FVB - 32

Chapter 32 The long-planned breakup

Four or five teenagers aged 12 or 13 were beaten until they screamed.

"Today, Friday, everyone is skipping school and hanging out in an Internet cafe. Is this worthy of your parents?"
"Your parents work hard to make money outside, but it's better for you to skip school, fight, and throw your parents' hard-earned money into Internet cafes. Can you handle it in your conscience?"
Jiang Jin said a word and was given a stick.

The sticks were all slapped on the teenagers' buttocks. Although it hurt, it would not cause too serious consequences.
"Stop fighting, stop fighting, we know we were wrong!"
"We'll go back to class right now!"
The yellow-haired boys ran away while protecting their buttocks.
Jiang Jin threw away the stick in her hand and sneered: "You want to challenge me even before your hair is grown, and you don't even know who I am."
When she was in college, she learned taekwondo and judo. It shouldn't be too easy to deal with these brats, okay?
When she turned around, she saw Li Xichen and Li Beixiao looking at her with incomprehensible words.

Li Xichen's eyes darkened.
The woman seemed to be waving the stick randomly just now, but he could see that she had a plan.

This woman must be very skilled.

With such good skills, this woman could make him run away from her every time he plotted against her. Does this mean that this woman was actually merciful to them?
Jiang Jin crossed her arms and walked over coldly.
Li Xichen subconsciously took a step back.
Seeing Li Beixiao standing still, he quickly pulled him. The two children took a few steps back and then leaned against the wall.
"You dare to skip the exam, you two are really capable." Jiang Jin sneered, "If you two are still the last or second in this monthly exam, then I will directly withdraw you from school."
After she finished speaking, she walked away, and her figure quickly disappeared at the entrance of the alley.
"Her arm is bleeding." Li Beixiao suddenly said, "Do you have a band-aid on you?"
"It's none of my business that she bleeds." Li Xichen was a little irritated, "She said she wanted to expel us from school, didn't you hear?"
"I also heard her coughing." Li Beixiao continued, "Her cold seems to be getting worse."
"It's none of my business anyway."
Li Xichen pursed his lips indifferently, his eyes dark and gloomy.
He twitched his lips and said, "If I really drop out of school, I will have to stay at home with that woman every day. It will be unpleasant to think about."
He kicked the can off the ground and said, "Let's go to the exam."
Li Beixiao said nothing more, and the two of them crossed the street directly to the classroom to take the exam.
Jiang Jin had been hiding in the car with her waist crouched.
When she saw those two brats entering the school, she let out a sigh of relief.

Disobedient children are really heartbreaking.
She couldn't hold it back and coughed again, which made her throat hurt.
Jiang Jin sighed and drove to the hospital to get medicine. However, due to bronchial infection and inflammation, the doctor directly detained her for infusion.

Jiang Jin was lying on the hospital bed, and Director Zhao sent a message asking for help.

Director Zhao: "Ms. Jiang, after calculation, the publicity expenses may be less than five million."

Jiang Jin: "Five million is enough."

Director Zhao: "The promotional expenses for a small-budget movie are around 10 million, and 5 million is really too little. I beg the financier, dad, to give us some money."

Jiang Jin: "There is a saying that goes well, the aroma of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley. Director Zhao is experienced and professional, and he is so talented. Your film is unprecedented. I believe that even if there is no publicity at all, this film will be a success. It can become a hit without a movie marketing.”

Director Zhao: "..."

He doesn't even have that much confidence in himself, okay?

Jiang Jin curled her lips and smiled.
She would not admit that she said this because she had no money.
She sent Director Zhao a cheering emoticon, and suddenly a call came in on her phone. The caller ID was Lin Yichi.
She was worrying about how to break up with Lin Yichi, a scumbag, when he showed up at her door.

Jiang Jin answered the call, covered her lips and started crying.

"Jinjin, why are you crying?"

Lin Yichi's voice sounded a little worried.

"Yichi, I'm sick and need an injection in the hospital. Can you come and see me?"

"Okay, I'll be right over."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Jin quickly took out the cosmetics from her bag and applied concealer on her lips. They looked pale, sickly, and very weak.

Less than ten minutes after she lay down, Lin Yichi rushed into the ward.

As soon as he came in, he rushed to the bedside and grabbed Jiang Jin's hand: "Jinjin, I haven't seen you for a few days, why have you made yourself so haggard? It's really heartbreaking."

Jiang Jin took out his hand and said, "Yichi, you haven't come to see me for so many days. Are you hiding something from me?"

Lin Yichi's heart skipped a beat, but he still said tenderly: "Jinjin, I have given my heart to you, how could I hide something from you?"

"You're lying!"

Jiang Jin suddenly exploded.

She threw a few photos that had been printed out of her bag and threw them in Lin Yichi's face.

"You checked into a hotel room with this woman and didn't come out all night. Don't tell me that you had a meeting in the hotel room all night long!"

"Lin Yichi, I betrayed everyone around me for you, and I gave all my money to you. Is this how you repay me?"

"I'm telling you, I can't tolerate a grain of sand in my eyes, so get out of here!"

She ignored the needle on the back of her hand and roared angrily.

There were many people passing by the door of the ward. As soon as these people smelled the gossip, they started to stop and watch the excitement.

Lin Yichi was completely confused. He looked at the photos thrown on the ground in disbelief. He never expected that something so well hidden would be discovered.

"Jinjin, listen to me, this is a misunderstanding..." He took a deep breath and tried to hug Jiang Jin.

"Don't touch me!" Jiang Jin pushed him away. "Do I have to catch you in bed before you admit to cheating? Lin Yichi, I want to break up with you. Get out of here and don't show up again in front of me!"

Lin Yichi clenched his fists.

As soon as he transferred 30 million to this woman, she proposed breaking up. This was obviously a plan.

"It's okay to break up, just give me back the money I gave you!"

"Lin Yichi, why are you so shameless!" Jiang Jin couldn't believe it and was about to cry, "We have been together for so long, whether it is eating or shopping, I pay for everything! You started a company half a year ago, and the starting capital was from what I gave to you and the big hole you lost tens of millions in was filled by me. Have you ever calculated how much money you took from me?

You cheated on me and I cried at home for three days and three nights. If I hadn't found out in time, I would have met the King of Hell by now! I almost lost my life because of you, but you still have the nerve to ask me for money? "

As soon as Jiang Jin finished speaking, she instantly aroused the sympathy of the people passing by the ward.
