FVB - 002

Chapter 2 Vegetative Husband

"Jinjin, are you crazy, you're just letting him go?"

Hua Lili stood at the edge and spoke silently.

"You were almost killed by him, and you were bitten. You had to kill half of his life before you could express such evil!"

Li Beixiao's small body couldn't help but shrink.

When he was two or three years old, this woman beat him. He was unable to resist and could only hide and cry silently.

But now that he has grown up, he is already five years old. As long as she dares to do something to him, he will definitely repay her a thousand times... Even if the end will be terrible, he will fight to the death.

He made a mistake today. He should have pushed this vicious woman into the water when no one was around...

As long as this woman dies, he and his three brothers can live a peaceful and quiet life...

The hatred in his eyes was like a blazing fire, burning Jiang Jin's heart.

She turned her eyes away and said calmly: "If you look at me like this again, be careful and I'll beat you up. Get out of my sight quickly."

Li Beixiao took a few steps back.

He remembered clearly that a long time ago, this poisonous woman also said to let him go, but when he turned around, a glass was thrown at him.

The back of his head was hit and bleeding, and he fell to the ground on the spot.

He didn't dare to gamble anymore, didn't dare to believe any word of this woman.

How could Jiang Jin not know what he was thinking? She said calmly: "Hua Lili, come with me."

She took the lead to walk outside into the yard.

It wasn't until her figure disappeared into the living room that Li Beixiao breathed a sigh of relief.

This woman... actually let him go today.
Then, he sneered again.
Maybe she's holding back some bad moves.
However, he won't be afraid.
The little figure went up to the bedroom on the second floor, closed the door, and licked his wounds alone.

Hua Lili followed Jiang Jin out, but still couldn't believe it: "Jin Jin, if you let him go today, he will take revenge on you even harder tomorrow. None of your four sons is good..."

"Are you a good thing?"

Jiang Jin raised her eyes, the light in her eyes was like two sharp knives.

This Hua Lili is a good friend of the original owner who grew up together in the orphanage

After she married into the wealthy Li family in Yuncheng, Hua Lili became obsessed with her.

The original owner frequently beat and scolded her four sons at home, and flirted with numerous men outside, all of which was fueled by Hua Lili.

Later, when the original owner got divorced and was defrauded of money and sex, and her life fell into a trough, Hua Lili came back and stepped on her...

The indifference and disgust in her eyes were so obvious that Hua Lili was stunned for a moment: "Jinjin, what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting, I just don't want you to come to Li's house every day to watch the show." Jiang Jin sneered, "You have gotten a lot of benefits from me over the years. The total money for all the clothes and jewelry should be two million, when do you plan to give it back?"

"Jiang Jin!" Hua Lili's eyes widened angrily, "Are you turning your back on me?"

Jiang Jin smiled sarcastically: "You took those clothes and jewelry from me without my consent, so of course you have to return them."

"You, you!" Hua Lili's chest heaved violently with anger, "You gave me those things voluntarily, and I won't return them! For so many years, I have given up everything to stay with you and help you make suggestions. In the end, I was actually kicked away by you! Okay, very good! You'd better not come crying and beg me for forgiveness!"
After Hua Lili said angrily, she drove away on high heels.

Jiang Jin pursed her lips coldly.

Forcing Hua Lili to repay two million, Hua Lili should not appear in the Li family again in such a short period of time.

After she understands her current situation, she can go to Hua Lili to settle the score!

Jiang Jin's eyes narrowed, and he quickly got up and walked to the master bedroom on the second floor.

Ten years ago, Li Yunting had a car accident and became a vegetative state. He needed a woman with a completely negative fate to help him.

After she married into the Li family, Mr. Li gave her 10 million in private money. Later, every time she gave birth to a child, the Li family rewarded her with 10 million, adding up to 50 million.

In the past ten years, the original owner has spent money like water, and she doesn't know how much is left...

Jiang Jin rushed into the bedroom and searched everywhere for the original owner's cell phone...

Suddenly, as if she realized something, her hands and feet stiffened suddenly, her neck slowly turned around, and she looked at the soft European-style bed.

There is a man lying on the bed.

Even lying down, she could visually tell that this man was at least 1.8 meters tall.

This should be the biological father of the four villains and her nominal husband of ten years, Li Yunting.

She walked over in slow motion.

The light from outside the balcony came in and fell on the man's face.

He has been in a coma for ten years, and his skin is still well maintained. His sharp face has a cold color, and there is no trace of a vegetative state at all.

His facial features seemed to have been carefully carved by God. His deep-set eyes concealed nobility and arrogance, and his slightly pale lips exuded a somewhat relaxed masculine charm...

Jiang Jin was stunned.

As the villain's father, the original novel didn't have much description of Li Yunting's appearance. She never thought that her nominal husband could be so handsome!

She is such a pretty lucky girl!

If she remembered correctly, Li Yunting would wake up in three months.

Before Li Yunting woke up, the original owner divorced him. As for why the divorce happened...

"Young Madam, there is a gentleman named Lin outside who wants to see you." The servant Zhang Ma stood at the door of the bedroom and reported respectfully.

Jiang Jin suddenly remembered.

The original owner and Li Yunting seem to be getting divorced tonight!

It was because of this man who came to find her...

