DSHSN - 11

Yan Li really watered the flowers a lot. Just when the housekeeper hesitated to remind her that she didn't need to water so much, she finally put down the kettle in her hand and stopped feeding the flowers that had already drunk enough water.

Turn around and go upstairs.

Originally, she wanted to ridicule Gu Yiyi for crying at such an old age, but when she thought about how old she was, why should she care about her like a child?

So she gave up the idea.

After washing her hands, she went upstairs.

Gu Yiyi finished his breakfast and became angrier as he thought about it. He put away the dishes with tears in his eyes. When he saw eggs in the refrigerator, he felt aggrieved the more he thought about it and threw the eggs into the pot.

Five eggs were boiled in one go.

Huh, don't you just dislike him for scaring the child's eggs? Can't he compensate her?

It was not that he had never cooked before when his friends went out to play, so he quickly cooked five eggs while tinkering in the kitchen.

When the eggs are taken out of the pot, each one is more rounded and prettier than the other.

But he had no appetite anymore. After burping, he took a plate with eggs and planned to give them to the children.

Yan Beibei had toys downstairs. She came down and planned to go upstairs after getting the toys, but she saw her brother striding over. The little guy was stunned in place with a pair of big eyes.

Gu Yiyi came over and put the plate in his hand directly on the coffee table. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he unconsciously started to scare the children: "This is your egg, please finish it quickly! If you don't finish it, I will…”

The child obeyed her mother's words very much and ran away immediately. Gu Yiyi stood there, not knowing why.

Yan Li came down from upstairs. When she saw the child running so fast, she felt that Gu Yiyi must have bullied Yan Beibei. She immediately walked towards her daughter and asked, "What's wrong?"

When Yan Beibei saw her mother, she looked back at her brother and said truthfully: "My brother brought a lot of eggs and asked me to finish them all. Mom, I can't finish them..."

The little guy said quietly, with a bit of sadness on his face.

Yan Li held her daughter's hand and walked over, taking a look at the eggs Gu Yiyi put on the plate:???

Why does this thing have so many eggs?

Yan Li asked: "You want your sister to finish eating them all?"

Gu Yiyi stopped crying now and washed his face. Facing Yan Li, he raised his chin high: "What else? Didn't you say that I scared her egg away? I can't compensate her?"

Yan Li laughed angrily: "Do you think she can finish five?"

Gu Yiyi didn't think deeply.

There must be something wrong: "Isn't it just five eggs?"

"If you can, would you like to try it?"

"Don't I have to compensate her?"

Yan Li was a little impatient: "You said she can finish five eggs. I asked you to try it and see if you can finish it? Is there something wrong with you, asking her to finish five eggs?"

"It's just five eggs! Of course I can finish them. Don't I want to compensate her?"

"Who wants you to compensate? If you can finish it, then you can eat it!!"

"Just eat!!”

Both of them looked ugly. Gu Yiyi didn't understand that he had given the eggs to the child, so why didn't she appreciate it?

Why is this woman so bad-tempered?

He had a fight with Yan Li, wasn't it just five eggs?

Just eat!

He picked up the eggs, peeled them off, threw them into the trash can, and finished the first one in a few mouthfuls. While chewing, he spread his hands, looking very relaxed.

"It's just a few eggs, no one can eat them all."

Yan Li ignored him and watched him eat quietly, with a bit of sarcasm in her eyes.

Yan Beibei pulled her mother's hand and whispered: "Mom, five eggs are too many. Please tell brother not to eat them."

Yan Li touched her daughter's head and said in a gentle tone: "Be good, your brother doesn't know how much he weighs, so just let him eat."

Gu Yiyi was ridiculed by Yan Li, and the rebelliousness in his bones came out immediately.

Isn’t it just five eggs? Is there anything he can’t eat?

He took one bite at a time.

But he was already quite full from breakfast just now. After finishing the second meal, he reluctantly swallowed the third one.

When he ate the third one, he felt that his throat was extremely dry, so he immediately went to the dining room to get some water. Before leaving, he said, "I'm not running. I'm going to get some water first."

Yan Li stood on the spot, holding the child's hand and looking at him calmly. The boy rushed to the restaurant like a gust of wind. After a while, he came back with water and drank a few sips of water. His throat, which was stuffed with egg yolk, was finally free. He felt comfortable, but his stomach felt very full.

There were also two eggs, which he really didn't want to eat.

But just now he had sworn and looked solemn, saying that he should not let this woman look down upon him.

After peeling off the shell, he started eating the fourth one again. When he was eating the fourth one, it was already hard to eat. The child looked at her brother who seemed a little uncomfortable eating, and whispered: "Brother, if you can't eat it, don't eat it..."

Gu Yiyi also had a bad temper. When he heard what she said, he immediately said: "I can do it! Just five eggs!"

Yan Li didn't say anything, just watched him eat.

After finally finishing the fourth one, he felt a little nauseous. He tried his best to drink a lot of water, took a deep breath, and felt a little dizzy when he saw that there was only one egg left.

But thinking that he was still competing with Yan Li, he endured the discomfort and peeled the shell.

Yan Li took the child upstairs while he was peeling the shells. She didn't bother to look at it anymore. It had nothing to do with her whether he ate or not.

Seeing how uncomfortable he looked, she knew that her goal had been achieved.

Gu Yiyi had a bad temper. Since he said he would eat all five, he would not stop eating. He endured the turmoil in his stomach and wolfed down the fifth one. After eating, he wiped it with a tissue. He stood there for less than two seconds before rushing madly to the toilet.

The housekeeper looked on, not knowing what to say.

Not long after, he heard the sound of him retching inside.

When Yu Chen came over to take care of Yiyi, he saw him lying on the bed with a pale face, looking so weak that he had lost his soul.

He had already heard about what happened last night. Seeing how bad his face was, Yu Chen sat next to him for a while and then said: "Isn't it just a fight and a loss of love? Why do you look like this? Brother... You cheer up.”

He said and patted Gu Yiyi's shoulder.

Gu Yiyi felt uncomfortable everywhere now. He patted his shoulder and wanted to vomit again.

With a pale face, he pushed Yu Chen's paw away, closed his eyes, and lay directly on the bed, feeling so uncomfortable that he wanted to fall asleep immediately.

But Yu Chen was still chirping next to him: "Don't be sad, how about I take you to eat quail eggs this afternoon?"

As soon as he heard the word "egg", Gu Yiyi felt like vomiting again, and he immediately got a little irritable and said, "Don't you ever say the word "egg" to me again these days."

Yu Chen: "? What's wrong? You wouldn't be picked off after you went out for one night..."

"Get out!!!" Gu Yiyi kicked him.

Yu Chen immediately dodged away, smiling obscenely.

Gu Yiyi said angrily: "That woman made me eat five eggs today! I don't want to see this thing again in my life!!"

Yu Chen immediately laughed at him: "It's just five eggs, how can you be so good?"

Gu Yiyi just wanted to run away: "I'm full for breakfast! I also had a boiled egg for breakfast!!"

Yu Chen immediately spoke to his brother: "Why does your stepmother treat you like this?"

Gu Yiyi's voice immediately became quieter, and after a while, he explained the cause and effect to him clearly.

Hearing that Gu Yiyi made the child eat five eggs, Yu Chen felt that he was not unjust.

When he came up just now, he saw Yan Beibei, a gentle girl with a weak voice. This bastard actually forced her to eat five eggs at once.

He was really lucky that his stepmother didn't spank him.

He immediately advised his brother: "Hey, actually your stepmother is okay. She goes to the police station to catch you at night. You force the child to eat five eggs. It is indeed a bit unkind."

Gu Yiyi lay on the bed, his face pressed against the pillow, and glanced at the wilted Cai.

When Yu Chen saw his brother like this, he felt a little distressed and asked him, "Then do you want to go out today?"

Gu Yiyi pointed to his big face covered with bruises: "Do you think... with my face is like this? Can I go out?"

Yu Chen: "Wear a mask and a hat. If you don't want to see them at home, we'll go out."

Gu Yiyi directly covered his head with the quilt: "I'm sick."

The little guy dropped his eggs in the morning. During lunch, Yan Li specially asked her aunt to steam an egg custard for the little guy.

Gu Yiyi felt nauseated when he saw the eggs. When he saw the egg custard on the table, he turned around and left.

Yu Chen was different. He stayed here for lunch today and had already greeted the nanny in advance. Seeing so many delicious food on the table, he rubbed his hands and felt extremely excited. Seeing Yan Li, although he may still have objections to her in his heart, but he still said sweetly on his face: "Hello, aunt!"

Yan Li actually felt that she was almost in her twenties. Gu Yiyi didn't call her any name, but she was suddenly called aunt by a little kid. She was in a strange mood, and she felt like she was suddenly old.

However, she was indeed thirty-six or so now, so she adjusted her mood and smiled politely: "Hello."

Pull out a chair and take a seat.

When he looked up, he saw Gu Yiyi walking out.

Yu Chen was very surprised why Gu Yiyi turned around and left. He immediately chased him out and asked, "Hey, why did you just leave? Didn't you want to eat?"

Gu Yiyi said in a irritable tone: "I won't eat it!"

"Aren't you hungry? You don't want to eat?"

“Not hungry!!”

Yan Li didn't know what was wrong with this bastard, but she didn't care. She didn't care, whose son was in charge. Gu Heng herself didn't worry about it. She was worried about nothing. She picked up the food for the child with chopsticks and said softly. : "Beibei, come, eat."

The little guy saw her brother leaving angrily and was a little depressed: "Mom, why did my brother leave again?"

Yan Li: "Oh, you don't have to worry about him if he's sick."

The little guy was a little worried: "Ah? What's wrong with him?"

Yan Li: "It's a disease in his head! Just ignore him!"

Yan Beibei wanted to ask again, but when she saw that her mother's face was not very good, she buried her head and ate obediently.

Gu Yiyi had a convulsion and refused to eat, but Yu Chen was still hungry. He came back soon and saw that they were already using chopsticks and waiting for no one. He didn't think anything was wrong. He sat down directly and said to Yan Li with a smile: "Auntie, Yiyi's character is like this, don't get angry with him in the future, and be tolerant of him."

Yan Li served her daughter soup with a puzzled look on her face: "Who is he? Why do you want me to spoil him?"

"If you want to be pampered, go to me!"

Yan Li's rude attitude made Yu Chen complain a lot, but he was already hungry and he couldn't talk much. He picked up his chopsticks and picked up the vegetables first before he was full.

Gu Yiyi didn't have lunch. The housekeeper thought that he was angry with the wife. Thinking of the scene in the morning, he felt sorry for Gu Yiyi and called Gu Heng: "Sir, the young master didn't have lunch."

Then tell Gu Heng the cause and effect.

There was a problem with the overseas project, and Gu Heng had to delay his return again. He didn't care when the housekeeper said these trivial things, and said: "He has a mouth, and he eats as he likes or not, and no one stops him. "

"I still have something to do. If nothing happens, I will hang up."

After a while, a beep came from the phone.

The housekeeper stood there holding his cell phone and sighed. He didn't understand. They were fine last night, so why did the two of them do this again today?

Yu Chen had lunch in the restaurant and saw Yan Li taking care of her daughter in every possible way. Yu Chen, who lives in a single-parent family and has not been very close to her mother since she was a child, looked a little envious.

Gu Yiyi, the stepmother, was also very kind to her daughter. She only gave her a meal and took care of her in every possible way, helping her pick up the vegetables and wiping her mouth.

His father's trumpet is obviously much happier than him.

Sighing, he left the dining room and turned to go upstairs.

Gu Yiyi fell asleep with his head covered and his feet exposed.

Just as Yu Chen was about to wake up his brother, he saw Gu Yiyi's cell phone ringing. It was Shen Ruyue's.

He helped connect the phone and heard a female voice on the phone: "Yiyi, please listen to my explanation of what happened last night! I'm downstairs at your house now! Can you come out and listen to my explanation?"
