Chapter 12

She was suddenly awakened from a deep sleep, her little heart beat wildly out of instinct, and she suddenly faced the NPC's mouth, which was bigger than the cracked girl, and Gu Xiaoxiao's pupils subconsciously tightened.

It's not that she was scared, but she was amazed by the NPC's professionalism.

She has also played the role of a cleft girl, and she knows how painful it is to forcefully open her mouth, especially with her back molars exposed, which makes it twice as painful.

Thinking of the other person performing with her life, respect arises from the bottom of her heart.

"Hello, teacher." Gu Xiaoxiao began to coordinate the performance.

"No, the teacher is not good at all, because the teacher's students are disobedient and she seems to be preparing to hand in a blank paper!"

Bai Jing used the sharp tip to draw a thin slit on the surface of her roll, and said word by word: "Why don't you do the test paper?"

Facing the obvious threat from the NPC, Gu Xiaoxiao was as steady as an old dog and said truthfully: "Because I won't."

"...No, ha!" Bai Jing laughed angrily again, "Wouldn't that sentence be the reason why you despise the rules of the examination room?"

Gu Xiaoxiao said innocently: "Teacher, I didn't flout the rules. I didn't hear the rules at all because I was dozing off."

Bai Jing: "······"

[Hahaha, this honest child talks about everything]

[I smell a familiar smell (rubbing hands)]

[Gu Xiaoxiao will do miracles every time she fights with NPCs, just wait and see!]

Seeing the NPC's increasingly gloomy face, Gu Xiaoxiao quickly cooperated with the plot: "How about you please tell me the rules again?"

"Is it time to talk about the rules now? Please do the test paper for me!" Bai Jing's tone was a little unstable, and her cold and sinister expression broke out into a bunch of anger.

"But I really can't do it." Gu Xiaoxiao looked innocent.

"How will you know if you don't try?"

If Bai Jing wasn't focused on following the plot, she would have wanted to fast forward to the next scene and kill this damn woman.

"For many things, I know the result without trying it. It's just like I know I can't do it, but I insist on writing on it. The result is that the marking teacher will be so angry that she will get heartbroken, have a heart attack, and even question her own teaching methods. Maybe it's not good. It’s a shame if you can’t take a breath, but it’s different when you hand in a blank paper. After the teacher only needs to survive the initial shock and anger, you can quickly digest the bad emotions because you don’t have to bother with marking the paper, which saves time, effort and worry. How great it is.”

Bai Jing: "······"

[Hahaha, no one has ever spoken so highly of handing in a blank paper]

[Grading teacher: This scumbag is so considerate]

[Hahaha, I can’t help but laugh so hard]

The silver stick on Bai Jing's fingertips was once again covered with black evil aura, and she clenched it tightly with her other hand.

She took a deep breath silently and kept telling herself that the script was not over yet and the play had to go on, otherwise the secret would be revealed.

[She's anxious, she's anxious, the NPC is going to go berserk! ! !]

"But many times, what teachers value is not the scores, but the students' attitudes. Do you think your attitude is good?"

Bai Jing changed the guidance method. She must be allowed to write on the test paper before the plot can continue. When no one can guess the answer, it is the best time for her to absorb the fear and scream.

"Do you think my attitude is bad?" Gu Xiaoxiao tried to shift the blame.

Bai Jing scolded her in her heart. Such lazy and useless scumbags didn't exist in the era when she was studying. It's such a long time since she died!

She still didn't believe that she couldn't be screwed: "Look, the tests we take today are all multiple-choice questions. There is a 1 in 4 chance of getting the answer right. You can't give up easily."

Gu Xiaoxiao shook her head and sighed: "I have not given up, I just don't want to embarrass myself for a test paper."

Bai Jing's body trembled slightly because of anger, and her voice was cold with gritted teeth: "What's so difficult about this? Isn't there a universal formula for multiple-choice questions? Three long and one short is the longest, and three short and one long are the shortest. There are differences. If not, choose C, remember the formula, it’s like giving away points for free!”

Gu Xiaoxiao quickly climbed up the pole and said, "Oh, the teacher is so awesome. I'll give you the pen. Are you here?"

Bai Jing was aroused by her raised eyebrows to be competitive: "I'll do it, I'll do it. Teacher will tell you with facts today, nothing is difficult in the world, only those who are willing!"

She took the pen, and she didn't forget to complain about Gu Xiaoxiao's self-abandonment, which made even her fellow student scumbag feel ashamed.

Bai Jing was calculating with high spirits, and the rustling sound of the pen tip falling on the test paper was fast and powerful, echoing in the classroom as quiet as a tomb. Except for Shen Weiyue, who was also addicted to solving problems, everyone else was stunned.

Yue Xinran and Jin Sui'an admired Gu Xiaoxiao's courage from the bottom of their hearts, asking the invigilator to answer the questions for them, something they would not dare to think of even if they were reincarnated a hundred times.

And the same scene fell into the eyes of Qi Yan and Lin Yao. It was like a hard fist in one second, and they were able to achieve such heights even if they were willing to die. It was really a long time since they had lived.

Didn't she think about the consequences? Once the NPC reacts, not only will she be eliminated, but they will also be implicated.

Why can't this annoying woman just calm down?

[Gu Xiaoxiao is very demonic, and the seemingly ferocious monster with a big mouth became lame after fooling around]

[But don’t you think that once the NPC comes to her senses, everyone will suffer]

[That’s why I say Gu Xiaoxiao is a rat, she only knows how to disrupt the situation and bring harm to her companions]

[Oops, the teacher’s pen stopped, she must have found out that she was tricked]

[Gu Xiaoxiao is dead, she is so happy!]

The tip of the white crystal pen suddenly paused, that's not right, what is she doing?

She raised her head suddenly, furious that she had unknowingly fallen into a trap. When her malicious gaze locked on Gu Xiaoxiao, her mouth was split directly behind her ears.

The sharp black canine teeth opened wide enough to swallow Gu Xiaoxiao's head, and a monster-like scream came out angrily, as if it was about to tear the eardrum and penetrate into the skull.

The visual and auditory impact made everyone cover their ears and scream, and Yue Xinran was so frightened that she burst into tears.

[Fuck, the big boss’ attack is really different, I can feel my eardrums hurting through the screen]

[Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu isn’t it too weird? Will this variety show take away the audience as well?”

[This makeup is so bloody, even the aliens look a hundred times better than her]

[I, why don’t I feel that it doesn’t look like makeup, it also looks too realistic]

[I wish she was a real ghost and just take away this black sheep like Gu Xiaoxiao]

[Raise your butt to agree]

After the roaring stopped, Bai Jing hissed at Gu Xiaoxiao: "Which one is going to take the test, you or me?"

Gu Xiaoxiao calmly put down her hands that blocked her ears, "I didn't write my name. It will be the same for everyone."


Bai Jing clenched her back molars viciously, and the whole body was filled with rich black energy. The blood-colored ceiling light kept flashing, and the sizzling sound of electricity seemed to be about to explode in the next second, and the table began to tremble slightly.

The refreshing chill began to penetrate everyone's bodies, and the fear of being dominated by the basketball ghost once again surged into their hearts.

[Ah ah ah, Gu Xiaoxiao is a spirit ghost, she is late but she is here]

[What am I talking about? Gu Xiaoxiao angers the NPC every time. She is really harmful.]

[If this continues, no one will be able to pass this level. The guests will be stuck in the exam with almost no chance to find clues]

[I thought that Yue Bao would be able to pass with high scores, but now it seems that even if she gets everything right on the second test paper, I'm afraid she won't be able to eliminate the teacher's anger. Gu Xiaoxiao is so vicious]

[Pig teammate Gu Xiaoxiao]

[Come on Yuebao, you must not be implicated by the monster]

[When has Xiaoxiao not taken the wrong approach to lead everyone out of the predicament? I believe in Xiaoxiao]

[I also believe in Xiaoxiao, she has never let us down]

[Hey, don’t cry out that it hurts if you’re slapped in the face!]

Jin Sui'an looked at the surrounding walls in horror, subconsciously pressed close to the desk in front of him, and gripped the edge of the desk.

Lin Yao gritted his teeth and secretly scolded Gu Xiaoxiao for being a harmful person who only cared about her own limelight and didn't care about the life or death of others.

Qi Yan frowned and looked at the irritated NPC, and quickly recalled the contents of the newspaper in his mind.

The above only asks everyone to find out the reasons why Qingxian students still don't get high scores. It doesn't mention exams at all. Since scores are the lifeblood, as a poor student in Qingxian, you must feel resentment towards the top students who did well in the exam. It was counterproductive, as can be seen from Shen Weiyue's performance in the first round.

But if he didn't take the exam, Gu Xiaoxiao would also anger the NPC.

So, what are the clues in this level?

Qi Yan turned his attention to the test question in his hand and re-selected the entry point to think about the clues.

Compared with everyone who had their own thoughts, Shen Weiyue quickly finished writing the answer to the last question after the screams disappeared. At this moment, the teacher's visible anger did not make afraid of her at all. She only saw that she was about to turn the tide on her own, the glory of successfully passing the level.

She will definitely win this level!

"Teacher, I'm done, please check!"

Shen Weiyue raised her little hand, with a confident smile on her face, and looked at Bai Jing's face without fear, which had lost all trace of "humanity".

Her actions successfully brought the furious Bai Jing back to her senses. The plot is still going on. There are always people who have not gone astray. She cannot mess up. When everyone is desperate because they can't find any clues, she will take this ruthlessly. A woman who is not afraid of death sacrifices to heaven!

Bai Jing gave Gu Xiaoxiao a spiteful look, then she said something about her threat to deal with you later, turned around and drifted towards Shen Weiyue's position, arriving in the blink of an eye.

"It's you again, your excellence is breathtaking." Bai Jing has returned to her original gloomy face, her cold tone without any emotion.

"I said I won't let you down." Shen Weiyue raised her chin proudly, her eyes and brows filled with contentment.

This scene caused a wave of rainbow fart barrages from her only fans, and some even shouted that she was the savior of this level.

When Bai Jing saw her expression, the corners of his lips curved in a cold arc, and she twisted a corner of the test paper between he thumb and index finger, pretending to examine it.

Shen Weiyue secretly looked at her expression, looking forward to the next praise and clearance sound.

After Bai Jing finished browsing the test paper, she held a corner of the paper and shook it in the air, "How many points do you think you can get?"

"Of course it's a perfect score. I made it very carefully. There will be no mistakes."

"Really, but why can't I see the answer clearly?"

Shen Weiyue frowned and shook her head in disbelief: "Can't see clearly? How is that possible!"

Bai Jing handed the paper to her and shook it twice, "If you don't believe me, just take a look!"

Shen Weiyue grabbed the test paper and browsed anxiously.

When she saw the answer that was so blurry that it looked like it was stained by water, she was horrified and said, "How could this happen? When I was doing the questions, it was clearly dry everywhere. Where did the water stains come from? It happened to be stained on the answer. There must be some fraud in this."

Hearing this, the others quickly looked at their test papers, only to realize that the previously neatly written characters were all blurry as if they were wet, and turned into an invisible mess.
