ADMKSF - 002.2

But the topic was changed like this, and Zhao Ziqi's attention was drawn away.

She shook her head: "I don't have any appetite, so I won't eat."

Qi Yu became anxious when he heard this: "Why are you always like this? Before the filming, your manager Qian Dingzhu told me to watch you. No matter you have an appetite or not, you must eat a little."

Lin You took a sip of tea and looked at Zhao Ziqi's face. The complexion of this actress is not really good. Although she is not sallow and thin, she does have the feeling that she is about to lose her appearance. Her exposed arms are so slender that they can break with just a slight bend.

If the memory in Lin You's mind is correct, Zhao Ziqi should be slightly anorexic.

In the first two years when Zhao Ziqi became a movie queen, she was just a bit player, and she was very fat. She heard that at that time, a female lead pointed her nose at her and called her an unpleasant word like "fat woman", and also mocked her for being so ugly, that she will only be a bitch in her life. Angry, Zhao Ziqi began to lose weight. Although her figure and weight changed significantly, and she also successfully won the female lead role in a small-budget movie, her appetite has been much worse since then.

Thinking of this, Lin You smiled and said: "Senior, this is my first time cooking on the show crew. Can you please give me a little face and eat a little?"

[Laughing to death, who does Lin You think she is? The movie queen still has to give her face? ]

[Which idiot is in front? Get out of here! Anyone who can persuade my sister to eat is a good person and a peerless beauty! ]

[Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu distance. ]

[Then what...for the first time, I felt that Lin You was quite pleasing to the eye. ]

[I don’t know if it’s because my eyesight suddenly increased, but I actually thought Lin You was really beautiful. ]

[+1 ]

The guests and staff present did not pay attention to the barrage in the live broadcast room. In comparison, they were obviously more concerned about Zhao Ziqi. Zhao Ziqi is a movie queen and an absolute celebrity. Since she came to participate in this show, they naturally hope that she will be well. What's more, Zhao Ziqi's husband is also one of the investors in "Pastoral Life". It would be a bit outrageous if the program team could not even guarantee Zhao Ziqi's meals.

Zhao Ziqi hesitated.

She really had no appetite, but seeing everyone looking at her eagerly, she could only nod her head.

Seeing this, Lin You pulled out the chair without saying a word and took Zhao Ziqi into the kitchen. She used the spiritual spring water to cook breakfast. The vegetable porridge cooked with Lingquan water was not only delicious, but also had the effect of strengthening the body. Of course, Lin You didn't know whether her vegetable porridge would have a certain effect on curing anorexia. After all, in a place like the end of the world where survival is difficult, everyone would eat whatever they had after being starved, even if the food was half-cooked, they have to force themselves to swallow it.

She took a clean bowl and rinsed it with water before opening the rice cooker. In an instant, the fragrance floated directly to Zhao Ziqi's nose. She sniffed it gently and couldn't help but said: "It smells so good."

Lin You smiled when she heard this: "The rice we use to cook porridge today is japonica rice. It is most suitable for cooking porridge and has many uses. And I picked these vegetables from the ground early in the morning. They are very fresh. Senior Zhao can taste it first.”

The porcelain bowl is not big, so even if it is filled to the brim, it may not really be very large. After Lin You filled the porridge, she also covered it with a layer of porridge oil. The sweetness and softness of the rice mixed with the slight sweetness of the vegetables made Zhao Ziqi feel hungry for a long time. The next moment, her saliva secreted and her throat moved slightly.

She pursed her lips, a bit unbelievable - she was actually ready to eat a vegetable porridge?

Under Lin You's smiling gaze, Zhao Ziqi tentatively took a spoonful and put it to her lips, then rolled away the soft and glutinous porridge with her tongue.

When Zhao Ziqi's dedicated cameraman saw this, he quickly moved closer to the small bowl in the woman's hand and showed the simple vegetable porridge through the lens. In the live broadcast room, Zhao Ziqi's fans were in tears.

[Our sister gives you face! ]

[Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaededed porridge! Yes, that’s it, drink more! ]

[Sister, you really can’t lose weight any more. You see Lin You next door has a very good figure. Let’s learn from her. ]

[Is the sister in the front praising Lin You for her good figure? ]

[You touch your conscience and ask, is Lin You in bad shape? Black question mark face.jpg ]

[Apart from Lin You’s bad character, with sister’s bulging front and back, I say I can do it! ]

[Wait a minute, Queen, why is there no porridge in your bowl?! ]

The staff member who was observing the barrage in the live broadcast room from behind looked forward and saw that Zhao Ziqi's bowl was empty. He looked in disbelief and stretched his neck again. Zhao Ziqi didn't seem to expect that her appetite was so good, and she was stunned for a moment. It took the woman a while to react, and she put down the bowl and said a little embarrassedly: "I actually finished eating, and—"

She touched her stomach and pretended to be surprised: "I don't feel any discomfort at all."

Normally, after taking one or two mouthfuls of food, she would feel that her stomach was very bloated, as if it was full of food, and there was almost no air gap in her stomach. But today, after eating this small bowl of porridge, not only did her stomach not hold up, but she felt like she was feeling a gentle touch.

Hearing this, Lin You showed a smile on her face. She is particularly beautiful when she smiles, her eyes are slightly curved, resembling the shape of a crescent moon, but even more charming than the moonlight in the forest.

"It seems that my cooking skills are pretty good, so I will cook lunch today. I hope the lunch will also be recognized by the seniors."

Zhao Ziqi was still immersed in the shock of being able to eat such a bowl of porridge due to her good appetite. Suddenly she heard the girl speak and raised her eyes. She could feel that Lin You today was completely different from yesterday. There seemed to be an indescribable gentleness about her, like the sunlight in winter, warm but not scorching.

This also caused Zhao Ziqi to have no intention of recalling how annoying she was a while ago. She took the initiative to take a step forward and asked curiously: "What should we have for lunch?"

Lin You: "When I first went to water the vegetables, I found a large fish pond over there. I asked the villagers and they said there were a lot of fish in it, including snakehead fish. If we can catch it, we can stew it into a soup."

After a pause, she added: "It just so happens that Senior Bai Hang has just completed surgery, and the black fish soup can replenish the body."

Zhao Ziqi drank the porridge and was in a particularly good mood. Her anorexia was not serious, but it did get in the way of her life. Today she suddenly had an appetite for the porridge made by Lin You. Does it mean that Lin You's black fish soup will also make her want to drink soup and eat fish? With such expectations, she smiled and said: "Then I can look forward to it."

After saying that, Zhao Ziqi added: "I have to call my husband first and tell him that I drank a bowl of porridge."

When Zhao Ziqi mentioned this, Lin You suddenly remembered that she also had a husband and son. Remembering the instructions from the system, she quickly said: "I'll also call my family."

Lin You returned to the room and rummaged through it for a long time before finding her phone.

Although Lin You was particularly dissatisfied with the father and son Pei Henan and Pei Ye in the past, she still saved their WeChat IDs and mobile phone numbers. The three of them even had a group chat of a loving family, and the group leader showed that it was Pei Henan.

Lin You pursed her lips, endured the embarrassment and sent a good morning emoticon in the group, and then @all members asked: Have you had breakfast?

Then she sent a big red envelope worth twenty yuan in the group.

Although twenty yuan is really not much, it is enough for the father and son to have a full breakfast, right?

Lin You touched her chin. She still remembered what the system had said about the miserable life of the Pei family and his son, and their attitude towards life that was so frugal that they could starve themselves to death. She quickly said: [Don't be reluctant to spend money. I still have it with me. Quickly accept the red envelope and go to have breakfast...]

Beijing City.

In Ruishanyuan Restaurant, where people were complained about every day, "This junk shop can obviously rob me of money, but it still insists on bringing food to me to try." Pei Ye looked at the table full of Cantonese breakfast, lowered his eyes and saw the red envelopes, slowly issued a question mark.

Three minutes later, Lin You heard the phone ding and picked it up to take a look.

The twenty-yuan red envelope was returned with ten dollars, and another sentence: Thank you mom, dad and I only spend ten yuan.

Lin You was so moved that she almost shed tears——

This kid is so good!

He even left ten yuan for her!
