ADMKSF - 002.1

Seeing this barrage, Qi Yu and the staff of the directing team all laughed.

Although when he learned that Lin You got up early in the morning to water the vegetable fields, Qi Yu's thoughts were the same - hell, Lin You would still do farm work? But Qi Yu has been in the industry for many years and has a good temper. He has long since learned to remain calm.

Now that he saw this barrage, he just glanced away. And as his gaze fell not far away, Lin You's slender figure gradually approached. When Qi Yu got closer, he discovered that the girl's light blue jeans were stained with large mud stains, and there were splashes of water on the waist and abdomen covered by the gray short-sleeves, and a thin waist was outlined when it was close to the skin. But the girl's face was filled with a smile, her eyebrows were bright and beautiful, she smiled and waved to Qi Yu: "Senior, good morning."

Qi Yu paused for two seconds, then nodded slightly: "Good morning, are you tired? What do you want to eat? I'll make breakfast."

In the variety show "Pastoral Life", because Qi Yu always gets up the earliest, many of the morning tasks are left to him. Under normal circumstances, Qi Yu will take the initiative to boil water for cooking and clean the kitchen and yard.

But today is an exception.

"It's just watering, I'm not tired." Lin You put the bucket in her hand back to its original position, turned around and said to the big man behind her: "You go back and change clothes first, and wash yourself. The director team is here, no need to always follow me."

Only then did Qi Yu's eyes fall on Lin You's follower.

Lin You's dedicated cameraman was called Yang Jun. Since there was another person named Yang Jun among the staff, Yang Jun was called Dayang. Dayang was tall and muscular, looking about 1.8 meters tall, but he looked particularly embarrassed at the moment. The white T-shirt he wore was already soaked all over, and his shoulders were covered in mud.

Qi Yu was stunned and asked: "Dayang, what's wrong with you?"

An embarrassed smile appeared on Dayang's face that was tanned by the sun: "I fell into the river just now, but luckily I was pulled up by Lin You."

As he said that, he couldn't help but add: "Lin You is so strong. I weigh almost 170 pounds, and she can even lift me up."

The way back just now was really thrilling. He followed Lin You as he walked along the river. The soil beside the river was soft and wet. He only focused on taking pictures of Lin You but didn't pay attention to his feet. Unexpectedly, the sole of his shoe slipped and he almost fell down. Fortunately, Lin You reacted very quickly and grabbed him. The situation turned dangerous, and the two of them got a little mud and water on their bodies.

But as soon as this incident passed, Dayang looked at Lin You with an increasingly different look. Thinking of Lin You's reputation in the industry and the miserable situation he was in after being bombarded by netizens these past few days, he mentioned this matter almost subconsciously——

Although he can't change too much, Lin You's powerful character should be able to collapse, right? At least... it's one of the advantages, and no one in their variety show has established this character yet.

Qi Yu was also quite surprised. His eyes turned around Lin You's slender arms, feeling incredible. He didn't think that Dayang was lying, after all, he knew very well what kind of person Dayang was. It seems that this girl Lin You has really undergone a unique change...

Qi Yu was immersed in his thoughts when he suddenly heard Lin You's crisp voice: "Senior, I just picked a few vegetables. How about we cook some vegetable porridge?"

"Green vegetable porridge? Green vegetable porridge is good. It's light and suitable for eating in the morning." Qi Yu came back to his senses and nodded, "You go and have a rest. I'll do it."

"Senior has been making breakfast these past few days. Please take a rest today. The air outside is fresh. If you don't mind, you can move a small table outside to drink tea."

Qi Yu realized that Lin You was not polite to him. After saying this, she picked up a few green vegetables and walked to the well. There was a small wooden bench placed at the well. She didn't mind being dirty, so she sat down and poured it into the basin. Put some water and wash the vegetables. The girl's fingers are long and fair, and her movements in breaking off vegetable leaves are particularly neat. She looks like an expert at first glance.

Seeing that Lin You really wanted to make breakfast, Qi Yu didn't stop her. He turned around and moved a small table to the small yard in front of the wooden house. He smelled the faint fragrance of soil and grass and poured himself a cup of tea.

He didn't know if it was his imagination, but he always felt that the tea tasted particularly good today.

Qi Yu squinted his eyes and took a few sips, then turned to look at the live broadcast room.

The live broadcast room has returned to its original bustle.

[Really? Did you change the script for Lin You? ]

[Hey, I always thought your show was very leisurely and real. What’s the result? Why did Lin You suddenly take the initiative to pour vegetables and cook? ]

[Does anyone still remember that on the first day Lin You came to the village, she stepped on a pair of ten-centimeter red high heels when she went to the fields? ]

[I remember that her shoes didn’t come off even after walking in the water for twenty minutes, so I bought a pair of the same style. ]

[Wow, so smart.]

Qi Yu's eyes twitched and he glanced at the shoes Lin You wore today, white sneakers, ordinary.

Zhao Ziqi discussed the new script with her agent for a long time last night. She went to bed late and woke up late. She is in her forties, and her physical fitness is not as good as that of young people. She is still a little dizzy after changing clothes and going out. After washing up, she walked around the quiet little house and saw no one. Then she walked out the door at the signal of the staff.

Qi Yu and Lin You sat across from each other in front of the short table, with a small tea cup in front of them. Zhao Ziqi took a serious look, and then there was a hint of shock on her face. She is also familiar with Qi Yu, and she knows that Qi Yu loves tea very much. Even if he comes to participate in the show this time, he still has to have fine tea and tea sets in his suitcase.

If she read correctly, the tea set placed on the wooden table at the moment was bought by Qi Yu at an auction for a large sum of time some time ago, and it was also on the hot search list. However, Qi Yu didn't see him bringing out this tea set when he had tea a few days ago.

And... he still had tea with Lin You. Isn't Qi Yu afraid that Lin You will go crazy and just raise her hand and throw the tea cup?

With a little curiosity, she walked over. Lin You was facing the direction of the door and was the first to notice her. She stood up and said hello with a smile: "Senior Zhao, you are up. There is vegetable porridge in the kitchen, you can eat some."

Qi Yu also turned to look and said quickly: "Yes, the vegetable porridge cooked by Xiaolin is really not inferior to that of a five-star restaurant. Would you like some?"

Several staff members who were staring at the screen couldn't help but smile when they heard this. It was just the simplest vegetable porridge, how could it compare with a five-star restaurant dish?
