DSHSN - 12


Yu Chen glanced downstairs from the balcony. Sure enough, he saw Shen Ruyue walking in from the outside and looking upstairs.

Yu Chen retreated into the room and tried to wake up his brother.

"Hey, Shen Ruyue is here."

Gu Yiyi had just entered his dream. When he heard his words, he raised his leg and kicked him.

"Don't bother!"

"Why don't you go down and see her?"

"No!" Until now, Gu Yiyi didn't think there was anything good to see.

"She is also doing it for you..."

"Do you want this?" Gu Yiyi changed his position, bent his long legs, and continued to sleep with his eyes closed.

Yu Chen thought for a moment that he couldn't stand it if his girlfriend was like this. His sympathy for Shen Ruyue suddenly disappeared.

But he still asked hesitantly: "She is already downstairs in your house, you can't just leave her downstairs..."

Gu Yiyi was indifferent: "Whoever lets her in will deal with it."

Yu Chen didn't turn around for a while: "Huh?"

Gu Yiyi: "Did I allow her to enter my house?"

"I'm going to bed. Don't bother me. If you bother me again, get out." Gu Yiyi covered his head with a quilt irritably, trying to isolate himself from those annoying things.

Yu Chen wanted to know what might happen downstairs, so when he saw that Gu Yiyi was unwilling to get up, he tentatively went to the door: "How about I go downstairs and take a look?"

"Go and leave quickly!"

"Hey, okay."

Gu Yiyi’s ex-girlfriend came to their house——

It must be an ex-girlfriend, right?

After what happened last night, Gu Yiyi should have broken up with her, right?

Yan Li, who was not sure whether the boy's mind was full of water, asked the housekeeper to go up and invite the little girl.

The housekeeper hurried up and down again, whispering in her ear to Yan Li: "The young master said he couldn't see her. He has already made it clear to her."

Yan Li glanced at the girl with her head lowered, sitting on the sofa, wearing an apricot-colored dress. She felt pity for her. She was really soft, with an oval face and a pair of watery eyes. If she hadn't seen all that with her own eyes last night, she wouldn't have been able to imagine that such an innocent girl in front of her could be so deep in the city.

That brat had just offended her in the morning, and now she had to deal with that emotional mess for him...

After thinking about his pale face after eating eggs, Yan Li realized her conscience and decided to help him solve the problem.

She slowly walked over and sat on another sofa to the left of the girl. She smiled at the weak and pitiful girl with an elegant, noble and helpless face: "That... classmate, I have asked the housekeeper to go up and talk to Yiyi, he doesn’t want to see you, and there’s nothing I can do about it.”

Shen Ruyue's eyes suddenly filled with water and she stood up with a deep pleading in her eyes: "Auntie, I really want to see Yiyi. Please persuade him to let him see me."

The tea in front of them smells very fragrant. The tea served by the Gu family is all of the best quality. Yan Li is a vulgar person. Apart from thinking that the tea tastes good, her appreciation ability is not very good.

But she still used the lid to slowly pick out the tea leaves floating on it, and pretended to take a few sips. After feeling refreshed, she looked at the bold look of the girl opposite and said, "You also saw what happened last night, although I am only Yiyi's stepmother, but since I'm married to his father, I naturally have to protect Yiyi. Since he doesn't want to see you, I don't need to persuade him, and I don't want to."

"Little sister, you are a smart child. You know what I mean. Please go back. Everyone is calm. If you really want to see him, then wait until school starts. After school starts, you can see him every day."

"But I advise you to keep your studies at heart. You are still young, and studying is the real thing."

After all, Yan Li underestimated how shameless this girl was. Just when she thought she had said everything she needed to say and this girl should leave, Shen Ruyue knelt down and looked up at her, pleading: "Auntie, I did that because I like Yiyi too much. I... he hasn't paid attention to me recently, so I just wanted to coax him..." As he spoke, she choked up.

Yan Li's eyes fell on her knees.

It is said that there is gold at the knees of men, but in fact, there are generally not many girls who are willing to kneel down to others casually.

This girl has such courage, why not do anything wrong, she must be obsessed with men.

Yan Li hurriedly hid on the other side. She couldn't bear such a big gift, but her life would be shortened. She still wanted to live a few more years for Yan Beibei.

After walking around behind the sofa, she cleared her throat, then returned to her indifferent look, and said to Shen Ruyue: "You said all this is because of love, so forgive me for not understanding your so-called love. I don't think so. You can't understand, otherwise he wouldn't be unwilling to see you. Love means understanding each other, tolerating each other, giving each other happiness, and making each other beautiful. It's not like you, doing whatever it takes to achieve your goals."

"You did this so late at night, you weren't stupid enough to let yourself get into trouble, were you? Then what was your purpose? If I hadn't arrived last night and something had happened to you, would Yiyi be gentle and feel guilty towards you for a lifetime?"

"I am the one talking to you here now. I am much gentler than Yiyi's father. If he were here, do you think... you would have a chance to sit here?"

"You are still young, don't use your mind on these crooked ways."

Yan Li felt that she shouldn't talk so much, but seeing that she was still young, she couldn't help but say a few more words.

Shen Ruyue's face turned pale when Yan Li said that. She wanted to open her mouth to explain something, but all explanations were powerless.

Gu Yiyi's stepmother, has a keen eye for seeing through everything.

Shen Ruyue stood up, with tears in her eyes: "Auntie, I know, I am too despicable and dirty, I am not worthy of Yiyi, it is me..."

She choked up as she spoke. The pear blossoms looked as pitiful as the little flowers in the wind and rain. It made Yan Li feel guilty as if she was bullying the little girl.

"Don't say that. You are still young and learning is the most important thing."

Shen Ruyue fell into self-pity, with tears hanging from the corners of her eyes. It seemed that she didn't hear what she said at all, so she turned and walked towards the door.

Yan Li looked at her frail figure with some sympathy in her heart.

However, what she didn't expect was that just when she thought Shen Ruyue was leaving, this girl turned around and rushed towards the stairs.

Yan Li shouted in her heart that she was awesome.

But she was too lazy to stop her. She had already done what she should do. Gu Yiyi would solve the remaining trouble by himself.

God insisted that he solve this trouble by himself, and she couldn't stop him.

As soon as Yu Chen saw Shen Ruyue rushing up, he immediately ran to Gu Yiyi's room.

There were many rooms upstairs. Shen Ruyue was like a headless fly at first, but when she saw Yu Chen, she immediately knew where Gu Yiyi's room was and ran over.

Yu Chen locked the door directly, patted Gu Yiyi awake on the bed again, and reminded: "Yiyi, Shen Ruyue is here!"

Gu Yiyi irritably slapped her away: "Let her go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door: "Yiyi, can you come out for a moment!"

The voice gradually took on a crying tone.

"Come out for a moment! Let's meet once and leave as soon as we're done."

Gu Yiyi was irritated by her crying. He covered his head with the quilt and said to Yu Chen, "Tell her to get lost!"

Yu Chen was a peony with zero love experience, and his brother was a quail. Naturally, he didn't know how to solve it. He sat on the bed hesitantly, with his feet on the ground, and hesitantly said: "If I open the door, she will definitely come in, otherwise... Ask your housekeeper to drive her away?"

Gu Yiyi grabbed the cell phone on the bedside and sent several heartless messages to Shen Ruyue, such as "I don't want to see you" and "You should leave quickly."

Then ask the housekeeper to drive her away.

Shen Ruyue called him while crying: "Yiyi, can you come out?!"

"Let's meet for the last time."

Gu Yiyi felt that one was bigger than the other. He really didn't want to see Shen Ruyue, so he said ruthlessly: "Go away, I don't want to see you!"

"You think it's meaningful to see me?"

"I didn't treat you badly, it was all your choice."

The housekeeper felt a little melancholy when he saw Shen Ruyue crying and talking on the phone. This girl looked like a little white flower and was so pitiful when she cried that he couldn't bear it anymore. But he could only force himself to chase them away: "Um... Miss Shen, please go back. The young master doesn't want to see you."

Shen Ruyue suddenly grabbed the housekeeper's hand and looked like she was begging: "Uncle housekeeper, please let me see him, wuwuwu, I beg you..."

A weak cry comes from outside, Gu Yiyi couldn't stand it anymore when the call came out from his cell phone. He opened the door and came out, saying coldly: "I'm out. If you have anything to say, just leave as soon as you finish."

Shen Ruyue suddenly stopped moving and looked at him blankly. She didn't look carefully last night, but today she discovered that his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

And last night, there was a girl next to him.

He fights over other girls.

Shen Ruyue asked: "Do you like someone else, that's why you are so indifferent to me?"

Gu Yiyi: "..."

"What if I say yes?"

He didn't bother to explain to her, so he just said yes. Just don't pester him.

She wiped her tears, turned around and left.

Yan Li walked up and was speechless after hearing the young man's answer. She said: "If you don't want to be with her, then you don't want to be with her. Why involve a stranger?"

"Don't make a mistake and tease a girl you don't know."

After saying that, she looked at Shen Ruyue and said seriously: "You are not suitable. Go back. You are young now. Study hard and you can have whatever kind of partner you want in the future."

Shen Ruyue clenched her hands into fists, and she really had the urge to settle accounts with that girl in her heart. When she heard Yan Li's words, she immediately turned red and looked up at her, with resentment in her tone: "It's all your fault, if it weren't for you, Yiyi will not leave me back, will not ignore me, and will not have so many things happen."

Yan Li: "??"

Thank you for your persuasion, this girl has a bad mind, right? What happened between the two of them was none of her business.

She stopped being polite to this girl. She took a step forward and directly provoked: "How about blaming me? Come and hit me if you can!"
