FVB - 031

Chapter 31 Li Xichen is besieged

Jiang Jin's eyebrows were filled with blue veins.

She had decided the night before yesterday that she would never care about these two little brats again.

However, she couldn't be as cruel as she thought.

If she doesn't care, Mr. Li will have to go to the school in person to find the children.

The old man is over 80 years old, and he has heart disease and high blood pressure. She is afraid that he will be admitted to the intensive care unit.

"What happened?" Seeing Jiang Jin's serious expression, Mr. Li looked at her and asked.

"It's okay." Jiang Jin smiled casually, "My friend called me and asked me to go shopping. I'll leave first."

She changed her shoes, picked up her bag and hurried out.

Mr. Li looked at her back, a little thoughtful, turned to look at Zhang Ma and said, "She seems to be different from before."

Zhang Ma snorted coldly: "She was really not brave enough to attack Mr. before."

Mr. Li said calmly: "In the past, you were not bold enough to look at her face to face."

Just now when Jiang Jin was still here, Zhang Ma was mopping the floor and glaring at Jiang Jin with her eyes, almost eating Jiang Jin alive.

In the past, Jiang Jin would have tried every means to make Zhang Ma angry, but today, Jiang Jin did nothing.

Zhang Ma shut her mouth in disbelief.

During this period, the young lady indeed did not make things difficult for her.

In fact, the young lady is indeed different from before...


She will never forget the scene when the young lady smashed her husband's head and bled!

"Ah sneeze!"

Jiang Jin sneezed heavily.

Who was speaking ill of her behind her back this early in the morning?

She rubbed her nose, her throat felt a little itchy again, and then she coughed violently.

Her cold seemed to be getting worse. After dealing with the two little brats, she had to go to the hospital to get some medicine...

The car stopped at the entrance of the Internet cafe opposite the school.

As soon as Jiang Jin entered, her cold eyes scanned the whole place. Many primary school students were playing games, but she didn't see those two familiar figures.

"Old Wu, come out!"

She knocked on the table hard.

Old Wu, who was playing a game in the corner, looked up and then sneered.

Although this woman is not Brother Chen's stepmother, she is worse than a stepmother. He will not give this vicious woman a good look.

The moment he raised his head, Jiang Jin saw him.

She walked over, took off the headphones from his head, and said coldly: "Where are those two boys?"

"Hey, why should I tell you?" Old Wu said angrily, "Give me back the headphones!"

"Okay." Jiang Jin crossed her arms and said, "More than half of the people in this Internet cafe are primary school students. Do you think if I call someone from the Education Bureau, will your Internet cafe still be open?"

Lao Wu curled his lips: "I don't run this Internet cafe."

"It's true that the owner of the Internet cafe is not you, but your parents." Jiang Jin opened her lips maliciously, "If your parents knew that your Internet cafe was closed down by the Education Bureau because of you, do you think your legs would be broken?”

Old Wu was so angry.

No wonder someone as powerful as Brother Chen could suffer at the hands of this woman!

He pointed to the alley outside the Internet cafe angrily: "Brother Chen and Brother Xiao just went out there. Go look for them. If you can't find them, it has nothing to do with me."

Jiang Jin sneered and walked towards the alley on high heels.

This alley is behind the Internet cafe. It is less than one meter wide and has no light. It looks a bit eerie.

Jiang Jin had not walked ten meters when she heard voices not far away.

"Li Xichen, are you still arrogant?"

"Aren't you used to being arrogant? Why don't you dare to fight back?"

"Today I want you to kneel down and call me daddy!"

Jiang Jin: "..."

There was someone more arrogant than Li Xichen, and she was curious about who he was.

Rounding the corner of the alley, she saw a group of children gathering together.

Li Xichen and Li Beixiao were surrounded in the middle, and in front of them were a few older children, about twelve or thirteen years old.

Surrounded by four or five children of this size, Li Xichen and Li Beixiao did not show the slightest fear on their faces, and there was a cold look on their brows.

"Li Xichen, if you are willing to kneel down and apologize to my brother and return his gaming equipment to him, I will let you go!"

Jiang Jin's mouth twitched.

This gathering fight turned out to be because of gaming equipment... The reason for the primary school students to fight is really powerful...

"Why are you looking at me like this? I'll dig out your eyes!"

The twelve or thirteen-year-old boy dyed his hair yellow and wore earrings on his ears. He just had the word "little gangster" written on his face.

The gangster stepped forward and grabbed Li Xichen's collar.

Li Beixiao beside him took something out of his schoolbag...

And Li Xichen had an extra brick in his hand.

Jiang Jin saw him slowly raise his hand, with a bone-chilling coldness in his eyes.

If he uses this brick, there will definitely be blood.

When the little yellow-haired parents come to visit, it will be another big trouble.


Jiang Jin rushed over in one stride.

The yellow-haired gangster glanced at Li Xichen, then glanced at Jiang Jin, and sneered: "You actually called your mother over, are you not weaned?"

Li Xichen: "..."

How did he know that this woman came here out of nowhere?

Should he still take down the brick in his hand?

"Let go of my son!"

Jiang Jin picked up Li Xichen's back collar and protected the two children behind her like babies.

Li Xichen and Li Beixiao stood behind her and couldn't help but look at each other. Then they obediently put down their weapons and let Jiang Jin stand in front of them.

"You are Li Xichen's mother, right? He took away my brother's rare equipment. Either return the equipment or pay back the money!"

Xiao Huangmao is twelve or thirteen years old, about the same height as Jiang Jin, and is not afraid of Jiang Jin's sudden appearance.

Jiang Jin sneered: "Everyone picks up equipment in the game according to their own ability, why should my son give it back to you?"

"In this case, don't blame me for being rude, brothers, come on!"

Xiao Huangmao waved and asked the four or five teenagers around him to gather around him.

Jiang Jin raised her leg and kicked up a stick on the ground, and said coldly: "Xiaoxi Xiaobei, you go and stay aside first."

She finished her words and received no response.

When she turned around, she saw that the two brats had run far away. Li Xichen even arrogantly took out a bag of potato chips and ate them while watching the battle.

Jiang Jin: "..."

Heartless little bastard!

Just as she was distracted, the yellow-haired gangster rushed forward, swinging a stick in his hand.

Jiang Jin ducked sideways, but still received a blow on her arm. The stick grazed her arm, leaving a long bloody mark.

Li Xichen's eyebrows sank.

Before he could do anything, Jiang Jin swung the stick in her hand with great force.
