Chapter 11

As Bai Jing's pace approached, everyone present was keenly aware of a chill. However, due to the rules of the exam, they had no time to pay attention. They all wanted to quickly answer the questions and try not to be the last person in the crane.

Gu Xiaoxiao still dozed selflessly. After being forced to go up and down the stairs just now, her physical strength was severely exhausted. Once her body was idle, fatigue and sleepiness invaded her. As soon as she sat down, she became dazed and then fell asleep.

Not only did she not hear the exam rules, but she didn't even notice the teacher walking in front of her.

Bai Jing stood still in front of her, with a serious face full of suppressed anger. Even if she just looked at her quietly, the invisible pressure was lingering in the air.

[Fuck, I can feel the teacher’s death gaze through the screen, it’s so stressful]

[I feel like she will throw the person out in the next second]

[Is it possible that Gu Xiaoxiao really fell asleep? The teacher has already arrived and she has not responded yet]

[Hate, this is just showing off. People say she risked her own life for the sake of fame and will never give up until she angers the NPC]

[Could she be trying to repeat her old tricks again and frighten other guests? That would be too wicked]

[This is what she does, just get used to it.]

Bai Jing saw that Gu Xiaoxiao was still indifferent, and a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes. She was not afraid of her?

Provocation, this is definitely a provocation!

Thinking of her colleagues who were so angry that they almost lost their wits, she felt itchy at the base of her teeth.

Although their mission does not include taking human lives, they will always forgive the occasional small mistakes. What's more, she hurt others first, and she only acted to protect herself and avenge her companions!

Thinking of this, Bai Jing immediately concentrated her energy on her fingertips, turned her index finger into a slender silver stick, gently stroked the hair hanging beside Gu Xiaoxiao's ears, and traced it along the mandible to the carotid artery. It's a bit cold wherever you go.

[Ah ah ah, is the NPC going to kill her?]

[It feels like that silver stick can easily cut through the carotid artery, causing blood to splash three feet]

[It’s already this time, why hasn’t Gu Xiaoxiao responded?]

Seeing that she was calm and composed, Bai Jing's eyes darkened, and her fingertips pierced the skin with force, and blood beads immediately appeared on her fair neck.

Feeling the stinging pain coming from her neck, Gu Xiaoxiao let out a sleepy "Uh". Bai Jing took the silver sign back and waited for the other person to wake up and scream.

As a result, Gu Xiaoxiao didn't take this episode seriously. She just thought she was bitten by a mosquito. She raised her hand to scratch the injured area, then changed the support point and fell asleep again.

Bai Jing: "······"

[Hahahaha, Gu Xiaoxiao is really big-hearted and not afraid at all]

[The sky is big and the earth is big, sleeping is the biggest!]

[Look, the corner of the teacher’s mouth is twitching]

[Isn’t this a routine operation? First, the corner of my mouth twitches, and soon I will hold my head and pull out my hair]

Bai Jing gritted her teeth secretly. This person was so bold that he dared to ignore her existence. As her anger increased, a black air suddenly appeared on the silver sign on her fingertips, which spread up along the body of the sign, as if it was next to her. It would invade Gu Xiaoxiao's body in seconds.

The audience in the live broadcast room was so frightened by this scene that they howled and screamed, wishing they could get out of the screen and shake Gu Xiaoxiao awake. The effect was so evil and terrifying, it was very similar to the evil spirit possession phenomenon in the movie.

When the black air was about to penetrate into her nasal cavity, she paused suddenly, Bai Jing's ears moved slightly, and she looked back at Yue Xinran, who was looking at the table at the front, and scolded sternly: "What are you doing?"

Yue Xinran was frightened by the sudden scolding and trembled: "No, I didn't do anything."

As soon as she finished speaking, Bai Jing was in front of her in an instant, with stern eyes mixed with evil, looking straight at her: "Don't you know the rules of the exam? Whispering is cheating!"

Yue Xinran was so shocked by this unfounded accusation that she shook her head: "No, teacher, I didn't dare to cheat. He suddenly turned around and looked at me. I, I didn't say a word, I swear!"

She was concentrating on answering the question, but seeing that she didn't have enough time, she just filled it in blindly. Suddenly she felt the person in the front seat move. When she raised her head to confirm, she suddenly met the other person's gloomy gaze, and she was frozen in place...

Ever since she sat down to meditate, she had not dared to confirm whether the NPCs around her were real or fake. She just wanted to finish the paper and hand it in quickly. In the end, she just raised her head, but who knew she would suddenly be framed by the NPC and die unjustly!

"Since you don't admit it, then it will be calculated as zero points."

"Ah? Teacher, it's really not me!"

"Shut up and write me a 2,000-word review immediately. You won't be allowed to go home until you finish."

As soon as she finished speaking, the test papers on Yue Xinran's desk were immediately replaced by grid notes, and a push came from her elbow, urging her hand to move towards the note pad.

"Come on, don't test my patience!"

Yue Xinran looked at the arm that was controlled by the invisible force in horror. She was so frightened that she whimpered and her whole body was shaking. After hearing the teacher's threats, she dared to make mistakes, so she forced herself to write hard.

[Sure enough, teachers hate cheating more than sleeping]

[Gu Xiaoxiao is really lucky]

[Hmph, after the teacher cleans up the cheaters, she still has to punish Gu Xiaoxiao, we’ll see!]

Seeing that she finally moved, Bai Jing turned around and walked to the next aisle, hitting the dummy's head with the silver stick that stabbed Gu Xiaoxiao.

The muffled sound of "dong dong dong" echoed in the quiet classroom, arousing tremors.

"I have remembered it all. Anyone who dares to play tricks will not be as simple as writing a self-criticism next time. If you don't believe in evil, you can give it a try."

After what happened to Yue Xinran, Jin Sui'an and Lin Yao were wary. While writing faster, they also had to pay attention to the movements of the NPCs around them, for fear of being tricked again.

Qi Yan and Shen Weiyue were still immersed in the sea of ​​topics, unable to extricate themselves, and turned a deaf ear to all changes in the outside world.

Shen Weiyue became more and more proficient at it. In just five minutes, she had already completed 80 questions, and she was 100% confident in her grasp of each question.

As a top student, the purgatory training she experienced in high school was far more brutal than this.

Just as she finished the last question, a piece of paper fell from the sky and landed accurately in her hand.

Shen Weiyue: "······"

Damn, some bastard tried to frame her.

Before she could raise her head to confirm, Bai Jing had already swung to her side, smiled sinisterly, and said softly: "What did I say before?"

Shen Weiyue gritted her teeth and looked at the teacher's pale and sinister face, and said slowly: "You said you are not allowed to play tricks in the exam, otherwise it will no longer be as simple as writing a review."

Bai Jing laughed happily, "Oh, you are such a good student. You were so focused on doing the questions, but you were still distracted and listened to my warning."

"Listen to the teacher and obey the rules. It is every student's obligation. I just did what I should do. The teacher was very complimentary."

"Well, that's good, that's good. Children can be taught. So, have you read that cheat sheet?" Bai Jing suddenly moved close to the tip of her nose, full of pressure.

The sudden approach made Shen Weiyue tremble all over and said in a trembling voice: "No, no, I definitely didn't look at it. It's still there intact. Besides, I don't need to look at it because I've done everything!"

When Bai Jing heard this, her smile froze, "Oh? Everything is done, so fast?"

Faced with doubts, Shen Weiyue felt very unhappy, and her competitive spirit instantly defeated her fear.

She straightened her back and said confidently: "I have a very strong memory and a photographic memory. I will know the answers to these questions after reading them once."

"Really? Then you really impressed the teacher." Bai Jing picked up her test paper with her thumb and index finger, and scanned the answers perfunctorily.

[Why do I feel that the teacher was a little unhappy after hearing what Shen Weiyue said]

[Are you unhappy that our Yuebao kills everyone instantly?]

[That is, in such a harsh environment and conditions, only Yuebao can probably win]

[I wonder who dares to question Yue Bao’s character as a top student]

[Perhaps the requirement for clearing the main mission is not to pass the test with a high score, and the teacher did not say that you can pass the level with a perfect score]

[That is, what if I am punished if I get a perfect score on the test? I remember the content on the blackboard is to help a poor student find the reason why she still failed in the test despite having supernatural powers. It does not say that she can pass the test with a high score]

[That is, don’t play the piano too early]

[Hmph, a bunch of lemon spirits, waiting for you to be slapped in the face by Yue Bao!]

"You answered all these questions correctly. It seems you are really good." Bai Jing showed her an expression of appreciation.

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Shen Weiyue, even Qi Yan looked over.

Facing the astonished looks of the teachers and guests, Shen Weiyue's inner villain had already raised her tail high. No matter how lucky Gu Xiaoxiao was, she would always be vulnerable to true talent and learning. This time she would win for sure.

"It's just a piece of cake for me."

Bai Jing raised the corner of her lips, glanced at her lightly, and then glanced at the wall clock, "There are still three minutes before the end. Since it's a piece of cake, let's do another one, fifty multiple-choice questions. If you can still get full marks on the exam, everyone passes the level!"

The moment she finished speaking, a mathematics test paper— Function Special Training appeared on the table again.

Shen Weiyue was surprised and angry. This was not the direction she expected.
"Why, you can't do it?" Bai Jing raised her eyebrows, with contempt in her eyes, "Isn't it a photographic memory that you can do at a glance? It's just a few minutes missing. Are you afraid of the difficulty?"

[Hahahaha, you are stupid, I didn’t expect that the teacher has a trick to tell you to show off your talent]

[A top student has to be frightened in the face of a short period of time]

[I am a scumbag and I hate self-righteous top students. The teacher really relieves my anger.]

[This is obviously the program team deliberately making things difficult. The difficulty of the function questions has almost doubled. Yuebao feels so wronged]

[Are you making things difficult? Why do I think it was Shen Weiyue who wanted to be in the limelight, but ended up falling over?]

[Who says it’s not the case? Oops, according to the current number of viewers, this shame will be shamed in front of the people of the whole country]

[You are bullying others too much, it’s unfair!]

As a resource person with a mountain at her back, Shen Weiyue was always cheered and supported wherever she went. After being made things difficult like this, the anger in her heart surged to the top of her head.

But when she thought of Gu Xiaoxiao, who had taken advantage of her many times, and had a strong tendency to overpower her, the arrogance in her heart could not tolerate her willfulness.

She must use her strength to get everything back on track.

"Okay, I won't let you down." Shen Weiyue looked at Bai Jing with determination.

"Very good. Teachers like students who refuse to admit defeat. Then get started."

After Shen Weiyue sat down, Bai Jing looked around and reminded: "Time is running out, hurry up if you haven't finished it, and hurry up if you haven't started yet!"

The last words seemed to hit Gu Xiaoxiao's ears directly, causing her to wake up with a start. When her vision became clear, she happened to meet Bai Jing's cold eyes.

She made a sharp noise on the desk with a sharp silver stick, causing goosebumps in everyone's body.

She made an astonishing arc to Gu Xiaoxiao and asked in a warm voice: "Why didn't you write a word, classmate?"
