DSHSN - 27

Regarding the matter of making up classes for Yiyi, Yan Li originally thought that it would only be three days of fishing and two days of drying nets. After all, it was still early. If this kid really wanted to wake up, he would have to wait until the third year of high school.

But she obviously underestimated the boy's patience. For the next two or three weeks, Gu Yiyi went into his room every day after school to do questions. From time to time, he would video chat with Shen Yang to discuss the questions. Otherwise, Gu Yiyi's orientation would be different. As a man, Yan Li really felt as if he was talking on the phone with his girlfriend every day.

The monthly exam will come soon.

Before the monthly exam, Gu Yiyi, who had never cared about these results, felt inexplicably nervous when the teacher announced that the monthly exam would be held next week.

Some boys with whom he had a good relationship before smiled and said, "Yiyi, the monthly exams are coming soon. You have worked so hard recently, so remember to work hard."

After saying that, they smiled playfully, obviously watching his excitement.

Gu Yiyi ignored them and began to concentrate on preparing for his monthly exam. After all, he had thought about it. If he passed the exam this time, he would mention the increase in pocket money to his father.

The day of the monthly exam soon arrived. No one with good or bad grades took the test too seriously. Only Gu Yiyi seemed to care about the results of the monthly exam. Gu Yiyi adjusted his breathing, walked into the examination room.

The exam lasted for more than two days. After the exam, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and began to discuss where they were going. Yu Chen and the others came over, hooked his shoulders, and asked: "Yiyi, you should not make up any extra classes today."

Gu Yiyi was not sure: "I don't know."

But he has something to do even if he doesn't have to make up classes.

Yu Chen said: "If you don't make up the class, we will go to the Internet cafe to play games."

A boy named He Sheng next to him said with a smile: "Brother Yi has worked so hard during this period, and he will definitely get a good grade in the exam."

How could they believe that he really studied hard, but they just wanted to laugh at themselves.

Gu Yiyi was also in this kind of atmosphere before, and he would even laugh at other good students with other good friends.

But people who work hard should not be laughed at, and it is not unreasonable for teachers to like them.

Gu Yiyi doesn't necessarily need their affirmation, but there is one person's affirmation that he really wants to get.

Diligent people work hard, and in this middle school stage where performance is the only criterion, they are the ones who should be studied. Those who work hard, no matter what, have a much better future than those who have nothing to do.

Gu Yiyi picked up his schoolbag from the chair, walked to the classroom door, and refused Yu Chen's invitation without hesitation.

"I will go home."

As soon as Yu Chen heard that he wanted to go back, he immediately became anxious and tried to persuade him to stay: "Hey, Yiyi, my brother Yi, why are you so anxious to go back? Even if you don't want to rest, can you learn to take a good rest? Don't treat Mr. Shen like a donkey."

At this time, Shen Yang passed by. The young man was carrying a red and black schoolbag and his eyes were wandering on Yu Chen's face. He said that Gu Yiyi did not treat him like a donkey, and he was very happy to be able to use the knowledge he had learned to benefit others.

Moreover, his grandma was sick last week, and he wanted to ask Gu Yiyi to advance his salary in advance. He directly transferred five thousand to him and asked him to take his grandma to see a doctor first. If he didn't have enough, he would ask him again.

Shen Yang always felt that he was miserable, but when he met Gu Yiyi, he really felt that he had encountered a bright light in his life. It was his father who, when he asked his grandma for money to buy medicine, he resisted, stalled, and complained that the old guy wanted so much money all day long, why didn't she die early.

Shen Yang was raised by his grandmother, and he was speechless about his father's indifference.

But today he did have something to consult with Gu Yiyi. Their family had extensive connections, so they might be able to help him.

But the young man still spoke awkwardly, called out to Gu Yiyi, and said: "Yiyi, I have something I need your help with."

Based on Shen Yang's understanding of Gu Yiyi during this period, he knew that Gu Yiyi would definitely agree. The young man was sincere and enthusiastic. Shen Yang felt that his group of people who thought about fighting and playing games all day did not want to watch. The friend he became good at was not good enough for him, but it was hard for him to say anything.

Gu Yiyi really smiled and asked, "What's going on?"

Shen Yang looked around: "Let's go outside and talk."

Gu Yiyi followed him out.

When the two of them arrived downstairs, Shen Yang said a little embarrassedly: "Yiyi, didn't my dad have an accident on the construction site some time ago?"

Gu Yiyi's first reaction was that he was short of money, and he immediately said: "How much do you want? I'll give it to you!"

Shen Yang was startled, surprised to realize that he looked like this in Gu Yiyi's eyes? But the boy really felt that he needed help.

Shen Yang suppressed the sadness in his heart and said: "It's not about money, it's about my father at the construction site who found reasons to shirk responsibility and was unwilling to pay the medical expenses."

In fact, Shen Yang had wanted to ask Gu Yiyi for help on this matter for a long time, but he was afraid that it would be too difficult for Gu Yiyi, so he delayed it for so long.

Gu Yiyi didn't understand this aspect, but his father had a lawyer, so he could just ask his father for help.

"I'm going to ask my dad."

Shen Yang had met Gu Heng once. This man had a strong aura of calmness and self-reliance, and the feeling he gave Shen Yang was more elusive. Such a man, would he really be willing to help his son’s classmates?

Shen Yang said: "If you are in trouble, then I will think of a solution myself."

Gu Yiyi didn't feel embarrassed: "It's okay, I just need to talk to my dad. He has helped with Tang Yinan's affairs before. You have tutored me in my study for so long. My dad will agree to this little thing."

"We just finished the exam today. How about we take a day off and go have a barbecue together."

The young man had a smile on his face and was in a good mood. He obviously felt that he had done very well in the exam recently.

Of course, Shen Yang feels the same way. Gu Yiyi's mind works very fast, and Shen Yang found it a bit difficult at first. But later on, when he was taught a question that Gu Yiyi didn't understand, Shen Yang only had to ask him to do two or three similar questions. He can summarize the rules. It can be said that as long as Gu Yiyi is willing to work hard later, he may surpass Shen Yang sooner or later.

Just, he doesn’t know if he has the patience.

After all, hard work and persistence are also very important qualities in learning.

The two of them went to the street behind the school to have barbecue together. When they were enjoying their meal, they met Lu Wan, who was on duty today. Seeing these two people, she was slightly surprised, and then walked over and asked. Said: "Why are you two having barbecue here?"

In fact, Lu Wan knew that Shen Yang was tutoring Gu Yiyi recently, but when she saw them sitting together, talking and laughing, she still felt a little complicated. A voice in her dream told her that everything in her dream was her past life. In her previous life, Shen Yang and Gu Yiyi had never been friends. They hated each other.

How is it different from the previous life? They actually let the two of them sit together, chatting and laughing while eating barbecue.

Seeing Lu Wan, Gu Yiyi didn't have as complicated emotions as before. He was a person who didn't hold grudges very much. He had almost forgotten what happened more than a month ago. He didn't think he should be stingy and argue with a girl, so when Shen Yang was talking to her, Gu Yiyi raised the barbecue in his hand and asked her: "Do you want to eat together?"

Seeing Lu Wan hesitate, he added, "I'm treating you!"

Lu Wan said: It is precisely because of your treat that I don’t want to eat.

Just when she was about to refuse, he heard Gu Yiyi's cell phone ringing, and then heard him say: "I'm at the barbecue restaurant behind the school. If you want to come, come over quickly."

"Invite you to a barbecue. If you don’t want it yet, love will come or not!"

It seems to be a girl, but Gu Yiyi's attitude towards her is very rude.

Lu Wan suddenly remembered someone. As she hesitated, a car soon parked near where they were having barbecue. The girl had short hair and a face that was heroic and clean and youthful. When she saw Gu Yiyi was nibbling chicken wings next to the barbecue grill, she walked over in a hurry, picked up Gu Yiyi and left, saying: "What are you eating for barbecue? Didn't I say we would go to the reservoir to play after the exam? Let's go!"

Jiang Yi...

Lu Wan's fingers curled up slightly, and many scenes that had not even appeared in her dreams appeared before her eyes.

In the previous life, Gu Yiyi had a very good friend, whom he called brother, but she was actually a girl.

Lu Wan escaped for the last time because of Jiang Yi's help.

Before leaving, Lu Wan asked her at the airport: "Do you like Gu Yiyi?"

At that time, Jiang Yi's short hair was a little longer than now. She raised her eyes and said with a bit of coldness and arrogance: "He doesn't deserve it."

This proud woman obviously didn't want to talk to her and urge her to go in: "You should leave quickly. Gu Yiyi will catch up with you later and you will be in trouble."

Later, after Lu Wan left, she thought Jiang Yi would be with Gu Yiyi, but it was said that after Jiang Yi and Gu Yiyi had a big quarrel, she left and completely broke with Gu Yiyi. Not only that, she doesn't know what method she used to stop Shen Ruyue from torturing Gu Yiyi.

She will never be close to Gu Yiyi again in this life, but Lu Wan likes Jiang Yi very much. This girl later helped her many times when she was down and out, but because of Gu Yiyi's relationship, she never had too much contact with her.

If possible, Lu Wan would still like to get to know her again in this life.

So when Jiang Yi extended an invitation to them and asked if they wanted to go to the reservoir together, she agreed.

When they got to the top, they just changed places to have barbecue, but the scenery was quite good. Facing the water, the ripples of the water reflected the lights. They were eating barbecue next to the bamboo and banana trees. It felt like it was too beautiful.

Jiang Yi wanted to set off fireworks, so she bought a bunch of fireworks and set them off in an open area by the water. As soon as the girls lit the fireworks, they immediately covered their ears and ran away, looking up at the fireworks in the sky with sparks in their eyes.

When she was playing with girls, Gu Yiyi felt that Jiang Yi sometimes looked like a girl.

The weather in October was already a bit cold. Gu Yiyi felt a little cold when he was sitting next to the barbecue grill grilling with Shen Yang. When he looked up, he saw Jiang Yi coming back with arms folded and asked them: "Have you eaten enough? No, it’s a bit cold, I want to go back.”

As she said this, she was about to call the driver.

Gu Yiyi remembered that there was a coat in his schoolbag that he didn't know when he had put it in. He threw the coat to Jiang Yi and said with a look of disgust: "Don't you go there all day long? Practicing Taekwondo yet so incompetent against the cold?"

Jiang Yi didn't care about hurting him, so she picked up his clothes and put them on directly.

The other two people present were a little stunned.

Lu Wan was even thinking, did Gu Yiyi like Jiang Yi in his previous life?

There should be.

Otherwise, how could he have burned out for three days and three nights because of his break with Jiang Yi. It’s hard not to say that Gu Yiyi’s subsequent change was not due to Jiang Yi.

But Lu Wan felt that Gu Yiyi might have had the same idea as her at that time, feeling that he was no longer worthy of such an outstanding girl as Jiang Yi.

Because she had clothes to keep warm, Jiang Yi went back in no hurry. She asked Lu Wan, and when she shook her head and said it wasn't cold, she even wanted to go swimming in the reservoir with great interest.

The breeze rippled, and under the bright orange light of the moon, the boys and girls were bright and flamboyant, with a vigorous atmosphere. Later, after studying alone for many years, Lu Wan could not forget such a beautiful thing that belonged to the youths' night.

When Gu Yiyi returned home, Yan Beibei was not sleeping yet, rubbing her eyes and worrying about the toy she had broken.

Gu Yiyi thought she was crying, but found that the child was sleepy and just wanted to fix the toy car.

His father was on a business trip, and he didn't know what Yan Li was doing. Gu Yiyi went over, fiddled with it a few times, and then helped the child fix it.

Yan Beibei showed admiration in her eyes: "Wow, brother, you are so awesome!"

Gu Yiyi, who was in a very good mood, was very proud. He picked up the child and carried her upstairs: "Can you go to bed in peace now?"

The child, who was immersed in the joy that the toy car could continue to be used, was a little confused when she landed on the ground on the second floor. She quickly said: "Brother, my shoes and the little rabbit are downstairs!"

Yan Li just came out of the room after applying the facial mask at this time. She carried her down helplessly and waited for her to get everything before taking her to bed.
