he lowered his eyes and remembered something, exuding an aura that made Silent Hill feel a little scary.

At the same time, Mr. Huo is at the Seine City Hotel.

Mr. Huo is forty years old. He is wearing a suit, has meticulous hair, and glasses. At first glance, one would have thought he was a professor from some university.

"You mean, when you two separated, Lin Ran took the gun away from you?"

"Yes." Li Kui said with some shame: "But he is a child and doesn't know how to use a pistol, and he hasn't contacted us until now. Could it be that there was an accident?"

Mr. Huo was sitting upright on the sofa, holding a foreign book in his hand. He didn't have any superfluous expression when he heard this. He just said: "If he gets robbed of money, then they will just rob. People should be fine. Just wait one night. If you haven’t waited until later, let’s talk about it later.”

But the imperial green jade...

Mr. Huo paused. When he first decided to bring Lin Ran to Seine City, he didn't think of this.

And he also took away Li Kui's pistol.

The author has something to say: Qingqing: Let me tell you a joke, I know Turtle Style Qigong!

Boss Lin Ran: [smile]

So actually the boss is still very powerful haha~
