ADMKSF - 001.2

Lin You knew what she was like in people's eyes and how the director's attitude towards her was, but she didn't pay much attention. She raised her eyes and glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. It was only five forty-five now, and the guests of the show probably got up around six forty. She walked to the kitchen carrying the kettle.

The theme of the filming of the program is "pastoral". Lin You and her family's house is a dilapidated house left by the villagers of Daxian Village. Now it is not much better after simple repairs. The kitchen in summer brings with it a scorching heat. Occasionally, the water pipe under the faucet will fall off, causing a flood of water. Lin You bends down and shoves the water pipe in, and then opens the faucet to receive water.

Thinking of the tea she drank in the morning, Lin You frowned, calmly tapped the water with her finger, and then closed the lid of the kettle. The spiritual spring in her body did not disappear with her resurrection, but became more controllable. As she was used to drinking spiritual spring water, she looked down upon the tap water here.

Place the kettle on the heating base and press the timer to ensure that the water will not be boiled too early to wake the guests, nor too late. Lin You then put on her shoes and carried the bucket and walked out.

The director team looked at her back and marveled.

The assistant director leaned over and asked in a low voice: "Brother Li, Lin You, is she serious? Just boil water, and how can she handle it so considerately?"

The director touched his chin and was quite shocked. Recalling what Lin You said earlier, he raised his chin at Lin You's follow-up, "Keep following and take good pictures. If she really changes, we can do something about it after the broadcast."

The assistant director nodded.

The morning air was particularly fresh. Lin You stood on the ridge of the field, put down the bucket, opened her arms and faced the distance and took a deep breath. She had not experienced such a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere in almost five years. During the apocalypse, she had been worried about being infected by viruses and zombie attacks. Now that she was finally back to the past that she had longed for, she had to enjoy it.

A cameraman stood not far away from her, adjusted the distance of the camera, and took a picture of the girl's slender back. In the camera, Lin You was wearing the simplest light gray silk short-sleeved shirt, with the hem tucked into jeans and a slight waistline. The slender and straight legs reveal a white jade-like ankle, and every part is written with exquisiteness and beauty.

The staff couldn't help but think that Lin You's appearance was completely a gift from God. As long as she was a good person, she wouldn't be so miserable in the entertainment industry.

Everyone hopes Lin You will keep her promise this time, shoot well and not cause any trouble to them.

The cameraman murmured in his heart, but kept up with Lin You very quickly. After seeing her series of actions clearly, he thought to himself - Lin You, she seems to have really become a person.

After Lin You breathed the fresh air, she picked up the bucket again and went to the river. Daxian Village is a village with an ancient atmosphere. There is a small river that runs through the entire village, about two or three meters wide, and the water is clean and clear. It is said that before tap water became popular, the villagers in Daxian Village used water from this river.

Lin You scooped up a large bucket. The bucket was an ordinary plastic bucket, reaching about Lin You's knees.

The cameraman stood behind her, frowning and reminding: "There are too many water in the bucket, you can't lift it up."

Lin You looked at her thin arms and legs and waved her hands casually, "I can lift it up."

So obsessed with the filming, but how could Lin You lift up heavy things with that small body? Even if these female stars can lift, not many of them would ruin their characters in front of the camera. After all, it's somewhat contrary to their elegant temperament and would create a sense of dissonance. He walked to the side, keeping a safe distance from Lin You to ensure that even if the other party fell or the bucket overturned, it would not affect him.

However, what he didn't expect was that under his lens, Lin You shook her slender white arms, hooked up the handle with her fair fingers, and lifted it gently - she was walking on the not spacious ridge, the soil under the feet is not flat, but the person walks steadily, and the water in the bucket is calm and has no intention of shaking out.

Cameraman: "?"

Why is this different from what he thought?

Judging from the general situation, shouldn't the follow-up development be that Lin You disobeyed the advice, failed to lift the bucket and fell, water flowed all over the ground, Lin You was in a mess, and was laughed at by the audience?

The cameraman took a deep breath and watched Lin You walk to a lettuce field and pick up a transparent homemade water scoop. Lin You lowered her head and looked at the water, tapped the water with her finger, then scooped up a ladle of water and bent down to pour it on the lettuce. Summer is supposed to be the best time for lettuce to grow, but the lettuce in the field in front of her is very small and the color is not very good-looking.

In Lin You's memory, the several plots of land here were sown by the guests of "Pastoral Life". Most of these big stars were spoiled and were not good at growing vegetables. Therefore, the vegetable patch at the moment looked... Somewhat shabby. Lin You hoped that these vegetables would grow better, so she quietly replaced the river water with spiritual spring water, and then irrigated it slowly. It is estimated that it will not take long before the vegetables here will be completely different.

Six fifty-five.

Qi Yu, one of the guests of "Pastoral Life", packed up and came out of the bedroom. Putting his finger on the door handle, he looked at the camera approaching and asked in a low voice: "Who has gotten up already? I just heard the sound of the kettle boiling."

The chief director smiled and said: "Good morning, Brother Qi. It's Lin You. She prepared the water early in the morning and turned on the timer."

Qi Yu is a highly respected veteran in the drama circle. He is in his fifties, and his face can still be seen as handsome as when he was young. He was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and as if to confirm, he repeated: "Is it that girl Lin You?"

The chief director thought to himself that he was as confused as the actor at that time, and nodded: "Yes, she also went to water the vegetables in the field, and she will probably finish watering them by now."

Qi Yu: "...?"

He looked through the window at the several acres of fields not far away. The young girl picked up a bucket and walked through it. Finally, as if she was done, she stood up from the vegetable field and stretched her body. The warm light of the summer morning hit her face, making her look youthful and vividly showing the youthful vigor.

Seeing this, the chief director whispered a few words in Qi Yu's ear, and finally said: "She watered all the vegetable fields by herself. I just came back from there, and she watered it well. If you don’t mind, you can mention a few words during the live broadcast later.”

Qi Yu nodded.

He is friends with the chief director's relatives, and the relationship between them is closer than that of ordinary partners. Naturally, he also knows the general director's character. He is not the kind of person who will dig hard after catching an explosive point. The name of this program is 'Pastoral Life', and its purpose is to slow down and enjoy the pastoral scenery. If possible, the director prefers to shoot scenes where everyone lives in harmony and creates a beautiful pastoral life.

It's a pity that Lin You didn't cooperate.

But now it seems that things are taking a turn for the better.

At seven o'clock sharp, the live broadcast rooms of "Pastoral Life" were all opened. Fans and friends who had been waiting for the live broadcast immediately sent comments saying good morning as soon as the live broadcast screen lit up.

[It seems that Senior Qi got up the earliest! ]

[I blindly guessed that a Lin child slept until noon again and blamed everyone for leaving her a cold lunch that was not tasty. ]

[Is it a bit unlucky to ask Lin You early in the morning when she will leave the show? ]

[Lin You’s live broadcast room seems to be replaying. ]

[I also think it was being replayed. Did she choose one day to pretend to water the water and then let the program crew record it? ]

Qi Yu's eyes fell calmly on the scrolling barrage on one side. He made tea with elegant and neat movements. He then looked at the young girl walking from the field in the distance and smiled: "Today I am not, but Lin You is the one who got up the earliest. Lin You has already watered all the vegetable fields and has worked hard for a long time. "

After Qi Yu finished speaking, he found that the live broadcast room seemed to be stuck for a while, and there was no new barrage after a full minute. He raised his head and asked the staff: "Is there something wrong in the live broadcast room? I can't see everyone's comments."

The staff member frowned: "No?"

At this moment, a colorful barrage with a flash of pink light slowly floated past at 0.5x speed:

[The problem was not in the live broadcast room, but in Lin You’s head.]
