FVB - 001

Chapter 1 The biological mother of the four villains


The harder Jiang Jin struggled, the more she sank...

The cold water came overwhelmingly, the surroundings were dark, and the feeling of suffocation made her desperate.

Finally, someone grabbed her arms and pulled her hard, and she finally surfaced.

"Cough cough cough!"

Jiang Jin coughed so hard that she wanted to cough out her lungs.

"Jinjin, are you okay?"

A woman's voice rang in her ears.

Jiang Jin raised her eyelids with difficulty and looked at the woman holding her, and her mind suddenly went blank for a moment.

Why did she suddenly fall into the water?

Also, why doesn’t she recognize this woman who affectionately calls her Jinjin?

"Jinjin, your son is really upsetting. He actually pushed his own mother into the swimming pool. He is deliberately trying to kill you!"

The woman continued chattering, "You were ten months pregnant and gave birth to him, and you still had difficulty in labor and had heavy bleeding. These brats are against you every day. How many lives do you have to play with them?"

Jiang Jin was stunned.


Ten months pregnant?

Dystocia and heavy bleeding?

She knew what these words meant, but why did she not understand them when they were put together?

"What are you still doing? Go and beat him up, be careful he runs away!"

The woman pulled Jiang Jin toward the villa, and then shouted, "Li Beixiao, stop hiding! I advise you to kneel down and admit your mistake to your mother, otherwise your legs will be broken today!"

Li Beixiao?

Li Beixiao!

Jiang Jin suddenly woke up.

A child named Li Beixiao pushed his biological mother into the swimming pool... Why is this plot so familiar?

Regardless of her physical discomfort, she grabbed the hand of the woman beside her: "Li Beixiao... is my son?"

"What else?" The woman lowered her voice, "Anyway, you have already started planning a divorce. After the divorce, you no longer have to deal with these debt collectors..."

Jiang Jin's vision went dark and she almost fainted.

She actually slipped into a novel that she just finished reading last night!

Li Beixiao is the number one villain in this novel. He also has three brothers, all of whom are the most evil-hearted!

And she! She became the biological mother of these four villains!

Although she is the biological mother of the villain, this novel never describes her positively. She only deserves to live in the memories of the villains.

It seems that... she died when Li Beixiao was seven or eight years old.

Every time the villains recall her deeds, they do so with deep hatred and anger...

Jiang Jin's eyes widened and she looked at the child hiding behind the cabinet... he was about four or five years old.

In other words, she can only live for another two or three years...

"Why are you still hiding? Come out and kneel down to admit your mistake!"

The woman walked over quickly, grabbed Li Beixiao's ears, and roughly pulled the child out.

The four or five-year-old child staggered to the ground. There were slap marks on the left and right sides of his face, which was shocking to see.

The child raised his head and looked in the direction of Jiang Jin.

In those dark eyes, there was indifference and fear, but more importantly, there was hatred, overwhelming hatred.

Can he not hate her?

From the first day he was born, he was abused by his biological mother. The most serious incident almost cost him his life.

The four sons were all abused when they were growing up, so they developed paranoid and extreme personalities and never returned from the road of crime.

The feared villain in the book is only four or five years old, weak and has no ability to resist.

"Hua Lili, let him go." Jiang Jin pursed her lips and said coldly.

Hua Lili let go of Li Beixiao's ears, clapped her hands and said, "That's right, you have to do it yourself to teach this brat a lesson."

Jiang Jin walked over step by step.

As she got closer, she saw that in addition to the slap marks on the child's face, there were also cracks on the ears, and the neck and chest were all black and blue. It looked like he had been beaten frequently.

What kind of evil has this been done...

Jiang Jin sighed and stretched out her hand, wanting to touch the child's face.


Li Beixiao grabbed her raised wrist, opened his mouth and bit it.


Jiang Jin gasped in pain and instinctively raised her hand to throw the person away.

Li Beixiao fell heavily to the carpet. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his little face full of hatred.

Jiang Jin was sure that if she took another step forward, this brat would get up from the ground and bite her again.

He is truly worthy of being a great villain. He is so powerful in combat when he is only four or five years old.

This is just a child. If the other three come back, then she will be a sheep in a wolf's den.

Oh my gosh!

Did she blow up the Milky Way in her previous life? Why would God play such a fatal joke on her?

Jiang Jin closed her eyes and calmed down for a few seconds before reluctantly accepting this sad reality.

Her only advantage is that she knows the subsequent development of the plot, so she has the opportunity to change everything...

She sighed inconspicuously, and said with the corner of her mouth: "I slapped you a few times, you pushed me into the swimming pool, and bit me. We can be considered even. In that case, even if the matter is revealed, no one is allowed to open up old scores in the future."

Hearing this, Li Beixiao's eyes were full of disbelief.
