The Female Supporting Actress is Acting Again - 10

☆⁠Chapter 10 Say Something☆⁠

Wei Ling's originally white and tender belly was bruised, and it was obvious that he had been kicked. He felt very unhappy when Lin Jianqing lifted up his clothes in public. He endured the pain and tried to push the half-crouching Lin Jianqing away. Lin Jianqing had expected to hold him in place with one hand, and looked at his back again, still looking at him. There were bruises in several places.

Lin Jianqing was full of anger and asked Silent Hill: "Is this a little injury?!"

Silent Hill feels wronged. In the world of "Silent Hill", this injury is not an injury at all.

Lin Jianqing's face was already very ugly. She had all kinds of problems, and protecting her shortcomings was one of them. Although Wei Ling was not her son, at least he had a name now, and because of what happened a few days ago, she subconsciously put Wei Ling into her protective circle, so she became even more angry when she saw Wei Ling's stern mouth...

She pulled Wei Ling: "Is this what you said is okay?"

"I don't want you to worry about it!" His stomach hurt. Wei Ling felt that Lin Jianqing was confused, so he got angry and pushed her: "Go away!"

"Are you trying to be so brave to help cover up the person who hurt you?" Lin Jianqing became even more angry, feeling that she saw her unsatisfactory self when she was a child: "Why are you so stupid!"

Teacher Yang on the side was shocked. She had thought that Wei Ling had injured Li Ziyang, but she didn't expect that Wei Ling had such serious injuries in an invisible place, and he was so stubborn that he refused to say anything. Her face turned red and light, and she said to Lin Jianqing: "Mama Wei, I'm so sorry..."

"Why are you so sorry? He was injured, and my Ziyang was also injured. Moreover, when the two of them fought, they were the ones who made the first move. My child was just defending himself!" Li Ziyang's mother also saw the injuries on Wei Ling's body. Originally, he was injured. She felt a little guilty, but as soon as she heard Teacher Yang's words, she screamed like a fighting hen.

The little fat man behind her also quickly said: "Because Wei Ling was skipping class, and I wanted to stop him, he hit me, and I fought back."

"Did you hear that? Wei Ling wanted to skip class. My Ziyang was beaten because he tried to stop him. Teacher Yang, you can't go too far."

Teacher Yang said: "Both children were injured, the school must be—"

Before she finished speaking, Lin Jianqing raised her head and sneered: "Are they all injured? Then let's go to the hospital to see who is seriously injured and who is the culprit! As for who struck first and why, isn't there surveillance in the classroom? It will be clear after checking.”

Li Ziyang shrank his head and glanced at his mother subconsciously.

It was in the classroom at first, but he led people to block Wei Ling first.

After all, he is her biological child. As soon as Li Ziyang drooped his eyes, she knew whose head the shit basin should be put on. Seeing this, she immediately said: "Which hospital should we go to to check what kind of monitoring? Aren't these two kids just making a little noise? Is it a small conflict? The two of us shook hands and hugged each other, right? Teacher Yang?"

Teacher Yang looked at Lin Jianqing hesitantly. She obviously agreed with Li Ziyang's mother and didn't want to make the matter a big deal. But seeing that Lin Jianqing was not an easy talker, she wanted to push the matter back: "Mother Wei, You see, we won’t be able to explain what happened today for a while, the child is still injured, why not go to the hospital first?”

Seeing that Lin Jianqing didn't want to deal with them here in the early morning, she pulled Wei Ling and was about to walk out of the office. When she was leaving the office, she suddenly turned her head and said in Teacher Yang's relieved eyes: "Teacher Yang, please tell your school staff that they should keep the classroom surveillance at the time of the incident this morning, and we will send a lawyer to collect it later."

Then she turned around and left.

The people who stayed in the office looked at each other in confusion. Li Ziyang's mother stuttered a little: "She, what does she mean?"

Teacher Yang was also a little unsure and said nothing.

On the other side, Lin Jianqing held Wei Ling's hand while walking and talking on the phone. Wei Ling struggled several times to get out of her grasp, but Lin Jianqing held on tighter and tighter, walking faster and faster. Wei Ling looked up and found that she was holding up her cell phone with a sullen face, looking a little out of sorts. Wei Ling thought of her illness and couldn't help but reduce his intensity of struggle.

After leaving the noisy office, the wounds on his body started to hurt. Wei Ling is no better than Li Ziyang. He has never fought with anyone since he was a child. Except for taking the opportunity to punch Li Ziyang at the beginning and biting him a few times in the process, he was pinned to the ground by Li Ziyang and beaten. The key is Li Ziyang. The little fat man himself has been a bully since childhood. Different from Wei Ling's straightforward attack, he specifically chooses places to hit that are invisible to others and covered by clothes. In the end, when Li Ziyang was pulled away by Teacher Yang, Wei Ling almost couldn't stand up.

He didn't want to admit defeat and wanted to be dignified, so he didn't tell anyone that he was injured.

But this woman found out and took off his clothes in front of so many people.

Wei Ling was very angry, ashamed and annoyed. On the one hand, he felt useless, and on the other hand, he felt that Lin Jianqing was nosy. Afterwards, he carried his schoolbag and Lin Jianqing got into a taxi at the school gate and rushed to the hospital.

At first he was angry, but then some inexplicable emotions began to ferment in his heart. Wei Ling quietly turned his head several times to look at Lin Jianqing. The woman had a sullen face and did not speak to him.

He wasn't even angry anymore, so why was she still angry?

Wei Ling also tried his best and didn't say a word during the examination after arriving at the hospital. But when he came out of the CT room, he saw no one outside the door.


Wei Ling thought this subconsciously, and the emotion that had been brewing for a long time finally exploded. The child gritted his teeth, feeling that he was so wronged and Lin Jianqing was so much! He took two steps forward angrily, but suddenly heard a voice coming from behind the safety door.

The child paused, walked over, and heard Teacher Yang's voice.

Teacher Yang stood opposite Lin Jianqing in the safe passage, her face a little dark, and said: "Mrs. Wei, we are also very sorry that Wei Ling was injured, but is this method of calling the police too extreme? The age of two children are both young, and they will have to get along in the same class in the future. If things really get too big, it will be even harder for Wei Ling to be in school."

Lin Jianqing almost laughed when she heard this. A seven-year-old child was bullied like that by her classmates in school. The head teacher didn't want to calm down the parents' anger and take care of the victim's emotions. She even went to the hospital to persuade her. Is this what a teacher should do to put things at ease?

What she hates most is this kind of self-righteous teacher.

Lin Jianqing sneered and asked, "Is Teacher Yang threatening me?"

"How can this be a threat?" Teacher Yang frowned and said, "Mrs. Wei, you may not be aware that Wei Ling's interpersonal relationships in the class are not healthy because he was specially approved to bring his mobile phone and tablet to school. I am considering him from a practical level, how can it be a threat?"

"But Wei Ling can possess electronic devices at school, which was confirmed by the school and our parents."

"Although I say that, the children around me don't think so. Mrs. Wei, I wanted to contact you that time before, but I couldn't. Then Wei Ling's uncle came. He is a young man and has never been a parent, casually responds to the child's requests, but this is not helping him, it is harming him!" Teacher Yang became more and more excited as she spoke, and said in a more serious tone: "Wei Ling is very smart, but his learning attitude is very problematic! It is not good for him to interact with his classmates. He himself also has a big responsibility. Mrs. Wei, let me say something that I shouldn’t say, if Wei Ling doesn’t start to be disciplined while he is a child now, there will definitely be big problems in the future!"

Wei Ling listened behind the door. He was calm at first, but then he became more and more angry. He clenched his hands into fists and wanted to rush in and tell the teacher to shut up immediately!

Just as he moved his feet, he heard Lin Jianqing say: "So?"

Teacher Yang in the stairwell was stunned and looked up at Lin Jianqing: "What?"

The woman wearing sunglasses crossed her arms and asked coldly: "You are dissatisfied with Wei Ling's special treatment at school. What have you done?"


"If you really care about Wei Ling as you show, then you can choose to protest with the school, saying that Wei Ling's special treatment hinders your teaching. Have you protested?"

Teacher Yang's face turned red: "This is a matter decided by the school leaders, how can I protest?!"

Lin Jianqing's aura was full and she took a step forward: "If you don't dare to protest to the school, you can also choose to contact the parents and convince them. Have you contacted them?"

Teacher Yang couldn't help but stepped back and pressed her back against the wall.

"You didn't protest to the school, nor did you insist on contacting the parents. In order to fulfill your own educational philosophy, you chose to vent your anger on a seven-year-old child. Why? Because he is a weakling in your eyes and cannot resist you. So you dump violence on him!"

For a long time, Teacher Yang did not think that she had any problems with Wei Ling. In her opinion, the problems were the school authorities who were greedy for money, Wei Ling and the Wei family parents who used money to flaunt their privileges, but Lin Jianqing's words today were like a sharp knife, viciously piercing the revealed the dark side of her heart.

She gritted her teeth and wanted to retort, but when she looked up, she saw Lin Jianqing's disdainful look—

Lin Jianqing continued to question her: "Wei Ling and Li Ziyang had a conflict this time. A discerning person would know at a glance that Wei Ling was more seriously injured. I called the police. Why did you contact me before the school to tell me not to make a big deal out of it?" "


"Because you want to turn a big thing into a trivial matter in order to save your class teacher's job. To do this, you are even willing to sacrifice the interests of your students."

"No!" Teacher Yang shook her head desperately. She wanted to explain that she didn't think so at all. She was doing it for Wei Ling's good, but out of the corner of her eye, she suddenly saw Wei Ling's face through the crack in the door.

The boy stood outside, looking at her through the crack in the door, expressionless.

Teacher Yang choked and couldn't say the words that were stuck in her throat. Lin Jianqing felt a little strange when she saw her confused face. She turned around and was equally surprised: "Why is he outside?!"

Silent Hill smirked: "I came here a few minutes ago. I saw that you showed your true feelings very well, so I didn't tell you to avoid self-defeating."

Lin Jianqing was a little surprised, but she didn't think there was anything wrong with the conversation she had just had with Teacher Yang, and she also gave herself a like. She opened the door and walked over, deliberately showing a bit of embarrassment, and asked, "Have you finished checking?"

Wei Ling blinked and nodded as if he didn't hear anything.

Silent Hill cheered: "The resentment value has dropped again! There is only a mere 3 points left. Come on, victory is right in front of you."

Lin Jianqing: "No questions!"

There was no change on her face, and she no longer held Wei Ling's hand, but pushed his shoulder.

Wei Ling was in front and Lin Jianqing was behind. They walked back to the doctor in silence. Because they had to wait for the examination form, they found a stool to sit on.

Silent Hill was worried for Lin Jianqing. Wei Ling only had three points of resentment left. If she said a few soft words at this time, wouldn't the resentment value be cleared directly? But she was just like a piece of wood. She didn't say a word, and nothing could be seen from Wei Ling's face.

Silent Hill urged: "You should say something."

Lin Jianqing really said: "That..."

Wei Ling tilted his head and looked up at her.

Lin Jianqing asked: "Do you think you want to change schools?"

At this moment, it was like Cupid shot an arrow into Silent Hill. He screamed out and said excitedly: "Zero!!!"


Fireworks all over the sky suddenly bloomed around Lin Jianqing and Wei Ling. Lin Jianqing saw the last traces of black breath around Wei Ling drifting away with the air, her eyebrows curved, and she smiled even though she didn't even know it. 
