DSHSN - 06

Gu Yiyi's face was livid. He tossed and turned in the room at night and couldn't sleep. He began to think about how to deal with this mother and daughter.

No, it should be the woman Yan Li.

After all, the child belongs to his father, and he can't let his father disown his daughter.

As for Yan Li...

He scratched his hair irritably. He couldn't really let these two get divorced, right?

He really wanted to, but it was not easy for them to divorce. This woman would still share his father's money. After all, his father made money every day, and recently he had several big projects.

So his goal now should be: to drive this woman out of this home and not live with him.

Gu Yiyi felt that he was too unambitious, and he clearly wanted to force his father to divorce.

Why are the requirements so low now?

But what else can he do if it’s not low?

After all, he hasn't grown up yet, he has no ability to make his father listen to him, and he has nothing to threaten his father. On the contrary, his brain can shock him.

Thinking about this, Gu Yiyi became more and more irritable. He tossed and turned in bed and couldn't fall asleep. He could only open his eyes and look at the ceiling above his head. He didn’t know how long it took before he really fell asleep.

When he woke up, he heard the sound of weeding downstairs, which was a bit noisy. He jumped up irritably and went to the window to look.

He saw a little girl in a purple skirt downstairs squatting on the ground with her ponytail and curiously looking at the blue flowers on the grass. Her big eyes flickered and she carefully observed the appearance of the flowers, which were particularly beautiful. The hem of her skirt fell to the floor, and the little guy didn't notice.

All she could see was the flower in front of her.

He had to say that this girl is quite pretty, and the two of them are pretty good-looking. As a result, the child has inherited the most beautiful things about them. She looked cute just squatting there.

It makes people’s hearts melt.

Gu Yiyi felt extremely annoyed when he realized that he had become soft-hearted towards this girl.

He secretly warned himself that the mother and daughter were here to rob his father, so he must not be deceived by them. The mother and daughter were very cunning.


With a sneer, he returned to the bed. It was like there were needles on the bed, making him toss and turn, unable to sleep. Finally, he sighed irritably. He jumped up from the bed like a carp, washed up, and cleaned himself up. After getting comfortable, he left the room.

As soon as he arrived downstairs, he saw Yan Beibei coming back, holding the flowers she cherished just now in her hand, and smiling brightly. He had to say that this girl had a really beautiful smile, better than anything Gu Yiyi had ever seen.

Gu Yiyi hated all the little kids equally, but he found that the child he hated the least was actually Yan Beibei in front of him.

She is beautiful and well-behaved, making her hard to dislike.

He didn’t know where that woman Yan Li went.

Gu Yiyi felt that he should hate her, and the more he thought about the child, the more unhappy he became, so he walked over, and in the child's frightened eyes, he said in a somewhat unfriendly tone: "Who told you to pick flowers in the garden casually? "

The little guy was so frightened that she felt as if she had done something bad and was caught by an adult. She looked at the tall brother in front of her with her big watery eyes, fearing that he would beat her up later, and explained in a loud voice: "My grandpa in the garden asked me to pick them. He told me they were wild flowers and could be picked."

The little guy held the hem of her skirt with her little hands, lowered her head, and her voice sounded gentle.

The child's voice was so soft that Gu Yiyi felt itchy in his ears.

There was a feeling that it was unkind to bully a child, but was she an ordinary child?


This is Yan Li's child!

He said in a fierce tone: "I don't care if they are domestic flowers or wild flowers, but you can't pick any flowers at home anyway!"

The brother looks so fierce!

The little guy was a little reluctant to let go of the flower she was holding, but the elder brother was an adult after all. If he said she couldn't pick it, then she couldn't pick it.

She hesitated for a while, then obediently gave the flowers to her brother, and said in a small voice: "Hey! Then I will give you the flowers. Brother, please don't be angry, okay?"

The little kid's eyes were very beautiful. When she brought the flowers, her big eyes were gleaming. The action of handing the flowers was so cute that he couldn't help but have an image of a child handing flowers and fireworks lighting up all around him.

At this moment, Gu Yiyi seemed to understand why some adults like to watch cute baby videos. Those moments of being suddenly cute are very healing.

He suddenly felt a little awkward and turned his head to the side. The tone was a little fierce: "Who cares about your smelly flowers!"

Yan Beibei lowered her head and smelled the flowers. She was a little confused and tilted her head and asked: "These flowers don't stink, they smell good! Where is the smell?"

Gu Yiyi was once again tilted to look cute by the child, and he cursed in his mind as to why this child was so cute, and said in a muffled voice: "I won't tell you, I can't make sense with you, a little brat."

Yan Li had just gone to make milk for her child, and she just came out of the dining room at this moment. As soon as she saw Gu Yiyi standing in front of Yan Beibei with an unkind look on his face, she immediately became upset and reprimanded: "Gu Yiyi, just look at me if you're unhappy with me. What kind of man are to bully my daughter? I don’t have to tell your dad about other matters, but if you dare to bully Yan Beibei, just wait and see!"

Yan Li's expression was very fierce and she seemed to be serious. Gu Yiyi was actually frightened by her and was stunned for a moment.

Of course, Gu Yiyi didn't bother to bully children. Seeing her fierce expression and stuttering when speaking, he immediately said: "I don't bother to bully her!"

Originally he wanted to go out, but he subconsciously walked up the stairs, thumping and angrily, and ran directly upstairs to the room without looking back.

Yan Beibei turned back to take a good look at his back as he left angrily, scratched her little head, her eyes like black grapes were full of confusion.

Yan Li didn't care about him. She turned her attention back to her baby daughter and asked with concern: "Have you been scared by your brother?"

Yan Beibei shook her head and spoke very politely: "No."

As she spoke, she took the flowers in her hand and asked her mother: "Mom, do you want to give the flowers to brother if you want them? He said you can't pick anything in the garden..."

Looking at the thin back of the young man upstairs, she sneered: "Don't talk about a flower, if you just gather all the flowers in the garden, what can he do? Don't talk to him in the future."

"Oh, okay." The child whispered, "Mom, you can't bully Huahua like this. Grandpa the gardener said these are wild flowers, so you can pick them. You can't just pick flowers that you grow yourself."

She was too lazy to argue with the little guy, so she picked up the little guy and kissed her face a few times. The sound of the smacking was very loud.

"Hahaha, okay, if you say you can't pick it off, then you can't pick it off."

The mother and daughter were in a warm mood downstairs. At the turn of the stairs, Gu Yiyi's footsteps paused slightly. He held the handrail of the stairs, and the sound of the woman's child's chirping echoed in his ears... This sound was so loud that he couldn't even unhear it upstairs. I heard this, this woman is really not ashamed at all, she even kissed her so loudly! Don't you feel ashamed?

After Gu Yiyi returned to the room, he slammed the door hard. The loud sound was heard downstairs. Yan Li heard the sound and glanced upstairs.

The little guy in her arms was nestled in her mother's warm embrace. She also looked upstairs and said in a weak voice: "Mom, brother is a little angry..."

Yan Li didn't bother to care about him: "It's okay, just be angry when you're angry and ignore him."

"Then do you want to give him my flowers?" The little guy held the small blue flowers in her hand, and even went to smell it. She didn't understand: "These flowers are obviously very fragrant, why did he think it is smelly!?"

Yan Li looked at her daughter's confused expression, reached out and rubbed the curly hair on her little head, with a smile in her eyes: "He can't spit out ivory from his dog's mouth, so don't worry about him."

When Yan Beibei heard what her mother said, she pursed her lips and reminded her mother: "Mom, don't curse."

"Where did I curse?" Yan Li was confused.

The little guy said in a small voice: "Isn't it a curse to call someone else a dog? Mom, don't lie to me."

She pinched her little elastic face with a smile in his eyes: "Why did mom lie to you?"

After Gu Yiyi returned to the room, he sat down on the bed. The close relationship between mother and daughter flashed in his mind. He walked around the room anxiously, and finally slammed his fist on the table.

The tabletop was hard, and his fists felt painful. He blew on the back of his hand, and suddenly felt that he was so angry that he couldn't understand clearly. He originally planned to go out, but he got so angry that he ran back to the room.

What kind of man is he like this!

Thinking about this, he walked towards the door and wanted to go downstairs again, but as soon as he reached the door of the room, he turned back and murmured to himself: "I don't want to see them, why am I going downstairs? Go to sleep!"

He lay on the bed again, closed his eyes, and faced the ceiling, breathing heavily. Within two minutes, he jumped up from the bed again, frowning and touching his belly.

"So hungry..."

He rummaged around in the room and found a bag of bread after searching for a long time. He opened the bread haphazardly, then tore it into his mouth and chewed the tasteless bread. He suddenly felt sad.

Just because the mother and daughter came suddenly, he could only eat bread for breakfast. The more he thought about it, the more depressed he became. He picked up his schoolbag, packed a few clothes, and went out.

When he went downstairs, he met the butler. The butler saw that he was holding a bulging schoolbag. The butler looked frightened: "Master, what are you..."

"I'm not coming back! Tell my dad that this family either has them or me."

Yan Li had just come down from upstairs with her daughter and planned to go to the park together later. When she heard Gu Yiyi's words, a big question mark appeared in her head.

Didn't this guy say yesterday that he would drive them out? Why did you run away now?

Tap the forehead……

Before she could speak, Gu Yiyi turned to look at her. Those dark and deep eyes had the clarity of a young man... and a bit of stupidity.

He only glared at Yan Li coldly and went out angrily.

Yan Li stood upstairs and waited for him to leave for a while before slowing down. When she got near the housekeeper, she frowned slightly and asked, "Where is he going?"

The butler repeated the boy's words.

Yan Li's frown deepened: "How much pocket money does your young master have per month?"

"Two hundred thousand."

Yan Li: "????"

The butler continued: "This is what the master always gives him. Things like buying clothes, shoes, models, and training classes are all extra. Sir occasionally remembers and will transfer extra money to him."

Ordinary people may not earn that much a year.

This guy's pocket money doesn't deserve her concern.


  1. I wonder if they're missing an extra daughter 🤣

    Thanks for the update


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