FVB - 012

Chapter 12: Ending up alone for the rest of your life

Jiang Jin returned to her room.

This room is a bedroom that combines two rooms. It is very large, and half of it has been decorated as a dressing room.

The cloakroom was filled with all kinds of expensive dresses, and the transparent glass cabinet was filled with exquisite and luxurious high heels. She took a photo of a tag and checked the price online, which was thirty-five thousand eight hundred.

One piece of clothing was her salary for half a year.

She picked up another bag, took a photo and checked, it was 128,000.

Emma, ​​this bag is her year's salary.

She finally knew where the original owner spent his money. She was defrauded of more than 30 million yuan by Lin Yichi, and the rest was spent on luxury goods.

She inherited all this extravagant and luxurious life.

What a pleasure.

Jiang Jin came out of the shower, wearing a set of pajamas worth RMB 20,000, applying a facial mask worth tens of thousands to her face, and eating expensive beauty collagen...

With such a comfortable life, she really didn't understand why the original owner had to do everything in heaven and earth, and finally committed suicide like this...

After applying the facial mask and applying skincare, it was only ten o'clock in the evening.

Jiang Jin was lying on the bed and scrolling through the news on her phone. Suddenly, a piece of news about the Li Group came into her eyes.

"The Li Group has boldly advanced into the Internet intelligence industry. Due to various reasons, the capital chain has broken and may lose everything..."

"Recently, some investors have sold a large number of Li's Group shares. Although Li's stock price has increased, it still cannot change the declining situation...

The Li Group has been developing for more than fifty years and was once the leading conglomerate in Yuncheng...

After Li Yunting, the heir to the Li family, became a vegetative state in a car accident ten years ago, the Li family seemed to be cursed, and the tens of billions of conglomerates devalued to less than one billion..."

Jiang Jin couldn't help but sigh after seeing these news.

The Li Group's troubles will last for at least three months. Only after Li Yunting wakes up will he be able to survive and catch everyone off guard.

According to the plot line in the book, the original owner used the erotic video to force a divorce. After successfully dividing most of the property, Mr. Li was so angry that he was hospitalized. The Li family had no one at the helm and was in a very critical situation.

But now she has changed the plot. With Mr. Li supporting the Li family, there should be no problem for another three months...

Jiang Jin put down her phone and fell into a deep sleep.

She didn't get up until three o'clock in the afternoon. When she went downstairs, her two children had already gone to school, and Zhang's mother should have gone to buy groceries.

For some unknown reason, she stood at the door of the master bedroom and secretly opened the door a crack.

The early spring afternoon sun shone in and fell on the face of the man on the bed. His skin was as eye-catching as cold jade.

Jiang Jin walked in gently step by step.

She sat by the bed and could hear the man's even breathing, which made people have an inexplicable urge to get closer.

In the book, this man has a very low sense of existence. He is not close to his four sons. He never married a wife and ended up alone all his life.

"Actually, you are quite pitiful..."

Jiang Jin sighed, stood up and left the room.

As soon as she closed the door, Li Yunting, who was lying on the bed, moved his eyelids, and his long eyelashes cast a shadow under the light...

After Jiang Jin finished breakfast, she leaned on the sofa and closed her eyes to rest.

There are less than three months until Li Yunting wakes up, and she has to redeem the stocks she sold before during this time.

The 20 million she has in hand must be used properly and cannot be careless at all.

While she was thinking, her phone buzzed.

She glanced at the caller ID, Master Jue.

Who is this Master?

The corners of Jiang Jin's mouth twitched. After she connected the phone, she said politely: "Hello."

"Hello, Mother Li, I am Teacher Shi, the head teacher of Class 9." A middle-aged woman's cold voice came from the other end, "I know Mother Li is very busy, but no matter how busy you are, you have to find time to take care of your children's affairs. Otherwise, there will be times when you parents will regret it."

“In the past, these two children were absent from class and left early. If you parents turned a blind eye, our school would naturally not be able to take more care of them.

But now, these two children are getting more and more outrageous. If the matter hadn't been too big, I wouldn't have been shameless enough to call you, Mother Li... No matter what, I hope Mother Li can spare an hour of her time. Come to school..."

Jiang Jin immediately stood up straight: "Okay, I'll be there right away!"

"You really can't be careless about your children. Mother Li has never been to school in the past two years... Uh, Mother Li, what are you saying, you will come here now?"

Teacher Shi couldn't believe it. She had called Jiang Jin countless times before, but either she didn't answer or she didn't have time. The two children were getting more and more ridiculous. If there was nothing else she could do, she would never call her. She didn’t expect it to go so smoothly this time.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Jin changed her clothes and drove to the private school.

This is the school specially chosen by Mr. Li for his children. It is the largest aristocratic private kindergarten in Yuncheng. The children who can study here are either rich or expensive, and the quality of education here is also much higher than other schools...

But obviously, those two little bastards didn't study hard at all, and the old man's hard work was wasted.

The old man managed the Li family and had no time to look around, and the original owner was not willing to spend her energy on the children at all, so that the two children became more and more lawless... If the teacher can't control it, and the parents don't want to, how can the child not grow crooked?

Jiang Jin parked the car in front of the school and entered Teacher Shi's office with complicated emotions.

When she was studying, she was most afraid of being called into the office by the teacher. Later, when she worked, she was also afraid of being alone in a room with her boss.

As a result, now, for the sake of those two dead children, she actually took the initiative to send herself to the door to be punished.

She worked so hard, if these two bastards dared to scheme against her again, she would definitely beat them up!
