FVB - 057

Chapter 57 Movie Box Office

Director Zhao didn't know where Jiang Jin had the confidence to say such a thing.
The initial investment in this movie was just over 100 million. Later, a fire caused the movie's reputation to plummet. If the box office after its release can reach 300 million, it will be considered a small profit.
He doesn't dare to pray too much now, he just hopes that it can be completed smoothly.
Bai Ningshuang ended up sweating profusely after filming two scenes.
She looked up and saw Jiang Jin next to Director Zhao, and was very surprised: "Mama Li, why are you here?"
"I asked how did Miss Jiang know Xiaobai? It turns out he is your son's classmate."
Director Zhao laughed loudly, "Xiaobai, don't you know? The reason why you can play this role this time is because of Miss Jiang's strong recommendation..."
Bai Ningshuang tilted her head and blinked: "Mother Li, is it true?"
Jiang Jin curled her lips and smiled: "I just thought you were particularly suitable for this role, so I mentioned it to Director Zhao. I didn't expect you to be so talented. You might consider continuing on this path."
Many years later, Bai Ningshuang will be a popular movie queen in the entertainment industry on both sides of the Yangtze River, and countless people will fall in love with her.

And one of them is Li Beixiao...
When Jiang Jin thought of this, she couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth.
In fact, it’s no wonder that Li Beixiao is a doglicker. The main reason is that Bai Ningshuang is so cute and beautiful. At only five years old, she can make so many people on the set willingly serve her. When she grows up, she still doesn’t know how to look charming. A stunning appearance...
She definitely couldn't stop Li Beixiao from falling in love with Bai Ningshuang.
She can only pray that Li Beixiao can be led on the right path as soon as possible, so that even if the boy is emotionally hurt in the future, he will not do anything crazy...
Bai Ningshuang rested for less than ten minutes and then resumed filming. She was very dedicated.

Jiang Jin turned to Director Zhao and asked, "Has the release time been set?"
"I have applied, and it is tentatively scheduled for the 8th of next month." Director Zhao took a sip of tea, "The results should be available in the next two days."
Jiang Jin frowned: "Why not set it on the 5th? The 5th is the Dragon Boat Festival holiday. There are three days of rest during the statutory holiday. There should be a lot of people watching movies."
"There are five movies released on the 5th, and the schedule is too crowded." Director Zhao sighed, "The movie "Destined to Meet You" will be released during the Dragon Boat Festival. The director is a college classmate of mine. Let's not get into trouble between our classmates. There is such vicious competition, it’s okay if we postpone the release for three days.”
Jiang Jin said quietly: "Isn't Director Zhao afraid that he will be crushed by his college classmates and lose face?"
"I may not lose." Director Zhao said angrily, "His romance movie is not as good as our fairy tale drama."
"Then we'll release the show on the same day." Jiang Jin curled her lips and smiled, "If Director Zhao wins, you can walk away from the classmates in the future."
Director Zhao: "..."
If he was sure that he could win at the box office, would he take a step back and release it?

If the movie flops, he can say that it was due to poor release time, and he can completely throw the blame away.
But now, the financier's father strongly demands that it be released during the Dragon Boat Festival.
He, what else can he say...
"Director Zhao, I believe that "Snow Without End" will definitely break through 500 million box office." Jiang Jin said with a smile.
Director Zhao's mouth twitched: "Miss Jiang is so optimistic."
"If the box office exceeds 500 million, how about Director Zhao wearing women's clothing and dancing in a girl group live broadcast?" Jiang Jin dug a hole and said quietly.
"What's the point! As long as I can break through 500 million, I can do anything you want!"
"What if it breaks one billion?"
"I can do whatever the audience members ask me to do! Just let me kneel down and call daddy!"
"What about breaking two billion?"
"Okay, Miss Jiang, there should be a limit to your dreams. Wake up!"
Director Zhao threw his hands away angrily, got up and went to the studio to guide the actors in filming.
Jiang Jin laughed out loud.
It seems that soon, she will be able to see an old man in his fifties or sixties wearing women's clothing and dancing in a women's group dance.
This scene is funny just thinking about it.
She glanced at the time. It was four-thirty in the afternoon. She should prepare to pick up those two brats from school.
Jiang Jin stood up and left the set.
She drove to the city. When she passed by a towering office building, she saw a man wearing a gold and black mask walking into the office building surrounded by people.

Isn't this the man who tried to scorn her last night?
Jiang Jin braked suddenly and parked the car on the side of the road.
When she got off the car, the masked man had already entered the elevator surrounded by people.
That back view always gave her a very familiar feeling.
It's like she had seen it somewhere before...
She suddenly wanted to find out the identity of the masked man.
Jiang Jin raised her head and glanced at this building, the Gou Group Building. Is this the Gou family's property?
If she remembered correctly, the Li family and the Gou family had a long history of grievances. The break in the Li family's capital chain seemed to be related to the Gou family.
When Li Yunting woke up, the Gou Group went bankrupt in just half a month and was then annexed by the Li Group.
Nowadays, the Gou family is the dominant family in Yuncheng and enjoys unlimited glory. Who would have thought that in three months, the Gou family would be in such a situation?
Jiang Jin stepped in.
Before she could start inquiring about the news, she heard people talking in the lobby.
"Is that Mr. Li who came to Yuncheng to invest from overseas?"
"He is an overseas Chinese. The market value of his overseas company is tens of billions. This time he wanted to invest in domestic industry, so he chose Gou."
"If Mr. Gou can catch this ride, he should be able to go to the capital to open a branch smoothly. By then, Mr. Gou will be in trouble."
"Mr. Li still has contact with the capital?"

"Of course, Mr. Li's family businesses are spread all over the world. Many people wanted to cooperate with Mr. Li but never had the chance. Unexpectedly, they chose Gou in the end."
Hearing these words, Jiang Jin couldn't help but sneered.
Even with the blessing of this masked man, Mrs. Gou would not be able to dance for three months.

When Gou's family goes bankrupt, that damn man will probably also lose money...
Thinking of this, Jiang Jin felt much better.
The anger after being humiliated by this man last night disappeared at this moment.
What does she care about with a man who is destined to fail?
Jiang Jin turned around and returned to the car, happily driving to school to pick up her children.
Her car parked in front of the school and waited for a while, then she heard the bell ringing.
Parents stand at the school gate waiting for their children to come out, then hold hands and go home together, talking and laughing along the way. This is the most ordinary happiness.
Jiang Jin sat in the car and waited for a long time, but did not see the two boys coming out.

She simply got off the car and stood at the school gate to wait.

There are gradually fewer children and parents around me. Soon, there were only a few people left at the school gate.

Jiang Jin frowned.

These two naughty kids won't skip school and go to the Internet cafe again, right?
