FVB - 011

Chapter 11 Xiaobei, you are so awesome

Jiang Jin narrowed her eyes.

Why did this brat suddenly ask this question? Could it be that he knows her whereabouts these days?

She lowered her eyelids and said quietly: "Xiao Bei, don't you believe me? If I wasn't hospitalized, how could I not go home for three days? You don't know how pitiful it is to be alone in the hospital. You have to carry meals by yourself. I went downstairs to buy food with the potion bottle, and finally got home, and you two are still so angry with me..."


Li Beixiao curled his lips and let out a silent sneer.

Unfortunately, he felt a little pity for this woman just now.

As a result, he was tricked again.

He said coldly: "I have checked. In the past three days, you stayed at the Starlight Hotel and did not go to the hospital at all! Also, the consumption records show that you have been visiting major attractions, basically every half hour just swipe the card once... In the past three days, you have spent a total of 125,000."

Jiang Jin: "..."

Therefore, her play was in vain.

She has made herself look like this, and she must not be slapped in the face by a few children.

Jiang Jin raised her head and widened her eyes: "Xiao Bei, you are so amazing. You can even find out this. Then can you find out who swiped my card?"

Li Beixiao's expression changed: "What do you mean?"

"After I ran out of the warehouse that day, my card disappeared." Jiang Jin sighed, "I was hospitalized and didn't have time to report the loss. I didn't expect that so much money was secretly swiped."

"Liar, just keep making it up!" Li Xichen said angrily, "My damn brain must be flooded, I just believed your nonsense! If a vicious person like you encounters a mouse, you will definitely be hysterical! How could you be bitten after being trampled to death! Xiaobei, let's go, don't act with her!"

Jiang Jin sighed faintly: "Xiaoxi, you are so smart, why don't you think about it, how can a person like me spend only 120,000 yuan in three days? And I am a native of Yuncheng. How is it possible to spend three days eating, drinking and having fun at a tourist attraction?”

Li Xichen was stunned immediately.

This woman has always been extravagant. An ordinary bag costs at least 70,000 to 80,000 yuan. A random set of earrings and jewelry costs hundreds of thousands... spending 120,000 yuan in three days is really not something this woman can do...

Could it be that he had really wronged this woman?

"Hey, forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with you." Jiang Jin stood up from the sofa and walked upstairs lamely, muttering as she walked, "Since you don't want to offer me tea to apologize, I won't force it. I'm tired, go back to the room to rest, don't disturb me."

Li Xichen and Li Beixiao looked at each other.

Logically speaking, after so many things happened, this woman would never let it go.

However, why did she treat them with care and let it go like this?

Shouldn't they be beaten up?

Shouldn't they be locked up in a dark room?

Shouldn't she call grandpa to complain?

Why did she just go back to her room?

Li Beixiao's eyes were bright: "I pushed her into the swimming pool a few days ago, but she didn't do anything to me after she was rescued. It's so strange."


The bedroom door on the second floor was closed.

Li Xichen's eyes suddenly sharpened: "This woman entered dad's room, and she wants to take it out on dad!"

With that said, he quickly ran upstairs.

Li Beixiao followed closely behind.

Jiang Jin slammed the door shut, and then let out a long breath.

Spending 120,000 yuan in three days and 40,000 yuan in one day was luxury enough for her in another world!

However, the image of the original owner was so deeply rooted in people's hearts that she dismissed the two little bastards with just a few words.
Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills.

She was about to lie down on the bed and take a rest when there was a sudden knock on the door of the room.

"Don't touch Dad! Open the door!"

"If you dare to touch my father, I will fight you to the death!" the two children roared angrily outside.

Jiang Jin was stunned.

She slowly looked back at the big bed behind her.

The man with solemn brows closed his eyes tightly and lay motionless.

Why did she come to his room again... She obviously has her own room...

Jiang Jin opened the door, leaned against the door frame and sneered at the two angry children: "Why, you still worry about your own father?"

The book has never described the father-son relationship between the four children and Li Yunting.

She remembered that these two cold-blooded and ruthless boys only had Mr. Li in their hearts.

After the old man was killed by her explosion, the two boys completely let themselves go and went further and further on the road to death.

"Your room is over there, stay away from dad!" Li Xichen clenched his fists, his dark eyes filled with anger.

Jiang Jin smiled softly: "He is my husband, and I want to live in the same room with him. Do you have any objections?"

Li Xichen gritted his teeth and held back three words for a long time: "You are shameless."

Li Beixiao tightened his jaw and said word by word: "Don't you just want us to bow our heads? Okay, we apologize."

"I am sorry!"

Li Beixiao lowered his head and reluctantly uttered three words.

Li Xichen blocked the hatred in his eyes and said, "I'm sorry, I was wrong."

Jiang Jin raised her hand.

The two children's almost identical eyes closed at the same time, waiting for her slap.

Only when this woman vents her anger can this matter truly be over...

"Good children, mom will forgive you this time. It's getting late, so go and have a rest."

Jiang Jin touched their faces, yawned and walked to his room.

She wouldn't be so shameless to do something to a vegetable, seeing these two boys turned pale with fright.

It seems that besides the old man, Li Yunting, who is temporarily in a coma, is also the weak spot of these two bastards...

When Li Xichen and Li Beixiao opened their eyes, Jiang Jin had already entered their room.

The two looked at each other with complicated expressions.
