FVB - 013

Chapter 13 Li Xichen is a thief

As soon as she arrived at the door of the office, Jiang Jin saw several kindergarten children lying on the window.

"Li Xichen is a thief, he stole Duoduo's necklace!"

"It wasn't Li Xichen who stole it, it was Li Beixiao who stole it!"

"It's just the two of them anyway, and neither twin is good at anything!"

"The thieves are so disgusting. We will never play with them again."

Jiang Jin looked at the children in disbelief. She couldn't believe that such vicious words came from the mouths of several four or five-year-old children.

She raised her lips and suddenly made a sinister voice: "Children who speak ill of others behind their backs will have their mouths rotten."

Several children turned around and looked at her in stunned silence. Then they flattened their mouths and were about to burst into tears the next second...

"Shh!" Jiang Jin blinked, "Children who like to cry will become blind. After becoming blind, no children will want to play with them anymore."

The children's cries suddenly got stuck in their throats, and Jin Doudou couldn't bear it, and ran away in horror.

Jiang Jin walked to the office door, took a deep breath, and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Teacher Shi's somewhat unhappy voice came from the office.

Jiang Jin pushed the door open and saw that the situation in the office was extremely huge.

A middle-aged woman in her thirties was dressed exquisitely and enchantingly, her hands painted with red nail polish were flying in the air, and her bright red mouth was filled with saliva: "That necklace was a custom-made birthday gift for Duoduo from the elderly in the family, and the whole world is talking about it. It’s worth more than 10 million! You two had better hand it over honestly, otherwise I’ll send you to a juvenile detention center!”

Li Xichen's eyes showed a hint of impatience: "We told you we didn't take it."

"Still quibbling!" The middle-aged woman rushed over, "My Duoduo said you got it, but who else could it be besides you? You two are the only ones in the whole school who miss classes and leave early, and play games in the Internet cafe every day. You have no one to support you. You are the only bastards who can do such disgusting things like stealing people’s things..."

The woman said, pointing her finger at Li Xichen.

Li Xichen was used to fighting with Jiang Jin, how could he stand there and let this woman poke him in the head.

Just as he was about to escape, a shadow rushed over and blocked him.

He raised his head and looked at the person in disbelief.

It was Jiang Jin.

From the first day he and Xiaobei went to school, this woman had never been to school.

It was precisely because he knew that this woman didn't care about him and Xiaobei that he filled in this woman's phone number in the school information.

He thought she would never come, but now, this woman was standing in front of him, blocking the hand for him...

Jiang Jin pinched Duoduo's mother's finger, shook it hard, and sneered: "Who did you just say is a bastard?"

Duoduo's mother was startled by the coldness released in her eyes, and then snorted coldly: "Every time we hold a parent-teacher meeting in the past two years, the parents and family of these two children have never appeared. What are they if they are not bastards?"

"I'm warning you, it's best not to say these words again." Jiang Jin felt cold all over, "Otherwise, I don't mind seeing you in court."

Li Xichen and Li Beixiao were shocked at the same time.

When this woman was at home, she would often call them "bastard". They were already used to this insulting word.

Now it turns out...

"My Xiaoxi and Xiaobei have a father and a mother. They are not bastards." Jiang Jin curled her hair, "We have been busy with work in the past two years, and we have indeed neglected to discipline our children. I think I am wrong about this. However, this does not mean that any dirty water can be poured on my children."

"Hmph!" Duoduo's mother crossed her arms and said, "I don't want to say anything else. Now that your son has stolen my daughter's necklace, how can you compensate me?"

Jiang Jin said calmly: "It can't be my son who stole it."

"It was Li Xichen who stole it!" Five-year-old Duoduo pointed at Li Xichen and said, "He stole my necklace and must compensate me!"

Duoduo's mother sneered: "It's impossible for a child to lie. Mother Li, please pay the money quickly."

"Mother Li, someone did see Duoduo and Li Xichen appearing together in the school grove." Teacher Shi said, "After coming out of the grove, Duoduo's necklace disappeared. It should have been Li Xichen who took it. The value of the necklace exceeds 10 million. If it gets bigger, we may go to court... Mother Li, why don’t we turn this big thing into a trivial matter, and this matter will be over after the original price is paid."

"Compensation for the original price is not enough. This necklace is an exclusive custom-made one. It is the only one in the world. I will have to pay at least three times the price..." Duoduo's mother said coldly.

Jiang Jin suddenly laughed: "Teacher Shi, you are a role model. Is this how you wronged the children in the class?"

Teacher Shi was stunned for a moment, then became a little angry: "Our children in Class 9 are all obedient, except for Li Xichen... he may indeed do such a thing."

Li Xichen's eyes were dark and he said nothing.

His small eyes stared closely at Jiang Jin's profile.

He didn't understand why this woman suddenly came to school...

He doesn't even understand why this woman would argue with Teacher Shi for him...

This is not how this woman does things...

"Xiao Xi, tell me." Jiang Jin said coldly, "What did you and Duo Duo do in the woods?"

Li Xichen didn't even bother to answer such childish questions.

In the past, he would just turn around and walk away.

He didn't care at all about the dirty water being poured on him.

But now, he spoke out of nowhere: "When I entered the woods, I did see Lu Duoduo. I saw her feeding a golden retriever dog food. I only glanced at it and walked away. As for what happened next? I have no idea."

Jiang Jin knelt down and looked at Lu Duoduo: "You were feeding the dog in the woods. What did you feed it with?"

Lu Duoduo's eyes were a little evasive: "I bought ham and bread..."

"Then can you tell Auntie how Li Xichen stole your necklace?"

"He snatched it away when I wasn't looking."

"Did he snatch it from your pocket or rummage through your bag?" Jiang Jin looked at her and asked slowly.

"He, he took it out of my schoolbag."

"You're lying." Li Beixiao, who had been silent all this time, said coldly, "Since you came to school today, you have been wearing that necklace around your neck to show it off. It is impossible to put it in your schoolbag."

"Then, that's what was snatched from my neck." Lu Duoduo stomped her feet in anger, "Anyway, it was snatched away. You must compensate me!"

Duoduo's mother picked up her daughter and said coldly and angrily: "Mother Li, I don't have time to waste time with you. If you don't have the money to compensate, then I will have no choice but to take legal proceedings."

Jiang Jin stood up and spread her hands: "Teacher Shi, the matter is already obvious."

Teacher Shi was confused: "What do you mean?"
