FVB - 056

Chapter 56: After getting married, you still come to pester my son

Jiang Jin drove to the door of the Lin family villa.

She slammed the car door, walked up the steps, raised her hand and knocked hard on the door.
"Who is it early in the morning?"
A woman about fifty years old opened the door.
Jiang Jin squeezed the door open with her shoes, walked in carelessly, and sat down on the sofa in the living room.
"Who are you? Why are you so rude?" Mother Lin was a little angry.
Jiang Jin chuckled: "If Lin Yichi had not cheated on me, I would have been your future daughter-in-law."
"You, what nonsense are you talking about!" Mother Lin said angrily, "Get out of our house quickly, or I will call the security guard!"
"Lin Yichi! Come out!" Jiang Jin shouted, "You have the guts to cause trouble for me, but you don't have the guts to bear the consequences, right? I'll count to three. If you don't come out, don't blame me for taking action!"

Before she could count three times, Jiang Jin raised her hand and took down a vase from the shelf and smashed it to the ground.
"You are here to cause trouble, right?

Mother Lin was so angry that she rushed over and grabbed Jiang Jin's arm.
Jiang Jin easily avoided it and deliberately kicked the shelf. There was a crash, and several valuable furnishings hit the ground, shattering into pieces.
"Call the police! I want to call the police!"
Mother Lin shivered and took out her mobile phone.
"Okay, then you call the police. It depends on whether the police arrest me first or your son first."

Jiang Jin sneered, "Your son failed in his rape attempt and left fatal evidence. Once he is imprisoned, he will have to stay in prison for at least three to five years. Mother Lin, at your age, how can you want to wait until the day your son is released from prison?"
Mother Lin's face turned livid with anger.
But she had to believe Jiang Jin's words, because when Lin Yichi came home last night, he was obviously injured, but he was unwilling to go to the hospital for treatment and lay in bed screaming all night.
If he hadn't committed a crime, how could he not dare to go to the hospital?
"Lin Yichi, you're not coming out yet, are you?" Jiang Jin raised her voice, "Do you want me to rush upstairs and drag you out of bed?"
As soon as she finished speaking, an angry voice sounded from upstairs.
"Bitch, you dare to come to my house!" Lin Yichi stood on the edge of the fence upstairs with his hands on his chest, his face full of anger, "You used the divorce to cheat me of 30 million, I will never be done with you in this life!”
Mother Lin couldn't believe it: "Chi'er, you, why are you entangled with a married woman..."
"Because your son is good at being a pretty boy and wants me, a rich woman, to support him." Jiang Jin sneered, "What a pity, this rich woman is about to go bankrupt, so he went behind my back to find a mistress outside. Mother Lin, you tell me, did he do something wrong?"

"Shameless! Now you're married and you're still here to pester my son!"
Mother Lin covered her heart angrily, "I'm going to go find your family and tell them to take you back, a slut, and give you a good education!"
"I'm sorry, I am an orphan, without a father or a mother. My husband is also a vegetative state. There really is no one in this world who can educate me well."
Jiang Jin looked like a rogue, "I'm about to go bankrupt and will be penniless. Anyway, I'm not afraid of wearing shoes if I'm barefoot. I will report to Lin's house every day from now on. Don't be too surprised when Mother Lin sees me in the future." "
Her words fell lightly, and she raised her hand to lift it on the table. A blue and white porcelain tea set fell to the ground and broke into pieces.
Mother Lin fell down on the sofa in anger.
Lin Yichi was also so angry that his heart ached.
He had never seen this side of Jiang Jin. If he had known that this woman was this kind of character, he would never have gone up to her to hook up with her.
He gritted his teeth and said word by word: "Bitch, what do you want?"
"You tried to take me by force twice in a row. You don't think this matter is over, do you?"
Jiang Jin curled his hair and said, "The mental compensation, nutritional expenses, lost work expenses, and medical expenses add up to one million. I will leave as soon as the money is received."
"Are you fucking done with it?" Lin Yichi roared angrily, "My money has been wiped clean by you a long time ago. You don't want my money, but my life!"

"It's okay if you don't pay me. Then write a guarantee and promise that you will never do anything to me again like you did last night."
Jiang Jin raised her lips and smiled, "Write the guarantee letter and sign your name, and I will not pursue this matter anymore."
Lin Yichi narrowed his eyes: "Is this true?"
"You only have this choice now, don't you?"

Jiang Jin sat on the sofa leisurely and peeled an orange for herself.
Lin Yichi angrily found paper and pen. Jiang Jin said a sentence and he wrote a sentence—
"On the evening of May 20th, I attempted to do something inappropriate to Ms. Jiang Jin in the Starlight Conference Ceremony Lounge. I hereby promise that I will never harass Ms. Jiang Jin again in the future... Guarantor, Lin Yichi."

Jiang Jin took the guarantee letter and blew lightly on the paper: "If you are not honest in the future, then I will hand this guarantee letter to the police."
Lin Yichi's expression suddenly changed with anger.
The purpose of this bitch is not to ask for money at all, but to use this guarantee letter as evidence!
He stretched out his hand to grab it, but the ribs on his chest were kicked and injured last night. As soon as he rushed over, he fell weakly on the sofa, unable to touch a hair of Jiang Jin.
Jiang Jin folded the guarantee letter and put it into her handbag, waved her hand and said, "If you don't mess with me again, don't blame me for sending you to jail. Goodbye."

After she finished speaking, she opened the door and walked out, leaving behind Lin Yichi's roar and Mother Lin's scolding.
After venting at Lin's house, the depression from last night was gone.
Jiang Jin happily drove to the set.
This is a newly rented place by Director Zhao. It is on the outskirts of Yuncheng, surrounded by mountains and rivers. It is very suitable for filming fairy tales.

Bai Ningshuang has already joined the group. The five-year-old girl is wearing a pale pink white gauze costume with a white pear blossom on her head. Her baby-fat face is somewhat innocent and simple, and she also has a deliberately mature look, full of wisdom.
She plays a centenary fairy who lost her memory. After losing her memory, the heroine fell to the mortal world and became a five-year-old girl.

The girl traveled around the world and met the male protagonist who was only eight years old at the time.

The two were childhood sweethearts and grew up together. As adults, they discovered that they had deep grudges and grudges in their previous lives...
The five-year-old heroine appears in the first third of the show. The scenes are not too many and could be shot in a week.

"The little girl is so talented. She was born to be an actress." Director Zhao said with great admiration, "Originally, I arranged to shoot her story in seven days, but basically all the little girl's scenes were shot in one go. I guess It can be shot in three days.”
Jiang Jin chuckled: "Don't you know who found this little girl? With her here, our movie will definitely become popular all over the world."
