DSHSN - 05

Gu Yiyi looked gloomily at the mother and daughter downstairs from the corridor upstairs. Downstairs, Yan Li was trying on new shoes for Yan Beibei.

The pink princess shoes are dotted with two large and beautiful sunflowers, which look cute when worn on children's feet.

Yan Li didn't try on these shoes for her just now. After returning home, she remembered that the clothes matched Yan Beibei's clothes, so she tried them on. As expected, they looked good together.

Seeing her daughter looking down at the shoes intently, Yan Li asked her with a smile: "Do you like them?"

Yan Beibei stamped her little feet happily, revealing a shallow dimple, and her eyes curved into small crescents: "I like them."

"Mom. I think these shoes are super nice." She stamped her feet happily again, looking up at Yan Li with a pair of starry eyes.

Yan Li said proudly: "Of course, your mother's vision is the best."

Yan Beibei nodded affirmatively: "Yes, mom is awesome!"

Yan Li: "Your mother is so amazing, why don't you kiss your mother's face and praise her."

Yan Beibei has long been accustomed to kissing her mother on the cheek. When she heard her mother's request, she immediately asked: "Which side do you want to kiss?"

Yan Li: "Can't you kiss both cheeks?"

"Okay~" The child's tone of voice rose, and she motioned for her to bend over. She moved slowly and looked seriously, and kissed her left and right cheeks.

Bop two times.

After the kiss, she asked Yan Li: "Mom, are two kisses enough?"

"If you feel it's not enough, I'll kiss you a few more times." The child likes to kiss her mother on the cheeks. Her eyes are very bright, and her long eyelashes are like small brushes, fluttering, as if scratching her heart.

Yan Li stood up straight: "That's enough, that's enough."

She went to dig through the contents of the bag, and the gifts for her father and brother were revealed. Yan Beibei asked her mother, "Mom, how should I give the gifts for my brother and father?"

The harmony and closeness between mother and daughter downstairs made Gu Yiyi very unhappy upstairs. Just as he was about to go back to his room, he heard the child say that they had bought him a gift?

That annoying woman actually bought him a gift?

He poured food into the rice and stopped them from eating. She even bought him a gift?

A slap in the face and a sweet date?

Let his dad deduct his pocket money and then buy him a gift?

This woman's palace is really deep.

She bought all the things and still want her to deliver them? She doesn't want to.

Yan Li said: "Just put it here. He can come down and ask the nanny at home to tell him."

Yan Beibei: "Mom, you gave this gift a little casually~"

Yan Li curled her lips and murmured in a low voice: "Do you want love?"

And she guessed that her eldest friend Gu Yiyi must not like the gift she sent.

After speaking, she was afraid of hurting the child too much, so she added: "Wouldn't it be better to leave it here to give your brother a surprise?"

Although, it could be frightening.

Yan Beibei likes to get surprises. When she heard her mother's words, she nodded and her eyelashes flickered slightly: "Yeah, brother will probably like this surprise very much."

"Then dad's should also be placed in the living room?"

Yan Li: "Oh, mom will ask the housekeeper to take it to dad's room later."

Yan Beibei was satisfied: "Okay."

As she said that, she took out the drawing book she used to color from the bag and said to Yan Li: "Mom, I want to draw."

She tore open the outer packaging bag with her little hands and threw it into the trash can. Yan Beibei opened the coloring book and began to choose the pictures she liked.

Soon she found a picture of a puppy. Yan Beibei pointed to the picture above and said to Yan Li, who was looking at the things in the bag next to her: "Mom! Look at the dog, it has big ears and a small nose."

Drawn on it are the lines of a pug.

Yan Li: "Yeah."

Yan Beibei opened the lid of the color pen and lay on the coffee table. While coloring, she slowly asked Yan Li: "Mom, do you know how the puppy barks?"

Yan Li: "Awoo~"

Yan Beibei immediately raised her head and denied, waving her little hands excitedly: "No, no, this is not the sound of a dog, that's how a wolf sounds."

Yan Li blinked innocently: "What do they sound then?"

Yan Beibei's voice was sweet and crisp, and the expression on her face was also very vivid: "It should be like this."

"Woof woof!"

Little puppy Beibei was a little cute, and Yan Li next to her burst into laughter, leaving the child confused.

"Mom, why are you laughing? What's so funny?" Feeling like her mother was laughing at herself, Yan Beibei lowered her head, pursed her lips, and with her fleshy little hands, grabbed the colored pen and slowly painted the dog's ears.

Yan Li didn't say that she had tricked the child. She quickly stopped laughing, tried hard to hold back her laughter, and said, "Mom is not laughing."

Yan Beibei didn't believe her mother's lies, she was obviously laughing! She's seen it all!

"I don't believe it. Those who lie will turn into puppies."

Yan Li almost laughed again.

If only this girl knew that woof woof is a puppy.

When Gu Yiyi saw the interaction between the mother and daughter downstairs, it was very dazzling.

Grinding his teeth bitterly, he went back to the room, slamming the door loudly.

The people downstairs heard the sound upstairs and looked up.

Yan Beibei reminded her mother: "Brother is up there."

They didn’t know if he heard what they said just now.

Yan Li doesn't care. So what if he heard it? She didn't say anything.

For fear that her daughter would be bullied by this hot-tempered brat, Yan Li repeatedly warned her daughter: "If you meet your brother, remember to walk away and never confront him head-on. Do you understand?"

Yan Beibei didn't understand: "What do you mean by head-to-head? Stone against stone?"

The little girl said, scratching her hair, with a look of confusion in her eyes.

Yan Li: "That's right, just don't talk to him."

Yan Beibei thinks this is not good: "Brother is also our family."

Yan Li said sternly: "The premise for you to treat others as family is that others also treat you as family, you know."

Yan Beibei nodded in confusion: "I understand."

Gu Yiyi got hungry in the middle of the night, so he came down with his messy hair. He had sharp eyes, and as soon as he got downstairs, he saw something on the coffee table.

The conversation between mother and daughter flashed in his mind, and he walked over in a strange way, a little curious as to what the woman bought him.

Orange light poured down from the chandelier above his head. Gu Yiyi walked to the coffee table with his long legs. His childish face was slightly hazy. He opened the beautifully packaged gift box and saw lying inside. A complete set of five-year college entrance examination and three-year simulation.

A few huge words fell on the eyes, which was really dazzling.

Gu Yiyi's face suddenly turned green: Are you trying to please him? It was clearly a mockery of his poor grades, asking him to stop doing nothing all day and do more homework.


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